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Date : 15/06/20

Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

Tool Procedure


Domain : PM
Process : Corrective Maintenance
Person in charge : Ida-Marie KASTRUD / Yves-Olivier NZUE-
Author :


Version Document N° Status No. of Pages

V0  : Creation

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc


1. CREATE A WORK ORDER FOR NOTIFICATION...............................................3

1.1 Objective and task description.............................................................................................. 3

1.2 Prerequisite.............................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Detailed step by step.............................................................................................................. 4

1.4.1 Transaction............................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Data to be filled in : notification selection..............................................................................5

1.5 Modification........................................................................................................................... 11

1.6 Display.................................................................................................................................... 11

2. Business recommendations.................................................................................12

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

1. Create a work order for notification

1.1 Objective and task description

Maintenance notifications put in process have to lead to the creation of a work order so that the work
can be executed.
Work orders can be raised directly through "In process" notifications list.

A work order must always be created from a notification. During order creation, it automatically
retrieves the data from notification. Once the work is completed, activity feedback has to be done in
the notification.

The work order breaks down into several operations which can be independently closed.
Several notifications can be integrated in one work order, several trades may be involved in one work
No maintenance activity should start without an approved work order. Urgent maintenance work will
have to be documented in SAP after executing the work.

1.2 Prerequisite
The released notifications exist in the corresponding plant.

1.3 Glossary
Work order  : A work order is a technical document which gathers together the tasks and resources
required to carry out the operations. It is also a financial document capturing all corresponding costs
(activity allocation, external services, procurement, purchasing) from operations.

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

1.4 Detailed step by step

1.4.1 Transaction

Path :

Logistics  Plant Maintenance  Maintenance Processing  Notification  List Editing 

IW28 – Change

Transaction code : IW28 (consequently : IW34)

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

1.4.2 Data to be filled in : notification selection

 go to the display variant list.

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Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

 Select the required display variant. Confirm your selection.

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Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

 Use the scroll bar to go to the « main work center » field (in the « General data/administrative
data » area).

 Complete/review the following fields :

Field Mandat. Description

Main Work center Work center which is in charge of maintenance activities on all

Plant for work center Plant to which the work center in charge belongs

You can specify criteria in other fields to fine-tune the selection.

 to display the list of PM notifications according to the required criteria from selection variants.

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

 Select a PM notification.

 to create the work order.

 to close the « object information » window. This provides some technical information from
the PM notification.

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Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

1.4.3 Data to be filled in: Header data

 Complete/review the following fields :

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Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

Field Mandat. Description

PMActType X Choose the PM activity type related to the work to execute.

Bas. Start Check/change the operation starting date

or or
Basic fin. the operation ending date

The system proposes basic start date. Basic end date is from
aggregation of all operations.

These dates can be changed following spare parts availability


Priority X Check/change the priority level of the maintenance

SystCond. The system condition assigned to an operation determines, for

example, whether the system must be « in operation » (selecting
« S ») or « not in operation » ( blank field) during execution

Revision Period of time during which a plant or a part thereof is temporarily

shut down, so that service and maintenance tasks can be
performed. The code to be entered must have been created by
the administrator. (This field is relevant for PM WO that are
related to a particular plant shutdown.

 Save the work order.

Message : "Order xxxxxxx saved with notification xxxxxxxx".

Pour traiter un autre avis de la liste, reprendre au point  ci-dessus.

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Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

1.5 Modification
The PM order can be changed individually using transaction IW32 and collectively using transaction

1.6 Display
The PM order can be displayed individually using the transaction IW33 and collectively using
transaction IW39.

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Date : 15/06/20
Work Instruction
Doc : 480171007.doc

2. Business recommendations
Always note your work order number in case you have to come back to it for any reason. This will
save you time in searching for it.

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