21 Days To Develop A Millionaire Mindset by Promise Excel

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21 Days to Develop A

Millionaire Mindset
Step by step guide on what it really takes to be a millionaire

Image credit: http://cashmoneylife.com

By Promise Excel
21 Days To Develop A Millionaire Mindset - by Promise Excel

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21 Days To Develop A Millionaire Mindset - by Promise Excel

You are all welcome to 2016. it’s another exciting year gain with loads of dreams
and expectations. I want to take this time to appreciate everybody who has
supported this blog from its inception until now. You all gave me a reason to smile
through the year 2015 because you inspire me to go beyond my limits and do great

Thanks a million. Much hugs, kisses and handshakes.

I wish you all my faithful readers, friends and family a “Money Christmas and a
Dollar-ful New Year”.

It is my pleasure and honor to introduce to you an insightful, wisdom-packed and

eye-opening program which will run here in maverickexcel.com in the course of 21

This is a program that promises to deliver nothing less than value. It will help you
develop a millionaire mindset in less than a month.

Every word and sentence is capable of changing your entire life forever because it
takes 21 days to form a habit. You wouldn’t wanna miss this for the most
entertaining celebrity gist on earth.

You’ll learn what it truly means to become a self-made millionaire.

It’s not going to be a cock and bull story but straight-to-the-point posts. I’m not
going to bore you with long snd irrelevant stories.

I’ll try to make them as short as possible, so you can take at least 5 minutes to read
them and run with them.

This program will run in a course of 21 days but if i miss a day, understand that
I’m only human.

Worry no more about what you’ll do this year 2016 because this program may be
all you need to become the next millionaire in Nigeria. It all depends on what you
do with what you’ll learn.

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21 Days To Develop A Millionaire Mindset - by Promise Excel

This ebook is a combination of a 21 day program I launched on my blog,

http://maverickexcel.com to teach people how to develop a millionaire mindset so
as to position them to make their first million.

Am I a millionaire? Not yet!

I’m still on the journey to make my first million.

I want you to join me in that journey by equipping you with action-oriented lessons
to propel you to your next financial goal.

This ebook is a really long one – not only in quantity but also in quality.

I will advice that you take your time to read each lessons for each day for 21 days.
I promise you that there’s so much value for you in here.

Remember: 1 Lesson for each day for 21 days

Table of Content
Day 1: Dare to Dream Big Dreams………………. 6

Day 2: Develop a clear Sense of Direction………. 7

Day 3: Be Your Own Boss………………………. 9

Day 4: Follow Your Passion……………………… 12

Day 5: Do not Settle for less………………………. 15

Day 6: Work Smarter Than You Work Hard……… 17

Day 7: Never Stop Learning………………………. 20

Day 8: Spend Less, Earn More…………………… 21

Day 9: Master Your Craft…………………………… 24

Day 10: Serve Your Customers Diligently………….26

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Day 11: Be Honest At All Times…………………….28

Day 12: Take One Step At A Time…………………….31

Day 13: Do Things Quick And Well…………………..34

Day 14: Adapt or Perish………………………………..35

Day 15: Discipline Yourself Intentionally………………37

Day 16: Release Your Untapped Creativity…………….39

Day 17: Connect With Like-Minded People………………….41

Day 18: Take Your Health Seriously………………….45

Day 19: Take Action Promptly- Just do it Now!............48

Day 20: Never Say Never………………………………53

Day 21: Stay Longer Than Everyone……………………55

About The Author………………………………………..57

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Day 1: Dare to Dream Big Dreams

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of
their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day
are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them

-T. E. Lawrence

In a bid to develop a millionaire mindset it starts with a dream, an idea, a thought,

a burning desire, a blazing passion, an insatiable hunger.

All great men with great accomplishments started with a dream. They refused to
see the mountain of problems around them but launched into the dream world of

Dead men dream in the night but only rare achievers dream in the day.

Come into the dreaming room.

Come with your eyes open.

Stand on the apex of hope and reach for the constellation of stars.

Imagine you’re in a wonderland where there is no limitation or impossibility.

Imagine having everything you ever wanted. A happy family, a beautiful home, a
successful business and everything that makes life comfortable.

Don’t be scared to dream because dream do come true if backed up with

determination and hardwork.

Believe in a thousand dreams, you can achieve all and more. Who knows what
dream you can achieve if you believe. Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill.

What will your life be in 2, 3, 5 or 10 years?

Dream it!

You want to change the world and make a difference?

Dream it!

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Dreaming increases your level of confidence and self-respect. It makes you

enthusiastic and hopeful about the future.

Though the storm is fierce, hope never drowns.

Though your dreams be shattered, a fallen star in no less a star.

Pick up the broken pieces and dream even more.

You’re not too young or old.

Actually, everybody can dream.

Success does not come by accident or luck. It takes conscious effort and

Cause equals effect. What you see is what you get. There’s no limit to what you
can achieve if you just believe in your dreams.


 What big thing will you do if you were guaranteed success without failure?
Dreaming big dream is the starting point of every financial success.
 Withdraw yourself from the noise and madness of the world.
 Go to a quiet place.
 Forget the worries and problems of life and imagine yourself possessing all
the beautiful things of life.

Quote of the day:

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them

-Walt Disney

Day 2: Develop a clear Sense of Direction

The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.
We can help write that story by setting goals.

-Melody Beattie

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The New Year is here again with many people making a whole bunch of
resolutions. Unfortunately many do not keep them to the second week.

University of Scranton research suggests that just 8% of people achieve their New
Year’s goals. Isn’t it surprising after the many do’s and donts we promised
ourselves that we’re unable to achieve 1% of them?

Many people walk through life thinking of the things they would have done or
didn’t do and never doing anything. For some they just allow life to happen to
them. They hardly know where they are going or what they want out of life.

You can never get to a place without having a clear sense of where you are going.
Imagine packing your luggage and heading to the airport to board a flight to
London when you’ve never been there and without any plan.

You’ll be lost.

in other to be successful in life you must have a clear sense of what you want. It
may not be as clear as you may think but just have a little picture in your mind of
what you want out of life.

Let your only desire not be food and drink. There is more to life. There’s more to
be achieved.

Life does not revolve around food and expensive clothes.

Let the thought of your dreams and goals drive you mad.

Think and speak of your goals every time for you’re more likely to achieve them
faster. It is surprising that we become what we think of most of the time.

Let people know you for being goal-oriented.

Do everything and anything that moves you to your goals every day. Do
something, no matter how trivial it may seem. You know little drops fill a mighty

Don’t wait until you have a million naira before you start that your dream business.
Start with the #1000 or #10000.

You want to be a millionaire? You must first set your goals right and clear.

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Don’t only dream but plan.

Whether you’re crawling, walking, running or flying, just keep moving to your

Just make sure you know where you’re going in life and you have a clear sense of


 Make a list of ten goals you want to achieve in the next 12 months.
 Make a plan of how you intend to achieve them.
 Let your goals be achievable, specific and realistic.
 Be accountable to yourself and mentor.

