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1. The very common history we know is Bengal lost her independence in 1757
with the defeat of Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah in the Battle of Plassey. Siraj ud-Daulah
was the last independent ruler of Bengal. After the colonial rule of British followed
by the Pakistani rule, Bangladesh became independent in 1971 after about 200
years of occupation by others. Before British, Bengal was ruled by the Nawabs, the
Mughals, the Sultanates, the Pala Dynasty, Raja Shashanka and so on. Who are
those Nawabs, Mughals, Kings, dynasties of Bengal? Who was Nawab Siraj ud-
Daulah? What is the difference between Pakistani rulers, British colonial rule,
Mughal reign, Sultanates and even the rulers before that? Is Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahmanthe first Bengaliruler originated from Bangla to rule Bangla?Is the
established idea of “The sun of independence of Bangla was set on 23 June 1757 at
the Battle of Plassey”correct? Is it true that People of Bengal lost independence on
that day or the people of Bengal never knew what independence is? The Battle of
Plassey was a between the British East India Company against Nawab of
Bengla and their French allies1. The battle consolidated the Company's presence
in Bengal, which later expanded to cover much of India over the next hundred
2. There were several Hindu states established in and around Bengal during the
medieval and early modern periods. These kingdoms contributed a lot to the
economic and cultural landscape of Bengal2. The richness of Bengal in all aspects
allure various ruler of India, Persian, Arabs, Europe to conquer and grasp the
wealth ofBengal.
3. Bangalees had no taste of freedom for thousand years. Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman came as a comet who dared to dream for an independent nation
and became the ultimate leader and Bengali ruler of Bengal (By this time Bengal is
divided into Bangladesh and other Indian States). In this write up I would like to
analyze when Bengal lost her independence, who all ruled Bengal and, when and
Campbell, John; Watts, William (1760), "Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, Anno Domini
1757", World Digital Library, retrieved 30 September 2013

howthe Bangalees earnedtheir independence. Why Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman is the all times greatest leader of Bengal.
4. For refreshing our knowledge some definitions are discussed below:
a. Independent State. Independence is a condition of a person,
nation, country or a state in which its residents and population, or some
portion thereof, exercise self-governance and usually sovereignty, over the
territory3. So, the very definition of independence states that it must have
self-governance or a government who represents its population and not
answerable to any foreign state for her deeds.

b. Self-Government. An independent state must have self-government.

It can be used to describe a person or many persons or a group being able to
exercise all of the necessary functions of power without intervention from
any authority that they cannot themselves alter. Mahatma Gandhi’s term
"SWARAJ" is a branch of this self-rule ideology 4. And we look towards the
very word SWARAJ; it means “King of own selves”.

c. Sovereignty. Sovereignty is the full right and power of a

governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or
bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating
supreme authority over some political identity. In international law, the
important concept of sovereignty refers to the exercise of power by a state5.

Pakistan Regime
5. Bangladesh got her independence through bloody war of nine months at the
cost of 30 million lives and sacrifices of the dignity of two hundred thousand
women. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman created the ground, inspired the
mass population and led the Bengali nation to have their own country and a leader
of their own. Though the war was for nine months but Bengali nation had to fight

since the language movement of 1952. The causes of war and independence from
Pakistan is well known to all of us. So, this issue is not discussed elaborately here.

British Colonial Period

6. British established their control over Bengal on 22ndJune 1757 after
defeating Nawab Siraj Ud-Daulah in the Battle of Plassey. What British did, how
they ruled Indian subcontinent is well known to all of us. Signs and legacies of
British rule are still existing in every corner of the country. However, all of us
know that we were not independent during British Rule. Local people were almost
like slaves of British colonial power.

