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Developing a

Methodology for Observing

Electronic Voting

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Developing a
Methodology for Observing
Electronic Voting

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October 2007
The Carter Center

Introduction and Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Summary of November 2006 Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Baseline Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Observation Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Staffing Implications for an Election Observation Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Pilot Test: Venezuela Presidential Election, Dec. 3, 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Smartmatic Machine Controversy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Piloting the Observation Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Findings and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Next Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Baseline Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Poll Opening Observation Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Election Day Observation Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Poll Closing Observation Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Participants List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
The Carter Center

Introduction and Background
he increasing use of new electronic voting on the results of a previous workshop hosted by the
(e-voting) technologies in elections around Center in 2005 on the challenges posed by electronic
the world has been recognized by the inter- voting technologies.
national election observation community as one of Shortly after the November 2006 meeting, The
the paramount challenges facing election observation Carter Center deployed a specialized technical mission
today. As a whole, international election observation to Venezuela to observe the use of electronic voting in
organizations have had relatively little experience its Dec. 3, 2006, presidential election and to conduct
observing elections in which e-voting technologies a preliminary field test of the methodology. Following
are used. In addition, the inherent lack of transparen- the Venezuela mission, Carter Center staff and con-
cy of electronic voting technologies discourages easy sultants worked to update and revise the methodology.
observation. The Center plans to test the draft methodology in at
E-voting systems thus pose important and unique least two additional pilot missions.
challenges for election observers: How can observers This short document, with the attached revised
assess the workings of electronic systems where the draft observation forms, summarizes the discussions
processes of vote counting and tabulation are often of the November 2006 meeting, the methodological
invisible? What aspects of traditional observation findings of the technical mission to Venezuela, and
remain relevant for e-voting observation? What can subsequent efforts by Carter Center staff to revise the
and should be observed in the automated or e-voting draft methodology for observing electronic voting.1
systems? What are the critical and essential access
points in e-voting processes that observers need in Summary of November 2006
order to assess the integrity of the voting exercise?
Does e-voting present new dynamics or challenges
for the interrelationships between relevant stake-
holders such as vendors, legislators, election officials,
Perspectives on Electronic Voting:
and others? Are there unique legal or legislative
Professor Douglas Jones
implications for e-voting systems? In advance of the November 2006 meeting, The
To address some of these questions, The Carter Carter Center developed a draft methodology for
Center has embarked on a two-year initiative aimed review by meeting participants. This methodology
at developing an effective methodology for observing served as the basis of discussion during the meeting.
elections in which electronic voting technologies are As an introduction and overview to the topic of elec-
used. On Nov. 2, 2006, The Carter Center hosted the tronic voting technologies, professor Doug Jones of
first activity of this initiative — a small workshop of the University of Iowa opened the meeting with a
representatives of election observation organizations short presentation on the ways in which different per-
and e-voting experts aimed at fostering collaborative spectives on the use of electoral technologies can help
discussion and the development of a draft method- to identify openings and opportunities for more mean-
ology for observing electronic voting. This meeting, ingful observations.2 According to Dr. Jones, it is
called “Developing a Draft Methodology for helpful to understand the path of the voting machine
Observing Electronic Voting Technologies,” built through several cycles — the election cycle, the life
cycle of the machine itself, and the cycle of data flow

Note. The Carter Center gratefully acknowledges the government of 1 This report was written by Avery Davis-Roberts, program associate in
Ireland, Jim Stanard, Cherida Smith, and the Hughes Foundation, whose the Carter Center’s Democracy Program.
generous support makes the Center’s election standards project possible.

The Carter Center

between different equipment and software and differ- Depending on the electoral body, there may or may
ent physical locations. The next several sections sum- not be postelection audits that check the accuracy of
marize the main points of Dr. Jones’ presentation and the tabulated vote. These postelection audits would
the discussion among meeting participants. ideally occur before the official results have been
announced and would be another opportunity for
Election Cycle election observers to assess the efficacy and inclusive-
Pre-election tests and audits are an optimal opportu- ness of the procedures in place.
nity for international election observers to assess not
only the functioning of the electronic voting system Machine Life Cycle
but also the access of key stakeholders to the electoral The machine’s life cycle begins with the invention of
process, including the technologies in use. However, the voting equipment and ends when the machines
when considering the election cycle, there are various are finally retired from use. Ideally, the first election
factors that limit the extent and effectiveness of pre- employing a new voting technology will be a minor
testing and auditing of the electronic voting system. election with a low number of voters because there
First, there is often political pressure to extend the are almost always significant glitches associated with
candidate registration period. If candidates are the first deployment of a technology.
allowed to register at a later date, the period between Before the voting machines are used in an election,
candidate registration and election day may not be the electoral jurisdiction should assess whether the
long enough to conduct the proper audits and tests. machine meets not only a set of recognized certifica-
Shorter testing periods translate into shorter periods tion standards for electronic voting systems, but also
for correcting any detected errors or flaws in the the particular requirements of the election taking
electronic voting system, which can result in serious place and of the jurisdiction in which that election
problems that must be resolved in an unrealistically will occur. A jurisdiction may have different require-
short period of time. ments for a voting machine depending on various
A second important factor is the location and factors, including whether the jurisdiction is rural or
chain of custody of machines throughout the election urban, the number of registered voters, and so forth.
cycle. Election observers should pay particular atten- Ideally, an independent body will be responsible for
tion to the chain of custody of the machines, espe- the certification of the technology and will determine
cially once they have been distributed from the whether or not the machine has met the standards
central warehouse, where testing likely takes place, to set for e-voting technologies. In the United States,
the polling places. Once the machines are deployed independent testing authorities (ITAs) perform this
to the polling places, physical security measures function. These laboratories are private companies
become paramount as transportation and in-polling- that have been accredited by the U.S. Election
place storage provide a significant opportunity for Assistance Commission. However, the extent of a
tampering to take place. Because testing of the testing authority’s actual independence is dependent
machines does not usually occur once the machines to a large degree on the electoral body and the
are distributed to the polling place, observing the voting machine vendor. In the United States, for
chain of custody becomes the most effective means of example, the ITAs often are paid to test the equip-
ensuring that the equipment has not been tampered ment and software by the voting machine vendor,
with or that any tampering that does occur is evident potentially compromising the legitimacy of the
and that proper procedures are followed. certification process.
Third, after election day has concluded, voting Observers should seek to answer the following
information must be transmitted to the central tabu- questions when considering the certification process:
lation system. The actual collection of the results What are the certification standards for a particular
from the voting machines usually involves the use of jurisdiction? Are these standards public information?
modems, memory sticks, and other electronic devices.

The Carter Center

Is the process for certifying electronic voting systems

Cycle of Data Flow
When considering e-voting, observers should try
After the machine has been independently certi- and identify all the delivery paths of information
fied and accepted by the electoral body, the decision between various software programs and equipment.
to deploy the technology can be made. At that point, Understanding the expected flow of information will
election officials and poll workers must be trained help observers to identify potential opportunities for
to operate and use the machines. If the decision to manipulation of the system and to assess whether
deploy the technology is made too late, the amount adequate security procedures (both technical and
of time available to test the machines, to properly physical) have been put in place. The cyclical flow
train poll workers and election officials on their use, of information and equipment between the vendor,
and to familiarize the electorate with the technology the tabulation center, the warehouse, and the polling
may be condensed to the detriment of the electoral places requires that a certain level of security be
process. Observation of the training of poll workers, implemented at each exchange of information to
election officials, and the electorate must be a central ensure that the system is, at least, tamper-evident.
component of any e-voting observation methodology. Figure 1 summarizes the cycle of data flow.

Figure 1: Cycle of Data Flow

1. Vendor produces equipment and software.

2. Machines and software are delivered to the warehouse and tabulation centers — data flow between

3. Machines are then deployed to polling places — data flow between the polling place and the
vendor and tabulation center and warehouse.

4. On election day, votes are cast and then the election results are sent to the tabulation center —

5. After the election, the equipment is returned to the warehouse for storage — data flow between the
data flow between the polling place and the tabulation center.

polling place and warehouse.

