Organizing For Innovation in The Digitalized World

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Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World

Youngjin Yoo, Richard J. Boland, Jr., Kalle Lyytinen, Ann Majchrzak,

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Youngjin Yoo, Richard J. Boland, Jr., Kalle Lyytinen, Ann Majchrzak, (2012) Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World.
Organization Science 23(5):1398-1408.

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Organization Science
Vol. 23, No. 5, September–October 2012, pp. 1398–1408
ISSN 1047-7039 (print) — ISSN 1526-5455 (online)
© 2012 INFORMS

Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World

Youngjin Yoo
Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122,

Richard J. Boland Jr., Kalle Lyytinen

Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Ann Majchrzak
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089,

ur era is one of increasingly pervasive digital technologies, which penetrate deeply into the very core of the products,
O services, and operations of many organizations and radically change the nature of product and service innovations.
The fundamental properties of digital technology are reprogrammability and data homogenization. Together, they provide
an environment of open and flexible affordances that are used in creating innovations characterized by convergence and
generativity. An analysis of convergence and generativity observed in innovations with pervasive digital technologies reveals
three traits: (1) the importance of digital technology platforms, (2) the emergence of distributed innovations, and (3) the
prevalence of combinatorial innovation. Each of the six articles in this special issue relates to one or more of these three
traits. In this essay, we explore the organizational research implications of these three digital innovation traits and identify
research opportunities for organization science scholars. Examples from the articles in this special issue on organizing for
innovation in the digitized world are used to demonstrate the kind of organizational scholarship that can faithfully reflect
and inform innovation in a world of pervasive digital technologies.
Key words: digital innovation; technology and innovation management; organizing for innovation in the digitized world;
technology and innovation management

Organizations operate in a world that is increasingly objects that previously had a purely physical materi-
permeated with digital technology. It is embedded in ality. Examples would include adding software appli-
the very core of the products, services, and opera- cations to a screwdriver or adding medical sensors to
tions of many organizations. Everyday products such as clothing. Physical materiality refers to artifacts that can
TVs, watches, and cars now have embedded software- be seen and touched, that are generally hard to change,
based digital capabilities, and organizations are routinely and that connote a sense of place and time. For exam-
creating management systems composed of intelligent ple, shoes have physical materiality because they can
machines with digital sensors, networks, and processors. be worn, are hard to convert into a screwdriver, and
The pervasive adoptions of and innovations with dig- carry social meanings of appropriate uses and settings
ital technologies are radically changing the nature of for wearing them. Digital materiality, in contrast, refers
products and services. At the personal level, a pair of to what the software incorporated into an artifact can
running shoes with embedded radio-frequency identifi-
do by manipulating digital representations. A running
cation chips can communicate with a jogger’s mobile
shoe with a microchip has a digital materiality in that it
phone about the distances he or she ran and the num-
ber of steps that were taken, producing a stream of data can record representations of movement in a digital for-
for that individual’s analysis or for sharing on social mat, whereas one without the chip cannot. The uniquely
media sites. At the industrial level, engineers working powerful affordances of digital technologies (Kallinikos
on a complex construction project can now use three- et al. 2010) allow designers to expand existing physical
dimensional (3D) scanners to measure precise positions materiality by “entangling” it with software-based digital
of steel beam connections and surfaces and compare capabilities (Yoo 2010, Zammuto et al. 2007). For exam-
them with a full 3D digital model of the building design ple, a microchip in an automobile can be programmed to
so that any discrepancies from the desired tolerances can record a driver’s acceleration, braking, and speed as he
be immediately identified and corrected. or she drives and can then communicate with the driver’s
A defining characteristic of pervasive digital tech- insurance company, that in turn could reduce insurance
nology is the incorporation of digital capabilities into premiums for good driving patterns. In myriad ways, the
Yoo et al.: Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1398–1408, © 2012 INFORMS 1399

