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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

Welcome and thank you for getting this guide. 

Inside this report, you will discover the reasons Why You Need Good Email Subject 
Lines, What Makes a GREAT Subject Headlines and most importantly… 400+ best 
email subject line samples you can use right away to boost your email open rate and 

Its every email marketers joy to see high open rates whenever a mail is sent out. But then 
a whole lot of marketers just don’t know how to tweak the headlines to increase their 
email open rates. 

Marketers with higher open rates do craft email subject lines that their subscribers 
simply can’t resist. In this guide, I’ll share 400+ best email subject line examples that will 
boost your email open rates. 

Because this is a long guide, I’ve broken it down into sections. Just feel free to use the 
table of contents below to navigate your way to a particular section… 

Table of Contents

1. Fear of Missing Out Subject Lines 

2. Curiosity Subject Lines 
3. Funny Subject Lines 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

4. Vanity Subject Lines 

5. Greed Subject Lines 
6. Sloth Subject Lines 
7. Pain Point Subject Lines 
8. Retargeting Subject Lines 
9. Personal Subject Lines 
10.Straightforward Subject Lines 
11.Top Subject Line Keywords 
12.Conclusion: Some Final Tips for Crafting Irresistible Subject Lines 

Before I begin to share this powerful headlines with you, its necessary to let you 

Why You Need Good Email Subject Lines 

When it comes to sending an i​ mportant email​, whether it be to one person or a 
mass marketing communication, the key to success is creating engaging content. 
With e​ mail​marketing, the aim is to achieve a high open rate and, ideally, a high 
click rate.​ ​Though the body of an email is always the most important element to focus 
on, the first section that will engage your audience is the subject line. 
Typically, the subject line is often left until the last minute and doesn’t have a lot 
of thought put into it.  
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

Using an attention-grabbing subject line, however, is always one of the best ways 
to achieve high email engagement levels. 
Many mail owners receive hundreds of emails a day, and many of these will often 
go unnoticed. The subject line is one of the first things a recipient will see, so it’s 
essential that yours is the one that stands out and catches their attention. 

So... What Makes a GREAT Subject Headline? 

Since you’ve just realized that your subject line is your first (and maybe your last) 
impression on users. And in many ways, your email subject line is more important than 
your email body. After all, a great newsletter is worthless if it never sees the light of day. 
Although there i​sn’t a guaranteed way to create the perfect subject line, but there are a 
few tips you can use to make it a lot easier. 

1. Hook your audience 

● Use incentivized language​to grab your audience’s attention 
immediately and give them a reason to open your email.  
● Try asking a question​that will make them want to find out more. 
Example: “​Migrating to Office 365? Try Exclaimer Cloud!” 
2. Keep it short and sweet 
● The key to a catchy subject line is one that ​quickly and descriptively 
summarizes the nature of your email​ in as few words as possible. 
● However, d ​ on’t make it too short.​ You’ll ideally want to make your 
subject line between 30 -50 characters. 
Example: “​New cloud-based Office 365 service launched by Exclaimer” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

3. Do some testing 
● Try some A/B testing if you are you struggling to decide between two or 
more subject lines. 
● If you’re sending an email communication to 1,000 people, first send out 
an email with subject A to 100 people, then subject B to another 100. 
Whichever subject line performs best, use that for the remaining 800 
emails.(just try it!) 
4. Do not mislead your subscribers 
● Always ensure that your subject line accurately reflects the content of the 
email you are sending.  
● It must not be used to make false promises as this will only encourage 
recipients to unsubscribe or even complain.  
● Make sure your subject line is as specific as possible so your audience 
knows exactly what it is they’re about to read. 
Don’t ruin your chances of the email being opened after you’ve taken a whole lot of 
time to write an email with great content by not putting enough thought into your 
subject line. By using enticing language and the tips I’ve shared earlier, you will see a rise 
in your open and click rates! 

The best way to write email subject lines for higher opens (​instead of 
being marked as spam​) is by leveraging natural human tendencies and 
psychological principles. 

