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Adelfa Adelfa

General information or Interesting facts

Adelfa comes from the greek word “Adelpha” meaning sister. Just like a sister, the flower is beautiful and has vibrant shades of
red and pink. It is a small shrub that grows from 6-20 feet tall. Its scientific name is Nerium oleander and is widely cultivated all
around the globe but is mostly seen in tropical countries like the Philippines. It is usually used as an ornamental plant and although
it is toxic, is also used as an alternative herbal medicine for many diseases. It cannot be taken internally but rather be applied
externally; on the skin, for example.


1. Ringworm – Make a paste by grinding the bark finely and mixing with coconut oil. Then, apply to infected area.
2. Eczema - Chop the leaves and bark of the herb and blend it with healing oils. Then, apply it on the affected area of the
3. Hemorrhoids – Create a paste by cleaning and crushing the roots and apply to affected area.
4. Joint pain – Grind the leaves and apply to painful area.
5. Headache – Make a paste by grinding the flowers and mixing with Indian gooseberry and apply to forehead.
6. Acne – Grind the flowers to create a face mask and apply.
7. Snake bites - Create a poultice of finely ground leaves and the branch. Apply directly on clean wound and cover with
cloth or gauze.

Things to consider

*Extreme caution!

1. Extracts from the plant can be toxic when taken internally and can cause death.
2. It can also cause abortion or miscarriage for pregnant women when taken orally.

Sweet Basil Balanoi

General information or Interesting facts

It grows up to 50-80 cm only and has oval shaped leaves with slightly toothed edges. It also has dainty white or purple flowers.
The Ocimum basilicum or Balanoi is an herb that is usually dried to use as a condiment in many dishes. Fresh basil can be uses in
soups, pastas and pizzas to bring out more flavour and aroma. The extracts of this plant is also sometimes used in cosmetics and
some liquors. It also has numerous medicinal purposes.


1. Cold sores – Combine 40 grams of basil leaves with 200 grams of water and gargle 3 times a day.
2. Shortness of breath – Boil 12 leaves mixed with 1 ½ liters of water twice a day.
3. Antibacterial purpose – Fuse ten grams of balanoi leaves with 100 grams of water and boil it. Drink a glass per day on an
empty stomach.
4. Rheumatism - Grind a concoction of balanoi, rosemary and ruta, in equal proportion. Then, rub on affected area.
5. Common cold - Have a spoon of basil leaves with ginger or chew raw basil on its own for relief.

Things to consider

1. When consumed in large amounts, nausea and vomiting may be experienced.

2. If consumed in excess, it can lead to the drastic reduction of the blood sugar levels resulting in various serious
problems such as stroke or heart attack.
3. Taking large amounts can also bring the danger of seizures.

Hibiscus Gumamela

General information or Interesting facts

This bright and fragrant flower is common to tropical areas in south east Asia, especially in the Philippines. There are over a
hundred different species of the Hibiscus and they all have different characteristics. The flowers are large with about five petals
with a vast range of colors from red to yellow to purple. It is used as an ornamental plant and is also widely known as a flower that
can make a good tasting tea. Other than that, kids sometimes use the flower to make homemade bubbles. Of course, it also has its
own share of medicinal purposes


1. Used as antioxidant – Crush the flower and boil to make tea.

2. Skin inflammation – Mash and pound flower to make poultice and apply to skin.

Things to consider

1. Do not intake when pregnant, there is a danger of abortion.

2. Do not intake when trying to get pregnant, it reduces ovulation.
3. Reduces fertility when taken in excessive amounts.

Moringa Malunggay

General information or Interesting facts

It is a fast-growing drought resistant tree native to tropical countries. It can grow as high as nine meters. The bark of this tree has a
gummy quality in it, and when looked at closely, is comprised of soft white wood. It is a vegetable used in different dishes like
tinola. The tree actually has small flowers that have thin white petals and are hermaphroditic.


1. Scalp problems – Pound some leaves and mix with coconut oil then apply to scalp to promote hair growth.
2. Cough and colds – Boiled malunggay leaves mixed with honey and calamansi will soothe the throat.
3. Cuts and wounds – The water used to boil the roots can be used to wash the wound.
4. Constipation – Boil the malunggay leaves and drink it.

Things to consider

1. Pregnant women are discouraged to take it as a medicinal herb because its side effects are still unknown.


General information or Interesting facts

It is a flowering plant of the mint family. It grows up to 20-80 cm with short leaves and purple flowers. Its name comes from a
Greek origin which means “brightness of the mountain” probably because of its great effects for when consumed. It has a warm
and slightly bitter taste and is thus used as a culinary herb to add taste to dishes. It is now a staple in Italy and is known as the
“pizza herb.” Also, its oils are believed to be responsible for slowing the process of spoilage of food and thus minimizing the risk
of ingesting harmful bacteria. Aside from that, it also has a lot of medicinal purposes.


1. Insect bites – Pound some leaves and create a poultice then directly apply on skin.
2. Cough and colds – Boil one cup of fresh leaves with 3 cups of water and drink as tea.
3. Sore throat – Boil 2 tablespoonfuls of dried oregano leaves in a pint of water.
4. Stomach pain / Dysmenorrhea – Create oregano tea by boiling leaves.
5. Swollen sinuses - The minty aroma of Oregano is used as a steam inhalant that helps clear sinuses.
6. Toothache – Rub a few drops of oregano oil on gums.

Things to consider

1. Overdose may lead to an upset stomach.

2. The danger of allergic reaction for some people.
3. It can increase bleeding for people who have bleeding disorders.
4. For people with diabetes, it can lower one’s blood sugar level.


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