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The beginning of an incredible new season

The beginning of an incredible new season
Pastor Brian Heath April 22, 2020
As the Jewish feast of Passover came to an end, I believe we entered into a new season in the

This Passover was a most unusual one. The nation of Israel wasn’t just observing a religious
feast, it was experiencing a true Passover. Plague-like conditions similar to the first Passover
more than 3000 years ago in Egypt occurred during the anniversary of this event; and it was as
if the globe stopped to observe it too. Jewish people, Christian people and Messianic Jews have
noticed the spiritual significance and timing of this.

This year, many have rediscovered the miracle of Passover and God’s heart towards us.
Passover is about the power of the blood and God’s protection and destiny over His people.
(You can read my blog The Heart of Passover here.)

My spiritual father, Dr Jonathan David, has spoken about an incredible new season of God that
we are entering into right now, and it has been confirmed by many prophetic voices around the
world. Dr Jonathan has said the next 200 days from Passover will be especially significant and
amazing things would manifest during this time.

The Jewish feasts are prophetically significant events. Fifty days from Passover is the Feast of
Pentecost. The scripture says in Acts 2 that when the Day of Pentecost had fully come, God
poured out His Holy Spirit on the earth and 120 of Jesus’ followers in the Upper Room received
a baptism of fire and were filled with the spirit.

There is great expectation building in people of faith who understand the times and seasons of
God. We can begin to see how, just as plague-like conditions forced the world into lockdown at
the time of Passover, God is preparing to do something powerful at Pentecost! I believe we are
going to see similar conditions to that eventful Pentecost - an outpouring of His Holy Spirit on
the Church that is going to spread out to the nations. Get ready for a fresh baptism!

“Just as plague-like conditions forced the world into lockdown at Passover, God is preparing to
pour out His Holy Spirit afresh at Pentecost.”

Later on this year is the Feast of Tabernacles. The tabernacle was the central point of Israel’s
cultural and spiritual life. It was the place where God’s presence dwelt on the earth - nothing
was more valuable.
In the light of the New Testament, we know that Jesus now chooses to live in the hearts of His
people. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit - His tabernacle and His dwelling place on earth.
Something extraordinary is going to happen in this season. God is going to fill His temple and
reveal Himself afresh. (1 Cor 6:19, Acts 17:24, Eps 3:17).

Despite all the destruction this plague has brought and despite all the conspiracy theories in the
media and conflicts in the political world, we can look to God in heaven and know that He is
getting ready to bring a new season on the earth. Out of this chaos the Kingdom of God is going
to emerge and the Church of the Living God is going to become manifest.

There are significant distinctives of this new season -

1. There is going to be an incredible awakening and awareness of God:

You can see it already - people are looking for Him. There is a God-awareness growing inside
people. This is what an awakening looks like. It’s as if people are asleep, then all of a sudden
God begins to move in their hearts and awaken their spirits.

This happened in the Book of Acts. Jesus had been crucified, but all of a sudden the Holy Spirit
hit the earth, broke out of the Upper Room and there was an incredible awareness of God
across the nation. People looked upon the believers and respected them greatly, but were afraid
to join them at that time.

In my early days I wasn’t looking for God, but He interrupted me. He broke into my world. By the
grace of God I was able to hear the gospel and respond. He came into my life and changed my
world, my direction, my priorities, my destiny - everything.

Church has been a certain way for so long, but God is interrupting us. The culture of the world
has been a certain way for so long. Now God is interrupting us. There is an awakening coming.
It will begin in His Church and break out across the nation.

2.The river of God will be flowing in the house:

I am fully committed to the House of God. I know that when the House is in order the city will
change, the region will change, and the nation will change. The prophetic flow is in the House of
God. The grace is in the House of God.
The church building might just be a place, but when we gather together corporately week after
week, year after year, with people of the same heart and spiritual frequency, something
heavenly begins to open up over that place. The river of God begins to flow. It is important that
we are connected to the river because this is the source of God’s grace.

The scripture paints an incredible picture of a supernatural river. Firstly, there is a river on earth.
When Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, He says whoever believes in Him, “out of their
innermost being shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38).

There is also a river in heaven: “And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either
side of the river, was the tree of life...the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
(Rev 22:1)

There is also a river in the Church. Ezekiel 47 prophesies a river flowing from the House of God
bringing restoration to the nation of Israel.

The Bible is showing us that there is a river which has its source in heaven, flows out from the
House of God and brings healing and restoration to the nations. This is a picture of the move of
God in the last days.

“The Bible is showing us that there is a river which has its source in heaven, it flows out from the
House of God on the earth and brings healing and restoration to the nations.”

Jesus said ‘My words are spirit and life’. His word is like a prophetic stream flowing from
heaven. If we can pick up the prophetic word and deliver it to our community, we can minister
healing and restoration.

