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3 Meeting No. 2
4 04 June 2020 (Thursday), 9:00 A.M., EUMB Conference, DOE Building
5 Energy Center, Rizal Drive, BGC, Taguig City
10A. Attendees
12 1. Senior Undersecretary Jesus Cristino Posadas DOE
13 2. UndersecretaryJose Miguel dela Rosa NEDA
14 3. Assistant Secretary Roderick M. Planta NEDA
15 4. Assistant SecretaryGreg Pineda NEDA
16 5. Assistant Secretary Maridon Sahagun DOST
17 6. Director Clotilde Drapete DBM
18 7. Director Ma.MonicaPagunsan NEDA
19 8. DirectorOdilonPasaraba DILG
20 9. Mr.WarlitoDaus DILG
21 10. Ms. Graciela Juatco DTI
22 11. Ms. RochelleFerrer-Ramirez DBM
24 Other Attendees
26 12. Director Patrick Aquino DOE
27 13. AssistantDirectorJesusC.Anunciacion DOE
28 14. Ms. Genevieve Almonares DOE
29 15. Ms. Rosalie Joan Sotelo DOE
30 16. Mr. Antonio Basco DOE
31 17. Mr. Mark Venson Chua DOE
32 18. Mr. VictorinoGetalado DOE
33 19. Ms. AnitaOrnillo DOE
34 20. Ms. Rose V. Sumulong DOE
36B. Call toOrder
38 Senior Undersecretary Jesus CristinoP.Posadas as the Chair during the meeting
39 presided and called the 2nd IAEECC Meeting to order at 9:15 A.M.
41 Sr. Usec. J. C. P. Posadas delivered the Opening Remarksand welcomed the
42 participants to the IAEECC Meeting No. 2 despite COVID 19. With this situation, he
43 highlighted the importance of energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) in the
44 survival and sustainability of the social and economic life of the country. He added
45 that republic health emergency requires tremendous government financial resources
46 to which EE&C savings can significantly contribute. He also cited that EE&C place a
47 significant contribution to energy security, resiliency, energy access, energy
48 affordability and environmental sustainability for a very obvious reason. Lastly, he
49 hoped that everyone can move a step forward in doing IAEECC shares in this
50 endeavour.

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1 The Chair enumerated the agenda of the meeting as follows:
3 1. Status of IAEECC Resolution No. 1: Directing All Government Agencies,
4 including Local Government Units (LGUs) and Foreign Service Posts, to Comply
5 with the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) Ordering the
6 Department of Energy to Conduct Energy Audit and Spot Checks, and Submit
7 Proposed Improvements to the GEMP
9 1.1 Comments received from the members have been reflected
10 1.2 Routing for signature of principals under General Community Quarantine
12 2. Status of Energy Audit and Spotchecks
14 3. Proposed GEMP Guidelines and the proposed activities to support the
15 Committee
17 4. Advisory: Enjoining all concerned government to realize at least 10% cost
18 savingssavings issued by the IAEECC Chair Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi, in support of
19 National Budget Circular No. 580, and the DILG’s Memorandum Circular No. 2020-
20 082, on the designation of local government unit’s Energy Efficiency and
21 Conservation Officers (EEC Officers).
23 5. DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-082: Addressed to all Provincial
24 Governors, City Mayors, DILG Regional Directors, BARMM Minister for Local
25 Government , and others Concerned the Guidelines in Implementing Republic
26 Act No. 11285 or the “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act” and its
27 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
29B. Approval of the Agenda
31 1. The Chair requested comments on the proposed agenda from the attendees.
33 Action taken: The agenda was approvedas proposed by the Committee.
35C. Presentation of Status of IAEECC Resolution No.1
37 2. The Secretariat apprised the IAEECC members on the status of Resolution No.
38 1. The final version reflected the inputs received by the Secretariat coming from
39 DBM, DTI and DOST with respect to the version
41 3. The Secretariat will sent copies of the Resolution via email. In consistent with the
42 requirements in our procedures, the Secretariat will be formally routing the
43 Resolution for the signature of the respective principals.
45 4. The Secretariat stated that the Resolution reflected the inputs of the members of
46 the Committee. The title has been expanded from the word “Enjoining” to
47 “Directing.” Likewise, input coming from DBM to reflect is applicability to Foreign
48 Service Pots was incorporated.
50 5. The Secretariat explained that the previous copy of the Resolution that was
51 approved, the Annexes from the previous GEMP were not cited. This has been
52 expressly mentioned in the Resolution.

