MCQ of Chapter 3 History

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Theme-03 Prepared by P.Satheesan,HSST,GHSS Irikkur

No A B
1 Mahabharatha Satha Sahasra Samhitha
2 Vyasa Mahabharatha
3 Kinship Blood relation
4 Kula Family
5 Gotra Group of families
6 Janathi Group of relations
7 Vanik Merchants
8 V.S.Sukthankar Critical edition on Mahabharatha
9 Bhandarker Oriental Research Institute V.S.Sukthangar
10 Endogamy Marriage inside the family
11 Exogamy Marriage outside the family
12 Polygamy Man having many wives
13 Poliandry Woman having many husbands
14 Patriarchy Property from father to son
15 Matriliny Inheritance through women
16 Prabhavathi Gupta Bhoodhan (land grands)
17 Gandharva vivaha Love marriage
18 Kanyadana Giving daughter to the bride by father
19 Manusmruthi Codes
20 Dharmasastra Ancient laws
21 Gautami Putra Satakarni Satavahana King
22 Eka Brahmana Gautami Putra Satakarni
23 Gandhari Mother of Kaurava
24 Chathurvarya 4 Varnas
25 Ekalavya Drona
26 Non -Kshatriya king Gautami Putra Satakarni
27 Mricha Gadika Sudraka
28 Charu Datta Hero of Mricha Gadika
29 Rakshasa Those who did not follow Brahmin laws
30 Hidumbi Wife of Bhima
31 Bodisatwa Name of Budha in the previous lives
32 Mandasore Inscriptions Madhya Pradesh
33 Majjima Nikaya Budhist Text
34 Kachana Budhist follower
35 Maha Sammatha Leader selected for controlling the society
36 Kingship Kings
37 Narrative part Deal with stories
38 Didactic part Social laws
39 Ithihasa Thus it happened
40 Soothas Charriot driver,Mahabharatha
41 Hasthinapura Place of Kurus
42 Kurukshetra Battle field of Mahabharatha
43 B.B.Lal Study on Hasthinapura
44 Drupatha King of Panchala Kingdom
45 Randammoozham M.T.Vasudevan Nair
46 Mahaswetha Devi Kunthi O Nishadi
47 Purusha Suktha Rig Veda
48 Chandalas Lower sections of society
49 Ramayana and Mahabharatha Ithihasas
50 Puranas 18 in number
51 Vedas 4 in number ,Rig,Yajur,Sama and Atharva

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