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• Costs may be classified into fixed costs and variable costs. Many items of expenditure are part
fixed and part-variable and are so termed step-fixed or semi-variable (or mixed) costs.

Cost is a measure of the resources given up to achieve an objective.
A fixed cost is a cost that is incurred for a particular period and which, within certain activity levels,
is unaffected by changes in the level of activity.
A variable cost is a cost which tends to vary with the level of activity.
A semi-variable (or mixed) cost is a cost that contains both a fixed cost and a variable cost
A step-fixed cost is a cost that is fixed for a certain range of activity but increases to a new fixed
level once a critical level of activity is reached.

1.1 Examples of fixed and variable costs

(a) Direct material costs (cost of materials consumed in the manufacturing process) are
variable costs because they rise as more units of a product are manufactured.
(b) Sales commission is often a fixed percentage of sales turnover, and so is a variable cost
that varies with the level of sales.
(c) Telephone call charges are likely to increase if the volume of business expands, but there is
also a fixed element of line rental, and so they are a semi-variable overhead cost.
(d) The rental cost of business premises is a constant amount, at least within a stated period,
and so it is a fixed cost.
(e) The salary paid to a factory supervisor might be considered a step-fixed cost. For example,
the factory may be able to produce up to 20,000 product units with one supervisor, but
needs a second supervisor once this level of activity is exceeded.


2.1 Cost behavior and decision-making
• The basic principle of cost behavior is that as the level of activity rises, costs will usually

Cost behavior is how costs are affected by changes in the level of activity.

Management decisions will often be based on how costs and revenues vary at different activity

Examples of such decisions are as follows:

 What should the planned activity level be for the next period?
 Should the selling price be reduced to sell more units?
 Should a particular component be manufactured internally or bought in?
 Should a contract be undertaken?

2.2 Cost behavior and cost control

If the accountant does not know the level of costs which should have been incurred as a result of
an organization’s activities, how can he or she hope to control costs?
2.3 Cost behavior and budgeting
Knowledge of cost behavior is essential for the tasks of budgeting, decision making, and
management control.

2.4 Cost behavior and levels of activity

Many factors may influence costs. The major influence is the volume of output or the level of
activity. Examples of cost drivers or level of activity may refer to one of the following:
 Some units produced.
 A number of invoices issued.
 Number of units of electricity consumed.
 Value of items sold.
 Number of items sold.

2.5 Cost behavior principles

The basic principle of cost behavior is that as the level of activity rises, costs will usually rise. It
will cost more to produce 2,000 units of output than it will cost to produce 1,000 units.

This principle is common sense. The challenge for the accountant, however, is to be able to
analyze each item of cost, in terms of the factors that drive the cost and to determine the amount
by which the cost increases as the level of activity changes. For our purposes here, the level of
activity for measuring cost will generally be taken to be the volume of production.

Worked Example: Cost behavior and activity level

Bart Hurst has a fleet of company cars for sales representatives. Running costs have been
estimated as follows:
(a) Cars cost P12,000 when new, and have a guaranteed trade-in value of P6,000 at the end of
two years. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis (in equal annual amounts over
the life of the car).
(b) Petrol and oil cost 15 cents per km.
(c) Tyres cost P300 per set to replace; replacement occurs after 30,000 km.
(d) Routine maintenance costs P200 per car (on average) in the first year and P450 in the
second year.
(e) Repairs average P400 per car over two years and are thought to vary with mileage. The
average car travels 25,000 km per annum.
(f) Tax, insurance, and membership of motoring organizations cost P400 per annum per car.

Calculate the average cost per annum of cars that travel 15,000 km per annum and 30,000 km
per annum.

Costs may be analyzed into fixed, variable, and stepped. A stepped cost being a cost that is
fixed in nature but only within a certain level of activity.
(a) Fixed costs
P per annum
Depreciation P(12,000 − 6,000) ÷ 2 3,000
Routine maintenance P(200 + 450) ÷ 2 325
Tax, insurance, etc 400

(b) Variable costs

Cents per km
Cents per km
Petrol and oil 15.0
Repairs (P400 ÷ 50,000 km)* 0.8

* If the average car travels 25,000 km per annum, it will be expected to travel 50,000 km
over two years (this will correspond with the repair bill of P400 over two years).