The Carter Center

There are two components for providing proper It was suggested that by working toward more
security during the various exchanges in the cycle: harmonized methodologies for observing electronic
physical security and technical security. Physical voting, the election observation community is help-
security measures often include documented chains ing to articulate standards for e-voting based on
of custody to certify that each person involved in the widely accepted democratic principles, such as trans-
process performed the proper protocol for the delivery parency and accountability. The Council of Europe
and transfer of equipment and data. Technical security, recommendations go a step further and begin to tie
on the other hand, usually involves cryptography to those emerging standards to international law.
ensure that the software and the machines cannot be More generally, members of the group questioned
tampered with. The need for observers to focus exclu- whether electronic voting could ever be completely
sively on technical security measures generally occurs observable. Proprietary issues and nondisclosure
only if the physical security procedures have proven agreements between the vendor and the electoral
inadequate. body can add to the opacity of electronic voting
The methods used for transferring data from the systems.
polling centers to the tabulation center and for finally
tabulating the votes can also present a significant Technical Expertise
challenge to observation and auditing. Most tabula- Meeting participants agreed that there is a general
tion centers are set up with individual technicians sit- shortage of people, in both developing and developed
ting in front of computers, making it very difficult to countries, who have the technical expertise not
observe the work that they are actually performing. only to observe all aspects of the electronic voting
The method for observing at the tabulation center process but also to work with electoral commissions
must be fundamentally different from the way that to adequately administer electronic elections. A
the rest of the electoral process is observed. few members of the group suggested that the gap
between the knowledge of the technicians who
International Standards run the election and that of the electorate could
for Electronic Voting become so wide as to make the processes of electronic
During discussion at the November 2006 meeting, voting completely opaque to observation. In such
there was general agreement among the participants circumstances, the ability of the general public
that consideration of the legal framework is an to lodge complaints or legal challenges would be
especially important aspect of observing electronic severely eroded. Similarly, political parties also
voting and that the right of key stakeholders to have suffer from a lack of technical capacity to observe
access to complaints procedures and other effective electronic voting. There was a general consensus
legal remedies becomes even more critical when new that political parties should be trained to observe
technologies are introduced. Several participants electronic voting; one concrete suggestion for a
suggested that developing international standards for next step was the creation of training programs for
electronic voting technologies could give observers political party agents and other key stakeholders on
the tools necessary to assess both the legal framework voting technology.
of a particular country’s elections and the electronic
voting system. The Council of Europe’s Standards
for Electronic Voting Systems are one example of
international standards.3


The Carter Center

The Methodology
rior to the November 2006 meeting, The The use of electronic voting technologies also
Carter Center developed a draft methodology widens the scope of focus for observers in that it
for observing the use of electronic voting introduces new stakeholders into the electoral
technologies. This draft methodology served as the process, such as certification bodies and vendors. To
basis for discussion during the workshop. As outlined understand the impact of technologies on the quality
above, the principal activities of the Center’s and conduct of the elections, observers must consider
two-year initiative on e-voting include a series of new types of information that would not necessarily
collaborative workshops and meetings, and pilot mis- have been included in traditional observation
sions in collaboration with representatives of other approaches, such as the contractual relationship
observation groups, aimed at refining the method- between the election management body and
ology and increasing the hands-on experience of the vendor.
international observers with electronic voting. In order to develop a standard methodology that
The following section provides an overview of the can be applied in a wide variety of circumstances and
methodology and highlights the guiding principles to a variety of technical solutions, the Carter Center’s
that were identified during the November 2006 draft e-voting observation methodology aims to iden-
meeting discussions. tify key issues and questions to be assessed. The draft
In electronic voting processes, observers are faced methodology includes generic template forms that
with trying to verify election processes that are at allow the methodology to be used in a number of dif-
times opaque or occurring within a so-called black ferent countries and on different voting systems. The
box. Observation of electronic voting technologies Carter Center, in creating the draft methodology, has
must, first and foremost, be concerned with assessing tried to respond to all of the
whether electronic voting technologies uphold inter- previously mentioned challenges and will continue
national standards for democratic elections, such as to refine and improve it as we gain a better under-
the secrecy of the ballot and the right of the voters to standing of the intricacies of these challenges.
participate in government. Recognizing that election The draft methodology is based on two principal
day observation alone does not permit a complete observation instruments: a baseline survey and
assessment of whether these rights are being fulfilled, observation checklists:
the Carter Center methodology takes a broader • Baseline survey: to be completed, to the extent
approach to the observation of electronic voting. possible, in advance of the audits, tests, and
As with traditional election observation, observa- election day (see Appendix A)
tion of electronic voting must begin well in advance • Observation checklists: to be completed based
of election day and should consider the broader on observations during the immediate electoral
electoral context, such as the legal framework for period — four to six months around election day
the elections, voter education, poll worker training, (see Appendices B – D)
political campaigns, and so forth, as well as the events
of election day. Furthermore, because many tests, The next two sections provide a detailed overview
audits, and preparations of the electronic voting of the baseline survey, which is broken into eight
equipment take place months in advance of election issue areas, and the observation checklists. This is
day, observation of electronic voting requires addi- followed by a summary of the Carter Center obser-
tional emphasis on long-term observation and vation mission to Venezuela.
documentary research.

The Carter Center

internationally recognized rights of voters to cast a

secret ballot, participate in their government, and
The Baseline Survey
The baseline survey used in the Carter Center draft have their vote counted as cast. In addition, review of
methodology contains 144 questions intended to the legal framework will help observers gauge the
guide the observation and assessment of the user. The degree to which the election management body is
information gathered by answering these questions, taking active steps to promote transparency in the
based on interviews with stakeholders and the review electoral process through mechanisms such as audits,
of legislation, rules, regulations, and other pertinent impartial and independent certification, and testing.
documentation, should help the observation team In particular, Carter Center observers consider the
create a comprehensive picture of the voting system roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders as out-
in use and how it should work and thus allow a more lined by law and focus specifically on the legally
complete assessment. In this observation model, the enforceable accountability of stakeholders — both
baseline survey would be completed by long-term traditional stakeholders such as election management
observers and core team members, such as the field bodies and nontraditional stakeholders such as certifi-
office director and in-country staff, with assistance cation bodies, vendors, and contractors. In addition,
where necessary from technical experts in the months observers consider the degree of access granted by
leading up to the election. the legal framework to domestic observer groups
After collecting as much data as possible, the core and political party agents in addition to members
team will produce a synopsis of the findings, provid- of international observation delegations. While this
ing an overview of the system that can be used by the is a critical aspect of observation of any election,
team and by short-term observers. In addition, this the opacity of elections in which electronic voting
information will be used to modify more generic technologies are used makes it critical that observers
election day and other checklists so that they become gain a sound understanding of these issues.
effective tools for capturing the observations of the
team on how the system actually works in practice. Technology Vendors and Procurement
The baseline survey includes questions on eight of Equipment
general aspects of the electronic voting system: Electronic voting vendors and the systems they
(1) the legal framework; (2) technology vendors and produce may be selected for a variety of reasons.
procurement of equipment; (3) certification, testing, Transparency and accountability in the tendering
and security of the system; (4) public confidence in and procurement processes are critical to ensuring
electronic voting technologies; (5) voter accessibility; that the rights of voters are not undermined by
(6) election day procedures; (7) contingency private interests.
planning; and (8) ballot counting, recount, and By asking the questions outlined in the Technology
complaints procedures. Vendors and Procurement of Equipment section of
the baseline survey, observers will better understand
Legal Framework the reasons why election management bodies have
As with any election, consideration of the legal chosen to introduce electronic voting technologies,
framework regulating the electoral process is essential why they have chosen a specific technical solution,
to a full understanding of it. A thorough review of the and how transparent the tendering process is. In addi-
legal framework will help observers assess the degree tion, this section of the survey will guide observers in
to which the state has sought to provide not only their consideration of the role of vendors in the elec-
clear and consistent rules and regulations for all toral process, a role that in traditional elections may
aspects of e-voting and any reasonable eventuality not be as important. In particular, Carter Center
that may arise from its use, but also the degree to observers focus on the nature of the vendor’s relation-
which the state has taken clear steps to protect the

The Carter Center

ship with the election management body and other

key stakeholders to ensure that the relationship is free
Impartial, independent, and transparent system
of conflicts of interest and that there was a competi- certification measures should be in place to ensure
tive and transparent tendering process that resulted that the system meets national or international stan-
in the selection of a particular vendor to provide dards, the requirements of the election jurisdiction,
e-voting equipment and related services. as well as the technological specifications outlined
by the vendor. International election observation
missions should not be responsible for the certifica-
Certification, Testing, and Security
tion or testing of an electronic voting system. Because
of the System
The Certification, Testing, and Security of the System this responsibility lies with election management
section of the baseline survey includes several critical bodies and the organizations with whom they work,
issues that observers must consider to gain a sound Carter Center observers assess the functioning of
understanding of the system, including voter verified the certification body and its relationship with other
paper trails and audits, certification, testing, physical key stakeholders in the process, including the election
security, software, integrity of the system, and ballot management body, political parties, the vendor, and
building. others. Questions included in this section of the base-
line survey are intended to help capture data about
the transparency, independence, and impartiality of
Voter Verified Paper Trail and Audits
One widely accepted means of ensuring that the
the certification body and help observers understand
electronic voting system is recording votes as they
any financial relationships that the certification body
were cast by voters is the use of a voter verified paper
may have with the government, political parties, and
trail (VVPT). A VVPT allows a voter to cast a ballot
others that fall outside the bounds of the contractual
electronically and then verify that the machine has
agreement between the certification body and the
accurately recorded the vote by checking a machine-
election management body. Observers also assess the
produced paper receipt that captures the choice. This
degree of access granted to political party agents and
paper receipt should then be placed in a secure ballot
observers, both international and domestic, in the
box that protects the secrecy of the vote and can be
certification process.
manually recounted after the election. The results of
the manual count can be compared to the electronic
results produced by the machine (see the case of
Electronic voting systems, including equipment and
Venezuela, outlined in the next section of this software, should be tested prior to the deployment of
report). Voters should not be able to remove the voting machines on election day to help ensure that
ballot paper or other proof of how they voted from the machines work as anticipated. This testing should
the polling place. be conducted in an impartial and transparent manner
Comparisons between the paper receipt count and and should include all aspects of the system. Carter
the electronic results are useful for ensuring that the Center observers should gather information that
machine is accurately recording the voters’ choices. will help assess the impartiality, independence, and
If such comparisons are conducted on a statistical comprehensiveness of the testing scheme in place.
sample of machines, the sampling method must be
clear and be consistently applied and follow sound Physical Security of the System
statistical sampling practices to produce meaningful As in a traditional election, the physical security of
results that can be extrapolated to the universe of election materials is an essential measure for protect-
machines in use. In addition, observers should consider ing the integrity of the election, regardless of the
whether the results of the paper count can be used as technical solution used. Election management bodies
the basis for a legal challenge to the election results. should have clear processes and procedures in place

