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Offline: Aung San Suu Kyi goes to Doha

What do the Duke of York, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Her the most important innovations are taking place in
Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser have in common? global health today. In Bangladesh, large gains in health
They were all guests of Lord Ara Darzi last week in Doha. have been achieved through innovations that have
The reason for coming together, along with around included rapid increases in community health workers,
800 lesser celebrities, was Lord Darzi’s first WISH—the partnerships with NGOs, and the quick adoption of,
World Innovation Summit for Health. (Full disclosure: among others, family planning and oral rehydration
Richard Horton

the organisers of the meeting paid for my travel and therapy programmes. In Rwanda, the introduction of
accommodation. The Lancet was an “academic partner”.) performance contracts between the Ministry of Health
The subject of the gathering was innovation: “we want to and providers, together with intensive audits of health
foster the take-up and adoption of health innovation and outcomes, have had similar effects.
ideas from across the world”. WISH ignited debates based
on eight reports, all led by leaders in their respective fields
(Sally Davies on antimicrobial resistance and Vikram Patel But the meeting in Doha was successful not because
on mental health, to take two examples). There was an it celebrated innovation, but because it punctured its
“innovation showcase”, displaying 15 ideas that ranged hubris. Innovation is a fashionable word today. It has
from Operation Hernia (pioneering mosquito netting become something of an ideology, linking academic
for groin hernia repair) to Primary Care 101 (translating research to commercial exploitation. Innovation has
evidence into practice in rural South Africa). The meeting been embraced by governments trying to embed an
sought to be much more than a talking shop. entrepreneurial culture into their societies as they face
Richard Horton

down forces of globalisation over which they have little

control. Innovation has become a crucial goal in and of
The principal product launched at WISH—and advertised itself for policy making. Aung San Suu Kyi disagreed
in the Financial Times as “ground-breaking”—was a report with that approach to innovation. She said her country,
entitled Global Diffusion of Healthcare Innovation. It Burma (Myanmar), was on “a road to a new society”.
was a collaboration between a market research agency A new culture of democracy was being born. What
and Imperial College London. The report concluded that mattered most in creating this new society were the
countries (the study focused on eight high-income or values the government and the people lived by. “It’s
middle-income nations: Australia, Brazil, England, India, not a matter of just money”, she emphasised. “What we
Qatar, South Africa, Spain, and the USA) were taking need is the human spirit to help ourselves and to help
different approaches to innovation, that they share others.” Aung San Suu Kyi spoke about a “revolution of
some common characteristics of success (such as having the spirit”, the ability and the courage to change oneself.
Richard Horton

champions of innovation), that more could be done to Innovation is important principally as a means to create
improve conditions for innovation (eg, creating time new and better values. “Please do not look at health-
and space for learning), and that there are some clear care innovation only in terms of technology, training,
priorities for the future (technology, vision, investment, and medical education, but in terms of poor societies,
and commitment). The report was interesting but nurturing, and creating a healthy society in the best
perhaps failed the test of common sense. In its evaluation sense of the word.” “We must learn to live with one
of England, for example, it rated the funding of research another, not just tolerate one another.” The goal for our
and development as a less important determinant of societies should not be the abstract notion of innovation.
innovation diffusion over the past 5 years. Given the It should be a kind of serenity, where “spiritual health is
enormous investment into innovation diffusion by the as important as physical and mental health”. The task of
National Institute for Health Research and the National innovation is to serve that human objective.
Institute for Health and Care Excellence, this conclusion
Richard Horton

seems mistaken. And the report missed an opportunity Richard Horton

by excluding low-income countries, where some of

2052 Vol 382 December 21/28, 2013

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