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"Education is our passport to the future , for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it


Honored and highly esteemed guests headed by our stunning and sharp -witted guest speaker,
madam Jennifer A. Adviento. To our brilliant yet down to earth Public Schools District Supervisor, to our
diligent mother of this school, madam Lolita S. Colobong, to our supportive and active GPTA Officers
under the stewardship of Sir Alexander P. Gabriel, to the equally talented and competent teachers,
students, parents, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen a blessed and wondrous morning to everyone.

Welcome to the 4th Moving Up Ceremony and 16th Recognition Program of Manuel L. Quezon
National High School with the theme " Unity in Diversity, Quality Education For All".

Today marks another milestone in the history of our school as we jubilantly celebrate the academic
achievements of our learners. At long last you were able to hurdle tough challenges with success posed
in your academic endeavors on the second ladder of education, the Junior High School. Indeed this
opens a greater heights and a deeper pilgrimage in the exciting and exhilarating adventure in the
lifetime quest for learning.

Ladies and Gentlemen, with pride and honor, let us all witness the entrance of the completers of
Grade 10- Masikap of the School Year 2018-2019 with their proud parents starting with

… ( names of students alphabetically arranged with names of their parents)

Next to march are the faculty and staff, distinguished guests and DepEd officials with our highly
esteemed guest speaker.

Approaching the aisle are the multi-talented teaching force of our school…

Entering the covered court are our school head…

Approaching the stage is our guest speaker…

Marching next is…

Ladies and gentlemen let us give them a resounding applause.

To formally start our program, may we request everybody to please stand up as we pay tribute to our
national flag and to show our love for our country through the singing of the National Anthem, Isabela
Hymn and MLQNHS Hymn to be conducted by Mrs.Eva D. Halaman, teacher IIII.

May we please stand still to give deep reverence and to honor the power and glory of our Almighty
God through the singing of Panalangin ng Isabeleno..

May you please be seated.

Let us put our hands together as we call on Kgd. Juancho Basco , the Chairman on Committee on
Education for his Opening Remarks.
Thank you so much sir for that uppermost and utmost opening remarks.

At this juncture, may we listen to Ms. Cloudylyn M. Basili, a completer with high honors for her
enthralling and heartwarming Welcome Address

Thank you so much Cloud for that hearty and warm welcome.

At this point, our school head, Madam Lolita S. Colobong will now present the candidates for
completion to be confirmed and accepted by our Public Schools District Supervisor, the epitome
empowered woman, Dr. Emily N. Tomas. ( Duly represented by_______________)

Thank you so much ma'am.

This time, we will now witness the highlight and the most awaited part of the program. May we call on
Mrs. Evelyn R. Serafica ,the Grade 10 adviser for the distribution of certificates of completion and
awarding of honors and special awards.

May we request our school head, Madam Lolita S. Colobong,the Chairman on Committee on Education
Kgd. Juancho Basco, our GPTA President, Sir Alexander P. Gabriel,our PSDS, Dr. Emily N. Tomas, and our
Guest Speaker ,Madam Jennifer A. Adviento to do the honor in distributing the Certificates of
Completion to our completers.

Congatulations completers! You have now the ticket to aim higher and dream bigger. Use that as
weapon for greater challenges loom ahead of you as you take another leap for brighter future.

The best way to boost the institution's pride of how it molded its students, is no other than
hearing it from the successful product of this learning institution. So may we now pass the floor to
Mrs. Myr-Ann S. Salazar, a dynamic Filipino Teacher, to introduce to us our guest speaker. Let's give her
a warm round of applause!

Speech of the Guest Speaker

We are truly elated and privileged for having you today madam.Thank you so much ma'am for gracing
our affair and for inspiring all of us. Truly you deserve to be emulated by our students .

May we request Ma'am Jennifer Adviento to be on the center stage to receive the certificate of
recognition to be awarded and handed out by our school head, Madam Colobong to be assisted
by the faculty and staff.
Please allow me to read the citation of this certificate…
:Let us welcome the completer with high honors , Mr. Xander B. Somera to give us his Words
of Gratitude.

Thank you Xander for that meaningful and valuable speech.

They said singing is the expression of the soul, it is one of the greatest communications in the
world. It moves emotions amidst challenges, it is the source of the intense emotions we can feel.
Let's witness the completers as they sing the song entitled “ THE JOURNEY”.
Gecelle: That was a heart warming presentation Grade 10 and I hope our guests think the same.
The batch 2019 would have not reached this far , if not because of the people beside them and
that it because of you, our dear parents and guardians
Jomel: Let us now proceed to the awarding of medals and certificates to lower grades and to start
with (list)
Jomel : Congratulations once again to the awardees, I bet your parents are indeed so proud of
your achievements, No doubt of that , Im Sure!
Gecelle: to formally close today’s event, may I call in Mr. Alexander P. Gabriel, the GPTA

Jomel: what a way to close the ceremony ! Thank you.


Gecelle: May we call in the School Principal Mrs. Lolita Colobong to give us a short message.
Jomel: Thank you, Ma’am Lolita.
Gecelle: The closing hour has finally arrived. Tomorrow's challenges and opportunities await
our completers that will further test their mettle as improving individuals.
Jomel: As they continue with their journey, may they look back to this stage in their life with
fondness and pride.
Gecelle: Ladies and Gentlemen, this concludes the 4th Moving Up Ceremony and 16th
Recognition Rites of Manuel L. Quezon National High School.
Jomel: Thank you for coming
Jomel and Gecelle: Once again, Congratulations Completers , Parents and Honor students.


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