The Carter Center

that regulate physical access to the equipment, access, or hacking. Observers should collect data that
document such access, and prevent physical tam- will help the observation mission assess the extent to
pering with the machines. Included in these processes which steps have been taken to protect the integrity
should be mechanisms that allow any tampering to of the data transmission.
be evident (such as seals over data ports) and clear
regulations outlining procedures to be followed if Public Confidence in Electronic
tampering is discovered. Voting materials, including Voting Technologies
electronic voting equipment and backup paper Allowing domestic observation groups, political
ballots, must be kept in a secure location at all times party agents, and the public to have access to the
and should remain secure throughout transportation. electoral process, including those aspects that are
Using the baseline survey and other forms, Carter automated, is a critical means of promoting public
Center observers collect information about the confidence. In addition, it is often helpful for elec-
processes and procedures in place to regulate physical toral management bodies and legislators to include all
access to all electronic voting equipment and the stakeholders (e.g., civil society organizations, political
central tabulating computers. parties, and voters) in the selection and introduction
of new electoral technologies. This should include
Software training for voters, political party agents, domestic
The software used in electronic voting systems should observers, and others on the technologies, covering
be subject to impartial and transparent inspection. how to use them and how to assess indications of
Inspection of the software by an independent body possible technology failure. Carter Center observers
or by independent inspectors should be required by should assess the extent to which there is public
the election management bodies. Observers, both debate about the use of electronic voting technologies,
domestic and international, should have access to the degree of stakeholder participation in the auto-
documentation detailing these inspections. Carter mation of the electoral process, and, where possible,
Center observers should collect data, through the the steps taken to ensure that there is a high level
baseline survey and other forms, to understand the of public comfort with the technologies in use.
nature of the software inspection, including who
conducts the inspection, the conditions under Accessibility
which the inspection takes place, and what the To ensure that voters are not disenfranchised by
inspection includes. the introduction of electronic voting technologies,
election management bodies should take steps to
Ballot Building check that all qualified voters are able to cast their
The construction of electronic ballots is generally ballots. This includes those who are disabled, illiter-
based on the creation of complex databases. The ate, or do not speak the majority language of the
nature of this process introduces a high possibility of country. Observers should consider the provisions
human error. Clear policies and procedures regarding in place to protect the right of these voters to cast
the creation of electronic ballots, including institu- ballots, including ballot design (e.g., in minority
tional roles and responsibilities, are helpful. Ballots languages) or availability of ballots in larger type
should be consistent in layout and design with any sizes, the availability of electronic voting machines
paper ballots that may be used. for disabled voters, and any provisions to ensure that
illiterate or disabled voters are able to cast and verify
their votes.
Integrity of Data Transmission
The need to ensure the security of the system also
extends to the transmission of the data from the
voting machines in the polling place to the tabulating
Election Day Procedures
As in any election observation mission, it is
computers. Steps should be taken to effectively important for observers to gain a comprehensive
protect the transmission of data and prevent illegal

The Carter Center

understanding of procedures for elections in which prior to transmission to the central tabulating com-
electronic voting technologies are used, including puter, allowing the public and observers, at the very
voting processes. Electronic voting technologies least, to conduct a comparative assessment of the
should offer voters the same options as manual results at the precinct level with the final official
voting, including, but not limited to, casting blank results. Specific procedures should be in place, and
ballots and cancelling their votes. If a voter verified clearly conveyed to all stakeholders, for instances
paper trail (VVPT) is used, a voter should be able to of discrepancies in the results, that is, when posted
cancel his or her vote should the paper receipt not precinct-level results do not match final precinct
reflect the ballot cast on the machine. Steps also results or when VVPT counts do not match the
should be taken by the electoral management body vote count produced by the machine. In addition,
to ensure that the secrecy of the vote is protected, the grounds and procedures for a recount should be
that a vote cannot be traced back to a specific voter, communicated to all stakeholders, including when a
and that voters are not able to remove evidence of recount can be requested, who is responsible for the
how they voted from the polling place. cost of the recount, whether the recount includes
manually recounting paper ballot receipts and/or
Contingency Planning conducting a voting machine recount electronically,
Election management bodies should have clear and whether the results of a recount can be used as
consistent rules in place in case of machine failure, grounds for a legal challenge to the election results,
whether resulting from power outages or other issues. and what constitutes the “ballot of record”
These rules should be clearly communicated to all in cases of discrepancy between electronic and
poll workers and technicians as well as observers and paper results.
party agents, and poll workers should receive training
on what to do in such instances. Any machine
failures should be clearly documented. Documented
Observation Checklists
chain-of-custody procedures should be in place to In addition to the baseline survey, the Carter Center
ensure that machines are secure from tampering e-voting observation methodology includes a number
once removed from the polling station either at of checklists intended to capture the notes of short-
the end of polling or in case of machine failure. term observers and guide informational interviews
Any replacement equipment should be subject to the with vendors and other stakeholders. These checklists
same testing and certification processes as equipment were constructed as a generic template so that they
initially installed in the polling place. International could be modified by the core team based on the data
observers should assess the degree to which election collected during baseline survey completion. This
management bodies have taken steps to ensure allows the checklists to be aimed at the specific
that contingency plans and procedures are clear to qualities of the system in use in a country while
election officials and are implemented throughout providing broader guidance on content that could
the electoral process as well as what these plans be applicable in a number of electoral contexts.
and procedures are. Ideally, questions included in these forms should be
incorporated into election day checklists and should
Ballot Counting and Recount and be aimed at the polling environment and broader
Complaint Procedures electoral process. The Carter Center has developed
The use of electronic voting technologies, particularly generic template checklists for poll opening, voting,
those that do not produce a VVPT, poses unique and poll closing, and will be creating forms for pre-
challenges to the observation of ballot counting. election testing, auditing, and other critical events
Regardless of whether the machines produce a VVPT, in the electronic election process.
election results should be printed at the station level

The Carter Center

• Short-term observers, who will remain an essential

element of the electronic voting observation
Staffing Implications for an
Election Observation Mission mission. While a technical background would be
The technical elements of electronic voting systems useful, and preferred, it is not necessary. Short-term
have critical implications for the composition of observers will primarily be tasked with assessing
observer missions, which now must include members the immediate pre- and postelection environment,
with specific technical skills. Members of the team election day events, and visually verifiable indi-
should include: cators of both the successful implementation
of processes and procedures and the successful
• Technical experts, who will be included in the
operation of the voting machines.
composition of the mission, either as longer term
field staff or as consultants who can provide At the November 2006 meeting, some participants
distance guidance to the short-term delegation expressed concern that collecting and reviewing the
and to long-term observers and core staff and be data suggested by the baseline survey would require an
available to participate in pre- and postelection unrealistic investment of time on the part of mission
assessment missions. staff. Others, however, argued that the baseline is
intended to be a flexible guide to observation and
• Long-term observers, working closely with tech-
help ensure that observers try to collect relevant and
nical experts, who will be responsible for gathering
adequate information to assess all key facets of the
data based on the baseline survey. In addition to
electronic voting system.
a sound understanding of the country’s political
climate, they will likely need a background in
computer science or computer security. Long-term
observers will be the backbone of the electronic
voting observation mission.

