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Gemcom Minex

Release Notes
Last Modified : Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Version 6.1.2
New Features
A new option has been added to the Report Sample Data to report a summary of borehole
variable data
Report Sample Data now has a third (new) option, 'Data Summary Report'. When selected, the generated report
lists mean, minimum, and maximum values for each borehole, and a summary across all reported data.

Colour lithology annotation will now plot correctly in 3D for boreholes that curve in three
There is a new option on the Borehole 3D Display Parameters Setup Dialog, to 'Follow borehole in 3D'. When this
option is selected the lithology fill ‘ribbon’ follows the borehole in three dimensions, so the two appear coincident
from any angle. This option is costly on system performance, so the default setting is off.

Open Pit Reserves Database

The Mask Survey Update dialog has been implemented.
You can use the new Mask Survey Update dialog to set the %status variable in the reserves database for a layer, and
the layers above it, within a polygon. The %status corresponds to the percentage of the block within the polygon.

A new option has been implemented to update reserves using a topo grid.
You can use the new 'Update existing reserves using topo grid' option to update existing reserves based on a
selected topography grid. All blocks are clipped to the given surface and volumes are adjusted accordingly.

Open Pit Scheduling

Open Cut Scheduling Monitor has a new feature for monitoring stock levels.
The Open Cut Scheduling Monitor can now report, display, and add an alert based on stock pile demands and limits.
You can use this feature to define total stock limits and demand by either tonnage or product, and monitor the
supply, demand, and current stock levels.

Schedule Detailed Report Dialog now has a new column for specifying weighting for quality
You can now use the Schedule Detailed Report dialog to report weight types for the quality variables that you have
chosen to include in the report. You can specify the type of weighting that you want to apply to the quality variables

Underground Mine Design and Reserves

New option to colour by Seam Thickness added to the Underground Reserves 3D Display
You can use the new 'Seam Thickness Variable' option on the Underground Reserves 3D Display dialog to colour
Blocks / Panels based on the seam thickness.

A new 'Save UG Project and Geometry' option has been added to the context menu for the
Underground project node in the explorer.
You can now right-click an Underground project in the Minex explorer and click 'Save UG Project and Geometry' to
save the Underground project and linked Geometry file at the same time.

Underground Scheduling

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Version 6.1.2 New Features

A new Transpose option has been added to the Underground Schedule Detailed Report.
You can use the new 'Transpose' option on the Underground Schedule Detailed Report to 'swap' the row and
column headers.

A new option has been added to Schedule Detailed Report to report DEV/LW/Pillar distance.
You can now choose to report Panel distance & Heading distance for each activity ( DEV/LW/Pillar) in the
Underground Detailed Schedule Report.

Issues Fixed
It is now possible to switch from collar to borehole sample when creating an import format
When you loaded borehole data after you created the collar format file, the Format editor would sometimes still
show the collar variables when you attempted to select a data type to load samples. Minex now updates the correct
variable list when changing data types in the Format Editor.

Seam Data Report now correctly composites sample data over seams from a SQL borehole
variable type.
When you generate a Seam Data Report, Minex now correctly composites sample data over seams from a SQL
borehole variable type.

The accuracy of 3D borehole selection has been improved.

The accuracy of picking boreholes in 3D, especially when the viewpoint has been rotated and dipped, has been
greatly improved.

It is now possible to successfully import LAS Files containing wrapped lines.

You can now import wrapped LAS files (version 2.0) into Minex.

Borehole section plotting now ignores holes without survey data.

You can now plot boreholes on a section when some boreholes contain no survey data. Those holes without data
will be ignored during plotting.

Filter variable types are now plotted correctly using Borehole Location Plot on Plan Mount.
Minex now plots filter variable types correctly on Plan mounts using Borehole Location Plot.

Minex no longer 'hangs' when importing Seismic XYZ.
The Import Seismic XYZ dialog now opens correctly.

'String Copy' and 'String Duplicate' functions have been enabled.

You can now use the 'String Copy' and 'String Duplicate' functions for basemap strings.

A scroller has been added to the Toolbar select menu.

You can now use the scroller on the Toolbar select menu to scroll through the list of available toolbars. Items are no
longer off the bottom or top of your screen.