Here we go, it's time to share some​best email subject line examples that will 
boost your email open rates. 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

1. Fear of Missing Out 

One psychological principle that is practically impossible to resist is the fear of missing 
out. You can use this fear in your subject lines by adding an element of scarcity (limited 
availability) or urgency (limited time). 

Let’s face it; nobody likes feeling they’ve been left behind. 

So what about using ​FOMO in marketing?​FOMO marketing is messaging that 

triggers your audience’s innate fear of missing out in order to make them more likely to 
take action. 

In fact, subject lines that include words that imply time sensitivity–like “urgent”, 
“breaking”, “important” or “alert”–are proven to increase email open rates. 

Here are some great sample subject lines for emails that use the f​ ear of missing out​… 

1. “Uh-oh, your prescription is expiring” 

2. “You’re missing out on points.” 
3. “[URGENT] You’ve got ONE DAY to watch this…” 
4. “Your 7-figure plan goes bye-bye at midnight…” 
5. “[WEEKEND ONLY] Get this NOW before it’s gone…” 
6. “Mary, Earn double points today only” 
7. Only 500 accounts left! Save up to 40% off with GetResponse 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

8. “Tonight only: A denim lover’s dream” 

2. Curiosity 

Humans have a natural desire for closure– we don’t like having gaps in our knowledge. 
You can leverage this desire for closure by leaving your subject line open-ended so 
subscribers will be curious, like a cliffhanger that can only be satisfied by opening the 

You can make subscribers curious by asking a question, promising something 

interesting, or simply saying something that sounds strange or unusual. 

Here are some great examples of curiosity-inducing subject lines… 

1. “*Don’t Open This Email*” 

2. “Last Day To See What This Mystery Email Is All About” 
3. “10 bizarre money habits making Millennials richer” 
4. “Check out my new “man cave” [PICS]” 
5. “Is this the hottest career in marketing?” 
6. “What They Eat In Prison” 
7. “9 Disgusting Facts about Thanksgiving” 
8. “Hologram Shorts?!” 
9. “A faster donkey” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

10. “? a surprise gift for you! {unwrap}” 

Funny Subject Lines 

If your subject line makes your subscribers laugh, then they’ll simply have to open it. 
After all, have you ever read a subject line that tickled your funny bone and you didn’t 
read it? 

Being humorous requires a bit more thought and creativity, but it can really pay off in 
terms of your open rates. 

Here are some funny email subject lines to make your subscribers laugh. 

1. “Where to Drink Beer Right Now” (Sent at 6:45am on a Wednesday.) 

2. “Licking your phone never tasted so good” 
3. “Deals That Make Us Proud (Unlike Our Nephew, Steve)” 
4. “We Like Being Used” 
5. “Pairs nicely with spreadsheets” 
6. “As You Wish” (A reference to the movie ​The Princess Bride​.) 
7. “Need a day at the beach? Just scratch n’ sniff your way to paradise…” 
8. “Boom shakalak! Let’s get started.” 
9. “Try To Avoid These 27 People On New Year’s Eve” 
10.“Yes, I’m Pregnant. You Can Stop Staring At My Belly Now.” 
11.“NEW! Vacation on Mars” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

12.“Look what you did, you little jerk…” (This one’s a reference to the movie 
Home Alone​. We hope.) 


Everyone has a bit of vanity. People love to be liked, accepted and even revered by 
others. It’s just a part of being human. 

That’s why some of the most clever subject lines use vanity to get you to open the email. 
To do this, you can either promise something that makes the subscriber look better to 
their peers, or invoke the fear of being shamed. 

Here are some great examples of clever email subject lines that leverage vanity… 

1. “Don’t wear last year’s styles.” 

2. “Your Butt Will Look Great in These Workout Pants” 
3. “How Have You Progressed Since the Third Grade?” 
4. “Gift inspiration for the discerning cyclist” 
5. “Age-defying beauty tricks” 
6. “Get Ready. Keep the Pie Off Your Thighs Returns.” 
7. “As worn in the World Tour” 
8. “Products the celebs are wearing” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  


You may not think of yourself as a “greedy” person, but it can be really tough to pass up 
a great deal… even if you don’t really need the item right now. That’s why sales, 
discounts and special offers work really well in your subject lines. 