7. The treasury of Bengal valued at approximately US$ 40 billion in today's

currency was looted, by Robert Clive and Great Britain after the Battle of Plassey.
With the total tally of the spoils of conquest possibly well over US$ 1 trillion in
current values, if land grants, tax concessions, trade monopoly rights, revenue
rights, mint rights are included in the accounting.6

8. Nawab was an honorific title ratified and bestowed by the reigning Mughal
emperor to semi-autonomous Muslim rulers of subdivisions or princely states in
the Indian subcontinent loyal to the Mughal Empire7. "Nawab" usually refers to
males and literally means Viceroy; the female equivalent is "Begum" or "Nawab
Begum". The primary duty of a Nawab was to uphold the sovereignty of the
Mughal emperor along with the administration of a certain province.8

Siraj Ud-Daulah
9. Nawab Siraj Ud-Daulah is believed to be the last Nawab of Bengal who lost
to British East India Company in 1757. Siraj succeeded his maternal
grandfather, Alivardi Khan as the Nawab of Bengal in April 1756 at the age of 23.
Siraj was regarded as the "fortune child" of the family. In May 1752, Alivardi
Khan declared Siraj as his successor. In India, Britain was represented by the
British East India Company, had been given a royal charter in 1600 to pursue trade
in the East Indies that included the right to form its own army. The French East

India Company had a similar remit. From 1746, the rival companies fought
the Carnatic Warsfor advantage in India, where they maintained trading posts, and
sought influence over local rulers9. In 1755, Siraj ud-Daulah became Nawab of
Bengal and adopted a pro-French policy. He overran British trading posts
in Kolkata that caused infamous "black hole of Kolkata." Lieutenant Colonel
Robert Clive was sent from Madras to tackle the situation. On 22ndJune 1757,
British East Indian Company defeated French East India backed forces of Nawab

10. After the defeat of Siraj Ud-Daulah this representation was shifted from
Mughals to British as East India Company did not take over the power rather Mir
Zafar was made the Nawab of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha. After the defeat of Siraj
UdDaulah, in the evening of 23 June, Clive received a letter from Mir Jafar asking
for a meeting with him. When Mir Jafar arrived at the British camp at Daudpur in
the morning, Clive embraced him and saluted him as the Nawab
of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.10

Identity of Siraj Ud-Daulah

11. Zain ud-Din Ahmed Khan was the father of Nawab Siraj. He was a Mughal
aristocrat. Zain Uddin was the son of Haji Ahmad, the elder brother of Alivardi
Khan. Zain Uddin was given the title Khan by the Nawab of Bengal, Suja-ud-Din
Muhammad Khan. Zain uddinmarried Amina Begum, the daughter of Alivardi
Khan. After Alivardi Khan became the Nawab of Bengal Zain ud-Din Khan was
made the governor of Bihar.11

12. If we look at the family background of Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah then we can

discover that he was only borne in Murshidabad of Bengal. His father was from
Deccan, their religion was Shia Muslim and they were allegiance to Mughal
Umpire.12None of the members of Sirajud- Daulah’s family tree was from Bangla,
Bihar and Orissa.

Alivardi Khan

10 (Aftermath)

13. Alivardi Khan (Mirza Muhammad Ali) was Nawab of Bengal from 1740 to
1756. His father was employee of Azam Shah, the son of Mughal Emperor
Aurangazeb. He managed to find employment under the Subahdar (Provincial
governor) of Orissa, Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan. After Shuja-ud-Din was
promoted to the post of the Nawab of Bengal, his future prospects widened13.

14. In 1728, Shuja-ud-Din promoted Mirza Muhammad Ali

to Faujdar (General) of Rajmahal and entitled him as Alivardi Khan . In 1733, he
was assigned as the Naib Nazim (Deputy Subahdar) of Bihar.But, Alivardi Khan
aspired for larger authority. On 10thApril 1740 in the Battle of Giria, he defeated
and killed Shujaud-Din's successor, Sarfaraz Khan15. Thus, he took control of
Bengal and Bihar. Then on 3rdMarch 1741 he defeated Rustam Jang, deputy
governor of Orissa and a relative of Sarfaraz Khan, in the battle of
Phulwarion16. Orissa also came under control of Alivardi Khan.17

15. Alivardi Khan was borne in Deccan18. The Deccan Plateau is a

large plateau in western and southern India. It extends over eight Indian states
covering significant parts ofTelengana, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh. The Deccan produced some of the major dynasties in Indian history
including Muslim Bahmani Sultanate, Deccan Sultanate and the Nizam of
Hyderabad. So, Alivardi Khan was not from Bengal.