Predictive text in the String Create Name fields now allows typing of names for new geometry
The predictive text in the Group, Map, Ident, and Class name fields of the String Create dialog no longer prevents
you from typing more than 1 character in the field if a name starting with that character already exists.

Minex now creates new files correctly if a project has been organized and the target folder
subsequently deleted.
If you have organized project files to create default sub-folders, and then deleted any of the subfolders, when you
create a new Minex file that would normally be created in the deleted sub-folder(s), the new file is created in the
project directory.

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Version 6.1.2 Issues Fixed

A checkbox has been added to Grid Contour Plot on Plan to optionally suppress accuracy
If an accuracy error is encountered during a Grid Contour Plot, Minex stops plotting, and an error message opens
with the contour highlighted in red. You can now select the 'Ignore accuracy errors' option to ignore all accuracy
errors, allowing plotting to continue to completion.

Core - Grid Tools

Grid import is now correct for rotated text grid data and can support an unlimited number of
grid loads.
Grid import of text data is now correct for all types of exported grids. When you import grid data from a rotated grid
model, grid points along the edges are no longer excluded. You can now also import an unlimited number of grids.

Minex now detects incorrectly formatted Mincom grids.

When you attempt to import a Mincom grid that is incorrectly formatted, Minex displays an appropriate error

Core - String Geometry

String Project and Offset repetitive function.
When you use the 'String Project and Offset' function multiple times, Minex takes action on the last string

Mtext from AutoCAD file is now positioned correctly in 3D space.

When you import Mtext from an AutoCAD file, the 3D position will no longer be incorrectly interpreted by an offset
of the text height.

Core - Triangle Tools

Colours can now be selected from a colour map instead of by number in the Triangle 'Colour
Setup' dialog.
You can now select colours from a colour map, instead of by number, using the Triangle Display 'Colour Setup'

Open Pit Design and Optimizer

Changes to pit strips are are now reflected in the Bench-table within the Geometry Display
When you are digitizing strips, relative to a bench, with the Geometry Display table open, the changes are reflected
in the Bench-table if the 'Automatically refresh table' option is selected.

Field widths in the Grid Cell Field report generated in the Output Window have been
The Grid Cell Field report has been expanded to support 100 times the number of Grid cells.

When a user selects a pit to add via the 'Add Pit' functionality, the list now sets the currently
selected item to the beginning of the list after selection.
When you select a Pit to add, the list automatically defaults to the pit number after the most recently selected pit.
For example, if the last pit you created was 23, the list automatically defaults to 24. If you create a pit using the last
number in the list, the list then defaults to the previous number. For example, if the last pit you created was 999,
the list automatically defaults to 998. If you create a new reserves database or open an existing reserves database,
the list for that database is loaded. The default setting is dependent upon the last pit added for that database.

The Auto Sequence Generator dialog now displays all chosen Benches.
Auto sequence table in Open Pit Scheduling now includes the names of benches from Toe rather than Crest.

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Version 6.1.2 Issues Fixed

A display issue relating to Block Generate when the end intercept funtion is used has been
A check has been added during the approximation/creation of reserves blocks from more detailed irregular
polygons, which, in turn, makes the displays more visually appropriate.

Open Pit Reserves Database

Pit Designs containing strips with corners now build correctly.
When you have a Pit Design containing strip with corners, the Reserves data base now forms blocks correctly and
calculates correct volumes. Corner blocks are completed and do not overlap neighbouring blocks.

A limitation existed in Minex SQL which prevented MRCNULL being used in SQL to prevent
logical failures in comparison.
In previous versions of Minex, if a user attempted to check for MRCNULL types in SQL, they would assume the use of
the value 0. However, using a 0 == 0 comparison will always gave a true result, so an explicit check needed to made
against a NULL defined type. This is now available to you as a new SQL keyword, being RESNULL. RESNULL maps to

Open Pit Scheduling

The current date is now shown correctly in the Detailed Schedule toolbar.
When you make a schedule current for the first time, the current date in Detailed Schedule toolbar is now updated

Polygon (mask) selection is now supported in MSSRPT (batch Detailed Open cut scheduling
The batch detailed open cut scheduling reporting module (MSSRPT) will now allow masks to be selected to control
the area to be reported.

The Detailed Schedule Monitor no longer displays an incorrect result if you 'undo' in mid-
You can now 'undo' an equipment activity in mid-period. The Detailed Schedule Monitor will report the correct
period number and waste tonnes.

