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Ashes June 2020

to Healing from the past.
Hope for the future.

Greetings Family and Friends, Here’s a short summary: “You’re tied up in knots. You struggle;
your bands tighten, cutting into your skin. Now you’re wound
We haven’t had a break, up into a tangled mess, snarled, and kinked to a standstill.On
have we? We’ve gone from our own, we cannot undo lies we have believed. God can help
pandemic to protests, from us untangle knots of deception, denial, and deceit. We can be
COVID19 to chaos, and encouraged from God’s word. “Therefore we also, since we are
from disease to dismay. I surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every
believe God is moving with weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run
grace, love, and power, with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)
we can keep our eyes on The cloud of witnesses are our examples of how to move ahead in
Him and not on what is spite of something that may have kept us in knots. In Christ, we
going on around us. I’ve can break free.”
found comfort and calm in
Hebrews 13:5-6 God says, We are praying peace, hope, and unity for our country, our
“Never will I leave you; never churches, and our leadership. Jim and I continue to pray strength
will I forsake you. So we say and endurance for you and your family.
Ministry by zoom continues as I am
with confidence, ‘The Lord is mentoring Anabel who lives in Vallejo,
my helper; I will not be afraid. Much love,
CA. Each week we connect for an hour to
What can man do to me?’” discuss The Virtual Discipleship Course.
The curriculum Anabel and I are using is the Freedom In Christ “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
Discipleship material to assist believers to understand and peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I
believe transforming biblical truths and processing through The have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Steps to Freedom in Christ. The course does not focus on how to
behave but on how to believe. This course is the same one I use at
Canyon Hills and The Mission at Kern County. I’ve taken a hiatus
from teaching at these two venues until Fall 2019.

I am so excited to share with

you my fourth book, Unraveling
the Lie-Knot will be offered as
one of the core resources
alongside of The Freedom In
Christ Discipleship Course,
The Bondage Breaker, Victory
Over the Darkness, and
Freed to Lead. I am currently
writing this book, it is due to
the FICM Publishing Team on
Sheryl signed a contract with 9/15/2020.
Freedom in Christ International
to write Unraveling the Lie-Knot:
Disentangling Deception in Chaos,
Confusion, and Conflict

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