Shah, Mohammad (2012). "Alivardi Khan". In Islam, Sirajul; Jamal, Ahmed A.
(eds.). Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Second ed.). Asiatic Society of
Ali Vardi Khan and his times, Author - K. K. Dutt
Shah, Mohammad (2012). "Alivardi Khan". In Islam, Sirajul; Jamal, Ahmed A.
(eds.). Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Second ed.). Asiatic Society of

Murshid Quli Khan
16. Murshid Quli Khan was the first Nawab of Bengal, serving from 1717 to
1727. Born as a Hindu in the Deccan Plateau in 1670, Murshid Quli Khan was
brought up by Mughal noble Haji Shafi. After Shafi's death, he worked under
the Diwan of Vidarbha (Vidarbha is the eastern region of the Indian state
of Maharastra, comprising Nagpur Division and Amravati Division19), during
which time he picked the attention of the then-emperor Aurangazeb, who sent him
to Bengal as the diwan20. So, Bengal was not ruled by a Bengali leader.

Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan

17. Born at Burhanpur, Deccan, as Mirza Shujaud-din Muhammad Khan. He
was appointedas Subahdar of Orissa in 1719. He was also appointed as the
Subahdar of Bengal in July 1727 and Subahdar of Bihar in 173121. The title

of Subahdar was bestowed by the Mughal Emperor of Delhi22. So, Shuja-Ud-
Uddin was also born in Deccan and appointed by Mughals and he was not the
Bengali leader or ruler.

18. The evidences above prove that Nawabs of Bengal were not originated from
Bengal. Nawabs were the local representatives of Mughals of Delhi. They used to
collect taxes from locals, use those for themselves while sending some portion of it
to the center (Mughals or British) looked after the interest of Mughals/British and
ensure the territorial integrity and occupation. British East India Company also
appointed Mir Jafar as Nawab of Bengal. When Mir Jafar realized that he was just
puppet of British he tried to invite Dutch from Indo-China to fight against the
British. As British understood the intention of Mir Jafar, he was replaced by Mir
Qasim as Nawab of Bengal23. Bengal was not independent and people of Bengal
did not have self- governance and sovereignty.


19. The Mughal emperor starts with Samrat Babur and ended with the fall of
monarch Bahadur Shah Zafar. Babur was born in present-day Uzbekistan, and
became ruler of Kabul in Afghanistan. From there, he invaded the kingdom of the
Lodi Afghans in northern India in 1526 and established a dynasty that was to rule
for three centuries.24Their empire was spread over the present-day India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh including Afghanistan.

20. The Mughals emerged as a branch of theTimurd Dynasty of Turco-

Mongol originated from Central Asia. Their founder Babur was a Timurid prince
from the Fergana Valley  (in modern Uzbekistan), was a direct descendant
of Timur (Taimur and historically best known as Amir Timur or Tamerlane, was a
Turco-Mongol Persianate conqueror who founded the Timurid Dynasty 25). He was
also affiliated with Genghis Khan through Timur's marriage to a
Genghisid princess.26 The Mughal Empire remained in control of Indian
subcontinent for about 300 years. It started to lose control as soon as British East
"Shujauddin_Muhammad_Khan". Banglapedia.

India Company defeated Nawab Siraj-Ud Daula in 1757. The empire was formally
dissolved by the British Raj after the Indian Rebellion of 185727.