However, be careful about offering really huge discounts– the higher the percentage, 
the less reliable effect it has on your open rates (perhaps because consumers don’t 
believe large discounts are real). 

Regardless, you can usually expect to see an increase in your click rates whenever you 
offer a discount in your subject line. That’s probably because the people who open 
these emails are already interested in your offer, so they’re naturally inclined to click. 

Here are some great email subject line ideas for hitting your subscriber’s 
“greed” button… 

1. “Meet your new jeans” 

2. “Get a head start on summer” 
3. “Flash. Sale. Alert.” 
4. “New must-haves for your office” 
5. “A new product you won’t pass on” 
6. “25% off your favorites” 
7. “Two for two” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

8. “A little luxury at a great price” 

9. “Complimentary gift wrap on all purchases” 
10.“Get priority access.” 


Another common trait among all humans is sloth, or the tendency to avoid work. Even 
people who aren’t inclined to be lazy would prefer a silver bullet over the long and hard 

You can give subscribers an easier way to achieve their goals by offering a shortcut, or a 
useful resource that saves a lot of time and energy. Here are some great examples of 
email subject lines that satisfy sloth… 

1. “✔ 63-Point Checklist for Creating the Ultimate Optin Form” 

2. “Grow your email list 10X ⚡ faster with these 30 content upgrade ideas” 
3. “How to email a busy person (including a word-for-word script)” 
4. “Steal these email templates…” 
5. “A Native Ad in 60 Minutes or Less” 
6. “212 blog post ideas” 

Pain Points 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

If you really understand your buyer persona, you should know their biggest pain points. 
Use those pain points to get subscribers to open your emails by solving that problem for 
them. Here are some examples of email subject lines that bring out the subscriber’s pain 
points and offer a solution… 

1. “Feed your guests without breaking the bank” 

2. “Where do all these toys go?” 
3. “Get more kitchen space with these easy fixes” 
4. “Stop wasting money on ink” 
5. “Your beauty issues, solved” 
6. “Since we can’t all win the lottery…” 
7. “How to Survive Your Next Overnight Flight” 
8. “Wanted: Cute and affordable fashions” 
9. “Stop wasting time on mindless work” 
10.“Learn a language with only 5 minutes per day” 


Retargeting emails are sent to subscribers when they fail to complete an action or a step 
in your sales funnel (e.g. when they abandon their cart or fail to purchase after their free 
trial). These emails serve to bring your subscribers back to your sales process. 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

You can write effective retargeting subject lines by overcoming objections, offering 
something to sweeten the deal, or alerting them that something bad is going to happen 
if they don’t take action. Here are some excellent examples of retargeting email subject 

1. “How you can afford Your First 10,000 Readers (closing tonight)” 
2. “Hey, forget something? Here’s 20% off.” 
3. “The price dropped for something in your cart” 
4. “Mary, your Envira account is on hold!” 
5. “I’m deleting your Envira account” 
6. “Offering you my personal email” 
7. “Did you miss out on some of these new features?” 
8. “Good News: Your Pin’s price dropped!” 
9. “⚠ Unroll.Me has stopped working” 
10.“We are not gonna Give Up on You!” 


Email subject lines that are personalized by including a name boost open rates by 
10-14% across industries. But including your subscriber’s name is only one way to make 
your subject lines more personal. You can also use casual language, share something 
personal, or use copy that implies familiarity or friendship. 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

Here are some examples of personal email subject lines that get attention… 

1. “Mary, check out these hand-picked looks” 

2. “Happy Birthday Mary – Surprise Inside!” 
3. “Mary, do you remember me?” 
4. “I didn’t see your name in the comments!?” 
5. “Are you coming?” 
6. “You’ve Changed” 
7. “So I’ll pick you up at 7?” 
8. “Crazy Invitation, I am Going to Buy You Lunch…” 
9. “Vanilla or Chocolate?” 
10.“I love you” 
11.“Seriously, Who DOES This?” 
12.“Quick favor?” 
13.“you free this Thurs at 12PM PST? [guest blogging class]” 
14.“? your detailed results…” 
15.“300% increase in revenue with a single optin + a neat growth trick from 
my mastermind!” 
16.“Thanks for helping us” 
17.“Two razors for your friends (on us)” 

John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  


When in doubt, make your subject line simple and straightforward. Contrary to what 
you might think, these “boring” subject lines can actually convert really well. 

