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Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examination, 2011 IPE 4027 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs N. i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any SECTION-A e 1. (a) What is meant by programmable automated manufacturis the ten strategies for automation and production systems. (6) Classify manufacturing systems on the basis of number of workstations, system 16 layout and level of automation. Illustrate them with their schematic diagrams. (©) What is manning level? Explain. 06 1g system? Briefly describe 13 2, (a) Write down the name of categories of Automated Guided Vehicles. What guidance 15 technologies are used for AGV? Briefly describe them. (b) Vehicles travel counterclockwise around the loop of the AGVS layout shown in the 10 following figure to deliver loads from the load station to the unload station. Loading time at the load station = 0.75 min, and unloading time at the unload station = 0.50 min, It is desired to determine how many vehicles are required to satisfy demand for this layout if'a total of 45 del/hr must be completed by the AGVS. The performance parameters are given: vehicle velocity = 50 m/min, availability = 0.95, traffic factor = 0.90 and operator efficiency does not apply, so E = 1.0. Determine (i Travel distances loaded and empty, (ii) Ideal delivery cycle time, and (ii) Number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand. 4 Dimensions in meters Figure 2(b) (©) Name the different types of Automated Data Capture technologies. Discuss about the 10 Code 39 bar code standard, 3. (a) Write down a short note on 2-D bar codes. 06 (b) What is meant by Automated Storage/Retrieval System? Describe the unit load 12 AS/RS and Deep-lane AS/RS. 3 @ b) © (a) © © @ © © (a) b) (©) Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management BSc. Engineering 4" Year 2 Term Examination, 2012 IPE 4027 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs NB: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts: ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. i) Assume reasonable data if missing any. | SECTION. ‘What is meant by automated manufacturing system? Briefly describe the various types of 13 ‘automated manufacturing system, Mention some subsystems in computerized manufacturing systems. What are the barriers towards 12 computerized manufacturing systems? Differentiate between single station manned cell and single station automated cell. 10 Discuss the prerequisites for unattended cell operation. 2 ‘What is machine cluster? State the conditions for machine cluster. 08 ‘A single product plant will operate 250 days/yr using a single Shr shift each day. Sales 15 requirements are 100,000 units/yr. The product consists of two major components: A and B (one of each component goes into each product). The operations required to produce each component are given in the table below as are the associated standard time and scrap rates. Equipment utilization is expected to be 90% during each 8-hr shift. Determine how many machines are required of each type, assuming that a product layout will be used. Therefore, no machine will be shared between operations, thus eliminating the need for setup changes. ‘Component | Operation | Machine | Production time (minlpe) | Serap rate (4) A 1 Lathe 7.0 Senn A 2__| Milling machine 10.0 5 B 3 Lathe 5.0 3 B 4 | Milling machine 13.0 6 B 3 Drill 40 rar Classify bar codes and briefly explain them. 4 What is Code 39? Explain with example. 08 Apply the rank order clustering technique to the following part-machine incidence matrix to 13 identify logical part families and machine groups. Parts are identified by letters and machines are identified numerically. Pats Machines A BOC DE F GH I 1 ieee i 1 2 fl 1 3 1 i 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1s, ‘What is cellular manufacturing? Discuss the features of parts classification and coding system. 12 ‘What is automated inspection? Discuss off-line and on-line inspection 2 Five machines will constitute a GT cell. The From-To data for the machines are shown in the 11 table below. Determine the most logical sequence of machines for this data according to Hollier Method 1, and construct the flow diagram for the data, showing where and how many parts enter and exit the system. From ——— = 0 0 ie o 0 0 fg 0 0; go0 Page | of 2 (a) (b) © (@ &) © @ ) © @ () © SECTI Define FMS. Write down the importance of FMS in material handling and storage system Why is computer control required in FMS? Describe the functions performed by the computer control system in FMS. An FMS consists of three stations plus a load/untoad station. Station 1 loads and unloads parts from the FMS using two servers (material handling workers). Station 2 performs horizontal milling operations with two servers (two identical horizontal milling machines), Station 3 performs vertical milling operations with three servers (three identical CNC vertical milling machines). Station 4 performs drilling operations with two severs (two identical drilling processes). The machines are connected by a part handling system that has two work carriers and 4 mean transport time = 3.5 min, The FMS produces four parts A, B, C, and D, whose part mix fractions and process routings are presented in table below. The operation frequency (fi, = 1.0) for all operations, Determine: i) maximum production rate of the FMS, ii) utilization of each ‘machine in the system, and iii) average utilization of the system, Part (j)_ Pare Mix (P,) Operation (k) Description Station @) Process time (i,.) min a 02 1 Load 1 4 2 HL Mill 2 15 3 V. Mill 3 14 4 Drill 4 2B 5 Unload 1 T Load 1 2 Drill 4 3 4H. Mill 2 4 V. Mill 3 5 Drill 4 6 Unload 1 a c 025 1 Toad 1 a 2 Mill 2 10 3 Drill 4 9 4 Unload 1 3 D 035 1 Load 1 4 2 V. Mill 3 18 3 Drill 4 8 4 Unload 1 3 ‘What are the factors needed to be considered in manual assembly lines? Briefly discuss different ‘work transport systems with neat sketches. ‘A single model assembly line is being planned to produce a consumer appliance at the rate of 200,000 units/year. The line will be operated 8 hr/shift, 2 shifts/day, 5 days/week, 50 weeks/year. Work content time is 35 min. For planning process, itis anticipated that the proportion uptime on the line will be 95%, Determine: i) Average hourly production rate R,, ii) Cycle time T., and iit) theoretical minimum number of workers required on the line. If the balance efficiency is 0.93 and the repositioning time is 6 sec, how many workers will be required? What is storage buffer? Why are storage buffers required in automated production lines? Define transfer line, Describe three basic control functions used in automated transfer machine, A 25 station transfer line is being proposed to machine a certain component currently produced by conventional method. The proposal received from the machine tool builder states that the line will operate at a production rate of 50 pe/hr at 100% efficiency. From similar transfer lines, itis estimated that breakdowns of all types will occur with a frequency of F = 0.15 breakdown per cycle and that the average downtime per line stop will be 7 min. The starting casting that is, machined