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Chapter 4 : ANOVA

DEC 2019

A team of researchers interest to compare the yield (in kilograms) of four different varieties (A, B, C, D) of a
rambutan tree in Kg Hutan Kampung orchard. The researchers obtain a random sample of four trees of each
variety from the same orchard. The data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics. The result given as
Source Sum of Mean Sig.
Squares df Square F
Between Groups R 3 125.729 U .293
Within Groups 1083.250 S 90.271
Total 1460.438 T
a) Compute the values of R, S, T and U. (3 marks)
b) State the null and alternative hypotheses for this study. (2 marks)
c) Based on the p-value, test at the 5% level of significance whether the mean yield differ on the four different
varieties. (3 marks)

JUN 2019

A diet trainer wants to determine there is a significant difference in the mean weight loss among four diet
programs (low calorie diet, low fat diet, low carbohydrate diet and a control group). The data were collected and
the result of the weight loss is shown below.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F
Between Groups A 3 22.317 C
Within Groups 41.600 B 2.600
Total 108.550 19
a) Find the values of A, B and C. (3 marks)
b) State the null and alternative hypotheses for this study. (2 marks)
c) Using F-test, is there sufficient evidence to indicate that there is a difference in mean weight loss among the
four diet programs? Use α = 0.05. (3 marks)

DEC 2018

A pharmacist at Dungun Hospital conducted a study to determine whether there is a significant difference in time
taken for the three brands of medicine to provide relief from headache. The following data depicts the time (in
minutes) taken by patients to get relief from headache after taking the medicine.
Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3
9 15 14
10 20 19
12 12 14
15 16 18
11 10 11
The data was analyzed using SPSS and the results is shown in the following ANOVA table.
Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean F Sig.
variation squares freedom square
Between A 2 C 2.032 0.174
Within B 12 D
Total 164.933 14
a) Using the Sum of Square Between (SSB) formula, show that A = 41.733. Then, determine the values of B, C
and D. (5 marks)
b) State the null and alternative hypotheses. (1 mark)
c) Based on the output, is there any evidence to indicate there is difference in time taken for the three brands of
medicine to provide relief from headache? Use α = 0.05. (3 marks)

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