The key to making this work for your list is to consistently provide value in all of your 
emails. Don’t ever send an email unless you have something important to say: always 
make sure your campaigns are packed with value. If you do this, you’ll train your 
subscribers to open your emails no matter what the subject line says. Here are some 
examples of email subject lines that get straight to the point… 

1. “Yes, this is a fundraising email” 

2. “Best coat ever” 
3. “Hey” 

…and these “boring” subject lines performed the highest out of 4​ 0 million emails​, with 
open rates between 60-87%… 

1. “[Company Name] Sales & Marketing Newsletter” 

2. “Eye on the [Company Name] Update (Oct 31 – Nov 4)” 
3. “[Company Name] Staff Shirts & Photos” 
4. “[Company Name] May 2005 News Bulletin!” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

5. “[Company Name] Newsletter – February 2006” 

6. “[Company Name] and [Company Name] Invites You!” 
7. “Happy Holidays from [Company Name]” 
8. “Invitation from [Company Name]” 

Top Subject Line Keywords 

There have been many studies analyzing the effectiveness of using specific email subject 
line keywords. Use these keywords when crafting your own email copy and subject lines 
to boost your open rates even further. 

1. “upgrade” 
2. “just” 
3. “content” 
4. “go” 
5. “Wonderful” 
6. “Jokes” 
7. “Promotional” 
8. “Congratulations” 
9. “Revision” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  


Some top subject line keywords to try are: 

1. “free” 
2. “ICYMI” 
3. “$ today, $$$ tomorrow” 
4. numbers (e.g. “7-figure plan”, “212 ideas”, “60 minutes or less”) 
5. [brackets] (e.g. “[EMAIL MARKETERS] $95 today, $995 tomorrow,” 
“[In Case You Missed It] Our best-performing blog post of all time,” 
“[NAME’s Last Reminder] Up to 90% off our best-selling products gone in 

Adestra​ analyzed over 2.2 billion emails, and found the following top subject line 

1. “free delivery” 
2. “available” 
3. “new” 
4. “alert” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

5. “news” 
6. “update” 
7. “summer” 
8. “weekend” 

In another study from A

​ destra​, which looked at over 125K email campaigns, the top 
performing subject line keywords were: 

1. “thank you” 
2. “*|*|*|*|” (i.e. a subject line that has multiple stories delineated by pipes. For 
example, “Headline 1 | Headline 2 | Headline 3 | Headline 4”) 
3. “monthly” 
4. “thanks” 
5. “*|*|*|” 
6. “bulletin” 
7. “golden” 
8. “iPhone” 
9. “breaking” 
10.“order today” 

Finally, a report by ​Smart Insights​ looked at a random sample of 700 million emails, and 
found that the top performing subject line keywords were: 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

1. “introducing” 
2. “celebrate” 
3. “buy” 
4. “continues” 
5. “get your” 
6. “what…?” 
7. “won’t…?” 
8. “do…?” 
9. “can…?” 
11.“on orders over” 
12.“orders over” 
13.“off selected” 
14.“your next order” 
16.“brand new” 
20.“great deals” 
21.“sale starts” 
22.“back in stock” 
24.“sale now” 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

25.“now in” 

Even More….  

This list was put together for one reason -- to provide you with a single source of 
ideas for writing headlines. 
The easiest way to come up with a good headline is to sit down and read a large 
number of successful headlines. The idea is NOT to steal someone else's words, 
but to develop a sense of what elements make a good headline. 
I hope you find the words on the following pages a creative inspiration. 
(The headlines are presented in alphabetical order.) 
$80,000 In Prizes! Help Us Find The Name For These New Kitchens 
161 New Ways To A Man's Heart - In This Fascinating Book For Cooks! 
F17 Stocks You Should Dump Right Away 
26 Days That Have Changed Thousands Of Lives 
38 Fun And Easy Ways To Earn $500 Next Weekend 
67 Reasons Why It Would Have Paid You to Answer Our Ad A Few Months 
7 Steps To Freedom 
7 Ways Long Distance Can Keep Your Head Above Water 
7 Ways To Collect Your Unpaid Bills 
A $500 A Day Writer's Utopia 
A Surprisingly Simple Way To Get "Out Of The Rat Race (And Into the 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