on the line costs $ 3.00 per part. The line operates at a cost of $ 60,00/hr. The 25 cutting tool last for 50 parts each and the average cost per tool = $ 3.00 per cutting edge. Based on this data, compute: i) production rate, ii) line efficiency, and iti) cost per unit piece produced oon the line. ‘What is meant by process planning? Discuss the retrieval process of CAP. Compare concurrent engineering with traditional product development cycle. Write down the principles of lean manufacturing. Compare mass production with lean production. How do you reorganize your production system into agility? Page 2 of 2 16 3 4 08 10 12 Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs (a) (b) (©) (a) (b) © @ () © @ Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" year 2™ term Examination, 2013 IPE-4027 Computer Integrated Manufacturing ji) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts ii) Figures in the right margi iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. Section-A Distinguish between automation and computer integrated manufacturing. Bri discuss automation principles and strategies. Define manufacturing system with suitable diagram, Discuss the components of 15 manufacturing systems. What is manning level? What are the barriers toward computerized manufacturing 08 system? Discuss the prerequisites for unattended cell operation 10 Discuss the types and application of carousel storage systems. 10 A stamping plant must be designed to supply an automotive engine plant with 15 sheet metal stampings. The plant will operate one 8-hr shift for 250 day/yr and must produce 15,000,000 good quality stampings annually. Batch size=10,000 good stampings produced per batch. Serap rate=5%, On average, it takes 3.0 see to produce each stamping when presses are running, Before each batch, the press must be set up, and it takes 4 hr to accomplish each setup. Presses are 90% reliable during production and 100% reliable during setup. How many presses are needed? Discuss briefly bar code readers and bar code printers. 15 ‘The CNC grinding section has a large number of machines devoted to grinding of 15 shafts for the automotive industry. The grinding machine cycle takes 3.6 min. At the end of the cycle, an operator must be present to unload and load parts. which takes 40 sec. Determine (i) How many grinding machines the worker can service if it takes 20 see to walk between the machines and no machine idle time is allowed, (ii) How many seconds during the work cycle is the worker idle? (iii) What is the hourly producti mn rate of this machine cluster? What is code 39? Explain with example, 05 What are the common types of GT machine cell configurations? Describe the 15 various types of GT cell layouts with proper sketches and mention where they are appropriate. s. (©) Develop the form code (first five digits) in the Opitz system forthe pat illustrated in the following figure, (©) Apply the rank order clustering technique to the part machine incidence matriy in the following table to identify logical part families and machine groups. Parts are identified by letters, and machine are identified numerically. Parts Machines A B oC D E Gm T 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 ie ‘ 1 1 6 eal 7 1 1 8 1 I Section -B (a) Define FMS and write down the differences between FMS and FMC. (b) Describe different types of FMS for different considerations, (©) An FMS consists of three stations plus a load/unioad station, Station 1 loads and unloads parts from the FMS using two servers (material handling workers). Station 2 Performs horizontal milling operations with two servers (two identical CNC horizontal milling machines). Station 3 performs vertical milling operations with three servers (three identical CNC vertical milling machines). Station 4 performs Grilling operations with two servers (two identical drill presses). The machines we connected by a part handling system that has two work carriers and a mean Wansport time=3.5 min, The FMS produces four parts, A, B,C, and D, w hose part mix fractions and process routings are presented in the table below Part j | PartMix Pi [Operation k | Deseription | SiatonT Process Time tjk ominy ] 1 Toad 7 sua , 2 amin | a | is A 0. 2 Vv. Mill * | 4 | : al ‘ 5 lea Het nl et : | ia 7 ci 2 Dritt | 4 Rn ; 3 nmin | 3 to a Le 4 Vv. Mill 3 Wn 3 a ‘ " é deal as 3 1 Thal 1 7 i 2 umn | 2 io a ed 3 Drill, 4 9 ‘ uni |__| : | T ‘Load T Pee 4 7 > | aos > van |g is 3 bail 4 : 4 wns | | 3 07 08 6 7: 8. The operation frequency fia=1.0 for all operations. Determine (ij) maximum. production rate of the FMS, (ii) utilization of each machine in the system, and (ii) average utilization of the system, using the server average Us (a) Why manual assembly lines are so productives compared with alternative -methods? Briefly explain. (b) | What is meant by starving and blocking? Briefly discuss different work transport system in a manual assembly system. (©) A single model assembly line is being planned to produce a consumer appliance at the rate of 200,000 units/year. The line will be operated 8 hr/shift, 2 shift/day. 5 day/wk, 50 wk/yr. work content time =35.0 min, For planning purposes, it is anticipated that the proportion uptime on the line will be 95%, Determine, (i) average hourly production rate Rp, (ii) Cycle time te, (iii) Theoretical minimum, number of workers required on the line, (iv) If the balance efficiency is 0.93 and the repositioning time=6.0 see, how many workers will be required? (@) Describe the different types of automated assembly systems with neat sketches () What is meant by storage buffers? Write down the reasons for using storage buffers in an assembly system. (©) A 22- stations in-line transfer machine has an ideal cycle time of 0.35 min. ‘The frequency of line stops is F-0.075 stops/eycle. When a line stop occurs, the average downtime is 4.0 min, Cost elements are as follows: raw workpart cost-TK 60/pe, the line operating cost=TK 3200/hr, and cost of disposable tooling =TK 20/pe. Determine, (i) Average production rate in pe/hr, (ii) Line efficieney, (iii)Proportion down time, and (iv) Average cost of a workpiece produced, (a) Write down the principles of lean manufacturing. Compare mass production with agile manufacturing. (6) How can you reorganize the production system for agility? (©) Define agile manufacturing. Compare agile manufacturing with lean production, 10 10 15 10 y of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examinatioa, 2014 IPE 4027 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs O N.B:_ i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separcie scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. iC 1. (@ What is meant by manufacturing system? Briefly explain the components of 10 manufacturing system, (b) What is manning level? Differentiate between single station manned cell and single 13 station automated cell. (©) In an aircraft assembly plant, it took 54 min to assemble the 7" control panel. It took 49 12 min to assemble the 12" panel. If you developed a learning curve to predict assembly times for the operation, i) what would be the percentage learning, and ii) how long it take to assemble the 25" panel? 