21. Mughal India had 25 percent of the world's GDP, prior to British
colonization. However, over 50 percent of this was collected from the State of
Bengal (the wealthiest and most industrial state of Moghul India). Dhaka was the
economic center. Present day Bangladesh used to generate approximately 12
percent of world GDP in the 1700s.28

22. Dhaka in the 1700s, was a city with a population of over a million, one of
the wealthiest cities in the world, with an estimated 80,000 skilled textile weavers.
Dhaka, an exporter of silk and cotton textiles, steel, saltpeter, agricultural and
industrial production was reduced to a city deserted, and its inhabitants pushed to
beggary and starvation within a generation29.

23. Mughal Emperor was centering Delhi and other part of India and their
presence is felt in other cities of India except Bangla. There was no specific
development plan except making forts and palaces which were made for their self
defence, comfort and entertainment. Mughals ruled Bengal in the same way like
any other occupied ruler or dynasties. Mughal sucked Bengal and then British
sucked those from India. The style of ruling might be different but the end result
was same.


24. The Delhi Sultanate refers to the five short-lived Muslim kingdoms of

Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin that ruled the territory of Delhi between 1206
and 1526 CE. In the 16th century, the last of their line was overthrown by the
Mughals30.The Muslim conquest Indian subcontinent in twelfth century


and absorbed Bengal into the medieval Islamic and Persianate worlds31. Between
the 1204 and 1352, Bengal was a province of the Delhi Sultanate32. Ikhtiyār al-Dīn
Muḥammad Bakhtiyār Khaljī was the first Muslim to conquer and rule
Bengal.  Bakhtiyar Khalji, a member of the Khalaj tribe, a Turkic tribe settled in
southern Afghanistan. He was head of the military force that conquered parts of
eastern India at the end of the 12th century and at the beginning of the 13th
century. Bakhtyiar served as a military general of the Delhi Sultanates
founder Qitb-Al-Din Aibak33.It ruled over what is now Bangladesh, West Bengal,
parts of the Indian states of Assam, Bihar, Orissa, and Tripura; and the
Arakan region of Burma (Rakhain State of Myanmar). The Delhi
Sultan Iltumish declared Bengal as a province of Delhi in 1225.

25. Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah was the sultan of Bengal (1338-1349). He was

the founder of the earliest independent Muslim sultanate in Bengal with his
headquarters at the historic city of Sonargaon. Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah was of
Turki origin and appears to belong to the Qaraunah Turks 34. He conquered and
expanded his territory up to Kumilla, Noakhali, Sylhet and Chottogram etc.

26. Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah was the ruler of Satgaon (Satgaon was an important
port town in medieval Bengal situated on the southwestern bank of Hughli river 35).
Ilyas Shah defeated Alauddin Ali Shah and secured control of Gauda. He then
defeated Ikhtiyaruddin of Sonargaon. By 1352, Ilyas Shah emerged victorious
among the Bengali triad.36

27. Ilyas Shah conquered eastern Bengal and northern Bihar. He controlled an
area stretching from Assam in the east to Varanasi in the west. In 1353. His
campaigns were considered "world-conquering" in the context of medieval India.
Ilyas Shah has been described as the Bengali equivalent of Alexander or
Napoleon37. Ilyas Shah was defeated by Delhi Sultan Firuz Shah in the Siege of
Ekdala Fort during the Bengal Sultanate- Delhi Sultanate War. The war resulted in

Arjomand, Said Amir (2004). Studies on Persianate Societies. ISBN 978-81-7304-667-4.
Richard M. Eaton (31 July 1996). The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760. University of California
Press. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-520-20507-9.

Delhi recognizing the separation of Bengal from its authority38. Bengal agreed to
pay a tribute to the Delhi Sultan. Despite losing control of many conquered areas,
Ilyas Shah remained in firm control of Bengal 39. Ilyas Shah was an inhabitant of
Sijisthan40, located in Afghanistan near Iran border. So, Bangla was not ruled by a
native man.