The Carter Center

Pilot Test: Venezuela Presidential Election,

Dec. 3, 2006
he work plan for the Carter Center initiative Electronic voting technologies were first intro-
on e-voting includes three technical missions duced in Venezuela in a series of pilot studies in the
during 2006 through 2008. These missions are early 1990s. During the 1998 election, optical scan
intended to provide an opportunity for The Carter technologies, manufactured by the Nebraska-based
Center to gain hands-on experience in observing ES&S company, replaced manual voting on a wide
electronic voting technologies and to field-test and scale. These machines were in turn replaced by the
refine the methodology over the course of successive Smartmatic touch-screen machines in time for the
missions. The Center’s targeted mission to the Dec. 3, 2004 recall referendum. For the December 2006
2006, presidential election in Venezuela was the first presidential election, all of the machines used
such pilot mission. The November 2006 meeting were Smartmatic touch-screen direct recording
served as a working preparatory session to review the equipment.
draft methodology in advance of the Venezuela mis-
sion. Several meeting participants represented groups Smartmatic Machine
that planned to observe those elections. The meeting
provided a valuable opportunity for interorganizational
discussion about the technical challenges of observing Sources of controversy surrounding the Smartmatic
electronic voting and the specific challenges of machines in previous Venezuelan elections have
observing the Venezuelan election. included the bidirectional capabilities of the
machines, the electronic voter lists (called polling
Background books), and the use of fingerprinting machines:

Venezuela provides a unique opportunity for develop- • The voting machines transmit vote counts directly
ing and testing a methodology for the observation of to the tabulation centers. The exchange of informa-
electronic voting. It is considered by some to have tion from the machines to the tabulation centers
one of the most technologically advanced electronic has the potential to flow both from the machines to
voting systems in the world with 99.5 percent of the tabulation centers and from the tabulation cen-
polling places in the country using electronic voting ters to the machines. This created concern among
technologies. The current electronic system and other the opposition that the vote counts in the machine
electoral technologies (such as the automated finger- could be manipulated centrally on election day and
print identification system) had been the subject of then transmitted back to the polling stations with-
controversy in previous elections, and so, while the out detection. In response to this concern, the
breadth of coverage and sophistication of the elec- National Electoral Council (CNE) agreed to keep
tronic voting system presented a valuable opportunity the machines disconnected until voting closed at
for observation, the polarized political situation in the polling stations during the 2006 election.
the country and logistical difficulties of deploying • In 2006, the CNE also agreed not to use the
observation missions relatively late in the audit electronic polling books because of concerns that
process created a potentially difficult context for a known opposition members might be deleted from
technical mission. the books or that the government would somehow
adjust the lists in favor of the ruling party.

The Carter Center

• While the CNE managed to address some of the missions would be able to assess the degree to which
opposition’s concerns, doubts remained about the domestic observers, party agents, and the electorate
use of the automated fingerprint identification were able to participate in the audit process and gauge
system (AFIS). In the past, the opposition suggested their perception of the success of the audit scheme.
that the fingerprinting machines could compromise
the secrecy of the vote and asked the CNE to with- Hot Audit
draw them from use. The electoral body did not The hot audit conducted for Venezuela’s 2006
withdraw the AFIS machines from use during the election included manually recounting the paper
election, arguing that they help prevent multiple ballot receipts of 54 percent of the voting machines,
voting. However, the AFIS machines were used a percentage far above what is normally required to
only in polling stations serving 700 or more voters, conduct a statistically significant audit.4 In light of
and registration through them was not required for Venezuela’s contentious 2004 recall referendum and
voters to cast their ballots. the opposition’s boycott of the 2005 parliamentary
elections, the primary purpose of the extensive 2006
Several of the participants at the November 2006
hot audit appears to have been a confidence-building
meeting agreed that the controversy over the elec-
measure for the electorate. All of the parties parti-
tronic voting system in Venezuela resulted from
cipating in the Dec. 3 election supported the hot
popular misunderstandings of the electronic voting
audit. OAS, EU, and Carter Center observers were
system and political campaigns that engendered,
in Venezuela on election day and were able to
intentionally or not, concern among the electorate.
observe this audit as it took place.
The observer missions, including The Carter Center,
the Organization of American States (OAS), and the
European Union (EU), agreed to collaborate on the
Observer Access
The CNE repeatedly changed the audit schedule and
electronic voting component of the observation to released the regulations for both international and
dispel confusion and provide more accurate informa- domestic observation very late in the process. Some
tion in public reporting. members of the CNE suggested that the civil society
group Sumáte should not participate in the domestic
Audits observation process because it is too closely tied to
the opposition. Other groups such as Ojo Electoral
To help build confidence and security, the
(in conjunction with the National Democratic
Smartmatic machines produce a voter verified paper
Institute) participated in the observation process.
trail and the CNE introduced an extensive audit
Participants at the November 2006 Carter Center
scheme. The audit schedule included hardware and
meeting agreed that international observers should
software audits before the election, an election night
draw attention to the fact that the regulations for
audit (commonly referred to as a “hot audit”), and
international and domestic observers were released
paper slip audits during the postelection period.
after the audits of the electronic system began, thus
These audits began in October and continued
precluding the possibility that international and
through mid-December. Because the CNE issued
domestic observers would be able participate in the
relatively late invitations to international observers,
first audits. Similarly, the participants agreed that
many of these audits were already underway before
observers in Venezuela should note the general lack of
the November 2006 Carter Center meeting and were
clarity about what could be observed and by whom.
completed by the time observers, including the Carter
Center team, arrived in Venezuela in mid-November.
Despite this, mission participants agreed that there
was value in observing the remaining audits and that 4 Counterintuitively, the results of the paper receipt count were not
through post-hoc interviews and data collection, compared against the electronic result printout from the electronic
voting machines.

The Carter Center

Another concern of the November 2006 meeting mission for the Dec. 3, 2006, presidential election in
participants was the limited access to the source Venezuela. In accordance with the Declaration of
code that was provided to the non-CNE/Smartmatic Principles for International Election Observation,
technicians participating in the audits. In Venezuela, election observation missions may be either compre-
auditors were allowed to review the source code hensive missions intended to evaluate an electoral
during CNE-controlled audit sessions and only could process in its entirety, or they may be specialized,
use a very limited number of diagnostic tools as part limited missions to focus on particular aspects of the
of the audit. Such restrictions, often the result of process. In the Venezuela case, the Carter Center mis-
contractual agreements or nondisclosure agreements sion focused solely on assessing the use of electronic
between the electoral body and the vendor, in which voting technologies, but not in a comprehensive
electoral bodies are prohibited from divulging tech- manner due to time constraints and the provisional
nical details of the machines and the software that nature of the methodological pilot test.
they use, can lead to a lack of confidence in the elec- The mission to Venezuela was the first to use the
tronic system. In the case of Venezuela, Smartmatic Center’s new methodology for observing electronic
has, in the past, been willing to share information voting technologies. The mission began with the
with observers. arrival of two technical experts in Caracas in late
November who observed the audits that had yet to
Electronic Hash Code be completed. In addition, the technical experts
An important element of the Venezuelan Smartmatic gathered information to complete the baseline survey
electronic voting system was the use of the “elec- in advance of the arrival of a small, short-term team
tronic signature” or “hash file” as a tool to verify for election day. The collected data was used to create
the source code and the programming that constitute the election day observation checklists (poll opening,
the electronic system. The electronic signature was voting, and poll closing forms) that would be com-
produced by an algorithm. If the programming of the pleted by the short-term teams.
machines changed, the algorithm would produce a Seven additional observers, including computer
different electronic signature, alerting the political science and electronic voting specialists and Carter
parties to possible alterations in the software. At Center staff, joined the technical experts in Caracas
the end of the various audits, the political party two days before election day. After a series of briefings
representatives were given the electronic signature and meetings with electoral stakeholders including
so that they could verify that the machines were not representatives of political parties, civil society
tampered with between the audits and deployment organizations, other observer groups, and represent-
of the machines. atives of Smartmatic, five teams were deployed
Participants at the November 2006 meeting around Caracas on election day. After observing poll
discussed this security measure and concluded that it opening, voting, and poll closing, teams returned to
should not become a replacement for more stringent the Carter Center office and were debriefed on their
chain-of-custody procedures. observations, including the draft methodology. The
technical experts remained in Caracas to observe
Piloting the Observation postelection audits.
See Box 1 for a synopsis of the final report of the
Methodology 2006 Carter Center mission to Venezuela.
Following the November 2006 meeting, The Carter
Center revised several aspects of the draft method-
ology in time for use during the specialized, technical

The Carter Center

Box 1: The December 2006

Presidential Election in Venezuela
Venezuelan electoral process is within the exclusive

jurisdiction of an autonomous state authority. On
Excerpted from the Final Report of The Carter Center

one hand, this autonomy has facilitated the rapid

Technical Mission to the Dec. 3, 2006, Presidential

and widespread adoption of electronic electoral

Election in Venezuela

n response to an invitation from the Venezuelan technologies in Venezuela. On the other hand, in a
National Electoral Council (Consejo Nacional context of high political polarization, the autonomy
Electoral or CNE), The Carter Center organized has contributed to concerns among the opposition
a specialized, technical mission to observe the about the integrity of the automated voting system
use of automated voting technology in Venezuela as well as to perceptions of partisanship on the part
employed in the Dec. 3, 2006, presidential election. of CNE directors appointed by a government-
The Carter Center technical mission had two main dominated legislature.
goals: (1) to demonstrate the support of the inter- Venezuela first piloted electronic voting technolo-
national community for democratic elections in gies in its 1993 elections and on a wide-scale basis in
the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and (2) to its 1998 elections. In 2004, direct electronic record-
contribute to a larger project of The Carter Center ing machines (DREs using touch-screen technology)
to develop and update methodologies for observing were introduced with the intention to eventually
and evaluating voting systems globally. achieve a totally automated voting system, including
Carter Center observers arrived in Caracas on voter identification, vote casting, transmission and
Nov. 22, 2006, after the completion of many of tallying, and candidate registration.
the pre-election audits. They were able to observe, Before the 2006 elections, the CNE, in extensive
however, a limited number of audits and tests in the consultation with opposition representatives, adopted
two weeks prior to election day as well as election a number of proposals to strengthen public confi-
day and postelection audits. Given the late arrival dence in the process, including (a) conducting a
of the mission, the direct observations of The series of pre- and postelection audits, (b) conducting
Carter Center team were supplemented by analysis a hot audit of 54 percent of voting tables on election
of the official minutes from those audits that day, (c) disconnecting the voting machines during
took place prior to the team’s arrival, information election day, and (d) printing out a record of votes
received from the CNE, and interviews with cast in each machine before transmitting results.
representatives of political parties and civil The automated system has achieved a good level
society organizations as well as with CNE of technical performance. To ensure sustained public
personnel and Smartmatic staff. confidence in the system and to avoid the need for
repeated ad hoc negotiations, we suggest incorporat-
Institutional Design and ing many of the measures into standard regulations.