2. (@) Define group technology. Discuss the ways to identify tie part families in group 10 technology. (©) What is Opitz classification system? Develop the form code (fist five divits) in the Opitz 10 system of the part illustrated in the figure 2(b) (dimensions are .n mm), Figure 2(b) (©) Four machines used to produce a family of parts are to be aranged into a GT cell. The 15 From-To data for the parts produced by the machines are shown in the table below. To | From 1 Zz 3 : | 1 0 10 0 40 2 0 0 0 0 3 30 (Ga | eeeOBee| E20, 4 0 50 Ome [705] i) Determine the most logical sequence of machines’ or this data using Hollirer method 1. ii) Construct the flow diagram for the data. iii) Compute the percentage of moves in the solution. Sequence moves and percentage of back-tracing 3. (@)_ What is meant by material handling? Briefly describe the automaied guided vehicle 13 system (AGVS), (b) What is automated inspection? Discus off-line and on-line insp:ction 10 (©) Given the AGVs layout shown in figure 3(c). Vehicles travel covnterclockwise around the 12 loop to deliver loads from the load station to the unload station. Loading time at the load station =0.75 min, and unloading time at the unload station=€.50 min. it is desired to determine how many vehicles are required to satisfy demand for this layout if a total of 40 del/hr must be completed by the AGVs. The following performance parameters are given: vehicles velocity=50 m/min, availability=0.95, taffie factor=0.90, and operator efficiency does not apply, so E=1.0. Determine i) Travel distance loaded end empty ii) deal delivery cycle time, and iii) Number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand. aay, [aeons Ea Figure 3(c) code standard. ; Define inspection accuracy. Discuss type-I and type-II errors with example. A worker is currently responsible for tending three machines (n=3) in a machine clus The service time per machine Ts=0.35 min, and the time to walk between machi Tr=0.15min, the machine automatic cycle time Tm=1.90 m rate=$12/hr and machine hourly rate=$18/hr, determine: i) time of the worker? ii) What is the optimum number of m a the machine cluster, if minimum cost per unit of product is the degision criteria? SECTION-B What criteria must be satisfied to be a flexible manufacturing 4 benefits of an FMS. Briefly describe the different FMS configurations with neat skei An FMS consists of four stations. Station | is a load/unload performs inspections on a sampling of the parts. The stations handling system that has two work carriers and whose mean . FMS produces four parts A, B, C, and D. the related information are presented in the table below. Determine i) Maximum production rate of the FMS, if) Corresponding productio rate of each part iii) Utilization of each station in the system, 3 Part} | Partmix | Operation | Description | Station Frequency Bi k i fiik A on 1 Load I 10 D Mill 2 1.0 3 Drill z 1.0 4 Inspect 4 05 3 Unload 1 10 B 02 1 Load 1 1.0 2 Drill a 1.0 3 Mill 2 1.0 4 Drill 3 10 5 Inspect 4 02 6 Unload 1 1.0 SC 03 1 Load 1 1.0 2 Drill 3 1.0 3 Inspect 4 05 4 Unload 1 1.0 D of 1 Load 1 1.0 z Mill 2 1.0 3 Inspect 4 0.333 4 Unload i 1.0 (a) Briefly describe the computer control system of an FMS. (&) Explain the reasons for high productivity of manual assembly li Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examination, 2011 IPE 4059 Project Management Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs N.B: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate seripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. SECTION-A 1. (@) How can a project be defined? List the characteristics of a project and briefly 13 describe the main features of each, (®) Name the three prime goals of project and discuss why there are trades-offamong 13 them, (c) How do Derivative, Breakthrough and Platform projects differ? 09 2. (a) Briefly describe the life cycle of a project in terms of (i) the degree of project fon completion, and (ii) required effort (b) Draw a distinction between competitive necessity model and operating necessity 10 ‘model that are used for project selection. What are the advantages and dis:dvantages of cach? (©) What elements does a project master plan contain? Briefly describe them 3 3. (a) Describe how the Work Breakdown Structure is constructed. What is Linear 15 Responsibility Chart and how is it useful to project manager? (b) Consider the problem of project scheduling as shown below. Obtain a schedule which 20 will minimize the peak manpower requirement and also smooth out period to period variation of manpower requirement, Activity | Duration (weeks) | Manpower | | requirement 8 eer 6 B 8 9 | 2 i 4 a | 10 15 : 10 4 (@) Compare and contrast top-down budgeting with bottom-up budgeting. When and how 10 can a project budget be revised? 6 7. & (b) @ (b) © @ (b) ©) @ (©) (a) (b) () Consider the following data of a project: Activity | Predecessor(s) Duration | [tm ee § a 3 [5 (=e = et G A [475 D B ars Eft A [4/6 Tcl | ease eects | O28 G @DE | se | 9 [eet iy Tenge [a (Construct the project network. }) Pind the expected duration and variance of each activity. (iii) Find the critical path and the expected project completion time (iv) What is the probability of completing the project on or before 30 weeks? SECTION-B What is meant by project monitoring? Why can’t the project manager use the organization's current information system for project monitoring and reporting? Describe how a project monitoring system can be designed, What is virtual report? What are the purposes of project control? Briefly discuss about the project quality plan. ‘What is meant by network crashing? Consider the data of a project as shown below: ‘Activity | Normal time | Normal cost | Crash time | Crash cost (weeks) | (taka) | (weeks) | (taka) 1 13 700 u 900 | 13 5 400 4 ~ 460 4 7 i) 4 s10_| 2-5 12 800 i 365 a ele oe a ~_ 1130 a4 a 1000 3 1180 +5 Da Tevere | uveeESOOR IEC AOE rrresa peas ERO) If the indirect cost per week is Tk. 250, find the optimal crashed project completion time. “What is meant by procurement management? Describe the project procurement process, Write down the communication tools of project management, Mention the functions of each tool. Write a short note on risk management about a project, When is a project terminated? Describe the project termination process. ‘What are the reasons of project failure? Write down the main duties of termination manager. Identify and describe the four important dimensions of project success. 10 l Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examination, 2012 IPE 4059 Project Management Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs NB: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iti) Assume reasonable data if missing any. SE 1. (@)_ Define project. List the differences between general management and project management 2 (Identify the various gosls of a project and describe how the projet manager achieves them. 3 (©) What do you mean by project stakeholders? Explain with example. 10 2. (a) Describe different types of projects with necessary illustrations 15 (@) Briefly explain the various elements of project master plan. 13 (©) Define Top-Down and Bottom-Up budgeting 0 3, (a) What is the significance of a linear responsibility chart? How is it useful to @ project manager? 