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2 6. The Secretariat added additional clauses based on the discussion from the 1st
3 meeting such as the temperature of 24oC.
5 7. The Secretariat explained the scope of the Resolution 1 which cover the
6 government-wide program provided under the Law consists of the Executive
7 Branches including Foreign Service posts. At the same time, the Secretariat will
8 issue the necessary guidelines on the use of savings as well as other energy
9 efficiency programs which applies to all agencies, the other Executive Offices,
10 State Universities and Colleges and Local Government Units (LGUs).
12 8. Designation of Energy Efficiency and Conservation (ECC) Officer. For the
13 recognition of an EEC Officer, there will be an EEC Focal Person who will assist
14 the EECO, and the submission of the Annexes A and B in this Resolution be
15 adopted.
17 9. The Secretariat presented the Annex A (Monthly Electricity Consumption Report)
18 and B (Monthly Fuel Consumption Report) including the general instructions for
19 the preparation of these reports.
21 10. On the presentation of the proposed IAEECC Resolution No.1, following are the
22 issues and concerns were raised by the attendees:
24 10.1 Director Clotilde Drapete of DBM
26 In Resolution No. 1, will there be a provision enjoining the other branches
27 of the government such as Judiciary, Legislative Body and other
28 Constitutional Commissions to mandatory follow the Resolution?
30 Action taken: Since there is the separation of power, the IAEECC
31 Secretariat, once the IAEECC Resolution No 1 approved, will strongly
32 request the heads of other branches like the legislature, judiciary and other
33 constitutional commissions to comply with the implementation of GEMP.
35 9.2 Assistant Secretary Roderick M. Planta
37 Relating to the base period of GEMP, NEDA questioned if the baseline
38 period would be 2019 or 2015?
40 Action taken: The DOE proposed the baseline of 2015.
42D. Status of Energy Audit/Spot Checks
44 11. The DOE has scheduled the conduct of virtual energy audits on the 3 rd week of
45 June this month. The initial target agencies subject to the confirmation are as
46 follows:
48 11.1 Department of Interior and Local Government (Central Office)
49 11.2 National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
50 11.3 National Water Resource Board
51 11.4 Department of Agriculture (Central Office)
52 11.5 Department of Tourism (Central Office)

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3 12. On the presentation of the virtual energy audit,
5 12.1 Director Clotilde Drepete of DBM
7 How are going to conduct the energy audit since this will be undertaken
8 virtually?
10 Action taken: The Secretariat responded that DOE will be partnering with
11 an international organization that will provide background information on
12 the conduct of virtual energy audit. The energy audit as much as possible
13 will be on physical visiting. However, DOE’s international partners in
14 Singapore insisted to do the virtual energy audit relying on the submission
15 of the documents being made by the agency and cross referencing it with
16 the geographic location.
18 12.2 Director Clotilde Drapete of DBM
20 How long does it will take for an agency to be audited?
22 Action taken. The Secretariat exaplained that in terms of the time and
23 resources needed, the energy audit depend on the floor area, the size of
24 the facility of the government agency. Furthermore, it will also depend on
25 the number of trips of vehicles because the analysis that will be done will
26 go into every aspect of the physical facilities as well as the number of
27 vehicles in the agency.
29 12.3 Mr.Warlito Daus of DILG
31 For instance, is the energy audit will be done at the DILG Central Office
32 alone or with the inclusion of other regional offices?
34 Action taken: The Secretariat responded that for the purposes of virtual
35 energy audit, the DOE Team will focus primarily on DILG Central Office.
37 12.4 Undersecretary Jose Miguel delaRosa from NEDA.
39 May we know when NEDA will be audited? Do you have the schedule for
40 the year?
42 Action taken: The Secretariat answered that DOE will be scheduling the
43 conduct of virtual energy audit monthly. DOE typically do this through
44 physical audit and spotchecks but DOE have to adjust to the new normal
45 so the team had just started with this initial list. DOE can coordinate with
46 NEDA on the conduct of the spot check for the NEDA Central Office.
48 12.5 Mr. Warlito Daus of DILG
50 It was clarified that their regional offices are submitting their energy
51 consumption reports to the DILG Central Office.

