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This research study revealed the significant findings. The profile of the

respondents are classified into age, gender, and occupation. In terms of age, the study

shows that in the ages twenty-nine, forty-six, and forty-nine (29, 46, and 49) ranked first

(1st) among the seven (7) mentioned age with two (2) respondents each age or 20 %,

followed by the ages thirty-seven, thirty-nine, forty-three, and fifty-five (37, 39, 43, and

55) who ranked second (2nd) with one (1) respondent each age or 10 %. Regarding to the

gender of the respondents, it shows that female eatery vendors ranked first (1 st) while male

eatery vendors ranked second (2nd). There were eight (8) female eatery vendors or 80 %

and there were two (2) male eatery vendors or 20%. As for the occupation of the

respondents, 100 % were eatery vendors with ten (10) respondents.

The study revealed the findings about the conveniency of the eatery location in

Guihulngan City, the condition of the eatery, the reasons on buying foods from the eatery

in Guihulgan City, the importance of cleanliness in the eateries, the actions to eliminate

dust in the eateries and the suggestions/recommendations in maintaining customers or


Concerning to the conveniency of the eatery location in Guihulngan City, majority

of the respondents answered yes to the question “Does the location of your eatery

convenient to the customers?” with a frequency of nine (9) or 90 % which ranked first (1 st)

while one (1) of the respondents say no 10 % which ranked second (2nd).
Regarding to the condition of the eatery, if it is good to be located in

highways, it shows that majority of the respondents answered yes with a frequency of nine

(9) or 90 % which ranked first and only one respondent answered no or 10 % which ranked


For the respondents who answered yes regarding to the condition of the eateries, it

shows that the respondents chose the reason that it is convenient to customers travelling

from far places which ranked first (1st) with a frequency of 10 or 47.62 % followed by the

reason that lots of customers will notice the eatery which ranked second (2nd) with a

frequency of 8 or 39 % and lastly, the reason that many people will pass by ranked third

(3rd) with a frequency of 3 or 14.29 %. For the respondent who answered no, it shows there

that only one respondent answered no with a reason that “the customers will be less

attracted to the foods being displayed because of its environment”.

For the reasons on buying foods from the eateries in Guihulngan City, it shows that

customers are satisfied with the foods and services ranked first (1st) among the 3 reasons

with a frequency of 10 or 45.45% followed by, it is safe and clean to eat which ranked

second (2nd) with the frequency of 8 or 36.36% and lastly it is convenient which ranked

third (3rd) with the frequency of 4 or 18.18%.

As for the importance of cleanliness in the eateries, it shows that all of the

respondents answered yes regarding to the question, “Is it important to monitor the

cleanliness of the surroundings in the eatery?” which has a frequency of 10 or 100 %. For

the actions to eliminate dust in the eateries, it shows that vendors should maintain the

cleanliness of the area which ranked first (1 st) with a frequency of 10 or 52.63 % followed

by, vendors should provide food covers to the foods being displayed which ranked second
(2nd) with a frequency of 7 or 36.84 %, and lastly, vendors should splash water in the

surroundings to avoid dust which ranked third (3rd) with a frequency of 2 or 10.53%.

Based on the findings presented above, the following conclusions are hereby listed;

the study shows that most of the respondents are female with the age of 29, 46, and 49 and

all of the respondents were eatery vendors. The study reveals that it is convenient

especially to the customers travelling from far places and the condition is good for an

eatery to be located in highways. The major reason why customers keep on buying foods in

the eatery is that they are satisfied with the foods and services. The study unveils that it is

important to monitor the cleanliness of the surroundings in the eatery to eliminate dusts

and in order to maintain customers and buyers, they must keep the eatery clean and sell

satisfying foods with an affordable price.


On the bases of the findings and conclusions drawn, the following suggestions and

recommendations were indicated for the respondents who are the eatery vendors. For the

eateries located in highways, the vendors must keep the eatery clean for it is one of the

factors that attracts customers, they must sell foods that are delicious and good for the

health of the consumers, selling foods that are safe and clean and at the same time, foods

must be satisfying with an affordable price.

The researchers recommend or suggest that the eateries along the highways must

provide safe and clean facilities. The eatery vendors must provide cover towards the foods

being displayed in their eatery to prevent or avoid dusts and flies.



Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive and survey questionnaire that is self made and

also a direct interview to the respondents to gather the needed data. The questionnaire was

used to collect and earn informations from the respondents in Guihulngan City specifically

the eatery vendors about the impact of dust prone eateries towards its profitability and the

satisfaction of the customers. The researchers first identified the problem regarding with

the eateries located in highways and pin pointed what could be the possible solution to the


Research Instrument

The instruments used in gathering the information in this research study are the

survey questionnaire consisting two pages. The questionnaire contains the profile of the

respondents specifically their name which is optional, age, gender, and their occupation.

The questionnaire will be answered by the said respondents which are the eatery vendors

and selected customers from the eatery. It embodies the questions related to the study like

if the location of the eatery is convenient to the customers/buyers, if it is an advantage for

the eateries to be located in highways, the reasons why customers keep on buying foods

from the eateries, the importance of cleanliness in the area, the actions of the eatery

vendors to maintain the cleanliness of the area and the food they sell and also to satisfy the

customers, and lastly the suggestions or the recommendations given by the said

respondents about the issue.

Ethical Concerns

The following ethical concerns were considered in the study to respect the right of

the respondents:

Confidentiality- This ethical concern was considered in the study to guarantee the

privacy of the respondent’s answers to the given questionnaire and the gathered

data will remain confidential.

No Forcing- This ethical concern was considered in the study in a way that other

respondents might not want to be interviewed or answer the questionnaire in some

reasons. The researchers must not force the respondent/s and respect what will be

their decision.

No harm to the respondents either emotionally or physically- This ethical

concern was considered in the study to ensure that the researchers will not harm

the respondents and not do anything that can hurt their feelings. It is somewhat

bullying and it is a serious matter.

Cost Analysis

The materials needed for making a cheaper food cover to prevent any dust and dirt

includes the plastic cover with the best quality, wood frames that will form the said cover,

common nails that enables the frames to be intact, and varnish for the wood to be shiny and

not be torn easily. The plastic cover is worth ₱300.00, wood frame worth ₱400.00,

common nails worth ₱60.00, and a varnish worth ₱100.00. The total allotted budget for

these is ₱860.00.
Treatment of Data

The percentage formula was used in the study to determine what the respondents

prefer among the given choices to the questions and it is used to make a more subjective

data that can help improve the rectitude of the research. Also, the descriptive interpretation

of data can be of great help to the study, it can make a better view of the results and

publish a better understanding for the researchers to bring more absolute results.


Researchers: Ms. Gileah Zuasola

Ms. Tephanie Sofia Cabildo

Ms. Lourdes Maningo

Mr. Angelo Ricarte

A. Aim or Purpose: To determine the impact of dust prone eateries towards

profitability and customer’s satisfaction

B. Topic or Subject Matter: Dust prone eateries

C. Place or Locale: Guihulngan City

D. Period: Year 2018-2019

Population: Eatery Vendors in Guihulngan City

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