Quote of the day:

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than
our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish
those goals.

Stephen Covey

Day 3: Be Your Own Boss

The only time people work like a horse is when the boss rides them

-Grabriel Heatter

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that
you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.


It is depressing to know that our schools only train us to be corporate slave for the
rest of our lives. Vocational skills are hardly appreciated and certificates are
worshiped like semi-gods.

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Every graduate that leaves the university want to work for one Telecom company
or the other. Nobody wants to start his own business. Starting a business is seen as
something for the non-educated- those who never went to school.

Read also: How to Change the Mindset that there is a Job Waiting for you after

One of the qualities of successful entrepreneurs is that they see themselves as self-
employed. They are their own boss.

A boss has three things which an employee does not have- time, choice and
freedom. The time to be anywhere at any time, the choice to fire or hire, the
freedom to go anywhere.

If you don’t hire yourself right now and be your own boss, your company will
either retire (when you’re too old to work), retrench (when they can’t afford to pay
you anymore) or fire (when your service is no more needed) you.

Is that how you want to end up in life?

I don’t think so.

Now, do I mean that keeping a job is a capital crime or a heinous sin? By no


Whether you have a job or you’re self-employed, your mindset makes the

Instead of saying, “I’m working FOR ABC Company”, say, “I’m working WITH
ABC Company”. It’s important you know the difference between working WITH
and working FOR somebody.

I personally do have a day job (basically, to support my passion and dream) but I
do not see myself as some broke employee which is at the mercy of some cruel

I see myself as the boss.

Actually, I’m the boss of my life. Do you know what it takes to manage a human
being? A lot. So, I demand that people respect the fact that I am the managing
director of myself.

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I’m answerable to myself first before anyone.

Having such a mindset makes you confident of yourself and also an indispensable
asset in your organization.

You can be an entrepreneurial employee by working WITH your fellow employee

as a team-mate.

It is time to stop blaming your boss and making excuses for your failures. If you’ve
been doing that in the past years- please stop.

Refuse to criticize or complain about the government not doing enough for you.
See yourself as the boss of your life and take responsibility for all your actions.

Take charge. Take control.

Any company that does not appreciate your effort- quit. Don’t allow your
employer treat you like a piece of trash.

Fire him before he does and hire yourself. You’re the boss and he’s only a team-

Forever is too long to be busy over somebody’s success (BOSS).

Did I say that it’s really difficult to become rich working for somebody else? Ok, I
just did.

You can get a high salary working for somebody else in careers like medicine,
management, consulting or financial analysis if and only if you work there for a
good 10-20 years in a growing market.

Booooom! 10 to 20 years?

Yes bae

In an effort to become a self-made millionaire, becoming your own boss is



 Is your present job moving you closer to your goals in life or you’re just
‘managing’ like everybody else?

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 Are you happy with your present job?

 Are you paid enough for all your efforts?
 What will be your fate if your company decides to retire, retrench or fire
 Take responsibility for your life.
 Be accountable to yourself first before others.
 Always see yourself as the boss of your life.

Quote of the Day:

You’ll never get rich by working for your boss

-Felix Dennis

Day 4: Follow Your Passion

Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity because if you’re passionate
about something, then you’re more willing to take risk

-Yo-Yo Ma

They say if you don’t stand for anything you’ll fall for anything. A lot of people
wander through life without knowing what they actually want or like.

Until you’re ready to die for something nobody will take you seriously.

There are people who a life of sadness and bitterness because they were forced by
their parents to do what they do not love.

That’s not suppose to be.

Gone are the days when studying Medicine and Law was a big deal.

Now, the internet has made people millionaires right from the comfort of their

In this 21st century, almost every passion and hobby is marketable. All you need do
is find out what you love and commit your entire being to it.

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Since I was born and now I am getting old I have never seen a man accomplished a
lot in life without passion.

All self-made millionaires are people who follow their passion passionately.
They’re ready to go hungry, homeless and friendless for the love of their dreams.

Some step on toes, make more enemy than friends and go the extra miles just to
see their dreams come true.

When you see a successful man, do not envy him because you don’t know what he
has gone through to be in that position.

Passionate people are mad people.

People who follow their passion are more likely to succeed in life, business and
career than those who do what the society think they should do.

Find your natural abilities and do them consistently.

Talents and gifts will fail but a man who is passionate about anything he loves is

No matter what people say or think about you, always follow your passion and do
what you love consistently.


 Are you following your passion or your parent’s?

 What is that thing you can do without being paid?
 What would you do differently if you were given the choice to choose any

Quote of the day:

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within
you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change
the world.

-Harriet Tubman

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Day 5: Do not Settle for less

If you don’t know what you want, you’ll never find it. if you don’t know what
you deserve, you’ll always settle for less…

 Rob Liano

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to

excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.

 Paul J. Meyer

It is rightly said that life does not give you what you deserve but what you demand.
Successful people do not just take anything that life throws at them but they
consciously demand exactly what they want.

Many people want to be wealthy, successful and fulfilled and yet they do nothing
about it.

They live a “managing” life.

They wish…they dream…they hope…

but never doing anything.

You can’t reach the top when you’re in romance with the bottom.

The amount of money you make or ever will make is directly proportional to your
personal value.

What price tag have you placed on yourself?

#1,000? #10,000? or #1,000,000?

People do not give a damn about what school you went to or what degree you hold
until they see the amount of value you can give to them.

Competence in what you do is a key factor of success. Let people seek you for
your excellence.

Set a personal goal to be very good at whatever you do. People will never ignore a
man of value.

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You may be clueless today but remember that everybody who’s successful in their
chosen field today was clueless like you.


You have to start somewhere. You can’t become everything in one day.


You have to strive to be at the top 10% of your industry.

Refuse to settle for…

Less job, less spouse, less business, less life, less everything.

Hate it. Detest mediocrity.

Don’t even pity those at the bottom. It is their life and they’ve chosen it.

Don’t be OK with being a half baked cake. Your commitment to excellence

determines your level of success in life.

Never settle for a life that makes you feel sad and unfulfilled.

Refuse the life of a mediocre and reach for the stars.


 No matter what, refuse to settle for less.

 Commit to excellence at all time.
 Never let people make you feel guilty for desiring the best for your life
because you actually deserve the very best.
 Strive to be the top 10% of your industry.

Quote of the day:

The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to

excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

-Vince Lombardi

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Day 6: Work Smarter Than You Work Hard

“Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things”

-Byron Dorgan

While growing up we’ve always been advised to work hard if we if we wanted to

succeed in life. We hear it from our well meaning parents, teachers and even
pastors. Working hard is the only way to success, they lectured.

But I beg to disagree.

Although success is often a result of hard work, it’s important to note that failure,
too, is often a result of hard work.

So, what difference does it make when people who work hard also fail?

Truth is…

People work really hard doing the wrong thing which of course makes them

Now this is the picture:

Assuming you were to meet someone on the 29th floor of a 30-storey building, and
you had the choice of taking the staircase or elevator- which would you choose?

An elevator or staircase?