digital materiality enabled by pervasive digital technol- Internet, phone, and TV services) or “quadruple-play”
ogy presents new possibilities for creating experiences, (adding mobile Internet) is a direct outcome of the
relationships, processes, and organizational forms. affordances of pervasive digital technology for bring-
The fundamental, unique properties of digital tech- ing together media contents, storage, and distribution
nology include reprogrammable functionality (enabled technologies. Digital convergence, in turn, has created
by its Von Neumann architecture) and data homoge- major new media experiences such as Spotify, Hulu, or
nization (enabled by discrete representation of data in Slingbox. Second, the affordances of pervasive digital
bits of 0 and 1) (Yoo et al. 2010). As digital technolo- technology create convergence because digital technol-
gies become pervasive, these properties provide envi- ogy is increasingly embedded into previously nondigi-
ronments of open and flexible affordances that result tal physical artifacts, creating so-called “smart” products
in two unique characteristics of organizational innova- and tools. With these smart products and tools, a sin-
tion with digital technologies: convergence and genera- gle artifact can create multiple new affordances, each
tivity. These characteristics herald a new area of organi- of which previously required a separate product or tool.
zational scholarship exploring the digital materiality of For example, a smartphone can afford voice call, photo
new product and service designs, new business models, taking, games, and many other capabilities that a user
and new organizational forms associated with pervasive could possibly need (e.g., emulating beer drinking, serv-
digital technology. The digital materiality of pervasive ing as a flashlight)—all on a single device. Third, the ini-
technology is interwoven with and is interacting with our tial convergence of media and products discussed above
more familiar physical materiality. Even though there sets in motion another type of convergence by bring-
has been substantial research on sociotechnical systems ing together previously separate industries. For exam-
since the groundbreaking work at the Tavistock Institute ple, Skype, a software development firm, now competes
(see, e.g., Emery and Trist 1965), there has been less directly with traditional telecommunication companies
research on the digital materiality created by pervasive in international and long-distance markets.
digital technology (Law and Urry 2004, Orlikowski and The affordances of pervasive digital technology also
Scott 2008, Robey et al. 2003). The desire to promote produce innovations characterized by generativity, or “a
increased scholarship in these emerging areas is the pri- technology’s overall capacity to produce unprompted
mary motivation for developing this special issue. change driven by large, varied, and uncoordinated audi-
In what follows, we first discuss convergence and gen- ences” (Zittrain 2006, p. 1980). Generativity means
erativity as characteristic of innovations produced by the that digital technologies become inherently dynamic
affordances of pervasive digital technology. Then, we and malleable. Organizational theories that may have
outline three traits of innovations with pervasive digital assumed (either explicitly or by oversight) that tech-
technology that are shaped by convergence and genera- nology is fixed and immutable now must consider the
tivity. We believe these traits are crucial for understand- possibility that the technology providing the basis for
ing the potential impact of pervasive digital technology organizational functioning is dynamically changing, trig-
on innovation processes and organization science. We gering consequent changes in organizational functioning.
then introduce the six articles in this special issue and As with the characteristic of convergence, pervasive dig-
review how each relates to these traits. We conclude our ital technology creates generative innovation in a number
essay by identifying pivotal research questions and dis- of different ways. First, because of its reprogrammable
cussing their implications for research on organizational nature, pervasive digital technology exhibits a procras-
innovation in our era of pervasive digital technologies. tinated binding of form and function (Zittrain 2006),
meaning that new capabilities can be added after a prod-
uct or a tool has been designed and produced. An illus-
Convergent and Generative Characteristics trative example is smartphones with apps. In this case,
of Pervasive Digital Technology Innovation the generativity is accomplished through the establish-
Technology affordance refers to “an action potential, that ment of a platform, which enables innovations by third-
is, to what an individual or organization with a partic- party developers to be integrated into the platform after
ular purpose can do with a technology or information the fact (Benkler 2006, Tiwana et al. 2010, Tuomi 2002).
system” (Majchrzak and Markus 2012). The affordances Second, the generativity of pervasive digital technology
of pervasive digital technologies create innovations char- is manifested in what Boland et al. (2007) referred to
acterized by convergence and generativity, which we as wakes of innovation. For example, the introduction
explore in detail below. of a suite of 3D visualization tools in the construction
The affordances of pervasive digital technology enable industry changed the role and scope of surveyors, dra-
innovations of convergence in a number of ways. First, matically increasing the number of points they located
innovation with pervasive digital technology brings pre- during a construction project (Boland et al. 2007). This,
viously separate user experiences together. For exam- in turn, required a different locus of control over the sur-
ple, the so-called “triple-play” (combining broadband veying function and introduced new forms of contracts
