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1. A 45-year-old female has had a pruritic outbreak 0,3 to 0,5 cm vesicles over extensor surfaces on right hand. A
3mm punch biopsy onto one of her vesicles was taken and the microscopic of her vesicle is as shown here. The
best diagnostic for her disease is:
A. Bullous pemphigoid D. Impetigo
B. Pemphigus vulgaris E. Urticaria
C. Acute eczematous dermatitis

The location of her vesicle under microscopic based on your diagnostic:

A. Epidermal
B. Subepidermal
C. Suprabasal (just above the basal layer)
D. Superficial layer of the skin (just layer the stratum corneum)

2. A 35-year-old female has an arising mass in her left mandible. Radiologically, her mass appears a multilocular
radiolucenct cysts with well define margin, that is below a molar tooth. Then this mass was excised. The
microscopic of this lesion is as shown here.

1.1 The best diagnosis is,

A. Pleiomorphic adenoa D. Carcinoma Nasopharynx

B. Malignant lymphoma E. Sialothiasis
C. Ameloblastoma

11.2 This tumor is

A. Benign odontogenic tumor B. Malignant odontogenic tumor

3. A 60 year old male noticed the development of an ulceration,darkly pigmented skin in his right cheek for over
than 5 months but neither painful nor pruritic are felt in this area. The microscopic of this lesion is as shown

2.1 Which of the following lesions is describe best for those findings?

A. Basalioma D. Seborrhea Keratosis

B. Melanoma Malignant E. Lentigo Maligna
C. Nevus intradermal
2.2 Refer to the given microscopic here, which of the following therapy managements is the best to implicate
the lesion?
A. Radiotherapy only D. Wide excision and radiotherapy
B. Wide excision omly E. Cytostatica
C. Wide excision with VC guidance

4. An ulcerated pigmented nodule is excised from the right thigh on a 40-year-old female. Such nodule has been
growing for the past 2 months. The microscopic appearance is as shown here.

2.1 Which of the following lesions is describe best for those findings?

A. Basalioma D. Seborrhea Keratosis

B. Melanoma Malignant E. Lentigo Maligna
C. Nevus intradermal

2.2 Which conditions is the best to remark for this patient based on microscopic here?

A. The prognosis is good

B. Her immune system will prevent metastases
C. The prognosis is poor
D. The primary site maybe is probably in the eye
E. This lesion needs radiotherapy

5. A 2 year old kid has had a mass present in his right eye since his born. An enucleation over the mass in his right
eye was performed. Refer to the microscopic appearance of his tumor, what is your best diagnosis?

A. Embryonal carcinoma D. Gliomas

B. Retinoblastoma E. Neurilemmoma
C. Neuroblastoma

What is the specific microscopic formation of his neoplasm could you find ?

A. Pseudo papillary B. Pseudo- Rosete

6. A 45-year-old male with a brief history of enucleation of his upper right M1 which has been progressing in his
rhinitis and mild fever for a month now. The X- photo’s sinus right maxillaris shows mucosa epithelium area
thicker than of left Maxilla. A scrapping mucosa of sinus is then performed. From the microscopic here, which of
the following disorders is most likely could be happened?

A. Ameloblastoma D. Carcinoma
B. Sinussitis Maxillaris E. Adenoid rhinitis
C. Mucocele

7. On physical examination of the oral cavity of a 10-year 0ld boy reveals bilateral enlargement of his tonsils.
Bilateral tonsillectomy was performed. The microscopic appearance is as shown here. The best diagnostic is:
A. Nasopharynx Carcinoma C. Adenoid tonsillitis
B. Chronic tonsillitis D. Lymphoma maligna

8. A 50-yr old who are still sexually active consults for a 1 cm mass papillary, ulcerated and friable over his inner
surface of the penile prepuce. Known that the lesion has been enlarged gradually during the past month. It is
then excised and its histopathologic is as shown here. Your diagnosis for this case is,
A. Verruca Vulgaris D. Syphilis
B. Verrucous carcinoma E. Granuloma inguinale
C. Gonorrhea

9. A 15-year-old female complains a circumscribed, firmed, elevated growth in her right finger digit 4th. An
enucleation was then performed. Based on the microscopic shown here, the depicted lesion is

A. Verruva Vulgaris D. Verruca senilis

B. Verrucous carcinoma E. Solar keratosis

C. Molluscum Contagiosum
10. A -0,3 mm nodule is excised from the right palpebral superior lateral on a 40-year-old female. Then, the nodule
sent to histopathology laboratory. The microscopic appearance is as shown here. The best diagnosis is

A. Hydradenoma C. Papilloma
B. Nevus pigmentosum D. Mole

11. One cm papules appear on the right ear lobe of 60-year-old man who has noticed that the lesion has become
nodular in appearance in the past 2 months. Biopsy was performed. Which of the following disorders is most
likely to happen? The best diagnosis is

A. Hydradenoma D. Melanoma maligna

B. Basalioma E. Fibroxanthoma
C. Nevus intradermal

12 A 55-year-old male noticed the development of ulceration, darkly pigmented skin in his right thigh has already been
over than 5 months. These areas are neither painful nor pruritic. On microscopic examination, it was found that his
tumor cells invaded the reticular dermis. Which prognostic factor is the most useful for his disease based on
Breslow’s level?
A. Size of malignant cells D. Degree of surrounding inflammation

B. Depth of invasion E. Amount of melanin produced

C. Number of multinucleated giant cells

13 A 54-year-old male presents with a 1 .5cm exophytic mass, look like as cauliflower, fragile on the prepuce of his
penis. An enucleation is performed. Based on the microscopic shown here, which of the following disorders can be
counter referenced to benign lesion?

A. Acanthothic D. Pearl formation

B. Hyperkeratosis E. Anaplasia
C. Dermal invasion

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