A Wonderful Two Year's Trip At Full Pay - But Only Men With Imagination 
Can Make It 
Advice To Wives Whose Husbands Don't Save Money - by A WifeAgain She 
Orders...'A Chicken Salad Please' 
Alive with Pleasure 
Amazing New Titanic Commemorative Is Mint Perfect And Even Bigger 
Than A Silver Dollar 
American Woman, Say Hello To Your Next Boss. You. 
An Amazing Business You Can Carry In Your Pocket 
An Educated Failure 
An Open Letter To Everyone Who Drives A Truck On More Than $10,000 Per 
Another Show In Our Series About Improving Our Lifestyles. 
Announcing...The New Edition Of The Encyclopedia That Makes It Fun To 
Learn Things 
Are We A Nation Of Low-Brows 
Are You An Over Educated Under Achiever? 
Are You Ever Tongue-Tied At A Party? 
Are You Looking For Small Companies With Big Futures? 
Are You Ready To Use Self-Hypnotism To Make Life Give You What You 
At 6 For .99, You Can Indulge Your Fantasies This Month! 
At Last Someone Has Unlocked The Secret Of Getting People To Fall In Love 
With You! 
Banking Secrets That Banks Don't Want Published 
Because Someone Noticed Something, That Nobody Else Ever Did, The Most 
Important Discovery For Success Has Been Made! 
But What If You Could See Her Naked? 
By This Time Next Month You Could Have A Global Data Communications 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

California Lawyer Discovers How To Make Money At Home With The Help 
Of The U.S. Government 
Can You Pass This Money Test? 
Can Your Child Read These Words? 
Cash in on Your Vacation! 
Check The Kind Of Body You Want 
Chicago Man Reveals A Short-Cut To Authorship 
Confessions Of A Disbarred Lawyer 
Costa Mesa Man Swears Under Oath That His New 'Energy Pill' Does Not 
Contain Cocaine Or Any Other Illegal Stimulant 
Crazed Advertising Man Discovers Worlds' Sexiest Model! 
Dare To Be Rich 
Desperate Woman Loses 277 Lbs. With Amazing Diet Secret! 
Did You Ever See A 'Telegram' From Your Heart? 
Do You Make These Mistakes In English? 
Do You Sincerely Want To Be Rich? 
Do Your Employees Work As Slowly As They Read? 
Doctor Discovers The Cellulite Dissolver 
Doctors Prove 2 out of 3 Women Can Have More Beautiful Skin In 14 Days 
Does Uncle Sam Owe You Money You Don't Even Know About? 
Don't Envy The Plumber - Be One 
Don't Let Athletes Foot 'Lay You Up' 
Don't Try This With Any Other Copier 
Earn $4,000 per Month From Your Home With a Computer! 
Earn $50,000 Yearly With Your Own Mail-Order Book Business 
Earn $90,000 A Year Repairing Cracked Windshields 
Elect A Better Future 
Ex-Truck Driver Gets $21,108 a Month Doing What You Aren't! 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

Famed Physicist Proves That Sitting In A Pyramid Causes Unexplainable 
Good Things To Happen 
Fatten Your Bank Account 
Financial Columnist Makes Unique Discovery 
For The Woman Who Is Older Than She Looks 
For Want Of A Pin...The Hat Was Lost 
Fountain Of Youth Discovered By Little Known Civilization Over 2300 Years 
Free Book Tells You 12 Secrets Of Better Lawn Care 
Free Kit Tells How To Get Better Photographs 
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Generous Creative Businessman Wants To Find A Hot Sexy Woman With A 
Good Sense Of Humor! 
Get Out Of Debt In 90 Minutes Without Borrowing 
Get Paid for Reading Books! $100 per book! 
Greatest Goldmine Of Easy 'Things To Make' Ever Crammed Into One Big 
Greed And Gouging In The Stock Market 
Guaranteed To Go Thru Ice, Mud, or Snow - Or We Pay The Tow! 
Hands That Look Lovelier In 24 Hours - Or Your Money Back 
Have You A "Worry" Stock? 
Have You Ever Bowled A Strike And Said 'I've Got It!?' 
Have You Ever Said 'I Just Can't Seem To Concentrate'? 
Have You Ever Seen A Grown Man Cry? 
Have You Ever Taken A Practice Golf Swing At A Dandelion? 
Have You Got These Symptoms Of Nerve Exhaustion? 
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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