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1 Action taken: The Secretariat will take a look on the submission made
2 and the extend by which DOE can also mirror the conduct of virtual energy
3 audit to be reflected also the report submitted to the DILG central office for
4 their respective field and regional offices. DOE will coordinate once the
5 virtual energy audit has been done with DILG Central Office.
7 12.6 Mr. Warlito Daus of DILG
9 DILG Secretary issued the Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2020-082 to
10 support the implementation of RA 11285 in which under this MC, LGUs
11 will designate EECO to be directly submitted to the IAEECC.
13 Action taken: The Chair responded that the Secretariat had noted the
14 DILG Secretary MC No 2020-082 that it was indeed a very welcome
15 development.
17 12.7 Ms. Rochelle Ferrer-Ramirez of DBM
19 DBM strongly suggested that other branches of government aside from
20 the Legislature, Judiciary should comply with the GEMP, the Constitutional
21 Commission like the COA, COMELEC and CSC should also be included in
22 the letter as well as the Office of the Ombudsman. These Offices consist
23 the Constitutional and Financial Autonomy group. They have fiscal
24 autonomy and as have said earlier, we have separation of power from
25 these other branches.
27 DBM mentioned that as stated in the EE&C Act, it provides that the LGUs and
28 the EEC Officer shall have held a EEC Office of the LGU, which may be part
29 of the Planning and Development Office of the LGU concerned, so DBM
30 suggested that a separate resolution by the committee may be issued to
31 provide further guidelines on the implementation of the GEMP in the LGUs as
32 well as on how they will formulate their Local Energy Energy Efficiency and
33 Conservation Plan (LEECP) to ensure that they are harmonize with the
34 National Energ Efficiency and Conservation Plan (NEECP). There is a need
35 to clarify perhaps that should the LGUs require additional position for this
36 undertaking or they can work on their present manpower complement.
38 Action taken: The Secretariat will take note of the comments from DBM.
39 From the adoption of the IAEECC Resolution No. 1, the DOE will be
40 routing this to the members to complete the processing of the signatures
41 of the principals. The Secretariat will treat the suggestion of DBM as a
42 motion from the ratification and signature of Resolution no. 1.
44 The Secretariat will be drafting a letter addressed the other branches of
45 government as well as the Constitutional Commission providing these
46 guidelines to them and strongly and respectfully requesting the same thing
47 likewise implemented by their respective agencies if this direction is what
48 the Secretariat sees the inputs from the DBM.
50 12.8 Mr. WarlitoDausof DILG
52 Is it the DILG who will issue a Memorandum for the League of LGUs to
53 recommend their National Energy Efficiency Coordinating Officer so that the

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1 DILG Secretary can designate them? Or it is the DOE or the IAEECC that will
2 do the designation?
4 Action taken: The Chair answered that following the DILG Memo Circular
5 2020-082, it is within the DILG Secretary’s authority to do what is necessary
6 to implement the EE&C Act within the agency concerned. In other words, if
7 the DILG Secretary feels, that it is significant or very important or necessary
8 that the League of LGUs will be involved in this endeavor, it is his call. The
9 Chair added that as per DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-082, if the
10 DILG Secretary feels that it is significant, very important or necessary that
11 the League of LGUs will be involved in this endeavor.
13 12.9 Ms. Rochelle Ferrer-Ramirez of DBM
15 DBM supported the position of the DILG because as indicated under Section
16 5, Chapter 2 (j), coordinate with the National Energy Efficiency and
17 Conservation Coordinating Office (NEECCO) on the integrated LEECP to
18 ensure its consistency and alignment with the NEECP. DOE shall coordinate
19 with the NEECCO on the integrated LEECP. DBM made it clear of what Mr.
20 Daus is referring to.
22 DBM also mentioned that there is an integrated LEECP. So that’s why as
23 suggested under should be for their guidelines on the implementation of the
24 GEMP in the LGUs not in the DILG but on the LGUs on how they will
25 implement the EEC Act. So it’s saying, that there should be integrated
26 LEECP. So who should integrate the various LEECP of the LGUs and ensure
27 that they are aligned with NEECP, and it also provides under Section 5,
28 Chapter 2 (i) that the DOE shall provide the LGUs the templates for reports
29 and updates. These kind of questions may be answered if the DOE will issue
30 separate Guidelines for the LGUs.
32 Action taken: The Chair assured DBM that DOE will be doing the
33 provision of templates and the consolidation of full reports.
35E. Presentation of the Proposed GEMP Guidelines
37 13. The Secretariat made a brief and quick presentation of the proposed GEMP
38 Guidelines. These include:
40 Section 2. Scope. The proposed GEMP Guidelines where it shall cover all
41 government agencies, including all departments, bureaus, offices, agencies,
42 branches and instrumentalities or political subdivision, government owned and
43 controlled corporations (GOCCs), including its subsidiaries or other self-
44 governing board or commission, local government units, state universities and
45 colleges.
47 Section 3. Definition of Terms
49  Agency Rating
50  Energy Audit
51  Energy Audit Team
52  Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Officer
53  Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Focal Person