Political Context Design and Function of the

According to the constitution and law, the adminis-
tration, execution, and supervision of all electoral
Electronic Voting System
matters are the responsibility of the Poder Electoral, The Carter Center mission found the machines to
a fifth branch of government. For this reason, the be functioning correctly, which enabled voters to

The Carter Center

cast their votes with little impediment. Never- system against outside attacks on the integrity of
theless, some details related to the design of the votes once they are stored in the machines and
machines were observed, such as confusion among the transmission of votes from the voting machine
voters regarding the paradigm shift between to the tally center. The mission found it more
choosing a candidate using the touchpad and difficult, however, to evaluate the degree of security
choosing to cast a blank ballot on the touchscreen. against potential internal attacks on the system,
Another issue observed was the apparent lack of which are possible in any electronic voting system,
procedures for vote correction should a voter allege or the degree of security in the central tally system.
that the printed paper slip does not reflect his or Notwithstanding, The Carter Center team believes
her choice. In addition, the Center observed certain that the system would benefit from additional layers
design characteristics that could make it difficult for of security that could protect it from potential
illiterate people to cast their votes and limited the internal vulnerabilities.
amount of time allotted for each voter to cast his
or her ballot. Audit Scheme
Venezuela implemented a large number of audits
in the three months preceding the election, on
Voting Machine
Security Features election day, and in the immediate postelection
period, including hardware and software audits.
The mission found that the CNE took reasonable
Given its depth and extensiveness, it can be
steps to secure the machines, including the
said that the audit scheme implemented for the
encryption of the voting information stored in the
December 2006 elections has the potential to
machine memories, the use of randomization mech-
become a robust analytical tool for ensuring the
anisms to prevent vote sequence reconstruction,
integrity of the electoral process.
and implementing paper receipt security measures.
To achieve this objective, The Carter Center
In addition, the CNE put in place a number
suggests that diverse measures be taken during the
of procedural safeguards to promote the physical
pre-electoral stage as well as during the electoral
security of the machines, including chain-of-
and postelectoral stages. These might include a
custody measures intended to ensure that the
mandatory comparison of the paper receipt count
machines cannot be tampered with. The Carter
to the electronic voting results during the election
Center team noted several minor incidents that
day hot audit, the prior determination of a margin
suggest confusion among table authorities and
of error and confidence level for audit samples in
Plan Republica officers regarding the protocols
advance of the audit, and the allowance of the
for tamper prevention and a lack of clear and
results of a paper ballot recount to form the basis
consistent guidelines for all election staff. While
of a legal challenge to the electronic election
these incidents do not prove that any manipulation
results. In the pre-electoral stage, the implemen-
occurred, they do show that it is theoretically
tation of a series of measures aimed at enhancing
possible. Therefore, future elections would benefit
procedures could substantially contribute to the
from greater procedural clarity and a consistent
achievement of the objectives of the predispatch
application of election protocols.
audit (or auditoría pre-despacho.)

Result Transmission To read the full Final Report of the Carter Center

The Carter Center team found that the CNE has

Technical Mission to the Dec. 3, 2006, Presidential

taken important steps to protect the electronic

Election in Venezuela, visit

The Carter Center

Findings and Conclusions
n the months following the November 2006 • In addition to standard postelection debriefing,
meeting and the December 2006 pilot mission the Center should devise templates for election
to Venezuela, The Carter Center has reached the day narratives to help observers formulate their
following conclusions about the draft methodology thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of
and plans to amend it accordingly in advance of the methodology.
subsequent missions and workshops: • The technical experts recommended greater
• Checklists should include questions to capture training on the use of the baseline survey and the
data on the broader environment in and around development of the other checklists. The Carter
the polling station. Center should generate a short training document
to illustrate this process.
• Observation of the legal framework is an essential
component of the observation of electronic voting • Although the Carter Center methodology has not
technologies. In particular, observers should focus yet included specific checklists for observation of
on whether the law has mechanisms in place to the tabulation center, observers should develop a
ensure that the secrecy of the ballot is protected specific methodology and checklists for observing
and that votes are counted as cast. the opaque processes at the tabulation center on
election day and after poll closing.
• Where possible, observers should observe pre-
election tests and audits, noting whether access to • Observation missions should develop a detailed
these audits was granted to key stakeholders such as understanding of information flow among the dif-
political party agents and domestic observers. This ferent components of the system. A critical means
may also include whether observers were able to of identifying the vulnerabilities of an electronic
audit the source code and what the parameters for voting system is to understand the data delivery
the audit included (e.g., whether observers received paths of the system in question. This should be a
hard copies of the code and were able to review it standard aspect of an observation methodology.
with pencils). • Observation missions should conduct a detailed
• The data collected by using the baseline survey assessment of the chain of custody of the e-voting
proved to be voluminous; however, it provided a equipment. Observation of physical access issues
fairly comprehensive overview of the system in use. builds on the work already conducted by interna-
Based on the amount of information involved and tional election observers and does not require
the subsequent task of report drafting, The Carter advanced technical expertise.
Center should include a longer technical appendix • Observers should seek to assess not only whether
to the final reports of comprehensive missions so the e-voting system meets certification standards,
that reports are not unwieldy. but also whether the system meets the requirements
• Within the baseline survey, greater emphasis of the jurisdiction in question.
should be placed on collecting data related to
The election day forms discussed during the
the tabulation process.
November 2006 meeting and used by the specialized
technical mission can be found in Appendices B, C,
and D. The baseline survey (Appendix A) was updat-
ed in May 2007.

The Carter Center

• Develop checklists to guide
– informational interviews with vendors
Next Steps
ased on the discussions of the November 2006 – observation in the tabulation center
meeting called “Developing a Draft Method- – observation of pre-election tests and audits.
ology for Observing Electronic Voting” and the
subsequent specialized, technical mission to the 2006 • Develop a short training program for core team
Venezuela presidential election, The Carter Center staff on the use of the baseline survey and other
plans to take the following steps to further the electoral checklists and forms.
development of the draft methodology: • Conduct two further collaborative pilot missions
focused specifically on the use of electronic voting.

The Carter Center

Appendix A
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting Systems

May 2007

he information gathered by answering these information was obtained, and, particularly in the
questions should create a comprehensive case of interviews, the name, title, and affiliation of
picture of the voting system in use and thus the source of the data. This process likely will occur
allow a more full assessment of its use. over a number of weeks in the months leading to
Information should be gathered through review election day.
of appropriate legislation, decrees, bylaws and rules, After collecting as much data as possible regarding
and interviews with election administration officials, the use of the electronic voting system, a synopsis
technical and legal experts, representatives of poli- of your findings will be written. This synopsis will
tical parties, and domestic observation and civil provide an overview of the system that can be used
society organizations. by other observers as a point of reference. In addition,
Any supporting documentation should be retained data collected will be used to modify more generic
including the elections law, certification procedures, election day and other checklists to capture infor-
standards against which the technology is measured, mation on the actual functioning of the system.
reports on past processes, and so forth. Be sure to
include details about how, where, and when the

Technology Overview
1. Which types of voting system technology are used?
a. Direct recording equipment (DRE)
b. Precinct count optical scan equipment
c. Central count optical scan equipment
d. Lever machines
e. Electronic poll book
f. Ballot marking devices

2. Are these technologies used throughout the country? If no, please attach maps indicating where different
technologies are used.

3. What version or versions of all hardware, software, and firmware components are deployed in the voting
system technologies, including but not limited to any version of the following:
a. Smart card devices
b. Firmware used in touch screens
c. Vote counting server
d. Other (please describe)
Note. The Carter Center would like to acknowledge the Verified Voting Foundation (, the work of which informed the Center’s

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

4. Is this the first time these technologies have been used?

5. If no, how long have e-voting systems been used? In which previous elections were they used? Please
provide separate reviews of previous elections.

6. Are there any documents available to the public containing information on the version numbers,
makes, models, and functional status of these technologies? If so, please attach any relevant reports.

7. Does the technology produce a voter verified paper trail? If yes, please describe how it works.

8. Is the voter able to verify that the paper ballot matched his or her choice before the vote is cast?

9. Describe what happens to the paper trail during and after voting.

10. Provide an overview of the institutions responsible for the administration of the electronic voting systems,
including the vendor, any certification or testing bodies, and organizations responsible for maintenance or
election official training.

