Pom Registration Form 2019

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Acquire the Knowledge to Trade the Financial Markets

Knowledge is Power!


course) – How to Access & Trade
Stocks, Forex & other capital

Full Name: (given name first):

Level of Education (eg: Gr.12, Uni, College etc.)

Occupation (student, entrepreuer, unemployed, etc…

Contact Details: 1. Email (preferred)

2. Work Phone

3. Mobile Phone

Registration Fee of 50.00 paid? Yes No

If Yes, attach bank deposit receipt. If No, explain how and when you intend to pay.
Our Banking Details ( Pay all registration fees here)

Account Name: International Stocks & Forex Institute

Account Number: 7010537848
Bank: Bank of South Pacific, Boroko Branch

Why Acquiring a Knowledge in Financial Markets Investment?

 Know how to trade the stocks/shares, forex, commodities, indices markets and the
cryptocurrecny markets such as bitcoin, etherium, litecoin etc.
 Starting your own business in stocks/shares, commodities & indices trade
 Doing business and earning revenue in US Dollars or other foreign currencies
 Adding a second income to your current income
 Just investing in the financial markets
 Self-employment
 Eliminating poverty, building wealth & financial security
 Practical Certificate
 At the end of the course you will know how to trade and invest in the financial
markets anytime anywhere where there is an internet connection
For more information contact the Program Coordinator, Mr. George Paki Kowi

 Call/SMS: 73656997 or 76630561

 Email: internationalstocksforex@gmail.com
 Visit our Facebook page: International Stocks & Forex Institute & send a message
 Visit us at Portion 2095, Taurama Road, Port Moresby, NCD

Trading and Investment in the financial markets involves significant risks which are
manageable but is not suitable for everyone. International Stocks & Forex Institute is not
delivering the Share Markets Trade & Investment program as an investment advice and we
shall bear no responsibility of any loss incurred.

I have read and understand the disclaimer and the application form

Date: …………………../………………………/


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