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1  Monthly Electricity Consumption Report (MECR)
2  Monthly Fuel Consumption Report (MFCR)
4 Section 4. Formulation of EEC Programs – this shall be formulated by each
5 government entity which shall develop energy conservation measures, target
6 savings, motor vehicle inventoryand other strategies.
8 Electricity Consumption – focus on the tips and the actions to be undertaken by
9 each respected agency to improve upon their consumption. These goes into the
10 airconditioning in greater detail,the cooling systems, the light, computers as well
11 as the operation of those elevators, for example is included in this guidelines.
13 Fuel consumption - provides for the various things that can be done by the
14 agencies to ensure that the fuel consumption will be efficient.
16 In terms of the referencing as asked earlier by Asec Planta of NEDA, this will be
17 the base period to make reference of the clear mandate similar to the previous
18 GEMP of a concrete 10% reduction for both fuel and electricity. Note that in the
19 previous GEMP, the reference was 2004 initially and later on adjusted to 2015. ,
20 On the query as to why we are requiring at least 5 years referencing for this as
21 the minimum for 1 year. If it is a new entity, it is to allow for the availability to set
22 the baseline and the trending for the particular consumption of the entity or the
23 agency.
25 Energy Consuming Products
27 Hopefully, the DOE the Secretary will issue the guidelines on the energy labeling
28 for appliances as well as the minimum energy performance so this will spell out
29 and we will be working with our colleagues from DBM-Procurement Service, and
30 probably Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) that products are
31 appliances that arecovered by the PELP, the procurement shall be made.
33 These are the few items that meet the minimum energy performance if is already
34 set and this item contain an energy label.
36 There is a recognition that lighting plays an important role and when the MEPP
37 by products is issued by Energy Secretary pursuant to the EE&C Act, the set
38 minimum will be used for products purchased by the executive for compact
39 fluorescent lamps. Actually, DOE encourage the shift from CFL to light emitting
40 diode (LED) for better technology.
42 Government Vehicles
44 Under this, government entities and LGUs are encouraged to:
46  purchase an energy efficient vehicles and those using alternative fuels for
47 replacement.
48  use of government vehicles should be used for government purposes
49  reiterate the need for official trip ticket
50  government vehicles should be used only for work purposes
51 officials caught using vehicles outside the regular hours of business will be
52 subject for violation of non-official use of vehicles

