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Center of Advance Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

Antenna Design & Microwave Engineering LAB

EXPERIMENT # 7: Impedance Matching in ADS

Name of Student: …………………………………………………….

Roll No.: ………………………………………………………………

Date of Experiment: ………………………………………………….

Report submitted on: …………………………………………………

Marks obtained: ……………………………………

Remarks: ……………………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: ……………………………...

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this lab the student will be able to:

1) Use Impedance Matching Utility in ADS.

2) Use Smith Chart Matching Utility in ADS

Please pay attention while using ADS software in today’s lab. Refresh your concepts about
impedance matching techniques at microwave frequencies. You are supposed to use your
knowledge about impedance matching techniques; Quarter Wave Transformer and Stub
Matching techniques that you have acquired in theory class. You need to be mentally and
physically present in the lab session as you will be demonstrated by your instructor at the
very start of it.

Task 1 Impedance matching using impedance matching utility Points 10

In this task, you are required to design a single stub matching circuit at 8 GHz using
impedance matching utility in ADS.

1) For this, construct the schematic given below;

2) After designing the required circuit, simulate the schematic and plot the magnitude of
reflection coefficient S(1,1).
Paste you graph here:

Task 2 Impedance matching using smith chart matching utility Points 10

In this task, you are required to design a matching circuit at 8 GHz using smith chart
matching utility in ADS.

1) For this, construct the schematic given below;

2) After designing the required circuit, simulate the schematic and plot the magnitude of
reflection coefficient S(1,1).
Paste you graph here:

Lab Assignment # 1

In this assignment, you are required to design a quarter wave transformer matching circuit
at 8 GHz using impedance matching utility in ADS.

1) For this, construct the schematic given below;

2) After designing the required circuit, simulate the schematic and plot the magnitude of
reflection coefficient S(1,1).
Paste you graph here:

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