Of course, a smart person will go for the elevator.

Only a proud fool that will take the staircase when he would have just used the

We’ve been programmed into believing that we have to work really hard in order
to achieve success. It doesn’t matter if we are doing the right or wrong thing…

So, we work hard to:

Study the wrong course

Pursue the wrong career

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Start the wrong business or do the right business foolishly.

Do everything wrong, wrong, wrong.

It is true that people who work hard and people who work smart have different
measures of success. Those who work hard work as individuals but those who
work smart work as teams (together everybody achieves more).

People who work hard measure success by amount of hours they work and the
number of tasks they accomplish in a day or week. But this is purely a case of poor
time management.

Though I do admire those who work hard but most times they never become
successful because in a bid to do everything they fail to see what’s important or
what’s not.


That’s not the case with smart workers. They priotize (doing first thing first) in
order to achieve the most valuable result in the most efficient way. And also, they
use very little resources to produce much more.

They are smart entrepreneurs.

In life, hard work alone is not enough to succeed.

Seek for a simpler, smarter and easier way of doing things. It doesn’t mean you’re
lazy. Though people might say that you are but in real sense you are smart.

Why climb the staircase when you can take the elevator?

Life is too short to spend 50 years working hard on things that take you nowhere,
when you could work smart. There’s always a better way of doing things.

Google is at your service. Use it.

Learn from your mentor and other successful people.

Ask relevant questions. Never stop learning about new technologies in your
industry. Be smarter than the smartest guy in your field.

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It’s crazy to spend 70 years of your life trying to achieve success by working hard
when you can get there by working smart.


 Understand your strength and weakness and try to do things that match
your strengths.
 Don’t focus on completing a lot of tasks, focus on the most important
 Don’t work on a job that makes you feel miserable when you can start
your own business.
 Constantly learn and evolve your skill set.
 Get others to do less important tasks for you.
 Leverage your network, resources and connections.
 Know when to quit.
 Look for shortcut on every task.
 Plan and delegate responsibilities
 Work hard at working smart

Quote of the day:

“The benefits of working smart are just as profound: better health, often more
money, a great work/life balance, more energy, a better self-esteem, exceptional
productivity and satisfaction with work”

-Ron Alvesteffer

Day 7: Never Stop Learning

“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an
examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you
are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Talking of life time learning, the quote that speaks volume to me is this, “The
more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the
more places you’ll go”- Dr Seuss.

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When I was in secondary school my friends and I always complain about the tests,
assignments, examinations, some boring lectures and even teachers. We couldn’t
wait to graduate.

We thought that leaving will give us a little break from the drama of school.

How we were wrong!

It never occurred to us that leaving the secondary school does not mean that we
would not learn again.

I see people get upset when someone calls them a learner. In fact, in this part of the
world, it is offensive to call someone a learner.

Actually, everybody is a learner.

I am a learner and so you are!

Nobody was born with a well of knowledge and wisdom.

Successful people are people who dedicate themselves to life time learning.

Pride and fear is the two major barriers that stop people from learning. Either they
are too proud to admit their ignorance or too scared to say they don’t know.

Truth is…

Nobody knows it all.

Leaders are learners.

To succeed in life, business or career, continuous learning is necessary.

We know you’re smart…


You’d be smarter if you commit to learning everyday of your life. Don’t be

satisfied with little knowledge. Know it in details.

There’s no problem you can’t solve or goal you can’t achieve if you commit to

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When you go to a place for the first time, pretend you don’t know anything and
you’ll learn a lot. Whereas, you claim to know it all, people disdain you and treat
you as a fool.

Your net worth will only increase if you increase your brain worth. Nobody, will
pay you for know so little.

Let learning not be only knowing but more of understanding and applying.


 Learn more than you teach.

 Read at least 30-60 minutes every day about your field.
 Take every course and seminar concerning your field.
 Read every book that talks about your field.
 Always ask questions.
 Accept to be called a learner. Leaders are learners.
 No matter what it costs, learn every details about your field.
 Get a mentor.

Quote of the day:

“Live as if you were to die. Learn as if you will live forever”

Mahatma Gandhi.

Day 8: Spend Less, Earn More

Before you make any purchase, ask yourself if you really need it. In most cases,
your life won’t be any less full or rich without it and every dollar you save will
reduce your ecological footprint”

-Kim McKay

“A man who both spends and saves is the happiest man, because he has both

-Samuel Johnson

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Sometimes, knowing how we spend our money is much more important and also
more difficult than how to earn it. Spending could be the little hole that sinks a
many great financial ships.

I tell you; if I had known this truth about three years ago that I’m about to share
with you, I would have been richer than I am today.

Unfortunately, school failed to teach me about one of the most important aspect of
life. It was “inappropriate” to teach a child about money- so they say.

Surprisingly, we’re expected to bring in lots of money to our parents when we’re
through with school.

Read also: 5 Things School will never Teach You

There are people who would have become millionaires but never could or would.


They keep complaining how small their income is. They tell you that if only their
income were to increase a bit more that they’ll save good portion of it.

Red, Fat, round Lie!

Increase their income and they increase their spending and never save a cent or

I’m not saying that I’m some financial genius.

Most times – if not every time I fall victim of over spending.

Look at the lives of those around you who don’t save- they usually struggle

It is imperative to note that being financially successful is not dependent on how

much you earn but how much you save.

Read also: 10 Commandments of Managing your Money Effectively

For 30 years now you have been complaining of how small your income is, but,
just imagine how wealthy you would have become if you were to save 10% of that
meager income.

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Stop hating the rich or complaining about the government or your employer. If you
must be successful financially, then you must learn how to save before ever

If you can save 10%, try 5%, 2% or even 1%. You’ll be amazed about how much
you have realized in a short while.

You think your income is too small to earn.

Let’s take this case scenario:

They were two men, say Mr. A and Mr. B (hello…. Did I hear you say Mr.
Biggs?….Lol) working in Maverick Excel Inc. Each of them earns #10, 000.

Mr. A keeps telling himself and others around him that his income is barely
enough to take care of his needs, so he squanders it and also run into debt.

Mr. B knows perfectly that his income is also little (#10,000) and yet he decided to
save 10% every month, which is #1,000. Now, in a year that is #12,000. In ten
years he gets #120,000, twenty years #240,000, and so on.

In thirty years, he decided to invest his money (#360,000) into a profitable business
that makes him millions every month.

Booooom! He’s now a millionaire!

Perhaps, you say #10,000 is too small, what if he was earning #20,000 or #30,000-
do the mathematics yourself.

I have never seen a man who becomes wealthy without conscious saving.

To become a millionaire you have to learn how to save!

It’s that simple.

The only people who don’t save for the rainy day are those who live in the desert.


 Open a savings account in the bank for lifetime saving.

 Save 10% or 5% of your income throughout your life. It takes discipline.
 Practice frugality all the time.

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 Put off impulse every time.

 Don’t buy a thing new if you can buy the fairly used.
 Delay ever major expenditure.
 Always save before consumption. Not the other way round.