10 Explain briefly. (b) Consider the data of a project as shown below: 25 ‘Ketwity | Normal time | Normal cost | Crash time (weeks) rk) (weeks) 12 3 700 9 13 3 400 4 14 z 600 4 25 12 800 i 32 6 900 4 34 5 1000 3 a5 9 1500 © | _1800 Ifthe indirect cost per week is Tk. 250, find the optimal crashed project completion time 4. (What are the conditions o be satisfied to determine a critical activity? Define tot flatsand free 10 floats. (b) Consider the following data summarizing the details of a project involving 14 activities~ 25 ‘Activit A Tmmediate predecessor(s) | Duration (months) 2 6 4 3 Sarees) 6 8 3 = 2 5 a 3 3 glzle|>|-|-|=]o)=|=|>\0|> (i) Construct the CPM network (ii) Determine the critical path. (ii) Compute the total floats and free floats of non-critical activities. Page 1 of 2 SECTION. e @ What is meant by project monitoring? Why can the project manager not use organization’s 10 current information system for project monitoring and reporting? Explain briefly (0) Describe how a project monitoring system can be designed. 1s (©) What is virtual report? What are the purposes of project control? 10 (2) Define Quality matrix. What are the functions of Quality matrix? 10 (©) “The project assumptions and constraints can have direct influence on the procurement Process”. 10 Justify the statement. (©) What are the tools and techniques of source selection process for procuring project materials? 1 Explain, @) What is project communication management? Develop the project communication plan 10 (b) How can a conflict management strategy be developed? 10 (©) Explain the lateral channel of project communication, 10 (2) Name the different types of contracts required for procurement management. 05 (a) When is a project terminated? Discuss different types of project termination, 15 (©) What are the reasons of project failure? Distinguish between financial audits and project audits, 15 (©) What are the items of project final report? 05 Page 2 of 2 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" year 2” term Examination, 2013 IPE-4059 Project Management Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts, Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any i Section-A_ 1. (@) Define project. Describe the common objectives of any project. (b) Briefly explain project life cycle using ‘S* curve. (©) Write down the nature of project selection models, 2 (@_ What is meant by project selection? Explain various types of nonnumerie project 3 (a) Define activity, event and path as used in network construction. What is 4, selection models briefly. (6) Write down the differences between unweighted factor scoring mode! and weighted factor scoring model. | (©) Briefly discuss the distinction between risk and uncertainty in management. activity? (b) What is critical path? Mention the characteristics of critical path (©) Given the following information regarding a project, draw the PERT network and find the critical path. Activity _| Duration (Weeks) Preceding activities a 3 : b 1 : € 3 atl a d 4 a € q b i 3 b g 2) ce h 3 f | (a) What is meant by network crashing? Define total floats and free floats 08 10 08 15 (b) Consider the data of a project as shown below: (@) (b) (c) (a) (b) © @ (a) (b) ©) Activity] Normal time [ Normal cost | Crash time | Crash cost (oveeks) (Taka) (weeks) (Taka) 12 B 700 9 900 13 5 400 4 | 460 14 7 600 4 810 | 2-5 12 800. u 865 32 6 900 q 1130 34 a 1000 3 1180 45 9 [1500 1800 Ifthe indirect cost per week is TK. 250, find the optimal crashed project completion time. Section -B ‘What is meant by project monitoring? Write down the fundamental elements of project monitoring system. How can be a project monitored by using eamed value chart? Explain. What is virtual report? What are the purposes of project control? ‘What is project communication management? Develop the project communication plan. ‘What are the tools and techniques of source selection process for processing project materials? Explain, Write down the different types of contracts name required for procurement management. What is Gantt chart? Mention its advantages and disadvantages. A project with the following activities, duration and manpower requirements is given below: [ Activity ‘Duration’ Manpower required 12 4 3 13 3 2 14 6 2 24 4 3 34 4 2 Carryout the appropriate manpower leveling for scheduling the project When is a project terminated? Describe the project termination process ‘What are the reasons of project failure? Write down the main duties of termination manager. Write a short note on risk management about a project. 25 15 10 05 10 15 2B (@) (b) ©) @ Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2“ Term Examination, 2014 IPE 4059 Project Management Bull Marks: 210 Time 3 hrs N.B: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separat: scrips. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks iti) Assume reasonable data if missing, any. What is meant by “Project Management”? Write down the advantages of project management for a project reach to its goals. Describe different types of project life cycle with figure, ‘What is pure project organization? Discuss project as a part of * its advantages. ix Organization” and Clarify the term “Project Selection”. Briefly describe “The Scare Cow” model of project selection. (6) What is Project Portfolio Process (PPP}? Write down the geacral steps followed by (©) (@) (b) ©) @ () ©) Project Portfolio Process What is “Project Proposal”? State the necessary elements of a project plan. What is the significance of a linear responsibility chart? How is it useful to a project manager? What is CPM? Write down the applications of CPM Given the following information regarding a project, draw the PERT network and find the critical path 2a] 2] O10 oy|4)- = Write short notes on- i) WBS ii) Project Launch Meeting iii) Learning Curve ‘Compare and contrast top-down budgeting with bottom-up budgating. Consider the following problem. Schedule the activities of the project with a maximum limit on tie manpower requirement as 10. ‘Manpower required 10 12 13 09 08 18 @ ) © @ (b) © (@) (b) © @ @) (b) ©) SECTION-B ‘What is meant by project monitoring? How can be a project mon tored by using earned value analysis? Explain. ‘What are the types of project control systems in project managen ent? Mention the purposes of project control Define critical ratio in terms of project controll by using critical ratio method. 