Start date is now created properly in new movement files.

When you create a new movement file 'start date' keyword is now inserted at the correct position in the file
whether 'Start All', 'Gaps', or 'first time' option is selected.

Equipment locate now functions correctly.

You can now locate a piece of equipment in the Graphics by using the 'locate' function.

Seam Modelling
Bore seam modelling no longer crashes for datasets with very large number of seams and
A defect has been fixed for setting maximum number of seam intervals and maximum number of boreholes for the
'Set Missing Seams' option in the Bore Seam Modelling dialog.

Seam Detailed Resources Report now correctly reports resources if a nominated mask has an
identically named basemap polygon.
When using the Seam Detailed Resources Report, if you select a mask with an identically named basemap polygon,
Minex will now correctly ignore the basemap polygon.

Seam Detailed Resources report now offers DIG and PICK buttons.
You can now use the new DIG and PICK buttons when selecting 'Separate' polygons in the Limits tab of the Seam
Detailed Resources report.

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Version 6.1.2 Issues Fixed

3D Faulting now clones faulted seams and performs 'Set seam thickness to zero' correctly for
those seams.
In 3D faulting, the borehole database refaulting operation now correctly clones any seams intersected by faults.
When you 'Set a seam thickness to zero' between collar and final depth, you now have the option to only set those
seams that exist wholly within the selected range (either collar to final depth or from first seam to final depth).

Underground Mine Design and Reserves

During Underground Mine Design, the Compute Pillar functionality now honours cross
When you generate pillars in Underground Mine Design, intersecting panels are now honoured. For example, when
a Main Panel intersects with a Gate Panel, Minex automatically generates pillars that honour the cross gate position.

HEADRAT and PERPILL variables have been added to the Underground Reserves Report.
You can now report HEADRAT and PERPILL in the Underground Reserves Report.

It is now possible to create LW working type after creating LW1 working type.
Your can now create an LW working-type, even if the preceding activity associated with the last entered working
type was named LW1.

Pit selection has been enabled in the Panel Create/Edit dialog.

You can now select the Pit when creating Construction Lines with the Panel Create/Edit dialog.

Pillars are now computed correctly for Gate roads off Main panel.
When you create panels with the Quick Layout tool, and generate pillars, the pillars generated for the Gate roads off
the Main panel are flush with the Main panel.

UG Data Manager no longer allows the addition of equipment nodes when no equipment file is
associated with UG project
If you attempt to add equipment to an UG project which has no equipment file, a message appears telling you that
an open equipment file is required before the equipment can be added.

It is now possible to set an equipment start date without opening a calendar in UG Design.
You can now set a start date for UG equipment without an open calendar. This is useful for equipment that will be
used in the future, for example, when an item of equipment has been ordered but not delivered.

Underground Date Control File with start date different to the schedule is now supported.
You can now use a date control file which has a start date earlier or later than the current schedule. The reports and
displays you generate will now match any dates defined in the date control file.

The data manager 'Collapse all nodes' function now works correctly for Pits and Panels.
In the Data Manager, if you have only one Pit and select the 'Pits and Panels' option, the 'Collapse all nodes' function
now works correctly.

An opened Underground (.ugpr) project is now seen in the Minex explorer as a single node.
When you open an Underground project (.ugpr), the dependent file nodes are hidden in the Minex Explorer - only
the .ugpr node is shown. When the .ugpr is not open, the dependent files are visible in the Minex Explorer.

Underground Scheduling
Mined Status file now works correctly for 'Retreat' panels
You can now use a mined status file when you have 'RET' panels (retreat activity). Minex now correctly uses the
start, not the end chainage.

Seam Thickness totals now for weighted average on Tonnages in Underground Schedule
Detailed Report
In the Underground Schedule Detailed Report, the Seam Thickness total was incorrectly set to be a summary, it has
been changed to weighted average on Tonnages.

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Version 6.1.2 Issues Fixed

When scheduling multiple pits Minex now displays all Pits.

In the Underground Schedule Setup dialog, when you select more than one Pit, Minex plots all the selected Pits in
the Graphics window.

You can now replay a schedule which uses a Mined Status file.
When you replay a schedule which uses a Mined Status file. The schedule is now replayed to the state at which it
was saved.

