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1. Developing a Briefing report

In the present sensible business environment, every business develops the as proper
sustainability policy as they can because it also fulfills corporate social responsibility.
The business maintains sustainability according to the nature of the operation, so business
firm requires different approach dealing with sustainability.

Sustainability policy and procedures briefing report

This report finds out various policies and procedures to maintain sustainability in the Grow
Management Consultants by identifying the major issues company facing at the present
moment. This report includes the sustainability facts and figures followed by the Company’s
facts and outlines some sustainability benefits. This also presents how sustainability can be
built into business planning and can inform business opportunities to reflect the
organisation’s commitment to sustainability. Likewise, Life cycle mapping and the matrix is
also used in the report to identify and select effective strategies to deduct environmental
impact. At the end of this report, legal requirements are stated in relation to workplace
sustainability and some sustainability action are given to inform action plans.

Sustainability facts and figures

Business is subject to address and looks after the surrounding and business environment in
protective ways to ensure resources are used properly and have options in use for the future
as well. 1Codes of practices in these areas set to facilitate compliance with basic
environmental obligations and fulfil the responsibility underact and protection policy.
Sustainability also is known as ecologically sustainable means managing the utilization of
resources the way which improves the lives of people along, allowing the coming generation
to improve their quality of life by protecting and managing waste. Every organization is
liable to develop the proper policies and procedures on sustainability as in the same way
Grow Consultants liable to develop these because the company is not able to maintain these.

Sustainability benefits

Sustainability plan and policies are important in the business organization that ensures
effective and efficient use of resources that protects the economic and ecological aspects. In
the present sensible business environment, every business develops the as proper
sustainability policy as they can because it also fulfills corporate social responsibility. The
business maintains sustainability according to the nature of the operation, so business firm
requires different approach dealing with sustainability. Grow Management Consultant can
have a good image of people introducing an effective, sustainable framework. Proper
supervision is required in the workplace of the company to ensure they are effectively
applied, so it helps to achieve business objectives.

Business planning, opportunities and sustainability

It’s the responsibility of every business organization to consider sustainability strategy into
business objectives. Companies like Grow management consultant should consider long term
sustainable strategy followed by regular supervision. It mainly starts by identifying the
opportunity for eco-friendly that provides Management Consultants the road map on
maximizing such opportunities. Management Consultant should properly be focused on the
planning of sustainability by assessing the baseline that means the Consultant should identify
its environmental footprint. It helps to identify major company problems in business
operation and opens the door to resolve the problems. Management consultant, to find
opportunities it should first analyse its problems in real numbers like how much is recycled
and which waste are and are not recycles? How much water is used by the company at a
particular time? How much staff travel and the cost of such travel? Etc. It helps company to
find real opportunities and gain competitive advantage because it helps to identify business
major areas for improvements.

Example sustainability policies and procedures

Each business focuses on particular sustainable policies and procedures after proper
assessment and areas to be improved. Sustainability policies and procedures are generally
ecological, financial or economic and social sustainability. Ecological policies related to the
assumption that earth has limited non-renewable resources because of which business
required to use them in efficient ways. Financial sustainability means a fair distribution of
wealth around the business in areas like medical care, training, education to ensure good
living standards. Social sustainability is another one which Management consultant should
consider as it related to the needs of people and communities. Grow management Consultant
is not considering any of them properly because, in the problem statement, there has been so
much waste around the workplace, use of non-recycled paper, use of old vehicles and many
more. Directors, although committed on the well-being of both economic and ecological
systems of human being and other living things, company still lack proper implementation of
such commitments.
Life cycle mapping
The consultant should assess the life cycle of the products used in the workplace and
manufacturing areas. Life cycle mapping presents the main steps to the goods and services. It
starts from identifying material, production or manufacturing, sales and distribution, use, and
end of life. In consultant, Recycled paper is brought and process to make printable paper, and
after a paper is printed, they are transported to warehouse and wholesalers. Buyers purchase
them, and after times come the life will end after certain period of time. Likewise, life cycle
matrix is regarded as assessing the environmental impact which occurs at each stage of the
life cycle mapping that includes inside and outside influence.
Stage of life Land, ocean and Potentially Energy use Water use
cycle habitat hazardous
destruction material
Raw material Use of non- Use of Improper
recycled paper hazardous utilisation old
can degrade the chemical in the vehicles
land and ocean production of
books and use of
regular cleaning
utilization of
Vehicles are
more than five
years older

Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability

Every business is in compliance with the law and regulations of state and federal law. These
laws and regulations on sustainability focus on business activities to reduce energy
consumption and emissions, use of water more efficiently and managing waste properly.
Environment protection guidelines have been issues in which companies are subject to follow
the basics guidelines; otherwise, they are subject to punishment in terms of monetary value or
some other forms. 3Australian government has decided to ban waste (tyres, non-recycled
products, paper, and glass) exports from July 2020. Australia’s national waste policy focuses
on less waste more resources.

Example of sustainability actions to inform the action plan.

Sustainability action is required to manage the overall sustainability of business (Grow
Consultants). Reduce energy use by 40% in the next 6 months in the workplace areas, which
will be supervised and assess properly. Water will be reduced in the areas of business
premises. Tree planting enforced around the business workplace. Businesses use recycled
products in manufacturing and catering services. Proper formal energy usage procedures for
staff and signage to remind staff.

Performance Indicators
Performance indicators are crucial in the assessment of implemented plans, policies and
procedures in a sustainable environment. In the view of 4A. Warhurst (2002), Indicators can
be taken as the substance used as a measure of air or water quality along with ecological well
being. A proper introduction is a performance indicator that ensures policies are going
according to plan and changes needed to policy and procedure. Company should develop
specific goals regarding the sustainable environment and according to plans and procedures
developed. Regularly assess the performance so that it helps to find out gaps in the plan and
actual performance. It also helps to identify errors and areas to be further improved.

Options for strategies to ensure continuous improvement of resource efficiency
Consultant is having problems maintaining resource efficiency in the workplace, as water
uses improper use of a non-recycled product, the large amount of stock and no formal policy
for purchasing equipment and buy equipment. Consultant should regularly assess which
resources are poorly utilised and who is doing so. It assists management in taking important
actions that could eliminate such activities. Moreover, company should update the system
that improves operations and support staff as required.

Policy options
Developing policy options include a discussion with stakeholders to identify the strategies to
deduct the resource use and planning the execution of the policy and suitable procedures.
After all view points are gathered to help to develop the decision on using effective strategies
and promote the workplace sustainability policy that includes outcomes as well, each
individual will be assessed on the minimisation of waste and use of resources, and people
who are not contributing will be taken proper action.

The proposed scope of the policy

Certainly, the proposed policy ensures effectiveness and efficiency in the operation of the
business. Its scope will be on following parts:

 Effective use of resources

 Only the required resources will be brought.
 Use of recycled products.
 It balances the ecological, economic and social environment.

2. Email to Paul

To Paul,

Grow Management Consultant,

Date: 14/06/2020

Subject: Meeting to be held

Dear Sir,
I am writing this mail to you a meeting is going to be held and I am also very much
interested in a meeting which focuses on the sustainability aspects of the company.
Through this email, I would like to know the place, time, date along with venue for the
meeting. Since this meeting is about sustainability, both of the directors of the company is
essential to be there along with some staffs and other departmental head.

Briefing reports include Sustainability facts and figures, policy options along with the
proposed scope of the policy, sustainability benefits, business planning, opportunities and
sustainability, example sustainability policies and procedures, life cycle mapping, legal
requirements in relation to workplace sustainability, example sustainability actions to inform
action plan and performance Indicators.

Yours Sincerely,
Operation manager,
Grow Management Consultants

3. Jp
4. Draft email to stakeholders

To directors and staff members,

Grow Management Consultant,

Date: 20/06/2020

Subject: Outcomes of meetings

Dear Sir/Madam,

This email is writing to you all to inform you that meeting has been successfully
completed, and various suggestions have been acquired. Everyone suggested an
embedded scope of sustainability procedures and interacting with major stakeholders on
key components of upcoming sustainability policies. The sustainability policy and
procedures will achieve maximum utilisation resources, and the use of recyclable
products and staff will be responsible for maintaining an efficient work environment.