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John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

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New Pill For Diet Failures Lets You Burn Off Body Fat 24 Hours A Day! 
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Ohio Man Discovers The Secret Of How To Escape The American Rat Race! 
One Transaction Can Make You Independent For The Rest Of Your Life 
Only 1 Career Woman in 1,000 Finds The Job She Deserves 
Open Your Mind, Read This Book And Your Life Will Change - It Will All Be 
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Others Got Back Thousands Because They Believe In Me And My System. 
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Personal Survival In A Collapsing Society - The 'Guerilla' Video That Can 
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Pick The Brains Of A Millionaire For $10 

Pierced By 30 Nails...Retains Full Air Pressure 
Poems Wanted - For Songs and Records 
Pregnant? The Sooner You Know The Better 
Profit From The Wisdom Of These Investment Experts 
Profits That Lie Hidden In Your Farm 
Phone Wizard 
Read It Tonight And Start Tomorrow 
Reduce While You Sleep 
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Remember When You Could Have Picked Up A Good Piece Of Real Estate 
For A Song - And Didn't 
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Science Has Finally Counterfeited The Perfect Diamond! 
Scientists Discovered Mystery Chemical That Seems To Drive Women Wild 
Sell Your Ideas! 
Six Propositions For A Fuller Future 
Some Straight Talk About Vitamins And Your Sex Life 
Sometime In The Next 24 Months, a Government Declared Economic Emergency 
Could Wipe You Out 
Something To Look Forward To Each Day! 
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Speak Spanish Like A Diplomat 

Stop Dreaming And Start Making Money 
"Stop Playing Catch-Up And Start Getting Ahead" 
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Test Your Ability To Ever Grow Up 
The 10 Quickest Ways To Get More Customers 
The Amazing $10 Fake Diamond That Will Fool 9 Out Of 10 Jewelers 
The Amazing Blackjack Secret Of A Las Vegas Mystery Man! 
The Amazing Diet Secret Of A Desperate Housewife 
The Amazing Diet Secrets Of A Frustrated Clebourne Housewife 
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The Amazing New Beverly Hills 'Wrinkle Eraser' Discovered By A Top 
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The Amazing Secret Of A Marketing Genius Who Is Afraid To Fly 
The Amazing Secrets Of The Hottest Investment Of The Last 5 Years 
The Amazing Story Of A Business That Requires So Little Of Anything, You 
Could Run It Out Of A Phone Booth 
"...The Amazing Thing, Of Course, Is The speed At Which This Program 
Works. It Is Rather Remarkable To Throw Off As Much As 6 Pounds Of Fluid 
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The Amazing 'Magic Mud' Used By A Top TV Doctor Who Doesn't Believe In 
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The Child Who Won The Hearts Of All 
The Chinese Secrets Of Weight Control 
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The Crimes We Commit Against Our Stomachs 