11. Do these organizations provide checks and balances on one another? If so, please explain how they do so.

12. Please include a diagram, detailed descriptions and, where possible, photographs of the election office
components; how they are connected to one another; and their respective roles in the election process.

13. Provide detailed descriptions of the devices used in each polling place (e.g., DREs, supervisor’s cards,
voter’s cards, memory cards), including physical descriptions, photos (if possible), descriptions of how
they work, and when and how they interact with one another.

14. Please include a detailed diagram and description of how the different technologies used are networked.

Legal Framework
15. Is the use of electronic voting technologies anticipated in the current electoral legislation (or other bind-
ing legislation) or has it been introduced via subsequent decree, regulations, or other ad hoc measures?

16. Does the legal framework prescribe the type of electronic technology that is used? If so, please describe,
including any outlined objectives for the introduction of this technology.

17. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) provide for transparency
promotion measures, such as the use of an independent certification body and pre- and postelection audits
that are open to party agents and observers? If so, please describe and indicate whether, in your opinion,
access of party agents and observers to the audit process appears adequate.

18. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) require that appropriate tech-
nical steps be taken to ensure that the secrecy of the vote is guaranteed (for example, measures to ensure
that the voting sequence cannot be reconstructed or that the votes cast cannot be tied to a specific voter)?

19. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) clearly outline the roles and
responsibilities of public authorities, independent bodies, and vendors? Please describe.

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

20. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) provide a framework for
contractual obligations between the state and the vendor or the independent certification bodies that is
unique from standard contract law? Please describe the regulatory framework for these relationships.

21. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) make special provision for
complaints and remedial actions based on the use of electronic technologies? Please provide a detailed
description of the provisions and how they are related to the standard complaints procedures.

22. Do electoral offense provisions of the electoral law also apply to the new technologies in use?

Technology Vendors and Procurement of Equipment

23. If e-voting systems have been recently introduced, why were they introduced?

24. Who designed and developed the electronic voting system? Was the technology designed by the state or
the vendor?

25. What vendors provide which components of the electronic voting systems? Please describe.

26. Is the technology leased or purchased?

27. Have the above vendors made contributions to political parties or campaigns? If so, please describe and
attach any relevant documentation.

28. At what level was the procurement process of this technology initiated and conducted?

29. Was the vendor chosen through a transparent and competitive process? Please describe and attach any sup-
porting documentation.

30. What reasons were given by those responsible for this choice of technology?

31. Are any of the following services included in the contract with the vendor? If so, please explain
in greater detail.
a. Timely supply of equipment
b. Pre- and postelection testing
c. Regular physical maintenance
d. Regular software upgrades
e. Replacement of equipment in case of failure
f. Ballot design
g. Ballot printing
h. Warranties
i. Other (please describe)

32. What, if any, penalty or reimbursement provisions are triggered by technical problems with
the technology?

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

Certification, Testing, and Security of the System

Voter Verified Paper Trails (VVPT)

33. If the machine produces a VVPT, is the voter able to verify that the paper ballot matched his or her
choice before the vote is cast?

34. What happens to the paper trail during and after voting?

35. Do rules and regulations ensure that the VVPT does not undermine the secrecy of the ballot and
that voters are not able to remove evidence of how they voted from the polling station?

36. Is certification of the voting technology required by law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees,
and regulations)?

37. What is the certification process? Please describe the process in detail, including the relationships
between the different certification processes, and attach any relevant documentation.

38. Who is responsible for this certification?

39. Who pays for the certification of the technology?

40. What is the relationship between the certification body and the organization whose technology is
being certified?

41. Does certification occur before or after the procurement process?

42. Is the certification process accessible to the public, political party agents, domestic observers, or
international observers?

43. What standards are applied to the certification of e-voting technologies? Please attach relevant

44. Is the technology recertified after every upgrade and repair?

45. In your opinion, after systematic review, what are the weaknesses of the certification standards?

Acceptance Testing
46. Does the law require that acceptance testing take place?

47. Which components of the system undergo acceptance testing?

48. What does acceptance testing include? Please describe.

49. Who is responsible for acceptance testing?

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

50. Who designs the acceptance tests?

51. How often and when do acceptance tests occur?

52. Who pays for acceptance testing?

53. Who has access to the acceptance tests?

a. General public
b. Political party agents
c. Domestic observers
d. International observers

54. Under what conditions are acceptance tests conducted?

Pre-election Testing
55. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) require that pre-election
testing take place?

56. Who is responsible for pre-election testing and does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees,
and regulations) require that the equipment is tested publicly and by an independent body? Please explain
these procedures, including who is allowed to observe testing.

57. Does the state have recommended procedures for the testing and use of each type of election equipment?
If so, please describe these procedures and attach any supporting documentation.

58. Who designed the pre-election tests?

59. Who conducts the pre-election tests?

60. How many machines are tested? Please provide details of the sampling method used to conduct the
pre-election tests.

61. What is the timetable for pre-election tests and where are they conducted (in a central location,
provincial locations, or elsewhere)? Please provide further details and any relevant documentation.

62. Is equipment retested after every upgrade and repair? If not, why?

63. Are pre-election tests open to the general public, political party agents, domestic observers, or
international observers? Please attach relevant documentation.

64. Is all voting equipment tested upon delivery from voting technology vendors?

65. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) require that pre-election
testing include the following?
a. Testing the power-up of every machine
b. Simulation of likely voting orders, patterns, and ranges

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

c. Stress-testing with large numbers of votes

d. Checking vote tally
e. Testing correct date and time information
f. Testing date set to election day run-throughs
g. Simulations of error conditions to evaluate system response to problems and mistakes
h. Testing reboot and restart functionality
i. Testing equipment recovery from system crashes
j. Testing for unexplained flashing or otherwise inconsistent or potentially suspicious behavior
k. Checking for complete list of candidate names, party affiliations, ballot initiatives, or
proposition options
l. Testing the use of an independent log to compare the system count and the selections made
by the voter
m. Testing the use of an independent log to compare the paper ballots (if used) produced with
the system count and the selections made by the voter
n. Testing of display calibration
o. Testing of audio ballot functionality
p. Testing of the security and authentication techniques used in connecting the voting machines to
the network (if applicable)
q. Testing to ensure that the ballot information for each precinct is correct
r. Other (please describe)

66. Please provide any relevant documentation outlining the regulations and procedures for pre-
election testing.

Election Day Testing

67. What tests or audits, if any, are required on election day? Please describe in detail and attach any relevant
documentation outlining regulations and procedures for election day auditing or testing.

Physical Security of the System

68. Please provide a detailed description of the technologies in place to ensure the physical security of the
electronic voting system (e.g., tamper-evident seals).

69. Who is allowed physical access to the equipment, and what measures are taken to prevent physical
tampering with election equipment?

70. Is physical access documented? If so, who maintains these records?

71. Are vendors permitted access to the voting systems after they have been delivered? If so, for what
purposes and when are they permitted access? Is this access controlled and documented?

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

72. What happens if a machine is found to have been tampered with? Please describe any contingency plans
for such an event.

73. Who is responsible for transporting the machines from their storage location to testing centers and
polling places? Please provide relevant documentation.

74. Is the chain of custody during the transportation process documented? If so, who maintains those records?

75. When will transportation of the equipment take place?

76. Who pays for the transportation of the equipment?

Security and Integrity of the System

77. Are records kept of all upgrades and repairs made to voting equipment?

78. Is any equipment used for a purpose other than election administration? If so, please provide further
details of the other uses of the equipment, including the purpose, how people have physical access, other
software that is required for this secondary use, and so forth.

79. Which components of the system are stored in escrow?

80. Are there written procedures and requirements regarding the storage of voting system software stored in
escrow? If so, please provide further details on these requirements and the people who have access to the

81. Is there a cutoff date after which no further changes or updates may be made to the voting system?
What is that date?

82. Please provide a detailed description and diagram of all of the data paths in and out of the components
of the system.

83. How is access to the data ports secured when the equipment is not in use?

84. What is the method of transmission of information between the technologies? Please describe.

85. How are transmissions secured from alteration and interference? Please provide a detailed description.

86. Is any of the voting system software open source software? If yes, please include information on location
and availability.

87. Who is responsible for inspecting the software used in the electronic system?

88. Under what conditions does the official software inspection take place? Please provide a detailed
description of the software inspection process, including the length of time allotted for the inspection
and the means of inspection.

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

89. Does the law (legislation or subsequent decisions, decrees, and regulations) allow independent inspection
of the software? Please provide further details, including any pertinent reports that might be available.

90. Under what conditions are independent software inspections (including representatives of political parties
and civil society) conducted? Please provide a detailed description of the inspection process, including the
length of time allotted for the inspection and the tools inspectors are allowed to use.

91. Does the software inspection (either by an independent body or the official organization responsible)
include checking the source code against the executable code?

92. Who is responsible for creating the executable code from the source code, and is this process subject to
independent verification?

93. Is any extraneous software installed on the servers? If so, please provide further information about this
software and its use.

Central Tabulating Computer

94. Who has physical access to the central tabulating computer, and what measures are taken to prevent
physical tampering with election equipment?

