Cargoas Install and Update Notes

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tware mbH
& System Service G

 Clearwater Software & System Service GmbH 

 Alter Schulweg 2a  25373 Ellerhoop 
Software & System Service GmbH

Alter Schulweg 2a
To the userof our 25373 Ellerhoop
Cargo Assistant
on board shiploadingprogram ☎ +49 4120 707788 0
 +49 4120 707788 9

Ellerhoop, 29.08.2013

Notes concerning loading computer hardware, software, documentation, Cargo

Assistant updates

1. New Delivery of Hard- and Software

the hardware (HP/ Compaq) delivered always includes an operation system (OS). This OS is already pre
preinstalled. This means the final installation will be done when switching on the computer the first time. It
is our service to do this. Further we install the »Cargo Assistant« ship loading program and a printer driver
(PDF- Writer) before delivering the computer.
In case of failure on board there is no service available and the user must be able to bring back the
computer into a running condition (it's delivery condition). Minimum there are always 2 CDs belonging to
the computer. The first one contains the OS (commonly Windows 7/8) and the second drivers and utilities.
This two CDs are especially made for the computer type they belong to. Both of them are bootable and
one supports the »crash recovery« of the OS. In case of failure both CDs are very important. On board
they have to be kept on a save place together with the computers documentation and not mixed
with CDs and documents of other computer. In case of a failure informations how to perform a crash
recovery can be found in the computers user manual!
2. Cargo Assistant Loading Program
as described above on new delivery the »Cargo Assistant« ship loading program will be preinstalled. On
new vessels this version of the program commonly has not been approved by a classification society as
long as the ship's trim & stability manual has not been approved. As soon as this has been done and we
received a copy of the approved trim & stability manual we create test loading cases for the loading
program for approval. When the program's approval passed a CD, labelled »approved«, with the program
on it will be send on board. This CD must be kept on board on a safe place (best together with the CDs
and documents described in 1.).
When receiving an update on board, the previous version must be uninstalled before installing the new
version. The uninstallation will not delete any user created files. Old user data are backward
compatible. This means newer versions of »Cargo Assistant« can handle files created with older versions
but not vice versa. Installing an old version over a newer version my lead to unpredictable results!
To avoid this situation after a certain time (7- 10 days) we recommend to destroy CDs with older
versions on board after receiving and installing an update and found it running properly. Maximum there
should be 1 CD with »Cargo Assistant« on it on board which should be the latest release. This will avoid
the installation of older versions over newer when a reliever will come on board and install from the first
CD he/ she founds which must not contain the newest version of »Cargo Assistant« if older CDs havn't
been destroyed!

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