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Name : Ketut Puspa Dewi

Nim : 1712021113
Class : 6D
A. The nature of Lesson Plan

As a professional teacher, many things must be prepared before teaching, starting from the
readiness of the self, the readiness of the material to be delivered, and the readiness of the media
used during teaching. All that is are related to one another and also very important in learning. In
connection with the readiness of the teacher in teaching, the teacher needs to prepare a tool that
is used as a guide when teaching so that the objectives of the learning that are encouraged by the
teacher can be achieved during the learning process. The intended tool is the lesson plan.
According to Raj Pokhrel (2006, lesson plan is a daily learning plan created and developed by
the teacher to guide the instructions when teaching in class. This lesson plan will be used by the
teacher as a reference for learning. Jamali Nesari & Heidari (2014) also state that the lesson plan
contains an explanation of the material, the methods used by the teacher, the allocation of time
and place that is explained in detail in a lesson plan.
There are five primary goals for the preparation of this lesson plan (Raj Pokhrel, 2006):
1. To help the teacher in preparing forinstruction that he/she use in the classroom,
2. Tell the learning objectives and what are students’ goals,
3. To be the document course content,
4. As a tool to give instructions and also tell the role during the class sessions
5. Tell the suitable techniques for assessing the students so that the teacher can get
immediate feedback for the success or failure of his/her teaching.

Why is the lesson plan so important?. According to Raj Pokhrel (2006), there are several
reasons for the importance of lesson plans:
1. Prepare
Before the teacher enters the class, in addition to preparing to teach, the teacher must also
prepare a lesson plan as a tool that is used as a reference when teaching
2. Establish Learning Outcomes
Using the lesson plan as a teacher's reference during teaching will make the desired learning
outcomes still achieved based on their level, needs, and
3. Internalize the Lesson
The teacher prepares a lesson plan by her / his self so the teacher knows what is needed by the
student, what media or techniques need to be applied by adjusting it to the student's situation and
the learning environment and the ability of the students themselves
4. Sequence the Lesson
The concept of learning what can be applied to students
5. Evaluate Performance
Lesson plans can evaluate student performance by filling in the assessment rubric in the lesson
plan, so students can reflect on their own shortcomings or abilities through the assessment rubric
6. Manage Class Time
By using the lesson plan as a learning reference, the time spent will be well organized and
ontime. For example, 5 minutes for pre-activity, 35 minutes for main activity, and 5 minutes for
post activity, so the learning activities will run smoothly.
7. Develop Confidence
Because all learning content such as materials and activities are neatly arranged or delivered
clearly in the lesson plan, the teacher will not feel afraid when teaching.

B. The Importance of Lesson Plan

Based on Jamali Nesari & Heidari (2014) by having lesson plans, a teacher can manage time
well, for example how many times (minutes) a teacher needs in pre-activity, main, and post-
activity. In addition, the teacher can use or apply the lesson plan several times to students so that
the teacher does not need to make it again, just need to edit a little while adjusting to the current
situation. Next, by having a lesson plan, teachers can upgrade their learning systems such as
variations in activities, methods and materials to keep the teaching process from being
monotonous and excessive. And lastly, lesson plans can help teachers to achieve the learning
goals that they expect so that their students are able to achieve them. In addition, the advantage
of lesson plans for students is that students can make lesson plans as a benchmark for learning to
achieve the indicators expected by the teacher. So students will learn with systematic activities
that have been designed by the teacher to achieving learning objectives. So, lesson plans are very
useful for teachers and students to improve the quality of learning and achieve the learning
objectives themselves.


Pokhrel, B. R. (2006). A Lesson Plan: What, Why, and How? Jurnal of NELTA, 98-102.

Heidari, A. J. & Mina (2014). The Important Role of Lesson Plan on Educational Achievement of Iranian
EFL Teachers' Attitudes. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, 27-34.

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