28. The Middle kingdoms of India were the political entities in India from the
3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. The period begins after the decline of
the Maurya Empire. The “Middle period” lasted for about 1500 years and ended in
the 13th century, with the rise of the Delhi Sultanate, founded in 1206.41

Sena Dynasty

29. Sena Dynasty ruled Bengal for little over a century (1097-1225). The
emergence of the dynasty, who supplanted the Palas in Bengal towards the close
of the 11th century. Taking advantage of the revolt of the Samantachakra in
the Varendra during the reign of Mahipala II, Vijaysena gradually consolidated
his position in Western Bengal.

30. The rulers of the Sena Dynasty traced their origin to the south Indian
region of Karnatka42. BallalaSena married Ramadevi a princess of the Western
Chalukya Empire43. It indicates that the Sena rulers maintained close social
contact with south India even after their dynasty was set in Bengal.

31. In 1203–1204 AD, the Turkish general Bakhtiyar Khalji attacked

Nabadwip. Khalji defeated Lakshman Sen and captured northwest Bengal –
although Eastern Bengal remained under Sena control44. This actual laid the
foundation of Sultanates of India and end of Sena Dynasty.

Kunal Chakrabarti; Shubhra Chakrabarti (22 August 2013). Historical Dictionary of the Bengalis.
Scarecrow Press. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-8108-8024-5.
The History of the Bengali Language by Bijay Chandra Mazumdar p.50
Land of Two Rivers: A History of Bengal from the Mahabharata to Mujib by Nitish K. Sengupta p.51

32. The Pala Empire (750–1120) was a Bengali empire and the last Buddhist
imperial power the Indian subcontinent. Gopala was its first ruler. He came to
power in 750 through an election by chieftains in Gauda. Gopala reigned from
about 750–770 and consolidated his position by extending his control over all of
Bengal.45 The first Pala king Gopala was the son of a warrior named Vapyata. They
were from Varendra area (Varendra was a region of North Bengal, now in
Bangladesh. It included the Pundravardhana or pundro kingdom region currently
part of Rangpur and Rajshahi division of Bangladesh) 46. The Palas were astute
diplomats and military conquerors. Their army was noted for its vast war
elephant corps. Their navy performed both mercantile and defensive roles in
the Bay of Bengal47.

33. With the rise of Gopala in 750 AD, Bengal was united under the Buddhist
Pala Empire until the 12th century then being succeeded by the Hindu Chandra
dynasty, Sena dynasty and Deva dynasty48. The Chandra dynasty was a
Buddhist dynasty, originating from the Indian subcontinent, which ruled
the Samatat (present-day Dhaka Division, Sylhet Division, Barisal Division and
Chattogram Division49. The capital of the dynasty was Bikrampur in present-
day Munshiganj district50).

34. As Palas were originated from North Bengal so, they were the last ruler of
Bengal region originated in this area. Sena dynasty emerged and subsequently
they lost to the Sultanates of Delhi and the rule of Sultanates started at the
beginning of 12th century. Thus, it may be said that Bengal lost independence
once Sena Dynasty took control of Bengal from Palas sometime around mid-11 th
century AD51. Palas were the last independent and native rulers of Bengal.



35. The history of our independence only depicts the struggles, revolutions and
fights against British and Pakistani occupations. It is not learnt much how the local
people was treated by the Sultanates, The Mughals, Nawabs and Jamindar.
Butsurely the mass people did not have any idea of self-governance, independence,
freedom of life. The behavior of Jamindar and Nawabs was just like the Master and
servants. Mass people was even happy to be the servants of Zamindars. Whenever
there was any uprising or dissatisfaction, it used to be handled brutally. People of
Bengal most likely accepted that Nawabs and Zamindarsas their God, mass people
were the dolls to their masters.

36. The lust for freedom, independence is within a human being. It might be
suppressed for years and centuries but the dream cannot be evaporated. It needed
the spark in right time at the right place for the right cause. Slavery for about
thousand years had brought many martyrs but Bangla could get very few leaders
who would light the fire. Sher E Bangla A. K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed
Surrawardy, Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani were the top leaders during late
British and Pakistan period. But there is no evidence that these leaders wanted the
ultimate independence of Bengal. Rather Bangla was divided into many pieces.
Geographically, strategically important places were separated which our leaders
failed to appreciate. Maybe, they were happy with British rule and limited
autonomy as Fazlul Huq was the first Prime Minister of Bengal under British rule.
In 1947 they did not want back Bengal (Bangla, Bihar, Orissa) from the British as
it was before the Battle of Plassey though A. K. Fazlul Huq was influential leader
at that time.