95. Is physical access documented? If so, who maintains these records?

96. Are vendors permitted access to the central tabulating computer? If so, for what purposes and when
are they permitted access? Is this access controlled and documented?

97. Are records maintained of all upgrades and repairs made to the central tabulating computer?

98. Is the central tabulating computer used for any purpose other than election administration? If so,
please provide further details of the other uses of the equipment, including the purpose, the people
who have physical access, other software that is required for this secondary use, and so forth.

99. Are there procedures in place that encourage independent verification of the transmission of data
(such as printing of polling place election results prior to transmission to the central tabulating
computer, which can be compared to the final or interim results)?

100. When is this computer networked to the other hardware in use?

101. Please describe in detail and provide diagrams of all of the data paths into and out of the central
tabulating computer.

102. Is the transmission of information between the central tabulating computer and other equipment secure
from any outside intervention or hacking? Please describe security measures in place.

103. What contingency plans are in place in the event of failure of the central tabulating computer?
Please describe.

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

Electronic Poll Books and Voter Identification

104. If electronic poll books are used, who is responsible for creating the database that is used and who has
access to that database throughout the electoral process?

105. Is there an independent review of the electronic poll book database? If so, by whom?

106. Is the voter roll database connected to any other databases (e.g., databases of biometric data) ?

Ballot Building
107. Who is responsible for building the electronic ballots?

108. Is there independent review of the database from which the ballot is built?

109. Are there official guidelines or regulations for ballot building? Please attach if available.

110. What is the process for building ballots? Please provide a detailed description of this process.

111. Does the electronic ballot replicate the paper ballot in layout, candidate order, and design?

Public Confidence in Electronic Voting Technologies

112. Are civil society organizations reporting on issues related to electronic voting? If so, please attach
any pertinent documentation.

113. Are the media reporting on issues related to electronic voting? If so, please provide a sample of
relevant stories.

114. Are simulations of the opening, voting, closing, and counting procedures provided and open to the public?
If so, please provide further information about location, timing, and attendance of the simulations.

115. Are there public information drives about the use of electronic voting?

116. Have voters, political party agents, domestic observers, or others received training on the electronic
system in use?

117. Have any opinion polls been conducted related to the use of electronic election technology? If so, please
attach any available results reports.

118. In your opinion, does there appear to be a sense of concern among the general public about the trans-
parency of electronic voting systems? If so, has the state responded to these concerns? Please explain.

119. Were political parties consulted during the technology procurement process?

120. Are there any political parties or individual candidates who are campaigning on issues related to the
use of electronic voting? Please provide further details.

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

121. Are ballots available in minority languages?

122. Do voters in the following circumstances use electronic voting technologies to cast their ballots?
(Circle all that apply)
a. Confined to a hospital
b. Confined to home
c. In prison
d. Outside electoral district on election day

123. Does this equipment undergo the same testing as the equipment deployed to polling places?

124. Is provision made for voters who are disabled or illiterate?

125. If the machines produce a voter verified paper trail, does the paper ballot appear in such a format that
it is clear to illiterate or disabled voters that their vote has been correctly cast?

Election Day Procedures

126. Please describe the intricacies of election day procedures as specified by the election law or the rules
and regulations of the electoral management body, including the following:
a. Poll opening and setup of all equipment (including production of zero tape, ensuring that all items
are present and accounted for)
b. Connectivity of equipment during the course of the day (including when, why, and how long the
machines are connected to a network and what security and authentication measures are in place)
c. Voting process
d. Storage of spare equipment
e. Poll closing procedures
f. Vote counting and tabulation procedures
g. Storage and transportation of polling place results

127. Can a voter spoil his or her ballot? If so, how? Please describe how a vote can be spoiled and what
happens to spoiled ballots.

128. Can a voter cancel his or her vote prior to casting the ballot? If yes, what is the process of cancellation?

Contingency Planning
129. Does the law or official rules and regulations require the following?
a. Contingency plans are in place in case of equipment failure.

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

b. Replacement equipment is available in the event of malfunctions. If so, is this replacement equipment
the same model as the technology it replaces? Is it deployed from a central location or kept at each
polling place? (Please describe)
c. Substitute technology is subject to the same testing and evaluation procedures as equipment originally
deployed to polling places.
d. Chain-of-custody procedures are in place for equipment taken out of service during an election.
If so, is this chain of custody documented and are any of these documents available to the public?
e. A process for documenting malfunctions, failures, or errors is in place.
f. A process for obtaining election day performance records (e.g., errors and malfunctions) of specific
equipment is in place.
g. Contingency plans and procedures for partial or total power outage are in place.

130. What contingency planning training is in place for polling officials? Please describe and attach any
pertinent information.

131. How do polling places and central offices communicate in case of emergencies, such as power outages,
telecommunications failure, and so forth?

Ballot Counting and Recount and Complaint Procedures

132. How are ballots counted at the end of the election? Please describe.

133. Are results printed and publicized prior to their transmission to the central tabulation system?

134. Are paper ballots counted at the end of election day? If so, is the tally compared to the electronic result
tally produced by the voting machine?

135. Are paper ballots from all machines counted, or is this process conducted on a statistical sample?
If so, what sampling method is used?

136. What procedures are in place if there is a discrepancy between the paper ballot count and the
electronic tally?

137. What triggers a recount?

a. Voter application
b. Candidate application
c. Narrow margin of victory
d. Automatic random recount
e. None of the above
f. Other (please describe)

138. Can a recount be requested regardless of the margin of victory?

The Carter Center
Baseline Survey for Electronic Voting

139. Who is financially responsible for the cost of a recount? Please provide further information, including
whether an individual, if financially responsible, can seek reimbursement for the cost.

140. Are paper or electronic ballots recounted? If paper ballots are recounted, were these ballots verified
by the voter? Please provide a detailed description of this process.

141. What voting records are maintained?

a. Paper ballots
b. Electronic records stored in the hard drive or disk on module (DOM) of the machine
c. Electronic records produced by the modem
d. Records maintained in a secondary memory device

142. If multiple records are maintained, are these reconciled as part of the counting or recounting process?
If yes, please describe.

143. In case of discrepancy, what is the ballot of record? Please provide further details.

144. Have past election results been disputed because of the use of electronic voting technologies? If so,
please attach a summary of the complaint, its resolution, and any related procedural or legislative
changes regarding the use of electronic voting technologies that followed.

The Carter Center

Appendix B
Poll Opening Observation Form
Venezuela 2006

If you cannot answer the question because you have not observed this aspect of the electoral process, please
circle N/O — Not Observed. If the question is not relevant, please circle N/A. If you answered “no” to any
asterisked (*) question or irregularities occurred, please provide details on the back of the form.

When possible, ask domestic observers and political party agents for their observations during the period
prior to your arrival. When applicable, fill out both the “Direct Observation” and the “Reported to Our
Observers” columns, even if the responses are different.

Polling Station No.: __________________________

Team No.: __________________________________ Time of Arrival: ______________________________
City/District: ________________________________ Time of Departure: ____________________________
Province: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________________

1. What technology is used in this polling station?

a. Smartmatic SAES 3000 voting

machine (small DRE)

b. Smartmatic SAES 3300 voting

machine (larger DRE)

2. How many machines are located in this polling station? _________

The Carter Center
Poll Opening Observation Form

3. What is the number of registered voters in this polling station? __________

4. Where were these machines stored immediately prior to the election?


5. When did the equipment arrive at the polling station?


6. Who delivered the equipment to the polling station?


7. Was this chain of custody documented? Yes No

8. If yes, who maintains the documentation?


Poll Opening
Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

9. Are electronic voting machines positioned:

a. With enough distance between them, at such
an angle, and with shields to ensure privacy? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
b. To plug into an electrical outlet?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
10. Are the polling officials and support technicians
properly accredited and identified?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
11. Did the polling officials perform diagnostics and
print the diagnostic report for all machines?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
12. Was the setup of the machines completed Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
without problems?* (If yes, skip to question 13)
a. If no, could the polling station technicians resolve
the problem within the specified 30 minutes? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
b. If technicians could not resolve the problem,
was the machine replaced with another machine
within the maximum of 120 minutes (counting
from occurrence of the problem)? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

The Carter Center
Poll Opening Observation Form

Direct Reported to Not Observed or

Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

c. If the machine was not replaced within

120 minutes, did the polling station change
to manual voting?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
13. Did you observe the machines to be free from any
irregular interference such as the connection of an
external keyboard or any other device (except the
standard release button or the standard ballot tablet)? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
14. Before voting began, did each machine
produce a zero tape? * (Acta cero) Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
15. Did the polling officials store the diagnostic reports
and the zero tapes in the supplied envelopes? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
16. Did polling officials log the identification number
of each machine as it was opened and prepared
for the election?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
17. Did you observe the official tamper-proof tape
that sealed the case in which the voting
machines arrived?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
18. Did the case contain all the required
machine components?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
19. Did you observe tamper-proof seals or tape covering
the ports of the machines prior to their setup?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
20. Did polling staff receive all equipment needed?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
21. If applicable, did polling staff receive an adequate
number of paper ballots in case of failure of
the machines?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
22. Are the machines set up so as to be accessible to
disabled voters who may need special equipment,
be in a wheelchair, or have other restrictions
on their movement? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
23. Did polls open on time? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

The Carter Center
Poll Opening Observation Form

Poll Opening — Electronic Poll Book Observation

Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

24. Is the automated fingerprint system going to be

used at the polling station? (Fingerprint system —
SAV/Captahuellas) Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
25. Was the fingerprint system set up without problems?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A


The Carter Center

Appendix C
Election Day Observation Form
Venezuela 2006

If you cannot answer the question because you have not observed this aspect of the electoral process, please
circle N/O — Not Observed. If the question is not relevant, please circle N/A. If you answered “no” to any
asterisked (*) question or irregularities occurred, please provide details on the back of the form.