(c) Step costs are tyre replacement costs, which are P300 at the end of every 30,000 km.
(i.) If the car travels less than or exactly 30,000 km in two years, the tires will not be
The average cost of tires per annum = P0

(ii.) If a car travels more than 30,000 km and up to (and including) 60,000 km in two
years, there will be one change of tires in the period. The average cost of tires per
annum =
The average cost of tires per annum = P150 (P300 ÷ 2)

(iii.) If a car exceeds 60,000 km in two years (up to 90,000 km), there will be two tire
The average cost of tires per annum = P300 (P600 ÷ 2).

The estimated costs per annum of cars traveling 15,000 km per annum and 30,000 km per
annum would therefore be:
15,000 km per annum 30,000 km per annum
Fixed costs P 3,725 P 3,725
Variable costs (15.8c per km) 2,370 2,370
Tires – 150
Cost per annum P 6,095 P 8,615


3.1 Fixed costs
• A fixed cost is a cost that tends to be unaffected by increases or decreases in the volume of
output. A step-fixed cost is a cost that is fixed in nature but only within certain levels of
activity, while a variable cost is a cost that tends to vary directly with the volume of output.
The variable cost per unit is the same for each unit produced. Many costs contain both a
fixed and variable element – a semi-variable/semi-fixed or mixed cost – so is partly
affected by changes in the level of activity.

Fixed costs are a period charge, in that they relate to a period; as the period increases, so too
will the fixed costs (which are sometimes referred to as period costs for this reason). It is
important to understand that fixed costs always have a variable element, since an increase or
decrease in production may also bring about an increase or decrease in per-unit fixed costs.

A sketch graph of the fixed cost would look like this:

Examples of a fixed cost would be:
 The rent of a single factory building (per month or annum)
 Straight-line depreciation of a single machine (per month or annum)

3.2 Step-fixed costs

A step-fixed cost is a cost that is fixed in nature but only within a certain range of activity.
Consider the depreciation of a machine which may be fixed if production remains below 1,000
units per month. If production exceeds 1,000 units, a second machine may be required, and the
cost of depreciation (on two machines) would go up a step. A sketch graph of a step-fixed cost
could look like this:

Other examples of step-fixed costs are:

(a) Rent is a step-fixed cost in situations where rental space requirements increase as output
levels get higher.
(b) Basic pay of employees is nowadays usually fixed, but as output rises, more employees
(direct workers, supervisors, managers, and so on) are required.
(c) Royalties, e.g. fees of P10,000 payable if sales are below 5,000 units. Fees increase to
P15,000 if sales exceed this.

3.3 Variable costs

A variable cost is a cost that tends to vary directly with the volume of output. The variable cost
per unit is the same amount for each unit produced.

A constant variable cost per unit implies that the price per unit of say, material purchased is
constant and that the rate of material usage is also constant.
(a) The most important variable cost is the cost of raw materials (where there is no discount
for bulk purchasing since bulk purchase discounts reduce the cost of purchases).
(b) Direct labor costs are most often classed as a variable cost, even though basic wages are
usually fixed.
(c) Sales commission is variable to the volume or value of sales.
(d) Bonus payments for productivity to employees might be variable once a certain level of
output is achieved, as the following diagram illustrates.

Up to output A, no bonus is earned.

3.4 Non-linear or curvilinear variable costs

If the relationship between total variable cost and volume of output can be shown as a curved
line on a graph, the relationship is said to be curvilinear.

Two typical relationships are as follows:

(a) (b)

Each extra unit of output in the graph (a) causes a less than proportionate increase in cost,
whereas in the graph (b), each extra unit of output causes a more than proportionate increase in

The cost of a piecework scheme for individual workers with differential rates could behave in a
curvilinear fashion if the rates increase by small amounts at progressively higher output levels.

3.5 Semi-variable costs (or mixed costs)

A semi-variable/mixed cost is a cost that contains both fixed and variable components, and so is
partly affected by changes in the level of activity. Examples of these costs include the
(a) Electricity and gas bills
(i.) Fixed cost = rental charge
(ii.) Variable cost = charge per unit of electricity used
(b) Salesman’s salary
(i.) Fixed cost = basic salary
(ii.) Variable cost = commission on sales made
(c) Costs of running a car
(i.) Fixed cost = registration, insurance
(ii.) Variable costs = petrol, oil, repairs (which vary with km traveled)

3.6 Other cost behavior patterns

Other cost behavior patterns may be appropriate to certain cost items. Examples of two other
cost behavior patterns are shown below:
(a) Cost behavior pattern (1) (b) Cost behavior pattern (2)