Quote of the day:

“Lots of people know how to make money, but are not gifted in the art of
preserving (saving) it. Frequently, the same risk that was involved in making you
rich is the same risk that can make you poor again.”

-Fred J. Young

Day 9: Master Your Craft

“If it’s flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, be the best hamburger flipper in the
world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.”

-Snoop Dogg

You may want to ask: what is a craft?

A craft is simply a skill, profession or job. So, basically, it’s something you do to
earn a living?

Are you a blogger, web designer, programmer, marketer or whatever your craft?

How much do you know about your craft? To what extent can you go to acquire
some knowledge about it?

I hear a lot of people saying they want to be the best in this or that. Now ask them
how much they are willing tto put into it and you’ll hear a shocking “nothing”.

Nobody will hand over their hard earned money to “not-just-good-enough” guy.
You need to have something unique about that people can’t ignore.

And you can only achieve this by mastering your craft.

Become an expert in your field. Refuse to be “just-another-guy”. You just have to

stand out so people could be wowed by your awesomeness.

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My pastor will always say, “be the best of anything that you are even if it is selling
groundnut by the way side”. Let people see the passion in your eyes like fire.

No matter your craft, strive to become an expert in that field. As an expert people
more likely to listen to you and pay you higher for a really simple service you did.

I laugh when people who barely know anything about their fields start calling
themselves guru.

Becoming the master of craft is not something that happens over night. It requires,
time, money and your energy. Do not expect to be a master too soon. There’s no
shortcut to learning a craft; you just have to put the years in.

Devote yourself to study, learn and apply every new idea that you discover.

Be determined to be the top 10% of your field.

Most successful millionaires are respected because of the in depth knowledge they
have about their field. They make it as a point of duty to emerge as the top in their

In life if you must be wealthy, successful and influential, then you have to master
your craft and mark yourself for excellence


 Don’t be contented with a life of mediocrity.

 Never stop learning new things about your craft.
 Go learn from people who are higher than you in the field.
 Let people know you for expertise

Quote of the day:

“Surround yourself with people you can always learn something from. Always
work with people that are better at their craft than you are.”

-Tony Vincent

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Day 10: Serve Your Customers Diligently

“You may be a business man or some high degree thief,

They call you doctor or they may call you chief,

But you’re going to serve somebody,

Yes indeed”

-Bob Dlyan

“What we do to ourselves dies with us. What we do to others and the world is and
remains immortal”

-Albert Pine


“Are you kidding me?”

“Do you mean that serving others is the mindset of millionaires?”

“Say something else and don’t give me that”

These may be your thoughts as you read through this post, but let me categorically
say that serving others (in this case, customers) is one of the vital keys to success
and wealth that many often ignore.

You may decide to close this page and go read, “How To Make #100,000 In One
Week Without Doing Anything” but you’ll not make a dime without first
knowing this hidden principle.


What exactly do I mean by serving others?

Do I mean that you should get a bucket of water and start washing the feet of
everybody you find on the street?

By no means!

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Serving others simply means being ready and willing to solve the problems of
others- it may be our family, friends, country or client/customers.

Now let’s focus on customers because we are considering developing a millionaire

mindset and one of the things that can help us make our first million ever is having
an impeccable customer service.

Have you ever taken time to ask, “What does my customers want?” probably, you
just shove any product you think it’s great through their neck.

It’s important we note that every customer has a specific need and as such we
cannot use the one-shoe-fit-all approach on everybody.

A customer would rather go to a place with great customer service to buy a not-
so-good product than go to a place with poor customer service to buy the
perfect product.

Read also: My Horrible Experience With Network Marketers

You have to be obsessed with serving your customers efficiently because at the end
of the day, customers determine your paycheck.


No two ways about it.

Go the extra-mile of doing more than you are paid for.

Now, that’s value.

Never stop looking for ways- I mean better ways to make your customers happy.

Never allow a customer leave unhappy because one unhappy customer with a bad
review can be the end of your business.

In your journey to become a millionaire, you need loyal customers. So, don’t joke
with the ones you have already because it is harder to get a new customer than to
keep an existing one.

They can decide to fire everybody in a company by spending their money


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 Be particularly concerned about good customer service.

 Let their worries be your problem.
 Look for little ways to serve your customers better.
 Treat them like a priority.
 Let giving immense value be your ultimate goal.

Quote of the day:

“Treat your customers like kings and queens and they’ll treat you like oxygen
something they can’t do without”

-Promise Excel

Day 11: Be Honest At All Times

“Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone can possess…”

-Josh Billings

“Pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world is done by children”

-Oliver Wendell

Some years ago, a study by Robert S. Feldman, a psychologist at the University of

Massachusetts Amherst, determined that 60% of adults lie at least once during a 10
minute conversation.


That’s terrible!

Just imagine how many lies people tell in a day or week. A truck load of them I

Someone jokingly said that people are so dishonest that the only true words from
them are “good morning”. But sometimes you have to check your clock because it
might be noon already.

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Technology has also helped to increase the level of dishonesty.

When a friend tells you over the phone that he’s at home, know that he might be at
the mall.

Dishonesty is so celebrated and promoted globally that celebrities go about with

fake hair, fake nails, fake waist line, fake b**bs and practically, everything is fake.

The only thing that may be true about a woman is her bank account name!

Your success in life, business or career is proportional to how much people are
willing to work for you, buy your product/service or promote your brand.

Many of us have faced difficult situations that tempt us to be dishonest but how we
react to it can reveal true value.

You want to be insanely wealthy (like stinky rich), build an enduring brand and
become an authority in your field?

Then, you must be honest at all times. It should a full time job where there’s no
transfer or leave.

Sometimes ago, a blogger friend told me some shocking truth. He said that the
only way he makes money online is to write reviews about some products or
companies that are outright lies.

And I was like: Really? You must be rich in lies.

read also: 6 Reasons Why People Never Become Rich

Do you know why companies like Nokia, Apple, Google and others stand out from
the crowd?

They are honest to their loyal customers, always.

No matter what, People will always celebrate an honest man. Except those who are

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Never allow yourself to be carried away by the trend of dishonesty. If people are
making millions through dishonest be contented with your hundred through

Read also: Day 8: Spend Less, Earn More

Let’s see who stands the test of time.

Have you ever been deceived by a friend? How did it feel? Did you hug and give
him a gift? I guess not. You were mad at him. You felt hurt and betrayed. Right?

Honesty is a rare gem, only few in the world give it. If you are honest to yourself
and others ALWAYS, the world will be at your feet.

Men of integrity command so much respect that people literally worship their very
words. People die to listen to them because their words are trustworthy.

Companies will come and go but the one that build its brand on honesty shall stand
forever. Have you ever thought why Apple, Facebook, Google and Nokia are such
great brands?


If you are a bit religious you will know that Jesus Christ is called The Truth in the
bible. No wonder the grave couldn’t hold him back for too long.

Truth can never be hidden. Though it is buried in the deepest part of the sea,
somehow it finds its way to the top of mount. Everest.

Whatsoever it is you’re doing, do make sure that you’re keeping it real.