The Happiest Millionaire Around Teaches Others His Secrets 
The Last Two Hours Are The Longest...And Those Are The Hours You Save 
The Lazy Mans Way To Riches 
The Lowdown On Self Publishing 
The Machine That Peels Off Pounds While You Sit Back & Enjoy It 
The Man with The Grasshopper Mind 
The Most Expensive Magazine In The World, Yet Over 40,000 Businessmen 
Buy It Every Month, Why? 
The Other Side Of The Story On Rock Hudson 
The People Who Read This Book Will End Up With Your Money 
The Quickest Way I Know To Make A Million Dollars 
The Secret Of Having Good Luck 
The Secret Of Perfect Putting 
The Secret Of Teaching Yourself Music 
The Secret To Being Wealthy 
The Ugly Truth About Your New Car 
There's Another Woman Waiting For Every Man - And She's Too Smart To 
Have "Morning Mouth" 
There's Big Business in Losing!!! 
They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano - But When I Started To Play... 
They Laughed When I Walked Into The Room - But When I Took Off My 
They Laughed When I Said I Was Going To Start My Own Business 
They Shocked Us. They Outraged Us. They Didn't Do Anything Wrong - 
They Just Did It First. 
Think And Grow Rich 
This Christmas, Let Your Present Be Your Future! 
This Is Absolutely The Easiest Way For You To Have A Future Free Of All 
Money Worries 
This Pen 'Burps' Before It Drinks But Never Afterwards 
Thousands Have This Priceless Gift - But Never Discover It! 
Tired of Making Your Boss Rich? 
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To Men Who Want To Quit Work Someday 

To People Who Want To Write - But Can't Get Started 
To The Traveling Salesman Who's Smart Enough To Know When To Call It 
Today...Add $10,000 To Your Estate For The Price Of A New Hat 
Tom MaCall Says 'The Appliance Repair Field Is So Uncrowded It's Almost 
Too Busy Earning A Living To Make Any Money? 
Using A Lawyer May Be Dangerous To Your Wealth 
Want To Be An Airline Flight Attendant? 
Want To Be A Legal Investigator? 
Want To Save A Bundle? An Open Letter To Everyone Who Drives A Truck 
On More Than 10,000 A Year 
Wanted! Ideas and Inventions! 
Watch Your Weight And Inches Disappear 
Wave This Magic Wand And Make Money For Yourself 
We Have An Interest In Your Success 
We Think Growing Companies Deserve As Much Cash Flow And Asset 
Protection As Giant Multinationals 
We're Looking For People To Write Children's Books 
We're Looking For People To Act in TV Commercials 
We're Looking for People Who Want to Make Money with Their Own 
What Everybody Ought To Know About This Stock And bond Business 
What The Travel Agents Won't Talk About Can Save You 50%-70% On Your 
Cruise Vacation!!! 
What Would You Rather Do This Evening: Watch TV Or Make Some Real 
What's Wrong With This Picture? 
What's Your Best Chance Of Earning $50,000 A Year By The Time You Are 
What's Your Best Chance To Make Money In Real Estate Today? The 
Answer Below May Surprise You! 
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When Doctors 'Feel Rotten' This Is What They Do 

When The government Freezes Your Bank Account - What Then? 
Where The Money Is And How To Get It 
Where You Can Go In A Good Used Car 
Which Of These 5 Skin Troubles Would You Like To End? 
Who Else Wants A Screen Star Figure? 
Who Else Wants Lighter Cake - In Half The Mixing Time? 
Who Else Wants To Make Big Money In Electronics? 
Whose Fault When Children Disobey? 
Why A Hard-Nosed Millionaire Will Pay You $4.50 Just To Read A Magazine 
Why Are We Giving Away This (product here) For Only $2.00... (this is not a 
Why (brand X) Bulbs Give More Light This Year? 
Why Gary Halbert Is Telling His Closest Friends They Need To Attend The 
Guerilla Video Bootcamp And Why They Can't Get In!!! 
Why Not Increase Your Income Dramatically? 
Why People In Vermont Are Healthier, Less Overweight, Stay Young Longer 
And Live Longer Than People Of Any Other State In The Union 
Why Publisher's Buy 
Why Some People Almost Always Make Money In The Stock Market 
Why Struggle To The Top In Someone Else's Business When You Can Start At 
The Top In Your Own? 
Why These Vitamins Can Make You Feel Peppier 
Why Would Investors World Wide Be Willing To Pay A Quarter Million for 
Winning At The Races May Not Be Your Idea Of Fun, But... 
World Poker Champ Sells Secrets For $9.95! 
Would You Like To Have A Photographic Memory? 
Would You Like To Take In $140 After Supper? 
You And I Will Both Profit 
You Can Laugh At Money Worries If You Follow This Simple Plan 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

You Can Only Go So Far On B.S. 