12. Describe pro, st controlling procedure Define project communication management. Explain the project communication management process. Explain conflict handling modes in terms of project communication management. ‘What is project quality management? What are the processes included in the project quality management? What is the difference between procurement and purchasing? Describe the source selection process for acquiring materials, Write down the different types of contracts in project managemen: and show buyer and seller risk associated with the contracts. Explain Make or Buy analysis of procurement management. Define Project Evaluation Process. Discuss the Auditing process with necessary steps as a format of project evaluation When is a project terminated? Describe the diff Differentiate Project Audit from Financial Audit rent ways to close out a project 15 08 12 15 10 10 05 15 10 05 12 15 08, @) (b) © (a) ) © @ (a) © @ @) () © (a) (a) () © Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2™ Term Examination, 2011 IPE 4219 Human Factors Engineering and Safety Management Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs N.B: i) Answer any THREE questions fron: each section in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. SECTION-A ‘What are the differences between ergonomics and human factor engineering? Discuss about human-machine interaction. f Discuss the various types of working posture in an industry? Explain why reclined sitting posture is preferred than declined posture? Discuss the classification of movements of human body. Write down some ergonomic guidelines for sitting work Define work station. Discuss the key areas of designing a work station. Discuss with diagram the clearance envelope under work surface for seated work Define normal and maximum work area. Discuss with diagram the dimension of horizontal work space for a seated person proposed by Bames and Squires Write down the best ergonomic design principles for laptop setup Discuss the design principles of control switch, lever and knob in an station. Explain the various types of grip. What are the major differences between the firm and precision grip? Discuss the ergonomic design principles of reduction of repetitive motion. “Bend the tool handle not the wrist”-Explais with example. nomic work What is meant by VDT? Discuss with diagram the arrangement of location of VDT screen at greater viewing distance. What are the types of movements of human body member in industry? Explain with examples. What is meant by bioengineering? Discuss the various sub-disciplines of biomedical engineering, Explain the leverage action of human body with the help of biomechanics principle. SECTION-B What is meant by SMS? “Safety management should maintain pacallely with other ‘management systems into the organization”-Why? Define safety culture. Write down the different features of safety culture, Draw gy” system model of safety. What are the necessities of safety sign? Write down the differen: names of safety signs with their distinguishing characteristir 12 13 08, 08, 10 09 08, 10 07 10 08 07 15 10 a z ul 0 nn al a a uw 1 S$ 91H 405 Buna8png, pur Sujuuejd ui sowoyens Suryeur uorsioop ap uMop aaA\ “CT 3 S s1BOQLIy “sopra Arges pexoUoS DAIsNjOXO dUOS YIM I aquOSA {sajnu Aras Teiduod Furxjdde Aq Auedwoo v oy paysiyqerso aq qwuowUrAUs AaJEs 24) WED MOR] TM yoodsox (ita 17 auyedr guoHENba BuNyI HSOIN JO Sio|dapnus ua. yEp yA Ue TY (48t 949 oFeBITU NOK UED NOH “¥sU aUIFOq, ‘squoLUITON ys jeRUDIOd YILA spoylot LNE=LMUEp! YSU MOUIUZOD axp UALOP aA “sioaye aanounsip aroun wpa satan posey Yuen Jo sadAy auaioyip oun oquiosog “prezey pure Aunfur uaoa\yag aren ULI iVHSO 01 Surpioooe Sururen Apajes pod yo suotory wewrodwst axp ase 1eYAL “WHSO aeI0geIg gasnee joo oly amples Explain why the centre of gravity of heavy hand tool should be far away from wrist Write down the ergonomic solutions to alleviate injuries to the hand tool users SECTION Define SMS, Describe the four major components of SMS briefly. ‘What do you mean by risk? Draw the flow chart of risk management process How can the quality circle be differentiated form safety circle? Prepare safety circle for a garment industry. Why is safety sign necessary? Write down the names of different safety sign with their distinguishing characte: ies, Define industrial injury? Describe elaborately the different tyy necessary preventive actions. How can you improve the safety training pralbless?- Program ind risk calculator fir any garment industry in es of industrial injury with Prepare a hazard evaluation workshe, context of Bangladesh, “Investigation is done after accident”-Do you agree? be effectively done to identify the root cause behind it? Write short notes on: i) Safety hazards General equipment safety procedures How can an accident investigation 10 15 10 10 15 10 13, 12 10 12 13 14 09 12 12 05 12 ul 12 8. (a) (b) () Write down the importance of NIOSH iifting equation, What aie the multipliers necessary to determine the lifting index? Write down at least 12 safety rules for all employees and studer ts, In a paint processing industry, a worker is assigned to a job o! placing 12 kg of paint jar from the conveyor to rack. The height of the conveyor is 40 eri and the included angle with the sagittal plane is 40°. Ta rack is 125 em and the included angle is 40°. The ameter of the paint jar is 25 cm and the height is 28 em, te frequency of the job is 3lifts/min and the duration of work is 8 hours which results a multiplier of 0.55. Assuming the coupling as fair. Calculate: i) RWI at the origin and the destination ii) The Ll at the origin and the destination. 10 10 15 (b) (©) 2 (a) (b) ©) (b) (e) () (c) Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engincering 4" Year 2" Term Examination, 2011 IPE 4225 Tool Engineering Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs N.Bz i Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. li) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. CTION Define the modes of freedom. How can 3-2-1 method of locating be applied to rectangular workpiece? Explain. What is your concept about radial location? Describe the basic principles of pin location What is the shortcoming of V-locator? Explain with diagram how it can be overcome. What are the basic types of clamping elements? Describe the latch clamp with diagram. Explain how a workpiece with diameter, larger than the bore of drawing bar can hy* held with a spring chuck? What are the advantages and disadvantages of toggle clamp? What are the differences between jig and fixture? Describe the economic aspects of using jig and fixture, Explain the effects of providing too large and too small chip clearance in drill jig? Discuss the rules for providing correct chip clearance for drill jig ‘What are the ANSI classifications of jig bushing? Discuss where each classified bush is used, What are the differences between open and close jig? Describe the purposes of tumble jig. : Discuss the different types of faceplate fixture, Write down the basic principles for designing the lathe fixture Describe with diagram the principle parts ox a typical milling fixture. Briefly explain the following fundamental die cutting operations. () Blanking (ii) Piercing ii) Lancing (iv) Notehing Write down the working principle and advantages of a hydraulic press. Draw the schematic diagram of OBI press. Discuss it’s major components with their functions 12 10 13 10 10 10 08 15 6. (@) ) © @ (a) ) ©) @) (a) () (c) @) Why is angular clearance necessary? Discuss What are the types of die constructions? Write down the working pris advantages, and disadvantag:s ‘of compound dies. Explain the following terms: () Knowout Gi) Pilot iii) Stripper What are the methods of reducing cutting force in blanking operations? What are the basic differences among bending, forming, and drawing? Briefly discuss about curling dies of forming vperation. What is meant by spring back? How can it x overcome? What is an air cushion? Write down its advantages. What are the variables that cause the metal flow during drawing operations? Explain, Distinguish between coining and embossing How can the blank size be determined? Explain. What is meant by die clearance of a draw die? Why is it important for draw die? 4 08 10 10 07 10 10 10 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2™ Term Examination, 2012 IPE 4225 Tool Engineering Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs NB: i) Answer any THREE questions | from each section in separate scripts. 