 Never compromise your integrity for anything in the world.

 Be trustworthy always.
 Be true to everyone around you.
 Raise a high standard for yourself
 Always do what is right at all cost.
 A half truth is a whole lie. Don’t say it.
 The truth is more important than the facts- dare to be honest.
 There is always a way to be honest without having to lie.

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Quote of the day:

“It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an
exceptionally good liar”

-Jerome K. Jerome

Day 12: Take One Step At A Time

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a
great leap forward only to stumble backward”

 Old Chinese Proverb

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still”

Due to the pressure to get more things done in a short span of time, we often try to
do those things all at the same time.

For example, driving while texting, cooking and washing dishes, writing and
listening to your favorite music and all of that.

It is a natural tendency for many of us to do many things at a time, partly due to

pressure or we just want to appear to others as being smart and hardworking.


There is a downside of multitasking.

According to Tim Wu in The New Yorker, “The brain is not good at

multitasking or trying to pay active attention to more than one thing at once”.

You see?

You don’t have to complete a thousand and one tasks in one minute (except you
are some Super Man- which I don’t think you are- I mean physically…lol).

I know that I alleged that you can achieve a thousand and one dreams…

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Hey don’t nail me to the cross yet…..am I not your friend again?…Lol

I never supposed that you can achieve all your dreams in one day. That will be
crazy to think or even do.

It is one step at a time.

My favorite lines from Jordin Spark’s One Step At A Time says it all:

We live and we learn to take

One step at a time
There’s no need to rush
It’s like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It’s gonna happen when it’s
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt

You’re confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew

[ Chorus of Jordin Spark-One Step at a Time]

In a bid to make your first million, don’t stress over how, when or where it would
come from. Start with the hundreds, thousands and then….taaarrrraaa……the
millions start flooding in.

Don’t you want that? Ok, perhaps you don’t need it. I can send you my bank
details so you start transferring it now…Lol….what are friends for?

Sometimes, it’s not as easy as it sounds but you just have to take one step at a time.

Every successful entrepreneur that I know or heard of started somewhere. They did
not fly their way to the mountain top. They reached there as a result of taking the
right small steps consistently.

That’s right, consistently!

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Consistence is important when taking small steps.

What shall it profit anyone who took small steps leading to the top only to stop half


In fact, you would be worse than the man who never took any step.

I understand that you wanna be as wealthy as Bill gates if not more.

You wanna own the most successful company of all time.

You wanna ride the most expensive car ever made.

You wanna live in Miami or Hawai with the most beautiful girl on earth.


All these dreams you can achieve and even more but you can only take one step at
a time.

Find out the most import things and do them first. Set priority on every task every
day and concentrate absolutely on what’s important.

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop. Again, achieving
all your dreams on earth is possible but you’ve got to take it one step at a time. No
rush. No competition.


 Make a to-do list everyday and stick to it.

 Concentrate at working at one task at a time.
 Do one task until it is done properly.
 Multitasking stresses the brain- avoid it.

Quote of the Day:

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The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is
breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and
then starting on the first one.

-Mark Twain

Day 13: Do Things Quick And Well

“It is a mistake to actually think that moving is the same as actually going

It is one thing to do something quick and another thing to do it well. It’s possible to
do something quickly and not well and vice versa.

In the 21st century, things are moving super fast than ever. People need a website
that loads in a second, a fast internet connection, a fast this and a fast that.

When I was in secondary school, our teacher always tell us that speed and accuracy
were the surest way to succeed in any exam. And that also applies to life or

To get ahead of the stiff competition, you must be obsessed with speed and
accuracy. Insist on doing whatever task you’re undertaking accurately.

Tick tick says the clock, tick tick. What you have to do, do quick. That is one of
the nursery rhymes our teachers taught us to instill in us time consciousness.

Doing things quickly does not mean multitasking yourself to fatigue. It simply
means doing the small task promptly and accurately. This enhances productivity
and takes you nearer to success.

I must confess that most times, I do things slowly even though I do it well. At the
end of the day, I finish well but feeling tired.

A lot of people take much of the time over-analyzing, planning and scrutinizing a
thing that they either become confused or just give up outright.

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Early-comers in a new industry have a higher chance of succeeding more than the
late-comers. If you hear about a new opportunity, don’t ask too much questions,
get the basic information and act quickly.

There’s practically no second to waste on useless things that does not produce
result. Do whatsoever you know it’s important to your success and goals quickly
and also well.

Tick Tick says the clock, Tick Tick. What you have to do, do quick.

Do it quick as much as you do it well.


 Time is the currency of the 21st century, spend it wisely.

 Develop a sense of urgency.
 Move quickly everyday to your goals.
 Time is money, don’t spend it on vanity.

Quote of the day:

“The speed of the boss is the speed of the team.”

-Lee Iacocca

Day 14: Adapt or Perish

“Adapt or perish, now as ever is nature’s inexorable imperative”

 G. Wells.

Let’s draw a quick lesson from the mouse.

Mouse can adapt to new environment very fast, they survive anywhere in the
world. Put them in a palace, prison or gutter, they’ll do just fine. To them there’s
never a bad market.

Darwin rightly said that the only creature that adapts in the circle of life truly

How true that is…

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Things change rapidly around us and the only way we can survive is understanding
the present situation and then adapt. Industries change, fashion changes,
consuming pattern changes. There is no one shoe fits all in life.

Now it is scientifically wrong to say that an idea is impossible. We’ve come to see
that over the years those things that were bluntly dismissed as being impossible are
more than possible today.

Man can now fly. We can now talk to people from 2000 miles away from them.
Almost everything is possible.

The world is constantly undergoing a revolution. If you don’t position your boat to
follow the wave, you crash.

You don’t use the pattern of doing things from 2002 into 2016. You’re bound to
get the same old result. An idea that was valid in 2000 may be useless in 2016.

As long as we have humans with brains, we will never have /do enough. Those
who adapt cannot be easily broken.

What would you do to the sudden revolutions that go on almost everyday in the

Cry? Complain? Blame?

Who will you blame?

Your parents?

Your friends?

The government?

Who exactly?

You blindly followed your parent’s advice to go to school, get good grades,
graduate and get a high paying job.

Now what?

You’ve officially joined the universal rat race.

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After a long time of running round the clock, you realized that the industrial age is
non-existent. Nobody cares about your degrees or the school you went to get them.

Ah! What a waste of time and talent? All these years you’ve been dancing to a new
song with an old dancing step.

Many people have changed their dance-step, some even went ahead to buy new
shoes. People are beginning to wonder if you’re crazy because it seems you’re the
only one who is still using an old dance-step.

That could be really embarrassing.

Following outdated and un-beneficial dogmas is the high way to failure and
poverty in life.

You want to be successful, wealthy, healthy and happy in life? Then you must
adapt or fall away.


 Let go of the old and embrace change.

 Dare to rebel against the old patterns of doing things and adapt to new
 Dream new dreams, trash old ideas, see new vision and welcome change
into your life.

