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I, (Name) , of legal age, Filipino citizen and with office

address at ____________(Address)____________________, after being duly sworn
in accordance with law, hereby depose and state that:

1. I am a __(Designation)__ and the Representative of

_____(Company)________ (the “Corporation”), a corporation duly organized
and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines
with registered business address at _____(Address)____________;
2. The Corporation is the owner/developer of ___(Project Name)__________
which is the subject of an application for an Environmental Compliance
Certificate before the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources;
3. To the best of my knowledge, the Corporation has obtained a Resolution of
No Objection from the Local Government of ___(Barangay,
Municipality/City)___________ relative to the above mention project certifying
that no complaint or claim has been made by any individual, local or
neighboring residents and/or any juridical entity outside of _____(Barangay,
Municipality/City)_________ before any court, tribunal, judicial or quasi-
judicial agencies/bodies; and
4. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts for the
purpose of securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate and for
whatever other legal purpose if may serve.

Further affiant sayeth none.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature ____ day of

________ 2018 at ________________ Philippines.


SUBCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______________ day of

________________ 2018 at ___________________. Affiant exhibiting to me his/her
Community Tax Certificate No. ___________________ issued on

Doc. No. __________________

Page No. __________________
Book No. __________________
Series of 2018

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