4i) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. ii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. 5. @) ) © @ @ ) © © ® © (©) (a) b) (©) @ (b) (©) @) &) ©) @ © (@) (>) © SECTION. Explain how twelve degrees of freedom can be restricted. ‘What is nesting? Narrate the advantages of partial nesting and disadvantages of full n ‘What is meant by radial location? Describe with sketch, ‘What is 3-2-1 principle of pin location? Explain how shortcoming of a V-locator can be overcome. sting, What are the different types of clamps generally used? Write down the principles of clamping For what purposes are the latch clamp and wedge clamp used? Mention the advantages and disadvantages of screw clamp and toggle clamp. Describe the arrangement of split collet chuck in shor. ‘What are the differences between jig and fixture? Give examples Explain the economic role of jig and fixture on machining cost ‘What are the benefits of using plate jig over template jig? How are the milling fixtures classified? Why must the clamp on milling fixture be extremely rigid? Discuss the important design principles of lathe fixture. What are the differences betwcen lathe fixture and other fixtures? Sketch the different vice fixtures with their application, SECTIO) Differentiate between: (Blanking and Piercing i) Bending and Forming Draw a progressive dié and discuss its various features, ‘What are the various shear angles? Discuss why the double shear angle is preferred over single ‘What is die clearance? What are the effects of insufficient and excessive die clearance? What are the methods of preventing spring back in bending operation? Explain ‘What are the methods of reducing cutting forces? Explain, How can the blank size be determined? Explain, What are the major differences between forming and bending? Explain. ‘What are meant by the following terminologies used in bending— (Bending Allowance :) Length of Bend ii) Neutral Axis Gv) Bending Radius Explain the drawing operation with neat sketch, Discuss the following with the help of neat sketches: @ Wire drawing Gi) Tube drawing Explain why it is important not to stop once a drawing operation is started. Discuss the effects of excessive and insufficient draw radius in drawing operation 7 10 06 12 10 09 10 06 10 3 12 10 13 10 10 10 08 07 09 16 10 15 08 12 Page ! of 1 Khutna University of Engineering & Technology Department of industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" year 2™ term Examination, 2013 IPE-4225 Tool Engineer Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts fi) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. (a) (b) © @ (b) (© @) ) ©) @) (b) © @ ) © Section-A What is meant by ‘locating’ and ‘clamping’ a workpiece? Describe the d freedom of a workpiece in space Explain how nine degrees of freedom can be arrested by radial location principles ees of Why do the locating pins should be placed as far as possible? Give reasons behind it, ‘What are the important factors to be considered when selecting a clamp? What are the methods used to speed up the clamping action of a screw clamp? Discuss any one of them, What are the clamping devices generally used for clamping a workpiece. Write down the principles of clamping. How can the drill bushing be classified by ANSI? Discuss which type can be used for what applications, Why is the collar of knock-off expanding mandrel made of left hand thread? Do plate jigs support parts? How can plate jig be kept from triping over in use? Discuss the design principles of milling fixtures, Write down the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of tumble jie, Discuss with suitable sketch the different types of jigs, Section What is spring back? How can it be prevented in bending operation? What are the die cutting operations? Explain any two of them. Discuss the basic elements of workpiece geometry that gauges are designed to check. lo 6. (a) A symmetrical-cup workpiece with a shell height of 3 inch and a shell dia of 2 inch, corner radius of 1/16 inch is shown in the following figure ‘The workpiece metal is 1020 cold-rolled steel, 0.032 inch thick, Calculate (i) blank size, and (ii) percentage reduction. (Assume any data if necessary) (b) Differentiate between: (i) Blanking and piercing (ii) Bending and forming, How can blank size for cylindrical shell of thin metal be determined? (©) What is the effect of excessive draw radius in drawing operation? (@) Draw a compound die and label it completely. (b) Classify gauges. Differentiate fixed gauges from indicating gauges. (©) What are the various shear angles? Discuss why double angle shear is preferred over single angle shear. (@) What is meant by die clearance? Discuss the effects of insufficient and excessive die clearance. et (b) What are the methods that are used to remove the workpiece from the punch or die cavity in forming operation? Discuss in short (©) Discuss the following with the help of neat sketch, (i) Wire drawing (ji) Tube drawing. 16 10 Ly (@) (b) © @ (b) © (a) (b) © @ () © @ (b) © @) ) © Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engincering and Mivaagement B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examinatio: , 2014 IPE 4225, Tool Engineering Full Marks: 210 Time: 5 hrs NB: i) Answer any THREE questions from cach section in separate crip. 4i) Figures in the right margin inlicats full marks iti) Assume reasonable data if missing any ‘What is meant by location of a workpiece? What are the impor ait factors of location to 08 be considered while deigning a locato What is 3-2-1 principle of location? Explain it with the help of suitable sketches 15 How eight degrees of freedom are restricted in a V-locator? What can be the problems in 12 \V-location? Explain with sketehes. ‘What is the principle of clamping? What are the factors govern be choice of a clamping 10 device to achieve the purpose of clamping? What are the methods used to Speed up the clamping action 0 serew clamp? Describe 15 ‘one method with the help of suitable figures. Discuss the effects of tapper angle of wedge on clamping actin, Mention the range of taper angle of wedge clamp. itable 10 How can the rotation and lifting of drill bushing be prevente! Explain with suitable 10 figures, Describe the design principles of a lathe Sketch the different vice fixtures with th ture. 10 heir applications. 15 ‘Must all fixtures remain stationary while the tool moves? Exple.. the reason, Discuss the 10 principles economies in regarding jig and fixture. Discuss the different types of jig bushes are used in drilling jigs 13 Why is the coller of knock-off expanding mandrel made of left bru thread!” 