Thought of the day;

Adaptation does not mean dancing to the beat of every music, it knowing when to
dance, play the drum or just sit and watch.

-Promise Excel.

Day 15: Discipline Yourself Intentionally

“Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of
movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backward or side

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-Jackson Brown, Jr.

A talented guitarist said that, he always start his day by 6.00 am with tow hours of
practice and three hours in the evening. When he was asked why, he surprising
said, “if I didn’t I’d be hopeless.

That has gone to show us that talent is not just enough. Discipline is like that heavy
stone we all need to lift in order to enter the gate of success.

Discipline can make an untalented and seemingly useless soul a great success (if at
all there is anything like “untalented soul”)

So, lack of talent is not even an excuse for not becoming successful in life,
business or career.

Have you ever wondered why some people do things excellently with total control
over their behavior and actions, while others struggle with simple thing as waking
by 6.00 am to brush their teeth?

The answer is habit!

Most of our behavior is controlled by our habit.

That’s to say, if you want to be self-disciplined then you have to CONTROL your

Take discipline as a full time job. Do it everyday in everything.

Intentionally form habits that take you closer to your goals. Be so disciplined that
you can’t afford to spend a second whiling away your time with those with no
future ambition (NFA)

Practice discipline in small things like refusing to touch your smartphone for like
three hours everyday.

If you can do that for one or two weeks, you’re on your way to self-mastery.

Personally, I need to try this technique of self-discipline because I’m so attached to

my smartphone that I can’t imagine a life without it….Lol…can you imagine
that?….of course……we’re all obsessed with our smartphones…Lol

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We usually see famous actors, great musicians and super sportsmen flood the
media. We dream, we love, we wish, we scream and sometimes we envy.

It seems their success happened overnight. But what we hardly see are millions of
hours of super-duper-highly-focused work these people have put in behind closed

It’s easy for us to think that success comes easily.

Yeah, perhaps it does, but not without hard-core self-discipline.

Discipline is the difference between that average guy with the highly successful
one. It’s not a matter of luck.

The bridge between you and your first million is DISCIPLINE.

You have to cross it or forget about being successful in life at all.


 Discipline yourself to delay momentary gratification.

 Don’t wait to “feel like it” just do it.
 Finish what you started.
 Practice discipline in small things to overcome big things.
 Think of what you stand to gain by being disciplined.

Quote of the day:

“Confidence comes from discipline and training.”

-Robert Kiyosaki.

Day 16: Release Your Untapped Creativity

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,

our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

We ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

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Actually, who are you not to be?

We were born to make manifest of the glory of God that is within us.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same”

–Marianne Williamson

I remember the good old days when we were allowed to play, explore and create
without any interruption from adults. Well, except when it was time for us to eat or

We did everything and anything our creative minds could imagine, from creating
cars to flip flops (slippers) to bags and watches to phones! They were times we
even cooked (food we never ate….lol). We were just unstoppable. We could do
anything we wanted.

Now, the story has changed. The child of the 21st century (we call it the indomie
age) is hardly creative. All they do is sit in front of the TV to watch Barbie and
Cinderella from morning till night. They are prevented by their parents to play with
other children because they don’t want them to be “spoilt”.

Every child is born creative!

We are all potential geniuses. We have what to offer the world than we could
imagine. We are powerful beyond measure. We can do whatever we imagine in our
minds to do.


No thanks to our parents and the society who force us to think or do something in a
particular way because they don’t want us to get “spoilt”.

We’re often programmed by our parents and school in such a way that we
practically forget who we truly are.

As a result, we’ve become un-creative, cold and scared of trying something new.

We all have a truck load of creativity that’s lying within us to be tapped. If only we
could awake the sleeping giant within us.

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When we refuse to use our creativity, it becomes latent and seemingly nonexistent.
It never dies out but it just lies down low within us.

The difference between a successful business and the one that is failing could be
creativity. It is what makes us stand out from the noisy crowd. it is what separates
a genius from a mediocre .

For us to be exceptional, useful and relevant in our society, we all need to be

intentionally creative.

Let’s not wait for some “spark from the blue” hit us before we do anything

Let creativity be something we consciously apply in all our businesses, lives and


 You’re are a potential genius. Act as one.

 Your ability to succeed is infinite.
 Think creatively everyday, everywhere.

Quote of the Day:

“Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it’s produced the most
extraordinary results in human culture”.

–Ken Robinson

Day 17: Connect With Like-Minded People

“You are an average of the five people you spend the most time with”.

-Jim Rohn

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Recently, there was a buzz on the internet when an On Air Personality, Freeze of
CoolFM writes that dwelling along with poor people in poor places will never
make you rich.

In response to that unwelcome statement, Akpan Jacob a blogger (at Lasgidionline)

bluntly refuted his supposedly illogical statement. Even if Freeze sounded right in
his own perspective, his statement was perceived as the “proud words of Herod”.

Of a truth, we all look but we see things differently.

Though Freeze was right to a large extent, his opinion was harshly misunderstood,
perhaps not just by Akpene Jacob but also by other well meaning Nigerians.

As much as I agree on the cliche, “I am responsible for what I said (wrote) but you
are responsible for what you understood”, I think that we must make sure that we
convey our message appropriately- with the right words to the right people.

And that takes us to our focus for today.

Who are the people you spend most of your time with?

For the past 30 days we’ve been running a program with the title, 21 days to
develop a millionaire mindset”. I apologize that it has taken more than 21 days.
I’ve been caught up with so many things. Last week I ran another short course:
#7DaysToStartABlog (a course which teaches people who have no knowledge
about blogging to learn and start their blog within 7 days). It has really taken a lot
of my time. Nevertheless, it was a great experience.

Now, I’m back to finish what I started. Hehehe.

“Ok Excel can you give us what you have for us today, already?”

Sure, that’s why I’m here.

So, I was asking who are the people you spend most of your time with?

Your nagging girlfriend? Your cute little puppy? Or that your friend who never
says anything without an efff word?

This is time for self-examination. Don’t shy away. We are all guilty of spending
our precious time with useless friends.

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Look at your phone contact. Who are the first five persons you speak with most of
the time? What of your facebook friend list? Do you even know 99% of your
friends on facebook? I bet you don’t.

What about your whatsapp? Who do you chat most with? What about your family?
Friends? Who are the people you spend most of your time with? Are they people
you would like to be like?

Do you wish to be in their position?

Without any doubt, you become the people you spend more time with. This is not
about not hanging out with the poor. In fact, I do not encourage anyone to utterly
discriminate the poor because you fear to be like them or because you think you’re

NOTE: Don’t discriminate the poor for any reason on earth.

Have you ever noticed that a child who was once respectful and humble is now
insolent and naughty? Why? Because the boys in the next block are just as

Without the child knowing, he unconsciously becomes like them.

Or haven’t you read that evil company corrupt good manners? They say that when
a goat that doesn’t eat yam start hanging out with the one that does, it gradually
join the other to eat yam (forgive me if that sounds strange, that’s an African

In the same way, if you start hanging out with sad, negative and unproductive
people, it doesn’t matter how happy or optimistic you are, you gradually be like

It’s no magic.

