Construction Module Project Write-Up

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Construction Module: Project Write-Up

Lauren Johndrow, June 14

What is your Area of Interest?

Healthy Child Development

Description of the Area of Interest

I chose Child Development because it is very personal for me. I have worked with

children since I was 15 and I plan on being an Elementary teacher after I graduate.

Healthy child development is important for not only children but the adults that they will

grow up to be. Many children grow up in a negative home or school environments which

is why this topic is so important to me. Child development has to do with cognitive,

emotional, and physical elements that develop within a child’s lifetime.

Target Audience

Teachers, parents, and children are all involved with my area of interest. My solution to

having more positive child development within schools and at home is creating

supportive environments. This could include extra training for teachers, more

accommodations for kids in schools who need them, more resources for parents given

out by the schools, and inclusivity and multicultural elements in the classroom

curriculum. Kids would benefit from this solution because it could help them become

more successful in life as well as have a more positive experience at school and home.
Projected Outcome and Benefit

The biggest outcome that I am hoping for by the end of my project is just to raise

awareness on how to help children have a healthy development. I would love to see

schools and parents put more effort towards child development just because it is so

important not only to the young children but for their future selves as well. There could

be several benefits of my solution. One of these benefits would be higher success rates

in schools especially for children of color, lower socioeconomic status, and ones who

have learning disabilities. Having a positive home and school environment could also

potentially decrease the rate of bullying in schools and the rates of suicide in the young


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