12 SECTION-B What factors influence the clearance between punch and die? E+ lain the different stages 13 involved in blanking operation How metal forming processes are classified? Do you think that metal forming process is 13 more competative when compared to machining or casting? Exy lain your answer with an example. Differentiate between the followings 09 i) Direct and indirect extrusion ii) Piercing, punching and blanking, iii) Hot working and cold working operations. What is a forging process? Explain the open div and closed die fing operat 12 Explain with neat sketch the metal spinning process. 08 How can you manufacture the box as shown in the followin, figure, from a sheet of 15 metal? List the sequence of operations invoived av. pio ae cea ere 0 Fp tom a (a) (b) © @) ) ©) What are the basic elements of a workpiece geometry that gags are designed to check? Explain the principle of pneumatic gaging What should be the properties of a material from which yages are manufactured? Differentiate between fixed limit gage and indicating gage. Describe the principle of angular measurement with a sine bar ard dial indicator. Draw a compound die and label it completely Mathematically explain how to determine: i) Bend allowance ii) Bend length, and iii) Bending pressure. A cup is to be drawn with shell height of 50 mm and a shell diameter of 40 mm. The corner radius is 3.5 mm. The workpiece material possess the yield strength of 35 MPa and thickness 1 mm. Determine: i) Size of blank ii) Number of draw required, and Drawing pressure 08 12 15 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4” Year 2" Term Examination, 2011 7 IPE 4227 CAM and Robotics Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs NB: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts: ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iit) Assume reasonable data if missing any (@) () © @ (b) (©) (a) (b) © 101 A Define CAM. What are the basic differences between Computer Aided Manufacturing and Computer Integrated Manufacturing? What is meant by Numerical Control? Briefly describe the working principle of an NC system with neat sketch. What are the basic types of motion contral systems in NC machines? Describe them with necessary figures. Classify CNC systems on the basis of controller design, Describe them with necessary figures and mention their applications, Discuss the relative merits and demerits of CNC machines. Mention the names of basic components of a DNC system and briefly describe them. Define Part Program. What are linear interpolation and circular interpolation? Discuss about the different types of motion commands used in APT language: A profile milling operation is to be performed on a machining center equipped with ISO standard controller to generate the outline of the part shown in the following figure. The part is 1/5 inch thick. Assume that the part has been cut to rough size with a bandsaw which has left about 1/,, inch of material to be cut in the final profile pass, Write a part program to perform the profile milling around the periphery of the part. Disregard the two holes in the part. They have already been drilled and will be used to clamp the part to the machine table. - 0875+ +—_.s——_4 _| 6.0. All dimensions are in inches Figure: 3(¢) 08. 15 12 15 10 10 08 10 7 a fa) (b) @ (b) (©) @) @ (b) © Why is tool-ofiget a useful feature provided by CNC machines? Write a complete part program in APT language to make the part shown in the following figure considering that (i) program is in absolute mode, (ii) part material is low-carbon stecl, (ji) part thickness is 0.50 inch, (iv) part has already been cut 10 rough size and so only profile milling and drilling operations are to be performed. Use the required cutting tools and clearly show the tool home position and axes on the sketch of the part noes: fo1St0-=f=1500-bo- 1500-4] ye \ feeding Le a \ ae All dimensions are in inches Figure: 4(b) SECTION. How can the term ‘Robot’ be defined? Explain. Write some specific applications of robot in different industrial sectors. What are the abilities that a machine must possess to be qualified as @ robot? Classify different types of robots. Why should robots be used? Write short notes on: (i) Automata (ii) Service robot (ii) Robot manipulator What are the main components of a robotic system? Briefly describe. What are meant by joint and link of a robot manipulator? Classify different types of joints. What is robot anatomy? Mention the sames of five common body~and-arm configurations for industrial robots and describe the Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm configuration with its advantages and limitations. Define ‘work envelope’ of a robot. Explain the work envelope of cartesian coordinate robot configuration, Write a short note on the term ‘Robot Reference Frame’. What is actuator? Write short notes on electric drive and hydraulic drive, What are the different types of end effectors? Describe the various types of grippers. What is meant by Robot Kinematics? Describe how a position is fixed with Kinematics, 0s 30 07 2B i u () © (b) (©) () Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term Examination, 2012 IPE 4227 CAM and Robotics Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs N.B: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts. it) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iti) Necessary charts may be used. SECTION-A What is meant by CAM? Write down the names of different CAM tools required to support the manufacturing process. How can the term “Numerical Control” be defined? Mention the basic components of an NC machine. Describe with necessary sketch how an NC machine works Based on the controller design, How have the CNC machines been classified? Distinguish between NC and CNC machines What are the basic components of a DNC system? Describe the two altemative configurations of DNC systems with schematic diagrams, Write short notes on the following terms: (i) Point-to-point machining (ii) Continuous path machining (iii) Adaptive control machining, What is Part Program? Explain the principles used in developing a part program, Explain the steps followed by computer in computer-assisted part programming with neat sketch, For the component shown in figure 3(b), make a part program on a vertical axis CNC machining centre equipped with ISO standard controller. Clearly show the set point and axes on the sketch of the part. Assume reasonable data if required 10000 ong Se eat dd Four holes dri rough iato.00 All dimensions are in millimeter Figure 3(b) os 15 12 12 i 10 25 4, (a) (b) (b) © @ () © () © @ (b) © ‘What are the four types of statements used in the APT language? Discuss. Write a complete APT program for the part shown in figure 4(b). The inside and outside tolerances on the circular approximation should be 0.001 in, Use the required tools and clearly show the set point and axes on the sketch of the part. Assume reasonable data if required, 90.7500 |_¢ 5.0000 R500 3 Places 3.0000 ees eae — —7.000— All dimensions are in ineh Figure 4(b) SECTI What do you mean by automation and robot? Write down the characteristics that a machine ‘must possess to be qualified as a robot. Briefly describe the main components of a robotic system: Discuss about the application of industrial robots. What is a robot manipulator? Describe the different types of manipulator joints with neat sketches Write short notes on: (i) Jointed-arm robot (ii), SCARA robot (iii) Wrist configuration What are meant by work space and work envelope of a robot? Draw and explain the work envelope of eylindrical body-and-arm robot configuration. What is the basic difference between grippers and end-of-arm tooling? Why is safety joint necessary for an end effector? Mention the design considerations for a gripper. Briefly describe the different types of mechanical grippers. What do you mean by “robot reference frame”? What is meant by the drive systems of robot? Write about the different energy transmission modes of a robotic system. For what purposes bevel gear and worm gear are used in robot manipulator? Describe in brief Classify robotic sensors. Describe the contact sensors and electromagnetic sensors in brief. 