4A Vocabulary: Cause and Result

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4A Vocabulary: Cause and result

 Lead to: (verb) to cause something to happen or exist. + A poor diet can lead to health
problems in later life.
 Cause: (verb) to make something happen. + Last winter´s storms caused a lot of
 Have an (positive/negative) effect on: (verb phrase) to cause a change, reaction or
result. + The accident had a negative effect on her life for a few years.
 As a result of: (prepositional phrase) because of. + His grades got better as a result
of his extra lessons.
 Effect: (noun) a change, result or reaction that is caused by something. + We don’t
know all the effects of the new drugs yet.
 Affect: (verb) to influence someone or something, or cause them to change. +
Unemployment affect millions of young people.
 Result in: (verb) to be the reason something happens. +The increase in the price of
oil resulted in higher food prices.
 Influence (on): (noun) the power to affect how someone think or behaves, or how
something develops. + Teachers have a lot of influence on their students.
 Influence: (verb) to effect or change how someone or something develops, behaves,
or thinks. + She influenced my decision to go back to university.
 4B Vocabulary: Talking about difficulty
 Punishing: (adjective) very difficult and making you tired. + We had a punishing
training programme in the weeks before the race.
 Strict: (adjective) if a rule, law, etc. is strict, it must be obeyed. + There were strict
rules about our training and diet.
 Tough: (adjective) if a rule, law etc. is tough, it is severe. + There are tough new laws
about pollution in the city.
 Arduous: (adjective) difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy. + We expected the
marathon to be arduous – and it was! + We expected the marathon to be arduous –
and it was!

 Gruelling: (adjective) extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and
determination. + I took part in a gruelling bicycle race through the mountains.
 Rigorous: (adjective) careful to look at or consider every part of something to make
sure it is correct or safe. + Each member of the team went through a rigorous medical
 Tricky: (adjective) if a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and
needs careful attention or skill. + It can be really tricky to drive on snow or ice.
 Demanding: (adjective) needing a lot of your time, attention or effort. + Being a new
parent is very demanding, but it´s also great fun.
 Struggle: (noun) a very difficult task that you can do only by making a great effort. + It
was a struggle to get my new business started, but now it´s a success.
 Testing: (adjective) difficult. + Giving a speech for the first time was a very testing
experience for me.
 Challenge: (verb) to test someone´s ability or determination. + Becoming a coach
after being a player really challenged me.
 Stretch: (verb) if jobs or tasks stretch you, they make you learn new things that use
your skill and experience more than before. + My job doesn’t stretch me enough. I
want to do something more challenging.
 Straightforward: (adjective) easy to do or understand. + Creating an exercise
programme for children is not as straightforward as you think.
 Awkward: (adjective) causing problems, worry, or embarrassment. + I couldn´t
remember her name. it was really awkward.

lead to hacer causas, mover, parir, meter,

ESPAÑOL Conducir a introducir

cause yet
ESPAÑOL porque ESPAÑOL todavía
sustantivo causa, motivo, razón, pleito, adverbio todavía, aún, a pesar de todo
ocasión conjunción con todo, a pesar de que
verbo causar, ocasionar, hacer, dar,
motivar, acarrear, engendrar,

ESPAÑOL mayor tricky
adjetivo mayor, superior, más alto, más ESPAÑOL difícil
elevado adjetivo difícil, tramposo, astuto, espinoso,
sustantivo superioridad intrincado, engorroso, mañoso, artero

punishing noun
ESPAÑOL agotador ESPAÑOL sustantivo, nombre

obeyed struggle
ESPAÑOL obedecido ESPAÑOL lucha
verbo obedecer, cumplir, responder a, acudir sustantivo lucha, esfuerzo, conflicto, forcejeo,
a, hacer caso a, observar las reglas, contienda
obrar de acuerdo con verbo luchar, esforzarse, bregar, forcejear,
ESPAÑOL difícil task
adjetivo difícil, duro, resistente, fuerte, tenaz,
arduo, correoso, pendenciero, malvado, ESPAÑOL tarea
malo, de mano dura, vigoroso, penoso, sustantivo tarea, labor, misión, cometido, deber,
terco, escabroso, espinoso, estropajoso, quehacer, empresa, paquete
esforzado, de pena verbo Encargar
sustantivo forzudo, machote, gorila
verbo pasar, no ceder, mantenerse, no cejar,
andar, ir dando, vivir success
severe sustantivo éxito, triunfo, acierto, prosperidad

adjetivo grave, severo, fuerte, intenso, agudo, serio, testing
duro, riguroso, estricto, violento, austero, ESPAÑOL pruebas
sustantivo pruebas, ensayo, comprobación, puesta
a prueba
arduous adjetivo de prueba, a prueba
adjetivo arduo, difícil, riguroso, escarpado speech
gruelling sustantivo discurso, habla, lenguaje, palabra,
palabras, oración, idioma, parlamento,
ESPAÑOL agotador dialecto, espiche

challenge trouble
ESPAÑOL reto ESPAÑOL problema
sustantivo reto, desafío, desafiador sustantivo problema, apuro, dificultad, molestia,
verbo desafiar, impugnar, retar angustia, pena, mal, esfuerzo, aflicción,
avería, conflicto, fallo, desgracia,
inconveniente, trastorno, aprieto,
stretch preocupación, disgusto, dolor,
enfermedad, disturbio, obstáculo,
ESPAÑOL tramo estorbo, desventura, desavenencia,
verbo estirar, estirarse, extender, extenderse, fracaso, berenjenal, sinsabor, cosa
forzar, ensancharse, ensanchar, difícil, falta de sanidad, cosa no fácil,
esforzarse al máximo, exigir el máximo falta de fortuna, contra
esfuerzo a verbo molestar, molestarse, preocuparse,
sustantivo tramo, extensión, trecho, elasticidad, preocupar, inquietar, turbar, sufrir,
período, esfuerzo, estirón, alcance incomodar, agitar, afligir, padecer,
intimidar, estar preocupado, estar en una
preocupación, sufrir de inquietud, tener
una desventura, caer en desgracia, tener
straightforward una angustia, tener una pena,
ESPAÑOL sencillo importunar
adjetivo sencillo, franco, honrado

adjetivo torpe, incómodo, difícil, embarazoso,
desgarbado, pesado, poco manejable
sustantivo ñango

ESPAÑOL preocupación
sustantivo preocupación, inquietud, problema,
cuidado, molestia, ansia, cuita
verbo preocuparse, preocupar, inquietarse,
inquietar, molestarse, molestar,
apurarse, intranquilizar, pillar, sacudir,
morder sacudiendo

ESPAÑOL repartido
verbo negociar, repartir, dar, comerciar, traficar,
cerrar un trato, asestar, comprar y vender,
cesar un trato, ser mano, descargar, tener la
cantidad de algo

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