'Max Shifts for setup' and 'Equipment start delay' dependencies have been removed from the
Equipment properties.
The equipment activity 'Max Shifts for Setup' and 'Equipment start delay' properties are no longer linked.

The Underground Plan Status display is now correct when a Date Control (.ctl) file is used.
When you display a plan status in underground scheduling, the periods defined will now match those in the Date
Control File.

When you open a project, Minex now checks for production factors of 0.0 and displays a
warning to update the values.
In previous versions of Minex, if you created a new working type, a default production factor of 0.0 was used. If this
value is not changed, the associated panel cannot be mined. When you open a project, Minex now checks for
production factors of 0.0 and displays a warning to update the values.

Underground schedules now correctly displayed.

When you first launch Minex, underground schedules are now correctly displayed in the Graphics window.

Selected report periods in Underground Scheduling are now reported correctly.

When you select to report on a specific number of periods in Underground Scheduling, the exact periods selected
are now reported.

Version 6.1.1
New Features
A tick box has been added to the Borehole Seam Input/Edit dialog to optionally not show
confirmation popup for continuously deleting seam picks.
A tick box has been added to the Borehole Seam Input/Edit dialog to optionally not show confirmation popup for
continuously deleting seam picks.

The computation of optimized automatic seams picks is now implemented.

The auto pick option from Minex4 has been implemented. The user can now automatically compute seam picks
based on an optimal quality value and mining height restraints.

New dialogs have been implemented to compute and update from grids downhole strata
orientation from dipmeter data.
Two new dialogs have been added to compute seam strata orientation from dipmeter data and to update strata
orientation from surface grid models.

It is now possible to access a lithology symbol file that has a name other than the default
User can load borehole lithology file from BoreholeDB->Open->Open Lithology File to open, and set as default.

Coal Washability
The selection of coal washability data now supports quality variable limits
It is now possible to limit the range of values of variables when selecting Coal Washability data. This optionally
allows the setting of lower and upper range values of each variable for processing.

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Version 6.1.1 New Features

It is now possible to edit 2D text (typically used within a title-block) color or text size
You can now edit the text colour and/or the text size on a 2D text object.

Full DD-Names are now shown as tool tips if the name field does not show the full name
On several Minex dialogs, if large DD-Names were populated in the DD-name field, the user was unable to see the
full DD-Name. An solution has been implemented so that when the mouse hovers over the long DD-Name a tooltip
will appear which contains the whole DD-Name. This solution has been implemented system wide for DD-Name
related name fields.

Core - Grid Tools

A polygon selection table has been added to the Grid - Edit dialog.
The Grid Edit dialog has a new table which lists all of the currently selected limiting polygons. This table allows for
better parameter loading as limiting polygons are now included and do not need to be manually selected after a
parameter load.

Core - String Geometry

"Sequential Point Number" has been added to Geometry Data Export.
A new column "Sequential Point Number" can be added to CSV file in Geometry Date Export. This allows
incrementing of point numbers over all strings being exported.

It is now possible to import AutoCAD files to a Geometry file as basemap data.

When importing AutoCAD files to a Geometry file, there is now an option to force all data to a specific data type,
such as Structure or Mask. It is now possible to import all data as the Basemap data type.

Open Pit Reserves Database

Open cut block display has a new option for detecting faces in the upper limiting grid.
Reserves 3D block display has been enhanced to improve the display when using limiting grids. A new option has
been added ("Detect Faces") to check for any faces that intersects blocks and enhance the display accordingly.

"Waste & Coal" has been implemented in Reserves Paste Layers.

For Mining Parameters and Black Status options, in Reserves Paste Layer, you can now select "Waste & Coal".

Underground Mine Design and Reserves

Geometry file and Equipment file have been added to UG project organizer.
When creating a new UG project, a geometry file and underground equipment file are now created as well. An
existing UG project can modified through its property pane.

Underground Scheduling
Creation of precedences for underground scheduling
New dialog that allows the creation of precedences (manually via digitization or automatically generated);
precedences can then be saved to a .ugpn file.

Schedule status plan display has been implemented.

Schedule status plan display can be in either of two modes: equipment status or incremental advance.

General Reports- Production Report has been implemented in Underground Scheduling

Production Report has been implemented

The Equipment sequence report has been implemented.

The user can now report equipment sequence for an underground schedule to text or csv.

