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METHOD 1 2 3 4
narrow to
e con approach lead cycle
making sense out of the jumble
fine point erg ver couragously
doing it
div ge to plan

blow it out reign it in

the best

Stay Informed Problem Problem Generate Decision Be The Stay Informed

Idea Sandbox (monitor) Recognition Definition Alternatives Making
best ideas Plan Crafting
situational awareness

Walt Disney state the goal define the context in

Dreamer Realistic Critic
in positive which it is workable
Creative "Want To" "How To" "Chance To"
terms and problematic
establish time frames and milestones for progress

Roger von
Explorer Artist Judge Warrior
"A Kick In The Seat of the Pants"

Fact Gather & Analyze Idea Select, Add, and Solution

Finding Pertinent Data Finding Reprocess Ideas Finding

Alex Osborn Problem Idea Idea

Preparation Evaluation Adoption
Definition Production Development

Picking out and Deciding &

Thinking Up Ideas Verifying Tentative
Pointing Up Implementing Final
& Possible Leads Solutions
Problems Solution

Collect Monitor
Information Consequences
Define Evaluate and
John Adair Objective Decide
Options Sense Effects


Focus Predict Decide Prioritize

Source unknown

Experiences, roles, Data are gathered; Many possible Many alternatives Many possible Possible sources of
and situations are the situation is statements of and possibilities for criteria are assistance and
searched for examined from many problems and responding to the formulated for resistance are
messes... openness different viewpoints: subproblems are problem statement reviewing and considered; potential
Phase to experience, information, generated are developed and evaluating ideas implementation steps
exploring impressions, feelings, listed are identified
opportunities etc are collected

Human Factors



In Innovative Mess Data Problem Idea Solution Acceptance


Problem Finding Finding Finding Finding Finding Finding


Challenge is Most important data A working problem Ideas that seem Several important Most promising
accepted and are identified and statement is chosen more promising or criteria are selected solutions are focused
Convergent systematic efforts are analyzed interesting are to evaluate ideas. and prepared for
Phase undertaken to selected Criteria are used to action; specific plans
respond to it. evaluate, strengthen, are formulated to Creative Problem Solving: The Basic Course by
and refine ideas. implement solution Scott Isaksen and Donald Treffinger © 1985

What kind of chair (scope)? Designers Look at more chairs (research). Designers look for The perfect chair (implement)
need constraints. How will I use the chair? inspiration. A team of designers will venture into the After several rounds of
Where will it go? These constraints set the field, observing new chair designs, trends, and prototyping and revisions (and
scope of the problem and the designer inspiration from industries far removed from the process. perhaps more research!), the
can begin to get creative. At this point, the design team has many ideas. designer will have a few solid
creations from which to choose.
Scope Research Prototype
Thinking Implement

The drawing board (prototype). With several possible

ideas for the chair, the designer will quickly sketch/model
each idea. Prototyping the idea makes it tangible,
facilitating new ideas, revisions, and progress.

destination and Transform the
Creativity Using the path
surrounding, basic route into
Imagination techniques used we built. Put
Surveying notice what Building Waymarking a fully working Navigating
Engineering influence the
to overcome the
ideas to use to
obstacle. get a return.
decision or system.
problem Brian Clegg / Paul Birch

Observe your
Orient this data
OODA surroundings, Decide the best
Observe Orient with previous Decide Act
Loop gather path of action

Plan Do Check Act

Most ideas require follow-up research to

Decide on how to Frame determine what's logistically possible,
best frame the practical. Information is this stage.
problem. The
Decision best people to be People Alternatives Values Information
Quality involved, and the
best process to
generate Values are what your company uses to
alternatives Process measure what's important. Use these to
filter out the better alternatives Kevin Hoffberg

Having ideas
What is the about how to ... and doing
Choosing what Inspiring
?WhatIf! Insight issue? make these Ideas Impact
creates energy...
something with them. Impact
Opportunities? opportunities Letting it rip!
work for you.

(1) Specify the outcome, content, sequence, and task of work activities
(2) Create clear, direct connections between requestors and suppliers of goods and services
Who, what,
(3) Eliminate loops, workarounds, and delays
when, outcome

Observe, Understand Determine Changes to take Create Discuss Plans

document, Current Counter- place to get closer to Implementation with Affected
"A3 Process" quantify Situation measures ideal situation Plan Parties Evaluate
Problem or Implement
Toyota Need Represented as a diagram. Results
Root Cause Develop Target Specific measures listed, expected Develop Get Approval
Why x 5 improvement predicted
Analysis State Follow-Up Plan (if needed)
specifically and quantitatively

A critical step in the learning process of problem-solvers is to verify whether they truly understood the current
condition well enough to improve it. Therefore, a follow-up plan becomes a critical step in process improvement
to make sure the implementation plan was executed, the target condition realized, and the expected results
achieved. You can state the predicted outcome here rather than in the target condition, if you prefer.

METHOD 1 2 3 4
narrow to
e con approach lead cycle
making sense out of the jumble
fine point erg ver couragously
doing it
di v ge to plan

blow it out reign it in

the best

Stay Informed Problem Problem Generate Decision Be The Stay Informed

Idea Sandbox (monitor) Recognition Definition Alternatives Making
best ideas Plan Crafting
situational awareness

Color coding within the various methods is meant to show what matches with the Idea Sandbox process. Updated 1 September, 2011 • Idea Sandbox •
When steps are stacked the top step would come before those below it.

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