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and project management. Finally, the use of pervasive recent smartphone ecosystems connect computing, con-
digital technologies is generative because it leaves an sumer electronics, media, and the mobile telecommuni-
unprecedented volume of digital traces as by-products. cations industries, which collectively form complex con-
The innovative uses of these digital traces can lead to figurations of actors. As the strategic importance of these
new innovations that were not anticipated by the original digital platforms has grown, one of the key innovation
innovators or consumers. For example, some innovators imperatives is how to design, build, and sustain a vibrant
could start streaming, integrating, and analyzing data platform. For example, digital technology may become
from our jogging exercises and use them to create per- organized into loosely coupled layers of different tech-
sonalized training plans and follow their progress. Such nologies, requiring firms to decide which layer(s) of the
derivative innovations add new layers of affordances to platform they will permit other firms to extend (Yoo
those digital products and services. Indeed, a bulk of the et al. 2010).
innovations in social and mobile media results from gen- A second perspective on the role of platforms in per-
erative use of their digital traces—now reflected in the vasive digital technology is that the proliferation of dig-
popular idea of “big data” (Economist 2010). ital tools or digital components allows firms to build a
platform not just of products but of digital capabilities
Organizational Innovation with used throughout the organization to support its differ-
ent functions. For example, large complex information
Pervasive Digital Technology
systems such as enterprise resource planning systems or
The open, flexible affordances of pervasive digital tech-
electronic patient record systems are increasingly serv-
nology are fundamentally shifting the nature of inno-
ing as a platform to which other tools can be added in
vation processes and outcomes in several ways. In this
essay, we identify three traits of innovations that are order to take advantage of shared data resources (Tilson
associated with pervasive digital technology as they et al. 2010). The importance of digital platforms for
are reflected in the articles that appear in this special organizational sciences increases as digital technologies
issue: (1) the importance of digital technology platforms, become more pervasive; firms can now design and con-
(2) the emergence of distributed innovations, and (3) the trol multiple products or subsystems using the same dig-
prevalence of combinatorial innovation. We do not view ital tools that in the past would have required different
these traits to be exhaustive, but rather as a tentative, tools. For example, in the automotive industry, original
initial list of key traits of innovation processes and out- equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are now able to con-
comes in the age of pervasive digital technology. solidate the design and control of certain components
with multiple digital capabilities that were formerly dis-
Digital Technology Platforms persed among suppliers (see Lee and Berente 2012).
One the most important traits of innovation processes The emergence of a platform as a key element for
and outcomes with pervasive digital technology is the innovations with pervasive digital technologies has sev-
emergence of a platform as the central focus of the eral important implications for organizational inquiry.
innovation. A platform, as used here, is “0 0 0a building First, organizations must be designed to manage the del-
block, providing an essential function to a technological icate balance of generativity and control in the platform.
system—which acts as a foundation upon which other When an organization exercises too much control over
firms can develop complementary products, technologies the platform, it runs the risk of driving out third-party
or services” (Gawer 2009, p. 2). The concept of platform developers, thus choking the generativity of its platform.
is not a new one (Ciborra 1996, Kim and Kogut 1996). When organizations do not exercise any control, on the
However, the pervasive penetration of digital technol- other hand, the platform becomes too varied and frag-
ogy with its flexible, open affordances has heightened mented and thus it becomes less useful for both devel-
the role of a platform and made it the central focus opers and customers; this makes it difficult for the firm
of many firms’ innovation activities. We have observed to capture value from its own innovations (West and
this occurring across several industries, including the Gallagher 2006). For example, when Apple first intro-
automotive, aerospace, media, telecommunications, and duced iOS, it exercised complete control over prein-
information technology industries. stalled, native applications to ensure the value expected
The role of a platform for innovations with perva- from the platform. It was only when the independent
sive digital technology can be seen from two different developers of the “jail-breaking” community introduced
perspectives. From one perspective, to harness the con- user-installed, unofficial applications created by third-
vergence and generativity made possible by pervasive party developers that Apple reluctantly embraced gen-
digital technology, firms now innovate by creating plat- erativity among third-party developers and the result-
forms rather than single products. The platform and its ing Apple App Store. Generativity became an essential
modules form an ecosystem (Gawer 2009, Gawer and element of Apple’s product strategy after it embraced
Cusumano 2002, Tiwana et al. 2010) that includes het- generative application development by third parties as
erogeneous actors (see Boudreau 2012). For example, part of its iOS platform. In contrast, Google allowed
