DBR CMRL Bored Tunnel PDF

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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2017/Proj./CMRL/DBR/2/1 New Delhi, dated 10.03.2017 Managing ctor, CMRL Depot, Admin Building, Poonamallee High Road, (Opposite to Danie! Thomas School), Koyambedu, Chennai-600 107 Sub: Approval of Design Basis Report (DBR) for Underground Bored Tunnel sections of Chennai Metro Project Phase-l. The Design Basis Report (February 2017), for Underground Bored Tunnel sections of Chennai Metro Rail project Phase-| has been examined in consultation with RDSO and approval of Railway Board is hereby conveyed Accordingly, approved copy of DBR is enclosed. % ph, DA: As above er (Ruth: Changsan) Director/Works (Plg.) Railway Board ‘@ 011-23097061 Copy to: (i) Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi and (ii) Executive Director/UTHS, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow w.r.t their letter No. UTHS/38/CMRL dated 21.02.2017 for information and uploading on RDSO’s website please. SERN TRS RAE POCIECT ENA! CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT PHASE-1 DESIGN BASIS REPORT (DBR) BORED TUNNEL FEBRUARY 2017 CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT - PHASE | Table of Contents 4 [INTRODUCTION T 1] General ee - — 1 Url ound Station ard Project Deals 1 4.3 [/Geometnc Design Criteria 2 [2 [score orosn ~ 2] 13 MATERIALS £ (3a [cemen [2. — Teongasd - 3 [33 Reinforcement a - 3 | 34 Swucwralsteel a 344 | Material Properties a] 4 TUNNEL PROFILE AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND SHAPE —_ | 5s [ST pesiei LiFE/ DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS / REQUIREWENTS / PRINCIPLES 5 | Design Life Tunnel Design Tunnel Lining Segment DESIGN LOADS AND LOADING CONDITIONS Loads Loading Conditions Flotation ‘crack width _ | Load Cases, Load Factors and Lead Combinations Load Cases Load factors and Combinations GENERAL CONSTRUCTION METHODS “Tunnel Lining ~General ‘Tunnel Lining - Temporary Support Tunnel Lining ~ Permanent Support Gasket Grooves Groutholes 7.5 | Waterproofing [7.3.6 | Cavity grouting 7.2__| Underpinning of Existing Structures 8 (CROSS-PASSAGES — 9 [TUNNEL WALKWAYS TUNNEL BORING MACHINES | DRAINAGE ARRANGEMENT IN RUNNING TUNNELS LIST OF DESIGN CODES AND STANDARDS Macharical & Electrical Systems TRO RAIL PROJECT ~ PHASE I 4. INTRODUCTION 14 General: a Provisions of approved model DSR for viaduct to be followed where ever applicable Briof description of project: Chennai is located in the meridians of 13.08° N latitude and 80.03* E Longitude, spread over an area of 181 sqm km. located at an altitude of € m. Chennai Metro Rail Phase | comprises of two Corridors, the details of the two corridors are given below: Corridor-1: Washermenpet ~ Broadway (Prakasam Road) — Chennai Central Station — Rippon Building — along Gooum River - Government Estate ~ Tarapore Towers — Spencers - Gemini - Anna Salai - Saidapet — Guindy — Chennai Airport Corridor-2: Chennai Central - along EVR Periyar Salai - Vepery ~ Kilpauk Medical College — Aminjikarai ~ Shenoy Nagar — Annanagar East - Anna Nagar 2nd avenue ~ Tirumangalam — Koyambedu — CMBT ~ along Inner Ring Road — Vadapalani — Ashok Nagar - SIDCO — Alandur— St, Thomas Mount. The portions of Gortider-1 are from Washermanpet to Saidapet, and Cortidor-2 is from Chennai Central to Anna Nagar 2nd Avenue, will be underground and the remainder elevated 12 Underground Stations and Project Details Underground Stations: Tene Covidar’ Stations ae] oho | a ae | Washermanpet Egmore | Nehru Park Pachaiappas college Government Estate Shenoy Nagar uc Anna Nagar East Thousand Lights ‘Anna Nagar Tower Chamiers Road Teynampet Page 1 of 15 CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT — PHASE! Project Detaits: [Beta I | Cowiders L | Mesbemanpet to Airport | Generate St. Thomas Mount | | | unserrouna Laat Hakim a7 Km | 2A Km | eatin [Toots | Underground sation DIMENSION Max. Gradient running wack ‘Mex. Gracient depot connect | Minimom vertical curve radius 180010 |? | minimars nerzonta ave radiis | 200m ain | Breriees 6 | Traction power collection Ralls shail be used for traction return current 7 | tncination of rat ¥in20 ‘Whooliroad profs ic B10-2 t002) L eed [9 | Rat prome IG 60 (061-3) 30 | Maxdnum cart Tom |. ¥1_ | Maximum cant deficiency [35mm 2 SCOPE OF DBR ‘The design basts report hereio provide minimum standards that are to gover the design of the bored tunnel by Tunnel Boring Machine (3M). The purpose is to astablish the minerum ‘requirements ‘or te investigations; design, Instrumentation