 Graph (a) represents an item of cost, which is variable with output up to a certain
maximum level of cost.
 Graph (b) represents a cost that is variable with output, subject to a minimum (fixed)

3.7 The relationship between total costs and unit costs

The following example relates to different levels of production of product zed. The variable cost
of producing zed is P5. Fixed costs are P5,000.
1 zed 10 zeds 50 zeds
Total variable cost P5 P50 P250
Variable cost per unit 5 5 5
Total fixed cost 5,000 5,000 5,000
Fixed cost per unit 5,000 500 100
Total cost (fixed and variable) 5,005 5,050 5,250
Total cost per unit 5,005 505 105

What happens when activity levels rise can be summarized as follows:

 The variable cost per unit remains constant
 The fixed between per unit falls
 The total cost per unit falls
This may be illustrated graphically as follows:

3.8 Assumptions about cost behavior

Assumptions about cost behavior include the following.
(a) Within the normal or relevant range of output (the range of activity over which a particular
cost behavior pattern is assumed valid), costs are often assumed to be either fixed, variable,
or semi-variable (mixed).
(b) Departmental costs within an organization are assumed to be mixed costs, with a fixed and
a variable element.
(c) Departmental costs are assumed to rise in a straight line as the volume of activity increases.
In other words, these costs are said to be linear.

The high-low method of determining fixed and variable elements of mixed costs relies on the
assumption that mixed costs are linear. We shall now go on to look at this method of cost


4.1 Analyzing costs
• The fixed and variable elements of semi-variable costs can be determined by the high-low

It is generally assumed that costs are one of the following:


Cost accountants tend to separate semi-variable costs into their variable and fixed elements.
They, therefore generally tend to treat costs as either fixed or variable.

There are several methods for identifying the fixed and variable elements of semi-variable costs
(for example, regression analysis). Each method is only an estimate, and each will produce
different results. One of the principal methods is the high-low method.

4.2 High-low method

Follow the steps below to estimate the fixed and variable elements of semi-variable costs:
Step 1 Review records of costs in previous periods:
 Select the period with the highest activity level.
 Select the period with the lowest activity level.

Step 2 Determine the following:

 Total cost at a high activity level.
 Total costs at a low activity level.
 Total units at a high activity level.
 Total units at a low activity level.

Step 3 Calculate the following:

Total cost at high activity level – total cost at low activity
= variable cost per unit (v)
Total units at high activity level – total units at the low activity
Step 4 The fixed costs can be determined as follows:
(Total cost at high activity level) – (total units at high activity level × variable cost per unit)

The following graph demonstrates the high-low method:

a = Total cost at high activity level - Total cost at the low activity level.

Note: As only two data points are used to estimate the cost behavior, we have no assurance that
it accurately represents cost behavior across or within the relevant range

Worked Example: The high-low method

DG Co has recorded the following total costs during the last five years:
Year Output volume (Units) Total cost (P)
20X0 65,000 145,000
20X1 80,000 162,000
20X2 90,000 170,000
20X3 60,000 140,000
20X4 75,000 160,000

Calculate the total cost that should be expected in 20X5 if the output is 85,000 units.

Step 1  Period with the highest activity = 20X2
 Period with the lowest activity = 20X3

Step 2  Total cost at high activity level = 170,000

 Total cost at low activity level = 140,000
 Total units at high activity level = 90,000
 Total units at low activity level = 60,000

Step 3 Variable cost per unit

Total cost at high activity level – total cost at the low activity
= variable cost per unit (v)
Total units at high activity level – total units at the low activity
170,000 – 140,000 30,000
= = P1
90,000 – 60,000 30,000

Step 4 Fixed costs = (total cost at high activity level) – (total units at high activity level × variable
cost per unit)
= 170,000 – (90,000 × P1) = 170,000 – 90,000 = P80,000

Therefore the costs in 20X5 for output of 85,000 units are as follows:
Variable costs = 85,000 × P1 P85,000
Fixed costs 80,000

Worked Example: The high-low method with stepped fixed costs

The following data relate to the overhead expenditure of contract cleaners (for industrial
cleaning) at two activity levels.
Square meters cleaned 12,750 15,100
Overheads P73,950 P83,585

When more than 14,000 square meters are industrially cleaned, there will be a step up in fixed
costs of P4,700.