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too much uncontrolled change in its open Android plat- include the fault lines between digital and physical mate-
form, and it has recently introduced measures to better riality (see Dougherty and Dunne 2012). More complex
control the core of the operating system and how it is roles for information systems and organizational mem-
changed. Also, its acquisition of Motorola can be seen bers are required to allow for continuous scanning to
as an attempt to better control the user experience and identify the signals that indicate when boundaries should
hardware interfaces. Therefore, in the context of mul- be crossed and reconfigured and when they should not,
tisided markets, uncontrollable third parties, and plat- because too much heterogeneity and boundless innova-
form generativity, there is a need to develop theories that tion creates chaos.
explain how such complex contexts unfold over time.
Although scholarly works on multisided markets and Distributed Innovations
platform organizing provide a promising departure point A second trait of innovations with pervasive digital
(Eisenman et al. 2006, Weyl 2010), more work is needed technologies is the increasingly distributed nature of
in this area to consider the role of power, knowledge, the innovation product and process. Over the last sev-
culture, and institutional norms in creating and manag- eral decades, scholars of organizational science have
ing platform generativity in multisided markets. noted that the reduction of communication and coordi-
A second implication for organizational scholars of nation cost as a result of information technology has
a convergent and generative platform is that, as firms led to a geographical dispersion of innovation activ-
leverage more standardized tools to design, produce, and ities (Dhanaraj and Parkhe 2006, Gupta et al. 2007,
support products and services throughout the organiza- Maznevski and Chudoba 2000). Scholars have also
tion and its value chain, they share more data and pro-
noted that the use of information technology “democ-
cesses across organizational boundaries. The sharing of
ratized” the innovation process, distributing the con-
data and processes with digital tools challenges conven-
trol over innovation activities across multiple organiza-
tional norms of ownership, roles, and rules, often trig-
tions (Chesbrough et al. 2006, von Hippel 2005). As a
gering new configurations of relationships among actors
result, the locus of innovation activities is increasingly
involved in innovations. Such reconfiguration can hap-
moving toward the periphery of organizations. Conse-
pen both within and across organizational boundaries.
quently, firms are drawing on novel forms of organizing,
For example, as digital 3D visualizations of complex
such as online communities (Faraj et al. 2011), open
designs became a standard tool for many large construc-
tion projects, a leading construction firm consolidated innovation (Boudreau 2010), and innovation challenges
software and “digital” construction engineers through- (Boudreau et al. 2011), to harness creativity outside of
out to create an internal consulting unit that provides 3D the organization.
visualization and simulation capability. This reconfigu- Not only are innovations increasingly moving toward
ration of roles brought significant changes in the way the the periphery of an organization, but the distributed
firm manages and executes its contracts (Berente et al. innovation spurred by pervasive digital technology
2007). Such reconfigurations of roles, rules, and norms increases the heterogeneity of knowledge resources
suggest the value of examining organizational design as needed in order to innovate. Even though all innovations
a dynamic emergent process enabled by the digital plat- require successful integration of heterogeneous knowl-
form (Yoo et al. 2006). edge (Carlile 2002, Nonaka 1994), the convergence of
A third implication for organizational scholars of gen- pervasive digital technology intensifies the degree of
erative platforms is that innovation activities increas- heterogeneity and the need for dynamic balancing and
ingly become horizontal as efficiencies are gained by integration of knowledge resources. For example, con-
applying the same innovation activities and knowledge vergent products may derive from completely differ-
across multiple products or platforms. For example, the ent industries and unrelated bodies of knowledge. The
same app can be developed not only for multiple soft- development of digital tools combines the knowledge,
ware platforms but also for multiple hardware devices, data, and processes of diverse physical machines that
such as TVs, phones, and computers. Similarly, the same were previously disconnected. This increasingly requires
software module can be used for a number of differ- the integration of heterogeneous knowledge resources
ent products. Such horizontal innovation activities imply from specialized, self-contained professions or industries
that not only are digital platforms needed but orga- (see Barrett et al. 2012). As a result, the heterogeneity
nizations must increasingly create generative platforms of knowledge resources increases with pervasive digital
of knowledge, skills, learning processes, structures, and technology, and the quantity of knowledge that requires
strategies (Ciborra 1996, Purvis et al. 2001). More- integration also continues to grow as new opportunities
over, the notion of boundaries within and across firms for convergent tools and products are generated.
becomes increasingly muddied as any boundary—be it Distributed innovation has several important organiza-
across firms, functions, or ecosystems—limits innova- tional implications. First, the fluid generativity of dis-
tion and growth. Furthermore, these boundaries likely tributed innovations suggests that knowledge resources
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1402 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1398–1408, © 2012 INFORMS