You Can't Become Rich In Your Pocket Until You Become Rich In Your Mind! 
You Don't Have To Die To Collect On Your Insurance Policy! 
You Don't Know Me I Realize...But I Want You To Have This Before It's Too 
You Grow - We Grow - A Partnership That Works 
"You Kill That Story Or I'll Run You Out Of The State!" 
You Never Saw Such Letters As Harry And I Got About Our Pears! 
Your Survival Guide To Corporate Politics 
You'll Just Love The Way This Diet Pill Works! 
Your Office On The Go! The Complete Solution To Your Business Needs... 
If you’re struggling to write your own headlines, looking at great copy can make 
you wonder where to start. 

It’s a bit like looking at the Mona Lisa and then going back to your own blank 
canvas with a box of crayons to create a masterpiece. 

So these should help. 

The following 40 headlines are inspired by some of the classic copywriting 

formulas, but the specific details have been stripped out and the copy tweaked to 
provide you with a framework for your own headlines. 

Simply gather the following details of your product: 

■ Target market 
■ Results 
■ Benefits Possible objections 
■ Time take to get results 
■ Product nam​e 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

And then start experimenting and see what headlines you can create for your own 
product or service. 

Classic Copywriting Headline Templates 

1. The secret of getting [results] 
2. A little mistake that cost a [target market] [cost] a year 
3. Advice to… [target market] who want [results] 
4. Do you suffer from [problem] at [occasion]? 
5. Who ever heard of [target market] having [results] without [objection] 
6. How I improved… [problem] without [objection] in just [time] 
7. Discover the [benefits] you get with [results] 
8. Proven: The most effective way to get [results] 
9. How a [something perceived as bad] resulted in [results] and [benefits] 
10. Do you suffer from [problem]? 
11. Do you have these symptoms of [problem] 
12. Guaranteed to [results] without [objection] 
13. How a new [product] solved my [problem] in just [time] 
14. Which type of [target market] are you? Is it stopping you get [results]? 
15. Does your [problem] ever embarrass you? 
16. To people who want [results] but don’t know where to start 
17. How much is [problem] really costing you? 
18. The right way to solve [problem] 
19. [thousands / hundreds / etc]of [target market] now have [results] will you join 
20. For the [target market individual, not plural] who has less [results] than he / she 
21. Suppose this happened to your [business / life / relationship etc]. Would you 
22. Are other [target market] secretly overtaking you? 
23. [X] proven ways to get [results] and [benefits] 
24. Are you ready to have [results] in just [time]? 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

25. Get your hands on this system that took one [target market] from [starting results] 
to [end results] in just [time] 
26. How I got [results] by making this unusual mistake. 
27. Why some [target market] always have / get [results] 
28. You can laugh about [problem] if you follow this simple plan 
29. Five common [problems] faced by [target market] which one do you want to 
30. What [industry experts] do when faced with [problem] 
31. [industry] experts prove that you can have [results] and with this new [product] 
32. Why it’s not your fault you have [problem]. And how to make it disappear in just 
33. Thousands of [target market] can have [results] but never realise it. Don’t let it be 
34. Why [target market] are raving about this [product]. ([Results] is just one of the 
35. For just [cost] a day you can have [results] and [benefits] in [time] 
36. To [target market] who want [results] by [time] 
37. This new [product] will get you [benefits] galore 
38. It’s not right that you don’t have [results] when so many [target market] do 
39. The secrets of [target markets] that always get [results] 
40. What the [industry] experts don’t want you to know about solving [problem] 
41. Why do some [target market] have more [benefits] than others? The answer might 
surprise you 

The famous copywriter Joseph Sugarman would always say the job of a headline 
was to act like “A slippery slope” in which the person would be: 

1st sucked in by the headline

….then sucked in by the 2nd line

……..then sucked in by the 3rd line

John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

…………and so forth.

Your headline should be at the top of the slide like this: 

John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

It’s important to remember what the ULTIMATE job of our headline is: 

The headline is there to SELL.   

Everything in your copy should be there to sell. And the key to a good sales 
headline is: 
John Annavi​​l 4​ 99 Best Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Email Open Rates  

Headlines that SELL are ​relevant. 


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