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May 30, 2020

Upon confirmed incident report from the Dormitory Administrator, the school calls
the attention of the following MandaraGats to report for investigation and
settlement on May 30, 2020, 10am brought about by incidences which happened
beyond school hours but occurred within school premises on May 29, 2020 at past
12 midnight:

o Alozo, Trystan
o Arellano, John Paul
o Gacuma, John Lloyd
o Quimson, Kian

The discipline program of IMMS is designed as a guideline and standard of

high moral values, it allows each MandaraGat to adjust to the IMMS
environment and harmonize his/her actions with others.

Under item 5.4 of the MandaraGat Code of Honor, it states that “a student does
not tolerate any violation of the honor system. He must report any violation that
comes to his attention because ignoring such will make him liable like the violator.”

Under item 6.4 of the Oath of Decorum, it states that MandaraGats should “not
to engage in any vice such as drinking liquor or any alcoholic beverages, gambling,
smoking, or use of prohibited drugs.”

Under items 7.6 and 7.7 of the Standard Conduct of MandaraGat, its states that
all MandaraGats shall “Exercise control and restraint on one’s behavior; and refrain
from using abusive and obscene language.”

Under item 9.4 of the Code of Discipline, it states that, “MandaraGats shall be
self-disciplined in the performance of my obligations, duties, and responsibilities.”

Under Student Manner Rules item 15.1, it states that MandaraGats shall “abide
by the rules and regulations, honor code, oath of decorum, and students’ standard of
conduct at all times.”

Item 15.7 of the same rule mandates all MandaraGats to “Settle disagreements in
peaceful and diplomatic manner.”

In view of the above mentioned, “the School reserves the right to take necessary and
appropriate action to maintain peace and order and protect the security, safety, and
well-being of everyone in it. Such action may include the imposition of disciplinary
sanctions according to the level of offense committed,” according to item 27.1 of the
Student Handbook.

The following violations were noted:

 Assault on another person (50 demerits)
 Violation of the honor system (50 demerits)
 Possession and use of alcoholic beverages or intoxicating liquor (50
 Violation of the standard conduct of students (10 demerits)

Furthermore, offenses indirectly committed by students like inciting others to

commit an offense; acting as an accomplice; covering-up a wrong doing; permitting
and tolerating an act against the School; and witnessing the act of an offense and
not reporting to authorities, may all be liable to the same sanctions as the offense.

In view of the aforementioned offenses, the Administrative Officer / Chief Operating

Officer, in the absence of the Midshipman Affairs Officer, and with immediate
authority of the school administration shall take charge in the investigation of the
incident and the imposition of sanctions to the involved MandaraGats.

This document shall also secure that MandaraGats commit to not doing the same
offense again as these will be grounds for termination and expulsion.

Signed this 30th day of May, 2020 at Iloilo Merchant Marine School.



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