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Free Your Mind from Limiting Beliefs

PSYCH-K® Weekend Workshop

What do you want instead of what you have now?
Your beliefs create your life. Change your Beliefs, change your life!

February 19th and 20th, 2011

Saturday/Sunday, 9am-5 5.30 pm

Cost $450.00 - $50 Registration Fee due by February 1, 2011. Please mail to Breia Wood at
Location: Neuro Fitness Center - 29260 Franklin Road Suite 126, Southfield, MI 48034
(Turn into the Claymoor plaza driveway off Franklin Road and drive all the way to the end. Make a left at the end of the driveway.
Neuro Fitness Center entrance is on the left.)

Contact: Breia Wood 888-645-6746, and Saryu Dalal 610-277-0690,

Is there a part of your life that stays stuck no matter how hard you try to change or improve it? Are you
repeating the same old patterns again and again? The part of you that wants to change is your conscious
mind. It creates your goals and direction. However, there is also a part of the mind that can paralyze you from
achieving your goals--keeping you from living the life you truly want. This part of the mind, the subconscious
mind, is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and it can support you or sabotage you!
Even life-long patterns of struggle can be changed quickly & easily by simply "re-programming" the
subconscious mind to support you!

You are invited to a workshop where you will learn to use your WHOLE MIND to create the life you want
now!! PSYCH-K® is a powerful tool for life transformation. Whether you are looking to improve your financial
success, your relationships, your health, or to create peace in your life, PSYCH-K® can assist you in realizing
your dreams. People have achieved success with phobias, stress, anxiety, depression, procrastination, health
problems, smoking, enhancing relationships, self-esteem, job performance, prosperity and much more!

PSYCH-K™ is a user-friendly way of changing self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs

into self-supporting ones, for rapid and enduring changes. How you perceive events is largely determined by
your subconscious beliefs. Hence altering your unwanted subconscious beliefs, promotes cellular healing. It is
our beliefs, not our genes, that control our lives. As you transform the disharmonious programming within your
thoughts and mind, your body then produces the healing chemistry that matches your beliefs and you move
into life-affirming experiences.

In his best selling book, "The Biology of Belief", Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, says
" PSYCH-K® represents an important step towards the New Psychology for the 21st century, and
beyond. These are simple, empowering techniques to change your beliefs and perceptions that impact
your life at the cellular level".

In the two-day experiential Basic PSYCH-K® workshop, you learn tools you can use for the rest of your life.
Learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind to create the future you want! Rewrite those
outdated programs that no longer serve you into empowering beliefs that propel you to your desires
and dreams. Go beyond affirmations, willpower and positive thinking. Simple but powerful, PSYCH-K® will
empower you to release the painful past and embrace a joyful future!
Saryu Dalal is a Life Coach, leadership trainer and Energy Worker. She has a Master's
degree in Economics and has held various executive positions in Finance and Management. She is a licensed
facilitator for Franklin Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and DDI
Management Training and Emotional Intelligence. Her mission is to bring Spirituality into the corporate
world .This quest led led her to PSYCH-K® which brings out the best in every individual. She is one of thirty-
five certified PSYCH-K® trainers in the world. Saryu will teach you the inner-technology tools, and how to
tailor the process to your own unique circumstances through a verifiable feedback protocol. Saryu has a warm
and gentle style that puts everyone at ease. Her blend of business and spiritual experience, wisdom, intuition,
and passion makes her a rare and much loved teacher.

PSYCH-K is the most powerful system for personal growth that I have encountered. It's fun, simple and it has
permanently changed my life.-- Chuck Lynch, Manager-Sales Training, Houston , TX

Wonderful simple, powerful and effective!! Synthesis of many other modalities I have studied. What a gift to us all ! The
workshop's effectiveness was enhanced by Saryu's sensitivity, intuition, professionalism and her divine presence! --
Susan Gravely, Energy Worker, Philadelphia , PA

I have spent thousands of dollars on Psychotherapy, a great number of body/mind techniques, Energy workers,
Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Meditation instruction and classes, Self-actualization seminars, etc. While I could see some
benefit from most, none has facilitated the shifts I have seen with Psych-K. There has been noticeable improvement in a
number of areas of my life, personally and professionally. I am now able to pursue avenues that normally would have
caused some level of self-limiting anxiety and experience much less or no anxiety. And I've just started to use it! -- Patricia
Salvitti, Director of Media Wellness Center

I was amazed at how simple it is to make changes in basic limiting beliefs using PSYCH-K. All health care professionals
would greatly benefit from this fascinating two-day workshop. -- F. Russell Manuel, Medical Doctor, Anchorage , AK

PSYCH-K® is a very valuable tool - one of the very few I have encountered that helped me get to the CORE of what is
causing the blockage on separation from what one wants - joy, ease & real essence. I love that the workshop was easy,
relaxed, flowed rather than a lot of "work"! -- Dr. Randall, Chiropractor, NY

The two day PSYCH-K workshop was a wonderful balance between theory/practice/experiential learning and energetic
transfer. Most exciting is its simplicity and immediate application in daily life. -- R. Davidson, President, CEO, New Jersey

Saryu’s presence made this experience very memorable! Graceful, deeply intuitive, skillful, Delightful, very
passionate and supportive. Just outstanding!!! Her smile and warmth created safe place for people to open
up. Her confidence and clarity made the program simple and enjoyable! Dr. Donna Angotti, Breast Cancer
Surgeon, Furlong, PA

Saryu is a gift on the Planet! She brings her passion and divinity to PSYCH-K ! Her wisdom, clarity,
graciousness and energy are incredibly powerful. She deeply cares about all her participants which created a
safe and sacred workshop environment!

-Kelly Kosow, Integrative Life Coach, Florida

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