and monitoring for bored tunnel works. The design basis report shall ba read in conjunction with the Outine Construction Spacificatone where appropriate, ‘The design of the permanent and terrporary supporting wks shall comaly witn code of prectice end standards et the time of suiwmission of Tender Documents, Reguletions made and requiraments issued by tho indian Government and by relative utity authorities shal! be followed and specified Page 20818 32 33 _ _ CHENNAI METRO RAIL. PROJECT ~ PHASE | MATERIALS: ‘Cement (1) Ordinary Portiand coment (OPC) of 33 grade, 42 grade and 59 grade coniorming 10 1S: 269, 1S: 8112-1989 and IS: 12269-1987, respectively, shall be used, (2) Portiand pozzolana cement (PPC} conforming to iS 1489 mey aise be used, (2) The Employers Represeniarve may olve notice for the usage of sulphate resistort Portland cemert conforming to IS 12830 for structural elements exposed ‘o soll (4) For foundation and substructure, the Engineer may direct the OPC substitution by Blast Fumace Slag Cement confirming to 'S:455 (8) In all cases the cement shat meet the 28 day strength requirement of 1S 8112- 1989 or 1S 12269-1987, Concrete (1) The Density of concrete adopted shall be as below 8. 24 kNim" prestressed concrete (IS 675 part 1967 table-titem 21 valve rationalized) 5, 24 ktiém3 for reinforced concrete wath 2% of less reinforcement (\S 875 part 141987 table-1 item 22 value rationalized} © 25 kN/m3 for reintorced concrete with above 2% reinforcement (18 875 part [1807 table~t item 22 value rationalized) 1. 23 kien’ for plain concrate (IS 875 part 11987 table-titem 20) (2) Shor term modulus of elasticity elasiety ‘Ec, & Modular Retio ‘m’ shall be as or clause no. & 8-1,3 (¢) of IS: 456 respectively. (3) Minimum grade of concrete shall be N35 44) Thermal Expension Coefficient : 4.17 x 10-6 0G ( IRS Bridge Ruies) (5) Poisson’s Rao : 0.15 for al consretes (8) Minima cement content end Maximum Water Cement rato 28 per Table SIS 456 . (7) Strength of concrete is the spectied characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm cube et 28 days: {8} Minimum concrete cover as par 18456, Reinforcement Only thermo-machanically raaiad reinforcement bars conforming io IS:1796 shall be adopies. (Fer saismic zone Il, V & V with minimum fola! elongation of 145%) bb) Frat Pave Bol 18 ie CHENNAI METRO RAL PROJECT 34 Structural Stee! © General (1) Design of Structural steelwork shat comply with 8 860 (2) Two types of structursk steel io be used and shail comply with the following (3) Hollow steei sections sh: on standards: 9) 1S: 4928 Hollow stee! sections for suugtural use with Yst 310" b} #S: 2062 “Stee! for Genera! Structural Purposes (Grade 2: Designation 40-8)" i be square (SHS) or rectangular (RHS). Other ‘rational rolled sections ike plates, angles, channels, joists can also be usod where required, The connection with conerete shali be effected by internally threaded bolt Sleeves (hot dinped galvanized @ 300 grams per square metres) manufactured from 1$:2062 Grade 8 mild siee!. The sieeve shall receive hexagen-head doit M20 Class 8.8 as per 1$:1264 (Part 1) with galvanized soring washer. (S) The comnections within the steel siructure shall be designed as ditect welded! members with or without gusset pistes. The minimum thicknass of metal for SHS/RHS sections for main chord members as well bracings shall be 4 millimetres 2s applicable for stoc! tubes in of. 6.3 of 19: 206. 3.41 Material Properties ‘Material Properties shal be as follows. T veane | ourg's | Temata vagy steottyee | Soames | Temata | at Shen oat ‘Secee) | | see mez) | amon] | ee | arSTe Raat ea i | 10 | 240MPa (for 20mm <1 MPa | some), 230MPa ‘for | 540mm) Page 4016 CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT — PHASE! 4. TUNNEL PROFILE AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND SHAPE ‘The bored tunnels comprise twin single-irack lunnels. The spacing between the tunnels shall ba based on the soil strata and dalommined by numorical analysis. The minimum intomal diameter for bored tunnel shat meet all services and SOD (Schedule of Dimensions) requirements. Bored tunnels in rock and sof wil be excavated mainly using tunnel boring machines, other methods if required based on geological and hydrological condition to be dacided. Initial tunnel support will generally incuude precast concrete segmante, Shcteretafvire mesh, rock bots, lattice girders, stee! sets, or forepoles wherever necessary. 