Underground scheduling calendar reporting has been implemented.

Reporting of calendars for the underground scheduling system has been implemented.

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Version 6.1.1 New Features

Underground detailed report has been added to Underground Engineering module.

Underground detailed report has been added. The Underground report is using pivot table as output format.

Underground interactive scheduling

Functionalities have been added to allow scheduling of underground mines.

Issues Fixed
Borehole Database Seam Add/Edit now works for all borehole data sets with geophysical data
on a 2D section mount.
When using Borehole seam add intervals on a 2D section with geophysics , the user occasionally could not pick or
edit any borehole and seam intervals. Seam editing will now work for any boreholes with geophysics displayed on a
2D section.

LAS Load/Import is no longer failing to map from the LAS variable to the corresponding
BoreholeDB variable
When importing data from LAS file, if the BoreholeDB variable has the same name as the LAS variable then the
import process will now successfully map from the LAS to the BoreholeDB variable.

Borehole LAS import can now properly decipher an extra space immediately following a
variable name.
Borehole LAS import can now properly decipher an extra space immediately following a variable name.

You are no longer able to erroneously set the maximum number of borehole samples to a
value higher than the maximum allowed.
Minex no longer allows you to set the maximum number of boreholes, samples, and intervals to numbers outside of
allowable extents.

Borehole location plot now honors area selection

In drafting mode selecting boreholes based on a 3D mask will now be honored.

DXF can now be created from Underground designs
Previously, when trying to create a DXF (using graphics capture) from an underground design design, Minex would
fail to create the DXF. This will no longer occur and dxf or dwg can now be created.

Minex 6.1 will now correctly start on some Windows7-32 bit computers
An issue with memory fragmentation that was causing Minex6.1 to fail to start has been resolved.

Geometry file can now be re-opened if it contains only one map mount.
Geometry file can now be re-opened if it contains only one map mount.

An issue with rotating while digitizing in 3D graphics has been resolved.

In some cases, if you tried to rotate while digitizing, it was not possible to escape rotation mode. As an extra
measure, pressing the 'ESC' key will now get you out of any current digitize mode.

The format of the Toolbar selection list has been re-organised to make selection and de-
selecting easier.
The format of the Toolbar selection list has been re-organised to make selection and de-selecting easier.

All the actions that can only be performed when a graphics window is active are removed from
Recent Action list if no graphics window is open.
All the actions that can only be performed when a graphics window is active are removed from Recent Action list if
no graphics window is open.

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Version 6.1.1 Issues Fixed

Field sizes and layout are now correct in Digitize mode.

Some of the field location and sizes are no longer too narrow on some computers (monitor resolution dependent).

The Define 3D Area dialog will no longer lose focus.

Define 3D Area dialog now retains focus when it pops up.

Duplicate mount reporting when opening a secondary GM3 has been clarified.
An issue regarding incorrect reporting of duplicate mounts when opening a secondary geometry file has been
corrected. Mounts in the primary file always take precedence over those in the secondary file and the duplicate
report now reflects this.

Resolution has been improved for .ecw images imported to Minex.

Resolution has been improved for .ecw images imported to Minex.

Core - Grid Tools

Minex will no longer exit unexpectedly during cross section plotting.
Minex will no longer exit unexpectedly during cross section plotting.

Minex will now properly export Vulcan grid files.

A compatibility update has been made so that Minex properly exports grids to Vulcan format whether or not the
grid size is a multiple of 16.

Transparency now works correctly for grids with long path names.
In previous versions of Minex, the transparency level could not be set for a displayed grid with a long path name.
The transparency can now be adjusted for any displayed grid.

Core - String Geometry

Area of Operations - clip and project now behaves correctly.
Area of Operations - clip and project now projects strings in the correct direction.

The Add Constant function now works correctly on null points on fault type strings.
Points with a null Z value are now selectable, and the Add Constant point function will now replace the existing null
with the given elevation.

Digitize Mask strings now correctly closing the endpoint with the first point.
During digitize Mask String, Minex now inserts an extra point at the end to close off the string.

Core - Triangle Tools

Triangle Patch now works with more than one intersection boundary.
An error was preventing Triangle Patch from processing when more than one intersecting boundaries were found.
Any number of boundary intersections are now acceptable.

Triangle contour display is now honouring high and low range of interval set up.
Triangle contour display is now honouring high and low range of interval set up.