It’s the fact.

The more you connect with successful people the more likely you’re able to

Let me share this short story of a relative.

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I know of a relative who was living well. Happy. Healthy. Comfortable. Until, she
had this one friend who changed her life – for the worse.

This friend happens to be the most irritated and negative person alive (pardon my
exaggeration). She’s either complaining of being sick or she’s murmuring about
being broke. She’s ever gloomy and sadistic.

Nothing seems to be good about life or people. She is the perfect definition of

She became too close to my relative in a way that got me worried. I knew what she
will eventually turn my relative into. Just as I expected, my relative became worse
than her.

Unhappy. Sick. Broke and in a huge debt.

In life, relationship is everything. It either makes you or breaks you. That’s why
you must strive to break free from every toxic and parasitic relationship.

Now, I’m not referring to only romantic relationships because I know that right
now you’re thinking of breaking up with that nagging girlfriend/boyfriend (that’s
fine if it makes you happy).

Build a high quality relationship that matters to you and your success in life and
business. Don’t compromise your standard for anyone, and don’t be afraid to lose
some friends, support from your family or anything else. As long as it makes you
happy, go on.

Look at many highly successful people. You’ll see that they have a strong support
system from stable relationships with friends and family. Of a truth, “behind every
successful man is a good woman”. Right?

Associate with people who are dying to be incredibly happy and successful. People
who are ready to give up anything and everything to chase their dreams.

Does this mean that you should discriminate the poor? By no means!

It means, you should not spend MOST of your time with them.

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Let your close network be around people who are ambitious enough to take the
world by storm. Courageous enough to break the rules. Bold enough to challenge
the status quo.

If your network consists of nay-sayers, NFA’s (No Future Ambition), complainers,

revilers, gossips and slanderers, you will eventually (whether you agree or not)
become like them


 Get rid of friends who have no ambition in life. Even if it hurts.

 Keep relationships that move you closer to your goals.

Quote of the day:

“Eagles do not dine with chickens”

Day 18: Take Your Health Seriously

“For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his health?”

You are welcome to day 18 of our 21 Day Program: 21 days To Develop A

Millionaire Mindset. I must admit that it has taken more days than expected but
without a doubt i must say that the lessons learnt in this program are
invaluableToday, i will begin with the story of a man called Naaman in the Bible. I
hope you don enjoy this post.

There was a certain man in the bible called Naaman. He was the commander of the
Syrian army. He was highly respected and esteemed by the king of Syria because
through him the Syrian forces won a great battle.

He was such a great soldier BUT he suffered a dreaded skin disease – leprosy.

A little Israelite girl who was the servant of Naaman’s wife, suggested, that
Naaman should go to a prophet in Samaria. He would cure him of his disease.

Just as they say that a beggar has no choice, Naaman had no choice than to obey
the little girl. It didn’t matter who could heal him or where he would be healed. All
he ever wanted was to be free from the shackles of leprosy.

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So, Naaman went to Samaria as proposed by the little girl.

When he got there, he was told to go and wash himself seven times in the River
Jordan. And he would be completely healed.

He became upset because the prophet Elisha did not come out to pray to God and
wave his hand over (just as many of us would expect) his diseased spot to cure.

No “acrobatic” display of any kind.

Aren’t the rivers back in Damascus better than any in Israel? I could have washed
in them and be cured” , he grumbled.

His servants encouraged him to obey the prophet since it was not a difficult task to
just wash in a river and be healed.

So, he did as he was commanded and got his healing.

Did I hear you say, “oh what a great miracle?”

Indeed it was.

Is this post about miracles and healing? By no means.

I want to point out to us what disease could do to a man despite his status in the

It didn’t matter how respected, famous or rich Naaman was, as long as he had
leprosy, his life was not complete. Whether that help came from a baby or king, it
didn’t matter as well. Naaman needed a cure to his woe.

If you were to choose between being a sick rich man and a healthy poor man,
whom would you rather be?

Certainly, we all want to be healthy. It is without a doubt that health is wealth.

Wealth does not always have to be measured in terms of how much someone has.

In our pursuit for wealth, we often neglect our health.

So, we stay up late at night to work. We eat any junk food our heart craves. We
rather go for an over-the-counter drugs instead of seeing a doctor first. As young
men we keep a dozen girlfriend and expect to be free from STI.

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Your ultimate goal in life should not only be about success and wealth. In fact, let
health be one of your biggest responsibility and priority in life.

In a world where people sell junk for food to make themselves rich, it could be a
really tough decision to choose between junk and healthy food.

Junk food is probably, “everywhere you go”.

It is usually, properly and attractively packaged. Mouth watery and irresistible.

Almost every TV commercials talk about one “revolutionary” food or the other.

To be a happy rich man now or in future, you must take excellent care of your
health. Make no friend with those who have little or zero concern about their
health. Be sure that the people around you encourage you to live healthy.

If your close friends encourage you to smoke, drink or overeat too much, it is time
to find new friends who have good health habits and also want a healthy life.

Enough said already.

We all want to be wealthy, successful and fulfilled but all this may not be
achievable if we ignore our health.

Our body is a gift that we must adore.

You know how important first impression is? Right? You wouldn’t want to appear
before a client, prospect, investor or interviewer as someone who is on the verge of
dying tomorrow.

That’s why it is important that you appear fit and healthy at all times.

And also, you wouldn’t want to get $1,000,000 today and spend $999,999 the next
day on health issues.

Stay positive, stay happy, stay healthy.

Indeed health is wealth.


 maintain a healthy weight.

 Exercise regularly.

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 Don’t smoke.
 Eat a healthy diet.
 Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
 Protect yourself from the sun (very important).
 Protect yourself from STI’s (super important)
 Eat in the morning.
 Be aware of danger food (high in cholesterol).
 Exhale.
 Get enough sleep.
 Smile always.
 Visit your doctor regularly.
 Avoid self-medication.

Quote of the Day:

“I believe the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy

-Joyce Meyer

Day 19: Take Action Promptly- Just do it Now!

“Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action,
perseverance and facing your fears” – Gillian Anderson.

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The Crippled Fox – A Story About Taking Action


A man was walking through a forest when he saw a crippled fox. “I wonder how it manages to
feed itself”? he thought.

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At that moment, a tiger approached, carrying its prey in its mouth. The tiger ate its
fill and left what remained for the fox.

“If God helps the fox, he will help me too”, the man thought.

He went back home, shut himself up in his house and waited for the heavens to
bring him food.

Nothing happened.

He laid there in bed waiting for God to provide for him as he had for the fox, but
instead just starved. Just when he was becoming too weak to out and work, an
angel appeared.

“Why did you decide to imitate the crippled fox?” asked the angel. “God has given
you gifts and abilities to contribute to the world. Get out of bed, pick up your tools
and follow the way of the tiger.

Source: betterlifecoachingblog.com

My question is, which one are you, the FOX or the TIGER?

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Most people pray. They fast. They wish. They read. They plan. And yet they never
do anything. They believe that what they need is enough money, credentials,
connections and lots of time.