5. DESIGN LIFE/ DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTS / PRINCIPLES 5.1 Design Life ‘The minimum design life of bored tunnel segmental lining is 100 years 52 Tunnel Design (2) The design of the bored tunnel lining shall be fully compatible with the ‘construction methodology and shal be carded out using sultabie software. (2) ‘The design shall aigo take into account al expected loade proscribed in item nos. (8) The design shall take into account all ackitional loads, stresses and strains jinposad by or on adjacent Existing Buicing Structurae (EBS) and assumed «istorfions anc toads by or on the proposed bored tunnels. (4) Where bored tunnels are adjacent te or beneath EBS, the design shat ‘demonstrate that these EBS shai not be subjected to unacceptable movement, distortion or lass of support wich endangers the stabiliy of the EBS and that any resulting movements and distortions witl be within prescribed timts Getermined by the authodty for that EBS, the Employer's Represenialive, or the Owner. {5} The Designer shaii ensure that ground movements and distortions, anc changes to the loads and piezometric pressures which may affect adjacent EES either at surface or underground, are within the allowable lolerances for each of those EBS. (6) ‘The design shail consider and minimise the short- and long-term influence of the bored tunnels on the groundwater regime, ane! sinilerly the influence of the groundwater on the bored tunnels, (7) During tunneling, Designer to be constantly review the ground conditions based on envisaged and actuat conditian encountered to allow excavation to be carried out in the safast and most efficient manner. This review shall be fully integrated into the construction risk contro! and should typically include: a} Srobing ahead of ang around the bored tunnel face in rock conditions. ware 18 bla CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT - PHASE | b) interpretation of fresi data and correlation with previous information ) Predicion of ground conditions likely to be encountered. ~ ¢) Investigation an the surface fer the preconce of water walls / bora wells for lomestic use in residential areas thal Intersect tha afgninent {8} Ground Information from all construction activities shall be collated and interpreted. Tunnel Lining Segment. (1) A segment shall be evaluated as a short column subjected to axial foad. The design of the segments shall be adequate for all siresses inducod during stacking, liling, transport, erection jacking and impaci, inducing in-service impact ‘The design shall consider in-situ ground siressee and shall provide evidonce and/or mezeurements in support of the parameters adopted in the design as part of the calculations, The grounc! ioac on the tunnel shall be based on the ‘actual height of overburden above tne tunnel lining and the coefficient of earth pressure at rest of the coll orate surrdunding the tun. (3) The design of the bored tunnel tinigs shail take into account the proximity of the bored tunnels one to another, the sequence and timing of construction and the prosimnly of adjacent EBS. (4) The design shall also consider the relative rales of leading / unloading due TSM jacking force In both the lateral and verlicat directions, and the resultant induced tunne! deformations whether temporary or permanent. 6) The segment has to be designed tor Ahr fite raung as per 18456:2000 (6) The design method shall take inio account the interaction between the fining ‘and the ground, the deflection of the lining and the redistribution of the Inacing dependent upon the reiaive fexbility of the lining, the vanebilly and compressibility of the round. ‘Tre design shall consicier and conforin to ali durability aspects of the parmanent bored tunnel fining including permeabiliyfteansmissivity, electrical resistivity. (@) The design shall toke into account tho proximity of the lining to the tunnel face al the time of installation and the-potertiat for additional ground loads as the: face advances. (9) Tre design shal! allow for the expected variation in greund conditions and the size, proximity, tining arid methos of construction of adjacent excavations, The lining flexibiity shall make due allowance for Hkaly deflection of te ning dung construction and operation. Page 6 of 15 CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT ~ PHASE | (10) Where a permanent oF secondary lining I lo be instafled Inside a temporary ar primary lining, the ground loads used in permanent ining design shall conside all loads as described in the Contract and any additional ground ‘oads that may anse from time-

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