08 27 10 12 13 10 20 0s 12 08. Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4” year 2" term Examination, 2013 IPE-4227 CAM and Robotics Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs i) Answer any THREE questions from cach section in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if missing any. | Secti (@) What is meant by CAM? Briefly explain the relation between Automation and 08 CAM. (6) Define “Numerical Control”. Mention the basic components of an NC machine. 15 Describe with necessary sketch how an NC machine works. (©) Which steps must be accomplished to utilize numerical control in manufacturing? 12 Explain briefly. 2 (@) What are the basic types of motion control systems in NC machine? Describe 2 them with necessary sketch. (6) What is adaptive control machining system? Mention the benefits of adaptive 10 control machining. (©) Distinguish between CNC and DNC. What are the basic components ofaDNC 08 system? (@) Write shorts notes on: () Hybrid CNC (ii) Straight CNC. 05 3 (@)_ Define Part Program. What are the linear interpolation and circular interpolation? 08 (6) Explain the steps followed by computer in eomputer-assisted part programming 10 with neat sketch. (©) A profile milling operation is to be performed on a machining center equipped 7 ‘with ISO standard controller to generate the outline of the part shown in the following figure. All dimensions in the figure are in inches. ke 20d . esate aa al © ee Ces a ap aaa a “The part is % inch thick. Assume that the part has been cut to rough size with a bandsaw which has left about 1/16 inch of material to be cut in the final profile pass Write a part program to perform the profile milling around the periphery of the part Disregard the two holes in the part. They have already been drilled and will be used to clamp the part to the machine table. @ (b) @) ) © @ (b) © (a) (b) © @® @ (b) © Why is tool-offset a useful feature provided by CNC machine? Explain. 08. Write a complete APT program for the part shown in the following figure. All 27 dimensions in the figure are in inches. The inside and outside tolerances on the circular approximation should be 0.001 in. Use the required tools and clearly show the set point and axes on the sketch of the part. Assume reasonable data if | required. gus i= eli et a Section How can be the term ‘Robot’ be defined? Explain, Write some specific 15 applications of robot in different industrial sectors. What are the abilities that a machine must possess to be qualified as a robot? 07 Classify different types of robots. Why should robots be used? 13 ‘What is a robot manipulator? Describe the different types of manipulator joints 13 with neat sketches. Write short notes on: (i) joined-arm robot (ii) SCARA robot (iii) Wrist 12 configuration. ‘What are meant by joint and link of a robot? Classify different types of joints. 10 What is an End Effector? Classify End Effectors. 06 ‘What are the design considerations for a gripper? 09 Write short notes on: (i) Vacuum gripper, and (fi) Magnetic gripper. 10 Define appendages. Describe how electrical energy transfers to the end effector 10 from motor. ‘What is meant by robot kinematics? Describe how a position is fixed with 12 kinematics. For what purposes bevel gear and worm gear are used in robot manipulator? 08 Describe in brief. Classify robotic sensors. Describe the contact sensors and electromagnetic sensors 15 in brief, ersity of Engineering & Technology Department of Industrial Engineering and Management B.Sc. Engineering 4" Year 2" Term E. amination, 2014 IPE 4227 CAM and Robotics Eull Marks: 210 Time: 3 hrs NBs) Answer any THREE questions frovs each section in separate prs. 4H) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks Udi) Assume reasonable data if missines any SECTION-A 1. @ What is meant by numerical control? Discuss the necessity of CA‘A in the perspective of 11 Bangladesh? (©) What is route sheet? Briefly describe the term “Point-to-Point streight cut and 14 contouring (© Mention the advantages and disadvantages of NC system, 10 2 (@)_ Discuss about the computer's job computer assisted part programming 10 (b) Demonstrate the drive surface. part surface and check surface 09 (©) Write a manual part program (ISO standard) forthe part shown in Zollowing figure. The 16 Pe de res mulling operation atthe outer circumference to make it smooth, Iter, eed rate=35 mm/min; speed=980 rev/min and cutter diameters-=12 mm, Assume reasonable. data if required yn Sha PM 200 y t x t Nerrepterse vr et eae ee visas ; 4 Figure 2(c) 3. @)_ What are the problems with conventional NC? 10 (©) Write down the differences between CNC and DNC systems, 09 ©) A slot is needed to be cut in ABCD part shown in following figure. Here, the slot 16 depth=10 mm: feed rate=20mm/min and speed=800 rev/min. The diame a ha cutter is 10 mm, Write a part program in APT language to cut the slot. Assume Feasonable data if required. een g wal ot 4p rae Figure 3(¢) 4 @__ Write short note on: i) Hybrid CNC it) Straight CNC 10 (©) Discuss about the benefits of CAPP system: 10 Co) (b) ©) ) © 1. @ ) (©) @ (b) © Write a complete manual part programming (ISO standard). ABLE is required from the row sheet. Target point (0, -50. 10), feed "40 mim/niin, speed=1009 rev/min, exter diameter=22 mm. assume reasonable data if required ly n Figure 4(c) SECTION Define Robot. Explain the characteristics that a machine must pesiess to be qualified robot. Discuss about the architecture of robotic system, Discuss about the applications of industrial robots. Define “Work Envelope” of a robot. Expiain the work envelope af eylindrical body and arm configuration. Describe the wrist configuration of robot with necessary sketeh How can you transfer energy to the end effector? What is actuator? Explain hydraulie actuators of robotic system Write down the advantages of vacuum gripper and disadvantag 3 of ma; What are the importance of safety joint? Explain electric drive system of robot etic gripper. Classify robotic sensors. Describe touch and! electromagnetic sesors. How can you specify a robotic system? What is Teach Pendant? Briefly discuss why it is used in robots system’? 15 13 10 12 B 12 10 12 13 10 14 10 ty

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