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2 Buildings and Facilities
4 In terms of buildings and facilities, for new constructions and retrofits, DOE will be
5 pushing for alignment with the National Building Code, Green Building Code and
6 the guidelines for energy conserving design for buildings.
8 Section 5 Functions of the Energy Audit Team(EAT).
10 The functions of EAT are to conduct energy efficiency seminars, energy surveys
11 and spot checks, ensure that each government entitty head designates a senior
12 offical as its EEC Officer, liaise with LGUs on the implementation of the GEMP,
13 require EEC Officers to submit monthly electricity and fuel consumption reports,
14 validate the monthly and annual savings, recommend the issuance of certficate of
15 savings, follow up findings of deficiency in each agency, among others.
17 Section 6-8 – this portion is likewise contained in IAEECC Resolution No. 1.
19 Section 9 EEC Incentive. The EEC incentive authorize government entities to
20 use the savings realized through EEC incentives as a benfit granted to
21 employees. The EEC incentive may be sources from 50% of the EEC savings
22 generated. These benefit and savings may be used to upgrade/lease/purchase
23 vehicles to be used by employees as shuttle services, purhase/lease of service
24 vehicle to replace the old and inefficent units assigned to officials and granting of
25 other benefits such as Perforamnce Based Bonus and/or Collective Negotiation
26 Agreement (CNA) when applicable.
28 Section10 Recognition – DOE will propose that IAEECC will submit a Certificate
29 of Recognition for those agencies that deployed effective strategies for energy
30 efficiency, attained a high level of savings in fuel and electricity, the
31 accurateness, clarity and completeness on the submission of the reports. The
32 recognition shall be conferred during the National Energy Consciousness Month.
34 Section 11. Compliance and Sanctions. Non-compliance with the provisions of
35 the GEMP Guidelines shall subject any official to administrative sanctions as
36 provided by applicable laws and shall be without prejudice appropriate criminal
37 and civil liabilities provided under Section 80 of the EEC-IRR.
39 Section 12. Information, Education and Communication Activities. The DOE shall
40 develop and undertake a national awareness campaign to ensure compliance
41 with the GEMP Guidelines.
43 14. On the presentation of the proposed GEMP Guidelines, following are the issues
44 and concerns were raised by the attendees:
46 14.1 Undersecretary Jose Miguel dela Rosa.
48 NEDA supported the undertaking of the IAEECC and the DOE by
49 configuring their assistance specifically on energy efficiency and
50 conservation, involving their ergional offices as well.

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1 Action taken. The Chair welcomed the support of NEDA. He stated that
2 the EE&C Law which applies to all government agencies must show the
3 way and give example of conserving funds specially on energy
4 consumption in both electricity and fuel. The Chair welcomed NEDA’s
5 support.
7 The Secretariat will disseminate the proposed GEMP guidelines.
9F. Advisory: Enjoining all Concerned in the Government to Realize at least ten
10 percent Cost savings
12 15. The Secretariat further gave details about the Advisory.
14 15.1 The IAEECC Chair and the Secretary of Energy, in support of the National
15 Budget Circular 580 essentially amplifying and reiterating compliance with
16 the 10% order, cost reduction savings in terms of petroleum products, as
17 well as electricity. By way of addendum to familiarize with the various
18 government agencies, have also requested the accomplishment of forms
19 which the IAEECC Secretariat will be using to cross reference the
20 proposed plans made by the various agencies relative to these agencies
21 that have been able to comply with the requirements. We will be sharing
22 with you the amount in terms of P10 kilowatt and liters, that have been
23 generated by the agencies relative to the advisory and it is still revolving
24 figure for the appreciation of various members of the responses we have
25 logged in so far around 3,400,000 electricity savings and equivalent
26 savings to petroleum products of 1,400, this is close to 10%. The
27 Secretariat is still working through the submission. The Secretariat will be
28 providing the Committee copies of the full submission report of what has
29 been reported by the various agencies with respect to the compliance with
30 NBC 580.
32 15.2 The DILG Secretary last May 9, 2020 issued Memorandum Circular No.
33 2020-082 addressed to all provincial, governors, city mayors, municipal
34 mayors, regional director of DILG, BARMM Minister for Local Government
35 and other concerned regarding the implementation of the Ee&C Act to the
36 LGUs essentially labelling the pertaining provisions of the IRR and the law
37 itself. The EE and C office, the EEC Officer will be moving forward to the
38 recommendation of the proposed guidelines specifically for the local
39 government units to address the inputs derived for by Mr. Warlito Daus
40 earlier.
42 15.3 On the question of the NEECO and on the drafting of the LEECP as well
43 as the inputs coming from the DBM with respect to clarity on how this is to
44 be operationalized and how this will be aligned to the NEEC Office. We
45 will be providing the Secretariat, for the DOE we will be drafting our inputs,
46 moving forward with those recommendation, working hand in hand with
47 DBM, DILG in the next IAEECC meeting.
49 16. On the presentation of the proposed GEMP Advisory, following are the issues
50 and concerns were raised by the attendees:
52 16.1 Director Clotilde Drapete of DBM