Calculate the estimated total cost if 14,500 square meters are to be industrially cleaned.

Before we can compare high activity level costs with low activity level costs in the normal way,
we must eliminate the part of the high activity level costs that are due to the step-up in fixed

Total cost for 15,100 without step-up in fixed costs = P83,585 – P4,700 = P78,885

We can now proceed in the normal way using the revised cost above.
Units P
High activity level 15,100 Total cost 78,885
Low activity level 12,750 Total cost 73,950
2,350 4,935

Variable cost = = P2.10 per square meter

Before we can calculate the total cost for 14,500 square meters, we need to find the fixed costs.
As the fixed costs for 14,500 square meters will include the step-up of P5,000, we can use the
activity level of 15 100 square meters for the fixed cost calculation:
Total cost (15,100 square meters) (this includes the step up in fixed costs) P83,585
Total variable costs (15,100 x P2.10) 31,710
Total fixed costs P51,875

Estimated overhead expenditure if 14,500 square meters are to be industrially cleaned:

Fixed costs P51,875
Variable costs (14,500 × P2.10) 30,450
Total fixed costs P82,325
Worked Example: The high-low method with a change in the variable cost per unit
Same data as the previous question. Additionally, assume wage negotiations have just taken
place, which will cost an additional P1 per square meter.

What is the revised estimated total cost of cleaning 14,500 square meters?

Estimated overheads to clean 14,500 square meters.
Per square meter
Variable cost P2.10
Additional wages cost (variable) 1.00
Total variable cost P3.10

Cost for 14,500 square meters:

Fixed P51,875
Variable costs (14,500 × P3.10) 44,950


5.1 Introduction
• Cost-volume-profit (CVP)/break-even analysis is the study of the interrelationships
between costs, volume, and profit at various levels of activity.

The management of an organization usually wishes to know the profit likely to be made if the
budgeted/target production and sales for the year are achieved. Management may also be
interested to know:
(a) The break-even point is the activity level at which there is neither profit nor loss.
(b) The amount by which actual sales can fall below anticipated sales, without a loss being

5.2 Break-even point

Formula to learn
Total fixed costs Contribution required to breakeven
Break-even point = =
Contribution per unit Contribution per unit

= Number of units to be sold to break even

Worked Example: Break-even point

Expected sales 10,000 units at P8 = P80,000
Variable cost P5 per unit
Fixed costs P21,000

Compute the break-even point.

The contribution per unit is P(8−5) = P3
Contribution required to break even = fixed costs = P21,000
Break-even point (BEP) = 21,000 ÷ 3
= 7,000 units
In revenue, BEP = (7,000 × P8) = P56,000

Sales above P56,000 will result in a profit of P3 per unit of additional sales, and sales below
P56,000 will mean a loss of P3 per unit for each unit by which sales fall short of 7,000 units. In
other words, profit will improve or worsen by the amount of contribution per unit.
7,000 units 7,001 units
Revenue P56,000 P56,008
Less variable costs 35,000 35,005
Contribution 21,000 21,003
Less fixed costs 21,000 21,000
Profit 0 3


• The C/S ratio (or Profit/Volume ratio) is a measure of how much contribution is earned from
each P1 of sales. It provides an alternative way of calculating the break-even point in terms of
sales revenue.

Formula to learn
Contribution required to breakeven Fixed costs Breakeven point in terms of sales
= =
C/S ratio C/S ratio revenue

(The contribution/sales (C/S) ratio is also sometimes called a profit/volume or P/V ratio.)

An alternative way of calculating the break-even point in terms of sales revenue.

In the example in Paragraph 5.2 the C/S ratio is P3/P8 = 37.5% Break-even is where sales revenue
equals P21,000/37.5% = P56,000. At a price of P8 per unit, this represents 7,000 units of sales.

The C/S ratio (or P/V ratio) is a measure of how much contribution is earned from each P1 of sales.
The C/S ratio of 37.5% in the above example means that for every P1 of sales, a contribution of
37.5c is earned. Thus, to earn a total contribution of P21,000 (fixed costs) and if the contribution
increases by 37.5c per P1 of sales, sales must be: [(P1/37.5c) × P21,000] = P56,000

Worked Example: Break-even point

Assume the C/S ratio of product W is 20%. IB, the manufacturer of product W, wishes to make a
contribution of P50,000 towards fixed costs. How many units of product W must be sold if the
selling price is P10 per unit?