37. There is no doubt about the patriotism of these leaders, but they failed to
dream. They failed to appreciate that Bangladesh cannot remain with Pakistan only
because both were Muslim majority states. They failed to revolt; they were too
gentle. They were witty but did not have the charisma to let the people to give their
lives for an independent Bangladesh. They could not dream such a big dream.

38. No obstacle remains forever. The lust for the independence, free sky and
soothing breeze did not die forever. Rather, it gave birth and brought a hero who
could be their savior. And someone came with that dream, required charisma,

decisiveness and boldness to give rebirth of a nation. He could sparkle the fire in
the blood of mass population who had been sleeping for thousand years. People did
not hesitate to give away their lives to respond to the call of that great leader
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Being junior to Sher E Bangla A. K. Fazlul
Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Surrawardy, Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani;
Bangabandhu had been waiting for the perfect time. He saw British rule and
failures of our predecessors. Language movement gave him the hints that it would
not be possible to stay together with Pakistanis. He waited and made the platform.

39. Bangabandhu laid the foundation of independence through Six Points

Programme in 1966. He played a vital role to grow sense of separation from
West Pakistan. These six points made it clear that Pakistan could remain as a
single entity if equal political and economic rights were ensured. As the six
points programme was not accepted by Pakistani rulers and military juntas, it
was clear to the people of Bangladesh that their hope of self-governance,
sovereignty and equal power were far away if they stay with West Pakistan.
So, people of Bangladesh was waiting for the election to choose their leader
from themselves who was brought up playing in the same soil, who breathed
the same breeze, who bathed in the same river, who ate the same dishes, who
could think for themselves, who would smile when his people were happy. In
the general election of 1970, people of Bangladesh gave their verdict for their
leader. But it was not possible to accept the result by the Pakistanis. Pakistani
rulers failed to handover the power to the party that got majority. People of
Bangladesh understood that they were deprived, they were cheated. Everyone
of East Pakistan felt like he or she was not given the power; not the party or
any individual. That made the mass people to revolt, to stand together against
Pakistani forces, to snatch the victory.

40. Bangabandhu could ignite the lazy bloods of Bengali nations to stand firm
against all the odds and fight against a regular force. The historical speech of
07thMarch 1971 was a master piece of this nature. It had complete guidelines,
vision, mission and how to achieve that. Bangabandhu could exactly visualize the
subsequent actions of Pakistani authority. He could smell that he would be arrested
and his people might be under attack. Thereby, he even dictated what to do when
he would not be there. People from all corners of life joined the war. It was

Bangabandhu’s universally recognized authority which persuaded people from
all walks of life to support and participate in liberation war. Military personnel
from East Pakistan, personnel of East Pakistan Rifles, Policeall left the ruling side
and joined the liberation war knowing fully well the consequences. They had only
two options; either independence or death through court martial. Judges, diplomats,
university teachers, scholars, doctors, businessman, farmers everyone responded to
the call of Bangabandhu. Bangabandhu could even ignite the woman and girls who
are historically and genetically shy to go out Bangabandhu declared the
independence in perfect time and did not bargain with it. He was put in jail,
tortured both physically and mentally, but nothing could tilt him from his dream
and promise to the people.

