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Cram.Com, (2016). Product Strategy Essay.

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Product Strategy
Creating a product to market to the public involves the creation and formulation of a product
strategy. Companies face questions regarding the quality, features and price of a product,
therefore, it is very important that marketing managers develop a wining product offering by
addressing the five product levels, which are potential product, augmented product, expected
product, and basic product. Finally, once all these levels have been identified and addressed,
customer value hierarchy is created. (Kotler & Keller, 2009) Within that product strategy,
applying a means-end chain theory to create attribute-benefit-value for the market product is a
great way to generate a desirable product. (Chin-Feng, L. & Hsin-Chung, H., 2009)
"Analytical …show more content…
E., & Enis, B. M. (1986) "it is not necessary to have different classifications for goods, services,
and ideas. From the buyer's perspective, it is benefit not product features, that the individual or
organization desires" (pg. 25) the main idea of this theory implies that companies are able to
integrate a product classification scheme to add preference to the equation and offer the expected
final product to organizations and consumers. (Murphy, P. E., & Enis, B. M., 1986) Product
differentiation is important and it is critical to the overall success of the strategic marketing plan
of a company. Furthermore, marketers have "abundance of differentiation possibilities, including
from, features, customization, performance, quality, conformance quality, durability, reliability,
reparability, and style." (Kotler & Keller, 2009, pg. 321) all of these differentiation categories
must be taken in to consideration when a marketer creates the product or service's uniqueness.
(Kotler & Keller, 2009) Certainly, the design of a product and service is a huge factor that in
sometimes making the difference when it comes to consumer preferring one product over other
ones. Marketers and companies are aware of the impact that a well design product or service has
on consumers. (Kotler & Keller, 2009) Services differentiation is another tool that can be apply
when the physical design of a product cannot be change or improve. Operationally, companies

Reflective Essay on Product Strategy

Product is one of the four key elements in Marketing Mix or 4Ps (product, place, price,
promotion); it plays such a significant aspect for those companies who give their focus on the
product which is where their strengths are, and this action has been called Product Orientation
Method. It means the business approach that all company activities will put their attention to
improve, re-design and refine its product quality by assuming that the customers always want the
best quality product with a competitive price1. Product Strategy will be a key to success to product
orientation companies where marketing plans will be …show more content…
When comparing between iPad and Kindle, obviously iPad is more expensive as there are many
functions that keep entertainning its owner; the same situation about pricing in grey market
happens with iPad as well. When talking about the battery life, Kindle is the winner in this matter
as there is no worry about it, just one single charge it can be used for 1-week reading and 2-week
reading with wireless off. iPhone and iPad is much shorter which lasts only hours or day. On the
other hand, iPad and iPhond are better in terms of its storage, which the biggest storage is 64

If you are technology lover, love finding something new, fun and entertaining such as music,
games and movies, you are who Apple is looking for as their target market. If you love reading
books anywhere and anytime, Amazon will offer you Kindle which will help saving your money
with cheaper prices than iBooks (iPad bookstore) on books from non-agency model publishers and
same price on agency model publishers’ books. Kindle store has a wider range of 450,000 titles
while iBooks has only 60,000 titles. iPhone and iPad are more complicated when using as iTune
program is needed to be installed in order to set up every functions on

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