Required contribution P50,000 = P250,000
C/ S ratio 20%

Therefore the number of units = P250,000 ÷ P10 = 25,000

Worked Example: C/S ratio

A company manufactures a single product with a variable cost of P44. The contribution to sales ratio
is 45%. Monthly fixed costs are P396,000. What is the break-even point in units?

Contribution/sales ratio = 45%
Therefore Variable cost/sales ratio = 55%
Therefore sales price = P44/0.55 = P80
Contribution per unit = P80 × 0.45 = P36
Break-even point = Fixed costs/contribution per unit = P396,000/P36
= 11,000 units


• The safety margin is the difference in units between the budgeted sales volume and the break-
even sales volume. It is sometimes expressed as a percentage of the budgeted sales volume. The
safety margin may also be expressed as the difference between the budgeted sales revenue and
break-even sales revenue expressed as a percentage of the budgeted sales revenue.

Worked Example: Safety margin

Mal de Mer makes and sells a product that has a variable cost of P30 and which sells for P40.
Budgeted fixed costs are P70,000, and budgeted sales are 8,000 units. Calculate the break-even point
and the safety margin.

(a) Total fixed costs P70,000
Break-even point = =
Contribution per unit P(40 − 30)

= 7,000 units

(b) Safety margin = 8,000 − 7,000 units = 1,000 units

which may be expressed as = 1,000units 12.5% of

× 100% =
8,000units budget

(c) The safety margin indicates to management that actual sales can fall short of budget by 1,000
units or 12.5% before the break-even point is reached and no profit at all is made.


• At the break-even point, sales revenue equals total costs, and there is no profit. At the breakeven
point, total contribution = fixed costs.
• The target profit is achieved when sales revenue equals total variable costs plus total fixed costs,
plus the required profit.

Formula to learn
S = V+F
where S = break-even sales revenue
V = total variable costs
F = total fixed costs

Subtracting V from each side of the equation, we get:

S − V = F, that is, total contribution = fixed costs

Worked Example: Break-even calculation

Butterfingers make a product that has a variable cost of P7 per unit. If fixed costs are P63,000 per
annum, calculate the selling price per unit if the company wishes to break even with a sales volume
of 12,000 units.

Contribution required to break even (= Fixed costs) = P63,000

Volume of sales = 12,000 units

Required contribution per unit (S − V) = P63,000 ÷ 12,000 = P5.25

Variable cost per unit (V) = 7.00
Required sales price per unit (S) = 12.25

8.1 Target profits

The target profit is achieved when S = V + F + P (where P= required profit). Therefore, the total
contribution required for a target profit = fixed costs + required profit.

A similar formula may be applied where a company wishes to achieve a certain profit during a
period. To achieve this profit, sales must cover all costs and leave the required profit.

Formula to learn
The target profit is achieved when: S = V + F + P, where P = required profit
Subtracting V from each side of the equation, we get:
S − V = F + P, so
Total contribution required = F + P

Worked Example: Target profit

Riding Breeches makes and sells a single product, for which variable costs are as follows:
Direct materials P10
Direct labor 8
Variable production overhead 6

The sales price is P30 per unit, and fixed costs per annum are P68,000. The company wishes to
make a profit of P16,000 per annum.

Determine the sales required to achieve this profit.

Required contribution = fixed costs + profit = P68,000 + P16,000 = P84,000

Required sales can be calculated in one of two ways:

(a) Required contribution P84,000
= = 14,000 units, or P420,000 in revenue
Contribution per unit P(30 − 24)

(b) Required contribution P84,000 P420,000 of revenue, or 14,000

= = units
C/S ratio 20% *

P30 − P24 P6 20%

* C/S ratio = = = 0.2 =
P30 P30

8.2 Decisions to change sales price or costs

You may come across a problem in which you have to work out the effect of altering the selling
price, variable cost per unit, or fixed cost. Such problems are slight variations on basic break-
even calculations.

Worked Example: Change in selling price

Stomer Cakes bake and sell a single type of cake. The variable cost of production is 15c, and the
current sales price is 25c. Fixed costs are P2,600 per month, and the annual profit for the
company at the current sales volume is P36,000. The volume of sales demand is constant
throughout the year.

The sales manager, Ian Digestion, wishes to raise the sales price to 29c per cake but considers
that a price rise will result in some loss of sales.

Ascertain the minimum volume of sales required each month to raise the price to 29c.

