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/§urton SD 5th -6 th Grade

Number Talks - Whole Number Operations

Number Talks - Sherry Parrish Logistics

Burton School District - Grades 5 & 6
Thursday, January 10, 2018
• Restrooms
• Break(s)
o AM- Lunch- PM
• Quiet Signal
• Book
Nicholas Lopez
K-8 Mathematics SpeclaUst
Tulare County Office of Education

• Understand the purpose of Number Talk s:
0 Develop Number Sense

o Relate to CCSSM Stand ards
• Gain familiarity with the process of fac ilitating a
Number Talk at your grad e level.
• Develop a plan to conduc t a Number Talk w ith your

student s.
• Using the Number Talk s book as a resour ce.

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T ulare County Office of Education

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