Drill and Blast

Blast burden report now displays correct azimuth result.
Blast burden report now displays correct azimuth result.

Burden Report no longer occasionally reports azimuth 180 degrees off from the real angle.
In Drill and Blast functionality, adjustments have been made to Burden Report to report proper azimuth of
calculated burden.

Open Pit Design and Optimizer

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Version 6.1.1 Issues Fixed

Block Design from Pit Design improvements for the Strip Extend option for concave pit shapes.
When generating blocks from the Pit Design and the Extend Strips option is selected, the extended strips for a
kidney shaped pit could have errors where the pit concaves. Minex will now check if the strip needs extending in
this area of the pit.

Open Pit Reserves Database

Schedule Plan display is now correctly displayed.
Schedule plan display was not always correct in previous Minex versions, especially when blocks were mined in
different periods. This has some major improvements including correctly handling multiple periods within a block
and also handling any blocks with odd shaped sides that encroached the mined out area.

Open Pit Scheduling

Running a target schedule from a sequence file no longer skips any blocks.
On the odd occasion when creating a target schedule from a mine sequence file(.DSQ) a mined block could be
skipped in previous versions of Minex. All mined blocks in a sequence file will now be mined in a target schedule.

Seam Modelling
Parameter loading now includes the limiting polygon in Detailed Resource Reporting
All limiting polygons are now loaded correctly when restoring a parameter set.

The Core tutorial has undergone a major revision
The Core tutorial has been restructured and enhanced. It has numerous new sections and several greatly enhanced
sections, including information about: organizing a project, setting units of measurement, point mode and string
mode, more on Object Control Panel, editing and annotating strings, color shading, boreholes, more on grids
including Grid Arithmetic and strip ratio, more on triangles, offset sections, archiving, displaying and creating new
title blocks, and spooling to a printer.

Version 6.1
New Features
Different Vertex Buffer Objects settings are now available.
There are now four Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) levels. These can be set by the user in Graphics General (Tools >
Options > Graphics). The levels are: Off, Enabled for Grid Display (default), Enabled for Grid and Triangle Display and
Enabled for Everything. Please refer to the online help (F1) for more information.

Core - Grid Tools

A feature has been added that enables the user to select non-BoreholeDB variables for export
in the Export Grids dialog.
In earlier versions of Minex,you could only select borehole database variables for export when using the Export
Grids dialog. Now variables with other names and suffixes can be exported.

Custom suffix replacement has been added to Grid Import for Mincom grids.
A new option has been implemented in the Grid Import dialog for Mincom Grids which allows Mincom grid suffixes
to be replaced with customised versions for Minex. Simply define a Mincom grid suffix and a replacement value.
When the Mincom file is scanned, the defined suffixes will be automatically renamed to the desired Minex suffix.

Open Pit Reserves Database

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Version 6.1 New Features

There is now a new dialog to import reserves data from an external file such as a .csv.
A request was made to enable the importation of Reserves database fields from an external source such as a .csv
file. The user can now import data such as volumes and variables and update the Reserves database from an
external file.

Seam Modelling
Correcting thickness for deviated boreholes is now an option for seam griddding.
When modelling seam thickness there was an automatic correction for devaited (non vertical) boreholes. This is now
optional. The user can now specify whether to do the correction for deviated boreholes or just use the downhole
seam thickness, regardless of the borehole direction.

Issues Fixed
The Borehole Statistics & Histogram and Cross Correlation functions now compute the Limits
for Seam data correctly.
In earlier versions of Minex, the Borehole Statistics & Histogram and Cross Correlation dialogs the data limits were
not correctly computed when selecting By Seams. These were based on all samples in each selected borehole rather
than the composited seam value for selected seams. The Data Limits fields are now correctly computed for both By
Seams and By Samples.

Operations on corrupted borehole database was leading to incorrect resuts.

Under certain conditions, operations performed on a corrupt borehole database resulted in boreholes being
ignored. The software is now able to automatically detect and correct the borehole database.

Loading of borehole collar data no longer produces duplicate boreholes in the database.
Previously, on the rare occasion, duplicate boreholes would appear in the database following the loading of collar
information. This will no longer occur.

Under rare circumstances, the loading of a grid was failing without notification. This issue is
now fixed.
Under rare circumstances, while performing operation such as Max-Spoil, the loading of grids were failing without
notification. This issue is now fixed.