41. On 7th of March, he urged the Bengali population to prepare for liberation
war. This however did not establish the sovereignty of Bangladesh at that moment.
Bangladesh was declared sovereign by the Proclamation of Independence itself.
The declaration of independence by Bangabandhu was instrumental to the
resistance and in the formation of a provisional government as it served as a
direction at a crucial moment for the nation. To simply understand, sovereignty (of
a polity, i.e. political unit) is, among others, the state of making laws and
controlling resources without the coercion of any other country. As Bangladesh
had been a sovereign nation then, it exercised its legislative authority by issuing
the Laws Continuance and Enforcement Order which provided that "all laws which
were in force on the 25th day of March, 1971, in the territories now comprised in
the People's Republic of Bangladesh shall continue to be in force in Bangladesh".
Therefore, it is considered for Bangladesh to have had attained sovereignty on the
26th March.52

42. Most of our people are religious minded. It was not an easy task to ignite
them against Pakistan; the so-called defender of Islam. Though Pakistani occupied
force played this dirty game of religion but it was the personality and leadership of
Bangabandhu that overcame this issue. Bangladeshi people are the only the
colonial servants who stood against colonial masters because of the brave leader
like Bangabandhu. Bangladesh is the only nation in the world that owes a blood
debt to the people who died for liberation. It owes much to the leader who

played a critical role in inculcating nationhood within the hearts of the

43. Pala Empire most likely was the last independent, sovereign government or
emperor of unified Bengal originating from North Bengal. Hindu Chandra dynasty,
Sena dynasty and deva dynasty succeeded the Pala dynasty in 12 th century. As the
most authentic sources and discussion assumes that the Turkish general Bakhtiyar
Khalji attacked Nabadwip and defeated Lakshman Sen that laid the foundation of
Sultanates of India and end of Sena Dynasty.

44. It is for sure that people of Bangladesh did not have the taste of freedom,
independence, self-governance, rule by own selves for close to thousand years.
Nawabs of Bengal were originated in Deccan area of India, they were the
representatives of Mughals of India. In 1526, Babur won the Battle of Panipat
against Ibrahim Lodi and founded the Mughal Empire. The founder of Mughal
reign started with Babur who came from Uzbekistan. Bangla was the main revenue
generator for Mughal emperor. Because of the policies set by the Mughals,
economy of Dhaka deteriorated and became a city of beggar. All these happened
because Bangla was not independent, it was ruled by foreign colonialist.

45. The reign of Delhi Sulatnates began with Bakhtiar Khilzi between 1202 and
1204. The sultanates were originated from Turkey. Shamsuddin Ilias Shah and his
family ruled Bengal for around 150 years. Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah was the
first Sultan of Bengal and founder of the Ilyas Shah Dynasty. He was
from Sistani, Afghanistan.

46. There is no evidence of any organized protest against the rules of Sultanates
and Mughals. May be those rulers were very good and caring to the locals. Or may
be local people did not know what is independence. People did not think they
could rule themselves. Local people took it natural that they would be ruled by the
Kings, Nawabs etc. However, there were number of protests against British rules in
Indian subcontinent. Many martyrs sacrificed their lives protesting against British
rule. After the British Rule, people of Bangla thought they got the independence.
Within a very short time, Bengali people realized that they were in even worst
hands of Pakistani rulers. People of Bangla did not have the right to choose their
leader. A. K. Fazlul Huq, Sharwardee, Moulana Bhashani were great leaders. But
they failed to dream big.

47. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the one who thought Bangladesh
could be an independent country. Without independence from Pakistan, the soul of
the Bengali people would not get peace. It was a very difficult task to ignite the
whole nation to fight for independence. He created and waited for the right time,
place and situation. It had complete vision and guideline how to achieve that. The
historical speech of Bangbandhu on 07th March 1971 was a masterpiece. It ignited
the whole nation to get independence. Bangabandhu prepared the whole nation and
guided them to achieve the ultimate objective; an independent Bangladesh for the
people of this land. No other leader ever before could think of independent
Bangladesh. Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujib is the one who dreamt it and gave birth of
this red and green flag. Without Bangabandhu, the dream of an independent
Bangladesh would remain as dream or might be Bengali people would not dream
even. That is why Bangabandhu is the greatest Bangali of thousand years. He is the
Father of the Bangali Nation.


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