We need this move because there has been a river of trash coming into our nation. There have
been corrupt ideologies filtered into the system. But there is a river that comes from God. It is a
crystal clear, pure stream of revelation, and it will flow out of our innermost being. We must get
ready for it, for those who truly believe in Him will be a channel for this river.

3. The grace to overcome:

In this season there is going to be a grace to overcome. Different people struggle with different
things - addictions, emotional issues, mental issues, relational and spiritual issues;
But God is making his grace available to us because we are living in the times of God.

When Jesus crossed over to the Gadarenes, it was God’s timing for the demoniac. In Matthew 8
we see him say “have you come to torment us before our time?” This was a man who was
tormented by darkness for years, to the point where his life was reduced to dwelling amongst
tombs, naked and self-harming with such violence that he had shut down an entire region in
fear. Yet one encounter with Jesus and all of a sudden the enemy’s expiration date had come.
Jesus brought with Him the timing of God.

Every single soul that believes in this same Jesus, that He is the Son of God, possesses a
victory faith that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). Everything changes when we receive the
grace of God. What you couldn’t win before, you will win. You and God are the majority.

4. The Lord is turning hearts back to Him:

My wife and I were young Christians 30 years ago, living in Albury, when God gave me a
dream. He showed me Psalm 126 “When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were
like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them’.”

There is a time when things shift in the spirit and hearts turn to Him; then that which was once
held captive turns to Zion and finds freedom. Those loved ones who are disconnected and
separated from the plans and purposes of God, He is going to move on their hearts. They are
going to return, be healed, have their dreams restored and be filled with joy and laughter again
in the House of God.

This is the incredible new season of God we are entering into.

5. Christ will be progressively made known in the House:

There is going to be a gradual unveiling of Christ in the Church. Malachai 3:1 says “The Lord,
whom you seek, will suddenly appear in the temple.”

During this time, as you set your lives apart, realign and seek Him with all your heart, some
amazing things are going to happen. The Lord is going to turn the captivity of Zion and those
who sow in tears will reap with joy. Many are going to return to the House of God, find Him and
have their joy restored.
Our beautiful building, a 140-year-old rare surviving Cobb n Co Stable, is a source of great
inspiration to me. It is the prophetic fulfillment of a dream I had in my heart more that 33 years
ago. Before I even entered the ministry and moved to Sale, I visited this town with my wife
Lynne and we were mesmerised by the facade of this iconic building. In my mind’s eye I clearly
saw the name of Jesus Christ on its archway, and I said to Lynne, “One day there will be a
church in that building”.

Three years ago this building came to us, but we had a big job to do. We began to restore this
dilapidated old building into a house of God. It was a labour of love, but it was driven by a dream
in our hearts.

I believe Christ will be made known in this House. Throughout history, He has chosen stables to
begin great moves. The greatest move of God to ever enter planet earth began in a stable
Bethlehem with the birth of our Saviour. Then in the early 1900s in Asuza Street, Los Angeles, a
mighty revival and move of Pentecost was birthed in a stable and went out to the nations of the

Many are going to return to the House of God and find Him in this very place. They will find their
God and He will find His sons and daughters; and the river flowing through this House will bring
heal to our nation.

Do you know Christ?

On the inside of you, God created a place for Jesus to dwell. He wants you to receive Him into
your heart so He can receive you into His kingdom. He wants a relationship with you. Salvation
is a free gift that needs to be received. When we begin to open the door of our heart, Jesus can
enter. God is calling you home, He is calling you to Himself.

I want to lead you into a simple, but powerful prayer:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of my sins. I confess
with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus is your Son and that He died on the cross
at Calvary, that I might be forgiven and have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now to come into my life and
be my personal Lord and Saviour. I repent of my sins and will worship You all the days of my
life. I confess with my mouth that I am born again and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer, please feel free to get in contact with us so we can help you get
started on your journey with God.

Pastors Brian and Lynne Heath have been married for 40 years and served as the senior
leaders of City Builders Church (formerly COC) at Sale, in the heart of Gippsland, for the past
27 years.

Brian is one of the longest serving pastors in the Gippsland region and has become a true father
to many spiritual sons and daughters and a valued mentor to younger ministers and community

Brian has a strong prophetic dimension to his life and carries the apostolic grace to build strong
churches and to teach, train, impart and prepare the Church for the last day’s harvest. Brian
believes the church of the future will not only carry the grace to win souls, but to impact and
influence every domain of society.

Brian is also part of an apostolic team that travels regionally and throughout the Pacific. He is
also working with ministry partners to build an alliance of like-minded ministries, churches,
individuals and organisations that desire to rediscover and rebuild the Christian foundations that
this great nation was built upon.

Tagged: #unprecedentedmove, #upgrade, #unprecedentedshaking

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