Minex will no longer become unresponsive when displaying a large grid.

Minex will no longer become unresponsive when displaying a large amount of data as it was trying to generate
tooltips when the cursor was held stationary over the Graphics window.

When capturing a zoomed 2D TIF image, the resulting image reflected the zoomed view and
not the full (zoom to extents) view.
In earlier versions of Minex, when a zoomed 2D (draft on mount) image was captured as a TIF with Graphics Capture
the resulting image was the same as the zoomed-in view. Now, even if the image is zoomed-in, the resulting image
is created using the full (zoomed-to-extent) view of the 2D image. This is now the same behavior for all output
image types.

Shade Contour Grid now plots to the currently active mount.

Instead of incorrectly plotting a Shade Contour Grid (Plan) to the Graphics window with focus, the grid is now
plotted to the active mount.

The template name was not being passed back to the Seam Detailed Resources Report parent
dialog when a template was created in the Report Template Generator dialog.
When a template was created using the Report Template Generator dialog, the template name (name.rgt) was not
being passed back to the Seam Detailed Resources Report parent dialog. This problem has now been fixed.

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Version 6.1 Issues Fixed

In Picture Edit, when selecting a line or text within a title block, the whole title block is no
longer selected.
Selecting a graphic element in Picture Edit will no longer behave inconsistently when picking an object positioned
above another object.

When selecting variables on the Borehole Plan Locations dialog SEAMTH is now always
available to select from the list.
When selecting variables on the Borehole Plan Locations dialog SEAMTH is now always available to select from the

A closed geometry will no longer sometimes remain in the Runtime- Current Files tab.
A closed geometry will no longer sometimes remain in the Runtime- Current Files tab.

Core - Grid Tools

Grid names and line number is now included in the error message if truncated grid names
cause duplicate Minex grid names in Mincom Grid Import.
During a scan of a Mincom grid file in Grid Import, if the scanning process results in the truncation of long Mincom
names into duplicate Minex names, a duplicate grid warning message is displayed. The message details the names
and row numbers of duplicate items.

Restored an error message for duplicate Minex grid names in Grid Import.
When importing Mincom grids using Grid Import, duplicate Minex grid names in the import table will prevent the
import from being run until resolved. The error message details the name and row number of the offending grid

When rendering a large grid file without sufficient memory available, Minex will no longer exit
When there is insufficient memory to display a large grid file, a warning message is now displayed. The options
available to the user are to cancel the operation or continue to display the grid and take the risk that Minex will exit

Core - String Geometry

Editing the line color in Area Operations no longer changes the line weight
When using Area Operations to alter the color of strings this would also change the weight of any edited strings. This
is fixed. The line weight is no longer affected.

Picture Edit now functions correctly after editing or deleting a seam section.
In earlier versions of Minex, if you had set up a plot with multiple sections and you used Picture Edit to remove or
edit parts of a seam section, the software would exit abruptly. Now you can remove any parts of the section.

The backslash character has been added to the list of reserved DXF characters.
When exporting to DXF, if an item has a Group, Map, Ident or Class name containing a backslash, the resultant DXF
file will now be usable. All exported names are now scanned for backslashes, automatically replacing them with

Core - Triangle Tools

Polygon selection from a list has been fixed in the Triangle Edit dialog.
In the Triangle Edit dialog selecting a polygon from a list (generated from the geometry file) will now work correctly,
even if you have a local origin set.

Open Pit Design and Optimizer

The Pit Optimiser will now successfully save costs grids for Fault Models.
When attempting to save costs grids from The Pit Optimiser for a fault model the main grids were not created for
the output cost model. The costs grids will now be correctly saved to both the individual fault and main grid folders.

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Version 6.1 Issues Fixed

Memory allocation management was altered to avoid errors when creating staged pits in the
Pit Design dialog.
Minex would crash under certain conditions when creating a staged pit. Memory allocation management was
altered to avoid erroneous conditions while creating staged pits in the Pit Design dialog.

Open Pit Reserves Database

Exporting Reserves centroids no longer cuases any exceptions.
Occasionally when attempting to export block centroids from the Reserves database Minex gave an exeception and
exited out. This no longer occurs. No more exceptions will occur when exporting any pit geometry.

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