The minimum volume of sales, which would justify a price of 29c, is one which would leave
total profit at least the same as before, i.e., P3,000 per month. Required profit should be
converted into a required contribution, as follows:
Monthly fixed costs P 2,600
Monthly profit, the minimum required 3,000
Current monthly contribution P 5,600

Contribution per unit (25c − 15c) 10c

Current monthly sales 56,000 cakes

The minimum volume of sales required after the price rise will be an amount that earns a
contribution of P5,600 per month. The contribution per cake at a sales price of 29c would be

Required sales = required contribution/contribution per unit = (P5,600/14c) = 40,000 cakes per

Worked Example: Change in production costs

Close Brickett makes a product that has a variable production cost of P8 and a variable sales
cost of P2 per unit. Fixed costs are P40,000 per annum, the sales price per unit is P18, and the
current volume of output and sales is 6,000 units.

The company is considering hiring an improved machine for production. Annual hire costs
would be P10,000, and it is expected that the variable cost of production would fall to P6 per
(a) Determine the number of units that must be produced and sold to achieve the same profit
as is currently earned, if the machine is hired.
(b) Calculate the annual profit with the machine if output and sales remain at 6,000 units per

The current unit contribution is P(18 − (8+2)) = P8
(a) Current contribution (6,000 × P8) P 48,000
Less current fixed costs 40,000
Current profit P 8,000

With the new machine, fixed costs will go up by P10,000 to P50,000 per annum. The
variable cost per unit will fall to P(6 + 2) = P8, and the contribution per unit will be P10.
Required profit (as currently earned) P 8,000
Fixed costs 50,000
Required contribution 58,000

Contribution per unit P10

Sales required to earn P8,000 profit 5,800 units

(b) If sales are 6,000 units

Sales (6,000 × P18) P108,000
Variable costs: production (6,000 × P6) P36,000
sales (6,000 × P2) 12,000
Contribution (6,000 × P10) 60,000
Less fixed costs 50,000
Profit 10,000

Alternative calculation
Profit at 5,800 units of sale (see (a)) P8,000
Contribution from the sale of an extra 200 units (× 2,000
Profit at 6,000 units of sale 10,000

8.3 Sales price and sales volume

Given no change in fixed costs, total profit is maximized when the total contribution is at its
maximum. Total contribution, in turn, depends on the unit contribution and the sales volume.

An increase in the sales price will increase the unit contribution, but sales volume is likely to
fall because fewer customers will be prepared to pay the higher price. A decrease in sales price
will reduce the unit contribution, but sales volume may increase because the goods on offer are
now cheaper. The optimum combination of the sales price and sales volume is arguably the one
that maximizes total contribution.

Worked Example: Profit maximization

High Ladders has developed a new product that is about to be launched on to the market. The
variable cost of selling the product is P12 per unit. The marketing department has estimated that
at a sales price of P20, annual demand would be 10,000 units.

However, if the sales price is set above P20, sales demand would fall by 500 units for each 50c
increase above P20. Similarly, if the price is set below P20, demand would increase by 500
units for each 50c stepped reduction in price below P20.

Determine the price which would maximize High Ladder’s profit in the next year.

At a sales price of P20 per unit, the unit contribution would be P(20 − 12) = P8. Each 50c
increase (or decrease) in price would raise (or lower) the unit contribution by 50c. The total
contribution is calculated at each sales price by multiplying the unit contribution by the
expected sales volume.
Unit price Unit contribution Sales volume units Total contribution
P 20.00 P8.00 10,000 80,000

(a) Reduce price

19.50 7.50 10,500 78,750
19.00 7.00 11,000 77,000

(b) Increase price

20.50 8.50 9,500 80,750
21.00 9.00 9,000 81,000
21.50 9.50 8,500 80,750
22.00 10.00 8,000 80,000
22.50 10.50 7,500 78,750

The total contribution would be maximized, and therefore profit maximized, at a sales price of
P21 per unit, and sales demand of 9,000 units.


9.1 Break-even graphs
• The break-even point can also be determined graphically using a break-even graph or a
contribution break-even graph. These graphs show approximate levels of profit or loss at
different sales volume levels within a limited range.
• The profit/volume (P/V) chart is a variation of the break-even graph, which illustrates the
relationship between costs and profits to sales and the safety margin. It clearly shows the
effect on profit and break-even point of any change in selling price, the variable cost, fixed
cost, and/or sales demand.

