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Creativity and Passion in the workplace

Paloma A. Garza
Management Theory I


Discussion on how creativity and passion are seen and taken in the workplace. With the

right information provided, we were able to gather that a health amount of creativity and passion

can bring the workplace more positivity. Creativity when it comes to business, would be the

definition of essence on innovation and progress. Workplace passion can be described as an

intense, overmastering feeling or conviction for something an individual believes in or feels

strongly about.

Creativity can be described as the power or ability to invent new things and when it

comes to business, it would be the definition of essence on innovation and progress. Passion can

be described in this case as an intense, overmastering feeling or conviction that can be used in

the workplace as much as in every other aspect.

Creativity and passion can be used to influence the organizations mission and goals.

Which can further impact and improve the organization with new and exciting ideas. Passion and

creativity are necessary in the workplace, to keep employees and member active and motivated

enough to want change and growth to the organization or company. People work best when

creativity is allowed and encouraged in the workplace.

Passion should be a number one key skill that every individual should feel toward the

organization in general. Employers would rather hire people that seem passionate about the

organization than to hire individuals that don’t seem interested in the growth and well-being of

the company. Passion has the possibility to fuel motivation and enhance well-being in everyday

life. We will be focusing on the theory of –

H1 – There is a relationship between creativity and passion in the workplace.

Appu, A., and Sia, S., (2015) presented a valid input on how organizations strive for their

business achievements to be reached and can be done by enhancing an employee’s creativity in

the workplace. Creativity is one way to stay in competitiveness within all organizations. With the

present competitive of all businesses, organizations need new bright and different ideas to try

and stay on the top. Having employees express any and all type of ideas can help with all

contexts of organizational products, services, processes, and procedures (Appu, & Sia, 2015).

Madjar, N., (2008) focused on the three different sources that affect the relation between

employee creativity and emotional support. The three provided sources are individuals in

primary work unit, other work-related individuals and non-work-related individuals, which have

an impact on both the creativity and emotions of employees. Creativity does have its risks that

can cause problems for the organization, it is because of the uncertainty to whether new ideas

would be taken positively or negatively by other individuals.

Orgambidez-Ramos, A., Borrego-Ales, Y., and Goncalves, G., (2014) understand that an

individual with passion will use that for any and all activities that are related to that drive. But

they focused on harmonious passion, which occurs when an individual freely accepts and

understands that work is as important to them without any contingencies attached to it.

For example, a person that is passionate about fixing and reconstructing computers would

want to work in a department that handles computers. The workplace would be a much better

environment for that person and those around them. The thing about passion is that it doesn’t

overpower a person’s whole life and many people can have more than on passion.

The information that was gathered from Fong, C., (2006) was how the emotional

ambivalence can have effects on employee creativity and can be a crucial movement of success

and growth for the organizational. Creativity can have different outcomes depending on how

those ideas are being taken from a personal factor, work-related, and non-work-related sources.

Fong, C., (2006) explains how some emotions researchers would disagree with her study because

the focus of positive and negative emotions is not entirely correct.

Creative behavior and job performance can have an effect on employee creativity as was

researched by Sung, S., Du, J., and Choi, J., (2018). They state that creativity can be a

challenging task because new creative ideas can at times interfere with existing work duties.

While this may be true, we must also consider that most changes come from new ideas and some

organizations would be willing to take that risk. Conducting a type of measurement system

would help in getting us the all the right information to show organizations the impact creativity

and passion can have in the workplace.

Creativity can vary based on the positive or negative environment that an individual is

subjected to. If an individual feels the negativity around the workplace, then they are less likely

to enjoy working there. Passion is another big thing to consider, many individuals can be very

passionate about their jobs but having an environment where creativity is low, then those people

with start to feel negative about the job.

Appu, A., and Sia, S., (2015) conducted a study that measures the variables of both

workplace creativity and the organizational social support. They used the Creativity Scale and

the Organizational Social Support Questionnaire to find all the right measurements for their

studies. Creativity Scale dimensional scale consists of thirteen items that are related to

employees work behavior of innovation and creativity ideas. There is a point system scale that

range from one to five, from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

Organizational Social Support Questionnaire consist of two dimensions like the

supervisor’s organizational support and co-worker’s social support (Appu, & Sia, 2015). Those

items measured for the organizations support have different aspects which consist of

informational, instrumental, appraisal and emotional. This study would agree with the hypothesis

for this research and can even show measurement of how creativity has a relation with the


Their analysis revealed that support from supervisor, organizational social support, and

co-worker social support all have a positive impact on employees’ workplace creativity (Appu,

& Sia, 2015). The end result showed that the amount of support from the working environment

can influence the working performance of the employee’s in general. Further search would help

give more examples of how creativity and passion affect the workplace.

For example, research has shown that people interpret negative emotions as a signal that

they could be in a dangerous or unsatisfactory situation, and so they react to this signal by

engaging in careful and deep information processing (Fong, 2006). Organizations would need to

really try and keep a positive environment around to make sure all members are comfortable and

not to feel worried. This could be achieved by having weekly meeting in which leaders ensure

that any creative ideas are welcomed.

The majority of member want to see the organization succeed because change in the right

direction is very rewarding and many individuals may weary of the same thing after years of

doing it. With the help of creativity and passion, the workplace would be a much more active and

involving atmosphere that can help improve the organization at large. Having the right support

and recognition from both higher-level members and colleagues can create that positive

environment for all members performance (Appu, & Sia, 2015).

The organizational culture and climate, job and work setting, and relationships with

different individuals can have a big impact on an employee’s creativity but not on the individual,

more of the workplace creativity (Madjar, 2008). Which would agree with our hypothesis of

how creativity in the workplace is not the same as an individual own creativity.

Passion is what gets people to wake up and be ready for the day ahead. When an

individual has strong emotions toward an activity that they like, find important, and would spend

all their time and energy doing (Orgambidez-Ramos, Borrego-Ales, and Goncalves, 2014).

Passion and creativity are important for people because it makes them feel needed and like they

are growing with company.

Organizations would have a more active and productive workplace if they encourage

members to be more creativity towards their work. Creativity does have its risks that can cause

problems for the organization, it is because of the uncertainty to whether new ideas would be

taken positively or negatively by other individuals. Taking risks can be a one of the reasons why

organizations do not like relying on all employee’s being more creative.

Creativity can be a challenging task for organizations because new creative ideas can at

times interfere with existing work tasks (Sung, Du, and Choi, 2018). The company would need

to be willing to take risks from time to time if they wish to try and get new and improved

changes. The creativity enhancement would then make people more passionate about being

creative and would then improve work productivity.

For future studies, measuring the workplace creativity and passion would be more

sustainable to show all the different variables. Appu, A., and Sia, S., (2015) used the Creativity

Scale developed by Zhou and George (2001) to help measure the employee’s workplace

creativity. Taking this example can help further our research on how creativity and passion have

a relation within the workplace. By using the Creativity Scale or any other type of measurement,

then we can gather more information and variables for the research. More research is in order, to

get more current and new information that can help organizations see the differences when they

appreciate creativity and passion in the workplace.



Appu, A., & Sia, S., 2015. Organizational Social Support: A predictor of Employees

Workplace Creativity.

Fong, C., 2006. The effects of emotional ambivalence on creativity.

Madjar, N., 2008. Emotional and informational support from different sources and

employee creativity.

Orgambidez-Ramos, A., Borrego-Ales, Y., and Goncalves, G., 2014. Passionate

workers: A Spanish adaptation of the Passion Scale.

Sung, S., Du, J., and Choi, J., 2018. Cognitive pathways of team climate for creativity:

Implications for member creativity and job performance.

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