When possible, ask domestic observers and political party agents for their observations during the period
prior to your arrival. When applicable, fill out both the “Direct Observation” and the “Reported to Our
Observers” columns, even if the responses are different.

Polling Station No.: __________________________

Team No.: __________________________________ Time of Arrival: ______________________________
City/District: ________________________________ Time of Departure: ____________________________
Province: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________________

1. What technology is used in this polling station?

a. Smartmatic SAES 3000 voting

machine (small DRE)

b. Smartmatic SAES 3300 voting

machine (larger DRE)

2. How many machines are located in this polling station? _________

The Carter Center
Election Day Observation Form

3. What is the number of registered voters in this polling station? __________

4. Where were these machines stored immediately prior to the election?


5. When did the equipment arrive at the polling station?


6. Who delivered the equipment to the polling station?


7. Was this chain of custody documented? Yes No

8. If yes, who maintains the documentation?


After Polls Open

Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

9. Do electronic ballots seem complete and contain

all appropriate candidates and races?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
10. Do the screens appear to be properly calibrated?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
11. Do electronic ballots appear to be
operating properly?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
12. Does the ballot touchpad appear to be
properly calibrated?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
13. Are voters on electronic systems made aware by
the machine that they might be undervoting?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
14. Do voters seem to find the instructions for
casting a ballot clear?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
15. Do accessibility devices appear to be
working properly?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
16. Do election officials keep a running tally on a
regular basis through the day to ensure the number
of votes on the machine is consistent with the
number of people who have voted? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

The Carter Center
Election Day Observation Form

Direct Reported to Not Observed or

Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

17. Are paper ballot receipts handled according to

the established procedure?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
18. Are the machines’ ports physically closed and
inaccessible during voting? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
19. Is the equipment free from network connectivity
throughout your observation?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

Handling Exceptions — Please Address the Following Questions to Polling Officials

20. Are poll workers aware of contingency plans in
case of equipment or system failure?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
21. Is replacement voting equipment (machines,
cards, card programmers, etc.) available in the
event of failure?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
22. Is the same equipment set up at poll opening
used throughout the day?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
23. If no, is the chain of custody for the removed
equipment documented?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
24. If voting equipment is taken out of service
during election day, are votes and other relevant
information extracted from it?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
25. Is there documentation outlining the failure that
has occurred and recording the chain of custody for:
a. The machine?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
b. The information drawn from the machine?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
26. In case of power loss can the equipment operate
on a battery?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
27. If yes, do polling officials:
a. Have sufficient batteries?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
b. Know the average life of the battery?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

The Carter Center
Election Day Observation Form

Polling Station Officials

Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

28. Have polling station officials received training

specific to the equipment in use, including trouble-
shooting in case of technical difficulties?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

29. Are polling station officials adequately instructing

voters on the method for casting their ballots? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

Election Day Auditing

30. Did polling officials conduct parallel testing?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A


The Carter Center

Appendix D
Poll Closing Observation Form
Venezuela 2006

If you cannot answer the question because you have not observed this aspect of the electoral process, please
circle N/O — Not Observed. If the question is not relevant, please circle N/A. If you answered “no” to any
asterisked (*) question or irregularities occurred, please provide details on the back of the form.

When possible, ask domestic observers and political party agents for their observations during the period
prior to your arrival. When applicable, fill out both the “Direct Observation” and the “Reported to Our
Observers” columns, even if the responses are different.

Polling Station No.: __________________________

Team No.: __________________________________ Time of Arrival: ______________________________
City/District: ________________________________ Time of Departure: ____________________________
Province: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________________

1. What technology is used in this polling station?

a. Smartmatic SAES 3000 voting

machine (small DRE)

b. Smartmatic SAES 3300 voting

machine (larger DRE)

The Carter Center
Poll Closing Observation Form

2. Which communication method is being used in this polling station?

a. Fixed-line telephone l
b. Cellular telephone l
c. Satellite telephone l
d. No transmission, but transport of memory stick to nearest transmission center l
To which center? _____________________________________________________________________

3. How many machines are located in this polling station? _________

4. What is the number of registered voters in this polling station? __________

5. Where were these machines stored immediately prior to the election?


6. When did the equipment arrive at the polling station?


7. Who delivered the equipment to the polling station?


8. Was this chain of custody documented? Yes No

9. If yes, who maintains the documentation?


Poll Closing
Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

10. Once voting has finished for the day, do poll

workers follow procedures to complete the
process and close the polls?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
11. Is the memory card containing the voted ballots
removed from the port? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
12. Were the polling place totals successfully printed?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
13. If not, were the proper contingency
procedures followed?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
14. Do polling officials print polling place totals
before sending any electronic communications out
of the polling place via connection to a network? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

The Carter Center
Poll Closing Observation Form

Direct Reported to Not Observed or

Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

15. Was the transmission method as originally planned

for this polling station used? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
16. Did the transmission to the central tally
server complete?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
17. Was transmission successful at first attempt?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
18. If transmission was not performed locally and the
memory sticks were transported to the nearest
transmission center, were the prescribed security
measures followed?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
19. Is a copy of the printed polling place totals
available for public review at the end of the day?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
20. Were copies of the electronic tallies printed for all
party observers (nine in total)? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
21. Was public access to the audit process free from
intervention by the military or other government
authority?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
22. Do election officials appear to understand and
adhere to the required procedures?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
23. Were there any complaints arising from the use of
election equipment? If so, please provide details,
including their resolution. Yes No Yes No N/O N/A

Election Day Auditing

24. Was a hot audit conducted? Yes No

25. Who conducted the hot audit?


26. How many machines in your polling place were audited?


The Carter Center
Poll Closing Observation Form

27. How were the machines selected to be audited?


28. If an unofficial comparison of the count of the paper receipts with the electronic tally of the votes
took place, did they match? If no, please explain what happened and how polling officials explained
the discrepancy.

Postelection Custody and Security

Direct Reported to Not Observed or
Observation Our Observers Not Applicable

29. Are all removable memory devices removed

from the equipment? Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
30. Is there a clear and documented chain of
custody for the equipment and the saved data?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A
31. Is all equipment appropriately secured in
preparation for storage until the next election?* Yes No Yes No N/O N/A


The Carter Center

Appendix E
Developing a Methodology for Observing
Electronic Voting Technologies
The Carter Center, Atlanta, Ga.
Nov. 2, 2006

Eric Bjornlund Douglas Jones

Democracy International University of Iowa

Michael Boda Eunsook Jung

Consultant, The Carter Center Consultant, The Carter Center

Julia Brothers Jennifer McCoy

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs The Carter Center

Andrew Bruce Adam Schmidt

European Commission IFES

David Carroll Jonathan Stonestreet

The Carter Center Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Ray Cobb
Center for Election Systems, Thobile Thomas
Kennesaw State University Electoral Institute of Southern Africa

Avery Davis-Roberts
The Carter Center
Kristin Garcia
Steven Griner The Carter Center
Organization of American States
Ethan Watson
The Carter Center

The Carter Center at a Glance
Overview: The Carter Center was founded in 1982 Donations: The Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable
by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, organization, financed by private donations
Rosalynn, in partnership with Emory University, from individuals, foundations, corporations, and
to advance peace and health worldwide. A non- international development assistance agencies.
governmental organization, the Center has helped Contributions by U.S. citizens and companies
to improve life for people in more than 65 countries are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human
rights, and economic opportunity; preventing Facilities: The nondenominational Cecil B. Day
diseases; improving mental health care; and Chapel and other facilities are available for weddings,
teaching farmers to increase crop production. corporate retreats and meetings, and other special
events. For information, (404) 420-5112.
Accomplishments: The Center has observed 67
elections in 26 countries; helped farmers double Location: In a 35-acre park, about 1.5 miles east of
or triple grain production in 15 African countries; downtown Atlanta. The Jimmy Carter Library and
worked to prevent and resolve civil and international Museum, which adjoins the Center, is owned and
conflicts worldwide; intervened to prevent unneces- operated by the National Archives and Records
sary diseases in Latin America and Africa; and strived Administration and is open to the public.
to diminish the stigma against mental illnesses. (404) 865-7101.

Budget: $49.1 million 2005–2006 operating budget. Staff: 160 employees, based primarily in Atlanta.

Martin Frank

The Carter Center
One Copenhill
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307

(404) 420-5100 ◆ Fax (404) 420-5145

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