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2 With regard to the Advisory issued by the IAEECC as signed by Secretary
3 A. G. Cusi, the DBM Systems and Productivity and Improvement Bureau
4 was surprised. It seems the Office of the DBM Secretary forwarded to
5 them the submissions of the various agencies. Director Drapete was not
6 really aware of this Advisory, so the IAEECC Secretariat was emailed and
7 it seemed that it is related to the Bayanihan Act. Likewise, an email was
8 received on June 1 informing all concerned concerned agencies to refrain
9 from sending the forms to DOE an DBM. Is this accurate.
11 Action taken: The Secretariat Head, Director Patrick Aquino personally
12 apologized for the confusion that cause and moving forward, rest assured
13 that he will personally taking care of the materials that will come out and
14 will faithfully reflective of the instruction of the IAEECC Committee as a
15 whole.
17 16.2 Assistant Secretary Roderick M. Planta NEDA 10% cost savings – we
18 could also see the reduction in consumption not only on reduction in cost.
20 Action taken: That is one of the viable insightthat will be arriving as we
21 received the information. Actually, we are noticing based on the
22 experience of the DOE, is the savings between the period of ECQ going to
23 the lifting, there was really a force savings because most of the operations
24 which scaled back significantly so the 10% reduction in terms of reduction
25 absolute consumption in terms of electricity not the fuel component
26 because we had to do shoplift of employees we saw at least 40%
27 improvement on the average month to month in the period whichever
28 enhanced community quanrantine. We will work with NEDA with that,
29 driving more data analytic and analysis that is a good point that is
30 something that we will look forward and share with the committee.
32 The Chair said that the reckoning will be the combined electricity and oil
33 consumption because you could save in the electricity, but in the oil you
34 will do more in the transport of employees. And therefore it is really the
35 combined energy consumption of both electricity and oil that would matter.
36 Input on that issue. The relevant unit will be the unit of electricity and unit
37 of oil consumed rather than the price because the price we not in control
38 of that because of the the supply and demand.
40 16.3 Assistant SecretaryGreg Pineda of NEDA
42 If we are going to based itong cost savings, 10% savings, itong takbo ng
43 data with the enhanced community quarantine, work from home
44 arrangement, itong sa electricity mukhang 39% lang noong april 2019
45 yung nagamit. Comparing april 2019 to 2020, itongsa fuel naman getting
46 sa aggragation, 80% ang bagsak ng expense. Institutional perspective, in
47 the coming months, mukhang doable kaya lang dahil
48 nagtratrabaho sa bahay ang mga empleyado, expectedly tataas yung
49 gastos they clamouring for some allowances to support yung nadagdag na
50 gastos, Baka pwede tignan ng committee kung paano ma compensate,
51 ayaw ng dbm baka there is some way, part ng recognition at kung may

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1 compensation na shift yung gastos from office to household ng mga
2 empleyado because of work from home arrangement.
4 Action taken: The Chair cited that is a very good point but to work from
5 home arrangement is a CSC issue which of course from the energy
6 implication point of view, we can make a contribution. We can inform the
7 CSC on that issues so that it will be properly be communicated.
9 16.4 Usec Michael dela Rosa – In our group, would it be possible to share this
10 report with the ___group.
12 Action taken: The Chair encourage more support and participation for
13 energy efficiency in government. He said, he do not any reason why we
14 restrict dissemination of this report. Can we calendar this for the june 6
15 meeting. If you recall usec wimpy also advocated energy efficiency as a
16 issue on our prenotic leadership.
18E. Other Matters
20 17. The Secretariat informed the members on the tentative date of the next IAEECC
21 Meeting either on August 6 or September 3. The venue will be announced once
22 the date is finalized.
24 18. As there were no other mattersto be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at
25 1020 A.M.
29Submitted by:
33IAEECC Secretariat
35Noted by:
39IAEECC Secretariat
41Approved by:
45Energy Utilization Management Bureau

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