A proper introduction is a performance indicator that ensures policies are going

according to plan and changes needed to policy and procedure. The company should
develop the specific goals regarding the sustainable environment and at according to
plans and procedures developed. This is also to inform that policy implementation
includes certain steps such as informing advocating players of implementation,
development and communication, aligning strategies for continuous improvement and
maintaining record systems.


Operation Manager

Grow Management Consultant

5. Develop the sustainability policy and procedures

Sustainability Policy and Procedures

Purpose statement

Following are the purpose statement:

 Minimizing the resource and increase the resource efficiency

 Minimizing use of hazardous chemical and products
 Implementing life cycle management systems
 For the constant and continuous improvement

Scope of the policy

The applied policy will be applied to both of the stakeholders, e.g., internal and external
stakeholders such as managers, directors, shareholders, staff, factory workers, suppliers,
customers, manufacturers.

Policy principles

Management Consultants required to execute their abilities to work and on the virtue of
which can be effective for firms to create the proper strategy and then engage in making
proper and efficient. The company also required team work and maintaining work, which
improves the environmental policy of organisation. Supplier’s policy can be implemented
according to the firm’s requirements. Consultants should review new legislation and other
regulation made by local, state and federal governments to make sure everything is going on


Every plan requires certain appropriate action so that those plans are achieved accordingly.
Companies not following the procedures during the policy would face the consequences.
Sustainability policy implementation includes the combination of multiple factors to be a
successful one.

Procedure title Responsibility

1. Purchasing resources acquisition It is required to put the works of the
procedures company at first and by that aligning on
the works by the need of the company.
Consultants should regularly assess the
2. Risk management procedures entire works according to the necessities
of other stakeholders and apply to firms by
which it can be effective.
Need a proper plan and strategy and work
3. Continuous improvement procedures on projects properly and create the works
of the firm effectively.

6. Develop an action plan for the upcoming 12 months

The sustainability action plan includes some important decisions to be taken under certain
time period to change the scenario and create the sustainability around business. It can be
considered as guidelines to create the sustainability as it includes goals, mission, and
important actions to be taken and so on.

Sustainability Action Plan

Current: June, 2020

Issues Comments
1 Resolving issues of usage of non-recycled paper
2 Resolving a large stock of items
3 No formal energy usage procedures for staff or signage to remind staff
4 Use of old vehicles and no purchasing policy on equipment

Future: June 2021

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

1 Reduction of non-recycled paper by Analyse the use of recycled resources
55% in workplace and publication areas.
2 Introduce procedures on purchasing Regularly assess the stock of the items
3 Introduction of formal energy usage Monitoring and controlling the
procedures in 7 months purchasing behaviour according to
4 Removal of old vehicles within a year Identifying how many old vehicles are
2020 remains

7. Draft of email to Principal Consultants

To Paul Burns and Sammy Martin,

Grow Management Consultant,

Date: 01/07/2020

Subject: Requesting for approval

Dear Sir,

I am writing this mail to request you that our company can initiate implementation and
review on the policy and procedures regarding environmental sustainability as an action
plan is already prepared for the year 2020 to 2021.

Following are the policy and procedures:

 Minimizing the resource and increase the resource efficiency

 Minimizing the use of hazardous chemical and products
 Implementing life cycle management systems
 For the constant and continuous improvement

Consultants should review new legislation and other regulation made by local, state and
federal governments to make sure everything is going on track. The company also
required teamwork and maintaining work, which improves the environmental policy of
organisation. Supplier’s policy can be implemented according to the firm’s requirements.

Action plan for 2020 to 2021:

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

1 Reduction of non-recycled paper by Analyse the use of recycled resources
55% in workplace and publication areas.
2 Introduce procedures on purchasing Regularly assess stock of the items
3 Introduction of formal energy usage Monitoring and controlling the
procedures in 7 months purchasing behaviour according to
4 Removal of old vehicles within the Identifying how many old vehicles are
year 2020 remains

Yours sincerely,

Operation manager

Grow Management Consultants

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