What Is My Job?: Talking About Someone's Profession

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What Is My Job?

Talking about someone’s profession.

Read the paragraphs below and fill in the answers.
What type of jobs are they and what do they do?

1. I wear protective clothing and a large helmet. I drive or ride in a

large red truck to emergencies and use water to fix problems. I put
myself in danger to save your life. What do I do?
Answer: ________________________________________________
2. I spend many years training. I often work in a large building
with many sick people or perhaps I work in a small office where you
will visit me with your problems. What do I do?
Answer: ________________________________________________
3. I walk around towns and cities. I give tickets and put them on
the windscreens of illegally parked vehicles. People don’t like me
very much. What do I do?
Answer: ________________________________________________
4. I sometimes wear a silly wig and make up. I have a big red nose.
My shoes are too big and my trousers keep falling down. I make
people laugh. What do I do?
Answer: ________________________________________________
5. I travel the world every day by aeroplane. First I have to stand
and wave my arms around, and then serve food and drink to people.
I wear a nice uniform and always look smart. What do I do?
Answer: ________________________________________________
Answer sheet:
1. Fireman/woman
2. Doctor
3. Parking attendant
4. Clown
5. Air Steward/ess

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