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Language Practice


Grammar reference    Basic 07 Your style

Present simple or present continuous?
Present simple Present continuous

I drive an old red car. You’re driving too fast!

We use the present simple for facts. We use the present continuous for activities
happening now.

We study English on Tuesday evenings. My sister’s studying in America for six

We use the present simple for habits, or things months.
we do every day, every week, or every year. We use the present continuous for activities
happening around now, but maybe not at
this exact moment of speaking.

My wife works for an insurance company, ... ..., but she’s working at home today.
We use the present simple for permanent We use the present continuous for
situations. temporary situations.

State verbs
believe, like, love, hate, need, prefer, want, know, realize, remember, think, understand
Be careful with verbs that describe states or feelings. We normally use them in the simple, not continuous.
I’m not knowing the answer. Are you liking the new restaurant in town?
I don’t know the answer. Do you like the new restaurant in town?

Present continuous form

positive negative question
I I ’m not am I
You You you
We We aren’t are we
(are) working. working. Where working?
They They they
He He he
She She isn’t is she
It It it

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