They wait until it feels right. Some people even ignorantly say that they are waiting
on God. They use God as an excuse for not taking prompt action for their life.
They wait for that man of God or prophet to say, “thus says the Lord…”.

Real entrepreneurs who are on a mission to change the world started last year.
They started ten years ago before they knew what they were doing. They were
moving mountains long before they knew they could. They started long before they
had lots of money and knowledge.

Theory can only take you so far. Taking action is everything. It is what separates
the winners from the loosers. Rather than having long and meaningless
conversation they go out and do.

While you are busy reading, thinking, analyzing, scrutinizing and dreaming, a
productive entrepreneur is somewhere (in the street) DOING!

Nobody cares about how perfect you are or how educated – they want to see

You’ve been out of the university for a million years now. And what are you
doing? Searching for a job? Praying for a miracle job to locate you abi?

While you are in your father’s house watching WWE and eating pop corn with Star
beer (what a combo!) – chiefo! I hail o – that guy is on the street making a fortune.

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source: whatasinting.com

Dey dia dey form fine boy. (Be there acting like you’re a handsome boy)

Nothing can replace action. There has been so much talking that people forget

Stop caring about what people think or say about you. Don’t even try to be liked or

Stop the fake life already!

You’re supposed to be doing what exclusively concerns you and your goals. Haters
and critics are mere shadows, before you knew it, they are gone.

In fact, stop reading this post now.

Yes. Stop already, if you’ve not done anything productive today.

You’ve been asking so many questions lately, and it makes you look really dumb.
Yes. Start doing.

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Leave procrastination at the toilet. Take action promptly for your life. At the end of
the day, your greatest regret will not be the things you did wrongly but the things
you didn’t do at all.

You wanna make millions of naira or dollar before the end of this year and you’re
not ready to take any action? Welcome to failure but don’t stay long!


Stop thinking about what would go wrong and start doing that thing you’ve always
wanted to do. No questions. Just do.

Quote of the day:“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t
walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward”. – Martin
Luther King Jr.

Day 20: Never Say Never

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is
more powerful than the one with all the facts. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Right from kindergarten to the university we are given the wrong definition of
failure. We’ve been programmed to hate and boo anyone who falls victim.
Consequently, we fight it and abhor it. We close our eyes to anything that
resembles failure.

Many of us would have started a business, taken a course to improve our skills,
written a book or sang a song…


We fear failure. We cringe at its sight. We would rather sit in a prayer house to
“cast and bind” every failures sent by the devil (a typical Nigerian).

The fear of failure lurks in the eyes of every business man or woman.


Let’s not look at our old grand enemy – failure.

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Let us look at our attitude towards it.

So, take off your cloudy eyeglass and but on the one called – UNBIASED

Now, sit down with a bottle of coke let’s view failure with a different eyeglass:

Failure is not a person or an event, it’s an opinion.

Failure should be called “FAIL UP”. Failure is not the end of the world and
definitely not the end of life. It should give you an opportunity to start over and
also to discover new things and acquire new experience. It’s also not the end of the
road but only a bend.

No matter how many times you fail, know that success lies in the far end of failure.

In your journey to becoming a millionaire, failure is part of that journey. You can
shy away from it. There’s no successful man who has never experienced failure. At
least once.

It is your attitude to failure that makes the difference.

Failure should not keep you on the ground for long. Don’t call for pity party and
hang your head like a boneless chicken (can you imagine a chicken without
bones?…..Lol….i’ve watched it in a cartoon)

All you need do is to pick up yourself and ultimately change your failure into a
multi-million business.

How’s that even possible you ask?

See people who did it here>>> 11 Famous People Who Turned Their Failures Into


-Make a habit to try it again and again and again until you get it right.

Quote of the Day: Survival can be summed up in three words – never give up.
That’s the heart of it really. Just keep trying. -Bear Grylls

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Day 21: Stay Longer Than Everyone

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent – Calvin Coolidge

No matter how long you fight, it is he who puts in an extra effort that wins.

No matter how far you’ve gone in life, it is he who moves one more step farther
that reaches his destination.

Everyone is fighting a battle but the one who throws one more blow turns out to be
the winner.

Talent will fail.

Education will fail.

but persistence eventually wins the game.

In the race of life, it is not he that runs that is given the trophy but he that passes
the finish line. Persistence and determination has never failed anyone.

It is not enough to start a business, how long are you willing to stay?

Will you still be in business even when there is low sales and tough competitions?
Will you still speak even when no one is listening? Will you still write even when
no one is reading?

Will you still keep a smiling face in times of zero like, zero comment and zero

What if after doing all you could, start and run the hottest business in 2016, read all
the great books in the library, watched all the self development videos, listened to
all the motivational podcasts, join the best e-course on planet earth and YET you
still look worse than you were yesterday?

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Oh my friend!

It could be a terrible experience but only persistence will keep you going.

Nobody is guaranteeing you success but it could be almost predictable to anyone

who hopes against hope. Success is not a matter of luck and chance but it is to the
guy who stays longer than everyone else.

Even if everything that brings you happiness (like money) was taken from you
leaving you broken and wounded, determine to stay longer.

have the, “it is not over until i win” attitude. Let people think you’re crazy for
deciding to stay longer. Pay no attention to the nay-sayers.

Don’t give up so soon. Now now! You have come a long way. Do you want people
to forget about all your hard work? By no means.

Keep going and going until the going takes you closer to your goals.

Don’t be ashamed to introduce yourself as a hardcore hustler until you no longer

have to introduce yourself again. Be proud to rock your worn-out shoe and torn
shirt until the guy on suit becomes embarrassed.

In your pursuit to become a self-made millionaire, resolve to stay longer than



 Fight a little more.

 Pursue a little more.
 Attack a little more.
 Stay a little more.
 Push until you get there.

Quote of the Day: “As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest
destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will
fully bloom. It happens in its own time.” -Denis Waitley

And this brings us to the end of our 21 day Program: 21 Days To Develop A
Millionaire Mindset.

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I hope you have enjoyed all the lessons shared within these 21 days.

Congratulations! You just developed a millionaire mindset that will propel you to
making your first million.

You can always come back to this ebook for more insight or visit my blog for more
awesome tips to become the millionaire next door.

About The Author:

Promise Excel is a Blogger, Entrepreneur,
soon-to-be millionaire and a Publisher at
Maverick Excel.

When he is not writing he is reading. He has a

burning passion to change the mindset of many
young Nigerians about the norm of going to
school to get good grades and get a secure job.

He runs one of the fastest rising Entrepreneur

Blogs in Africa which is basically targeted at
young African youths especially Nigerians.

He is also a proud Nigerian who believes that

entrepreneurship is the surest way to kick out
unemployment and poverty from any country.

You can contact Promise Excel via

Blog: http://maverickexcel.com

Facebook: http://facebook.com/maverickexcelnetwork

Twitter: http://twitter.com/maverickexcel

Email: maverickexcel@gmail.com

Phone: 07035911137

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