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Hamlet-a tragic hero

I see Hamlet as a tragic hero. Such a figure is typically defined as "a literary character who makes
a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction. Often an otherwise admirable
character becomes involved with questions of justice and/or revenge.

His inability to act is often seen as one and certainly he saw that in himself. Could it be, he asks
himself, that “But I am pigeon-livered and lack gall” (Hamlet Act II, line 562[2]). But I think it is the
classic problem of hubris. And I think it surfaces when while observing his uncle in prayer over the
death of this brother, Hamlet’s father, Hamlet decides that he will not execute justice (which as the
rightful king was his duty) and instead pursues vengeance. It’s not enough for Hamlet that his uncle
pay for the murder with his life but instead he wants his uncle to be damned for eternity. And so he
postpones his action until he is certain of the evil state of his uncle’s soul. But that, of course, is not
his role.

And it is interesting to note that all events after this choice spiral downward towards the play’s
conclusion. The fact that the ghost spurs on Hamlet for revenge (not justice although he talks about
the throne of Denmark not being a couch for damned incest) that causes me to suspect that the
thing may in fact be a demon and not a wholesome ghost after all even if it tells the truth. Evil often
tells the truth in a form for its end.

Hamlet-a Renaissance Prince

Hamlet is recognized as a renaissance man due to his fundamentally different approach ro the
world than the medieval characters of Fortinbras and Laertes.

Hamlet’s Renaissance virw on his world develops him both as an Elizabethan- era humanist and
nihilist. Thus, through Hamlet, Shakespeare illustrates humanity’s struggle with purpose and the
meaning of men.

The Humanist philosophy is seen when Hamlet questions: “What a piece of work is a man, how
noble in reason, how infinite in faculties…”. In this speech, you can see a clear assertion of humanist
idea about the uniqueness and extraordinary abilities of the human mind. Hamlet refers to man as
work, referring to the fact that man is a product of God’s creation. This suggests that a man is limited
by his own form.

Within Hamlet’s clashing humanism and nihilism in attempting to answer questions about human
existence, he struggles to murder Claudius. The inner struggle is evident throughout the play such as
when he declares: “why, what an ass am i!...prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell.” We
observe another aspect of renaissance through most famous soliloquy which begins, “To be or not to
be…”, he alludes to an unknown afterlife as “The undiscovered country…”. This recognizes his
departure from Medieval religious ideas which rooted on a strict belief that people either go to
heaven or hell when they die.

Hamlet-a Shakesperean tragedy

Hamlet is a revenge tragedy written in the line of Roman Senecan tragedy. It is the tragedy of
reflection and moral sensitivity. The protagonist is very reflective and too sensitive, thus unfit for
taking revenge through action. He has to undo the past, but the paradox of guilt and justice baffles

The soliloquies of Hamlet help to bring out his complex mental state. When the play ends all the
major characters are dead making the tragedy an absolute one.

Hamlet's father has been murdered by his uncle and his mother marries the criminal after her
husband's death. As suggested by the ghost Hamlet has to take revenge on his father's murderer. As
he is a person with a high degree of moral sensitivity and a philosophic bent of mind, he thinks about
whether evil can undo evil and not remain evil. He wants to find out whether the ghost has told the
truth or not. He thinks too much and cannot go into action without which revenge cannot be taken
and the tragedy occurs. The soliloquies are given to him to help reveal his complex psychological
state. It's the tragedy of moral frustration. The tension between Hamlet's need for revenge and the
question of morality, guilt, justice as well as his uncle and mother's position is vividly dramatized.
Inaction is the major tragic flaw which hastens his tragic downfall. Had Hamlet been Othello the
tragedy wouldn't have occurred. His philosophical soliloquies make it a poetic play rather than a
realistic one. Ophelia, her father and brother die primarily because of Claudius's conspiracy and
Hamlet's impulsiveness. Though the conspirator is killed many other innocent people lose their lives.
It is a great disintegration. Since all the characters die at the end of the play the throne has to be
given to a foreigner. It is an absolute tragedy in a way. The horror, violence and bloodshed on the
stage create a kind of unnerving scene. The readers cannot help feeling pity and fear for what has

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