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 Open a database
 Create a report using the Report Wizard
 Set group and sorting options for reports
 Add controls in a report
 Resize and move controls in a report
 Use calculations in a report
 Save a report


As the office manager of Utah and Idaho Independence University campuses, you need to create a report showing
instructors at these locations.
1. Open the file Week 4 Start File and save it to your computer.

2. Use the Report Wizard in the next few steps to create a report with the StateName and StateAbbreviation fields from
the States table, and all the fields except for CampusNo from the Campus table.

3. View your data by States, do not add any more grouping levels.

4. Sort in ascending order by CampusName.

5. Use the Stepped layout and Portrait orientation.

6. Name the report Campuses by State. The report should look similar to Figure 1. Close the report.

7. Open the Campus Instructors report and view in Report View. Notice that the CampusName and Address fields are
not wide enough to show all the data. Switch to Design View and expand the size of the CampusName label so that it
is about two inches wide. Then expand the size of the Address label so that it is about two inches wide. View in
Report view to confirm the change.

8. Switch back to Design view and open the Group, Sort, and Total pane, then add a CampusNo Footer section.

9. Add a text box to the CampusNo Footer section, just below the LName text box.

10. Modify the caption of the label to the left of the new text box in the CampusNo Footer section to read Count: , move
the caption label close to the text box, and right-align the text within the caption label.

11. Enter an expression in the new text box in the CampusNo Footer section to count the values in the LName field,
=Count([LName]) , and left-align the values within the text box. View the report using the Report View. The report
should look similar to Figure 2. Save and close the Campus Instructors report.

Save your changes, compact and repair the database, and exit Access. Submit your work in the week 4 Assignment
location in Canvas.

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