A break-even graph has the following axes:

 A horizontal axis showing the sales/output (in value or units)
 A vertical axis showing P for sales revenues and costs

The following lines are drawn on the break-even graph:

(a) The sales line
(i.) Starts at the origin
(ii.) Ends at the point signifying expected sales

(b) The fixed costs line

(i.) Runs parallel to the horizontal axis
(ii.) Meets the vertical axis at a point which represents total fixed costs

(c) The total costs line

(i.) Starts where the fixed costs line meets the vertical axis
(ii.) Ends at the point which represents anticipated sales on the horizontal axis and total
costs of anticipated sales on the vertical axis
The break-even point is the intersection of the sales line and the total costs line. The distance
between the break-even point and the expected (or budgeted) sales, in units, indicates the safety

Worked Example: A break-even graph

The budgeted annual output of a factory is 120,000 units. The fixed overheads amount to
P40,000, and the variable costs are 50c per unit. The sales price is P1 per unit.

Construct a break-even graph showing the current break-even point, and profit earned up to the
present maximum capacity.

We begin by calculating the profit at the budgeted annual output.
Sales (120,000 units) P120,000
Variable costs 60,000
Contribution 60,000
Fixed costs 40,000
Profit P20,000

The break-even graph (1) is shown on the following page.

The graph is drawn as follows:

(a) The vertical axis represents money (costs and revenue), and the horizontal axis represents
the level of activity (production and sales).
(b) The fixed costs are represented by a straight line parallel to the horizontal axis (in our
example, at P40,000).
(c) The variable costs are added ‘on top of’ fixed costs, to give total costs. It is assumed that
fixed costs are the same in total and variable costs are the same per unit at all levels of

The line of costs is, therefore, straight, and only two points need to be plotted and joined
up. Perhaps the two most convenient points to the plot are total costs at zero output and
total costs at the budgeted output.
 At zero output, costs are equal to the amount of fixed costs only, P40,000, since there
are no variable costs.
 At the budgeted output of 120,000 units, costs are P100,000.
Fixed costs P 40,000
Variable costs 120,000 × 50c 60,000
Total costs P 100,000

(d) The sales line is also drawn by plotting two points and joining them up.
(i.) At zero sales, revenue is nil.
(ii.) At the budgeted output and sales of 120,000 units, revenue is P120,000.
The break-even point is where total costs are matched exactly by total revenue. From the
graph, this can be seen to occur at output and sales of 80,000 units, when revenue and costs
are both P80,000. This break-even point can be proved mathematically as:
Required contribution (= fixed costs) P40,000
= = 80,000 units
Contribution per unit 50c per unit

The safety margin can be seen on the graph as the difference between the budgeted level of
activity and the break-even level.

9.2 The value of break-even graphs

Break-even graphs are used as follows:
 To plan the production of a company’s products
 To market a company’s products
 To give a visual display of break-even calculations

Worked Example: Variations in the use of break-even graphs

Break-even graphs can be used to show variations in the possible sales price, variable costs, or
fixed costs. Suppose that a company sells a product that has a variable cost of P2 per unit. Fixed
costs are P15,000. It has been estimated that if the sales price is set at P4.40 per unit, the
expected sales volume would be 7,500 units, whereas if the sales price is lower, at P4 per unit,
the expected sales volume would be 10,000 units. Draw a break-even graph to show the
budgeted profit, the break-even point, and the safety margin at each of the possible sales prices.

Sales price Sales price P4
P4.40 per unit per unit
Fixed costs P15,000 P15,000
Variable costs (7,500 × P2.00) 15,000 (10,000 × P2.00) 20,000
Total costs 30,000 35,000
Budgeted revenue (7,500 × P4.40) 33,000 (10,000 × P4.00) 40,000

(a) Break-even point A is the break-even point at a sales price of P4.40 per unit, which is
6,250 units or P27,500 in costs and revenues
Required contribution to breakeven P15,000
(check: = = 6,250 units)
Contribution per unit P2.40 per unit

The safety margin (A) is 7,500 units – 6,250 units = 1,250 units or 16.7% of expected

(b) Break-even point B is the break-even point at a sales price of P4 per unit, which is 7,500
units or P30,000 in costs and revenues.
Required contribution to breakeven P15,000
(check: = = 7,500 units)
Contribution per unit P2 per unit

The safety margin (B) = 10,000 units − 7,500 units = 2,500 units or 25% of expected sales.
Since a price of P4 per unit gives a higher expected profit and a wider safety margin, this
price will probably be preferred even though the break-even point is higher than at a sales
price of P4.40 per unit.

9.3 Contribution (or contribution break-even) graphs

As an alternative to drawing the fixed cost line first, it is possible to start with variable costs.
This is known as a contribution graph. An example is shown below using the data in Paragraph

One of the advantages of the contribution graph is that it shows clearly the contribution for
different levels of production (indicated here at 120,000 units, the budgeted level of output) as
the ‘wedge’ shape between the sales revenue line and the variable costs line. At the break-even
point, the contribution equals fixed costs exactly. At levels of output above the break-even
point, the contribution is larger, and not only covers fixed costs but also leaves a profit. Below
the break-even point, the loss is the amount by which contribution fails to cover fixed costs.

9.4 The profit/volume (P/V) chart

The profit/volume (P/V) chart is a variation of the break-even graph, which illustrates the
relationship between costs and profits to sales and the safety margin.

A P/V chart is constructed as follows (look at the graph in the example that follows as you read
the explanation).
(a) ‘P’ is on the y-axis and comprises not only ‘profit’ but contribution to profit (in monetary
terms), extending above and below the x-axis with a zero point at the intersection of the
two axes, and the negative section below the x-axis representing fixed costs. This means
that at zero production, the company is incurring a loss equal to the fixed costs.
(b) ‘V’ is on the x-axis and comprises either volume of sales or value of sales (revenue).
(c) The profit-volume line is a straight line drawn with its starting point (at zero production) at
the intercept on the y-axis representing the level of fixed costs and with a gradient of
contribution/unit (or the P/V ratio if sales value is used rather than units). The P/V line will
cut the x-axis at the breakeven point of sales volume. Any point on the P/V line above the
x-axis represents the profit to the company (as measured on the vertical axis) for that
particular level of sales.

Worked Example: P/V chart

Let us draw a P/V chart for our example (Paragraph 9.1). At sales of 120,000 units, total
contribution will be 120,000 × P(1 – 0.5) = P60,000 and total profit will be P20,000.
9.5 The advantage of the P/V chart
The P/V chart shows clearly the effect on profit and break-even point of any changes in selling
price, the variable cost, fixed cost, and/or sales demand.

If the budgeted selling price of the product in our example is increased to P1.20, with the result
that demand drops to 105,000 units despite additional fixed advertising costs of P10,000. At
sales of 105,000 units, contribution will be 105,000 × P(1.20 – 0.50) = P73,500 and total profit
will be P23,500 (fixed costs being P50,000).

The diagram shows that if the selling price is increased, the break-even point occurs at a lower
level of sales revenue (71 429 units instead of 80,000 units), although this is not a particularly
large increase when viewed in the context of the projected sales volume. It is also possible to
see that for sales above 50,000 units, the profit achieved will be higher (and the loss achieved
lower) if the price is P1.20. For sales volumes below 50,000 units, the first option will yield
lower losses.

The P/V chart is the clearest way of presenting such information; two conventional break-even
graphs on one set of axes would be very confusing. Changes in the variable cost per unit or
fixed costs at certain activity levels can also be easily incorporated into a P/V chart. The profit
or loss at each point where the cost structure changes should be calculated and plotted on the
graph so that the profit/volume line becomes a series of straight lines.

For example, suppose that in our example, at sales levels over 120,000 units, the variable cost
per unit increases to P0.60 (perhaps because of overtime premiums that are incurred when
production exceeds a certain level). At sales of 130,000 units, the contribution would, therefore,
be 130,000 × P(1 – 0.60) = P52,000, and the total profit would be P12,000.
• Break-even analysis is a useful technique for managers as it can provide simple and quick
estimates. Break-even graphs provide a graphical representation of break-even calculations.

Break-even analysis does, however, have some limitations.

The limitations of break-even analysis are described in the list that follows:
• It can only apply to a single product or a single mix of a group of products.
• A break-even graph may be time-consuming to prepare.
• It assumes fixed costs are constant at all levels of output.
• It assumes that variable costs are the same per unit at all levels of output.
• It assumes that sales prices are constant at all levels of output.
• It assumes production and sales are the same (inventory levels are ignored).
• It ignores the uncertainty in the estimates of fixed costs and variable cost per unit.

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