will be increasingly heterogeneous and often only tem- become even more heightened when individuals draw on
porarily integrated, with the levels of heterogeneity and multiple tools simultaneously in enacting their practices
integration changing dynamically in response to unpre- (Pentland and Feldman 2007). Organizational scholars
dictable changes from inside and outside the firm’s should further explore the new forms of risk from trust-
ecosystem. The notion of clearly experienced fault lines ing too much on technology.
between organizational members (Lau and Murninghan
2005), for example, may give way to much vaguer, Combinatorial Innovation
fluidly interpreted fault signals. The notion of organi- A third trait of innovation with pervasive digital tech-
zational incentives (Kaplan and Henderson 2005) may nology is what we refer to as combinatorial innova-
come to be understood as less of a structural feature of tion. Increasingly, firms are creating new products or
the organization and as more of an adaptive emergent services by combining existing modules with embedded
coordination mechanism. The notion of a team may need digital capabilities. Arthur (2009) notes that the nearly
to be replaced with the notion of highly varying task- limitless recombination of digital artifacts has become
expertise-people units (Brandon and Hollingshead 2004) a new source of innovation. Many software-based digi-
that are fluidly combined, carried out, and replaced in tal modules that follow standard interfaces can now be
some emergent trajectory toward a goal or problem easily “mashed up” with other modules that follow the
resolution. same standard. For example, many Web services now
A second implication of distributed innovation with offer standardized interfaces so that other developers can
pervasive digital technology is that innovation increas- combine them with their new products or services. The
ingly requires that others be enabled to innovate as
tracking program associated with running shoes can be
well. The enabling of others can now be seen in the
combined with map APIs to store the tracks that a jog-
development of novel technological resources, such as
ger has run and to visualize them on the Web. They can
open data, APIs (application programming interfaces),
also be connected to Facebook APIs to share this run-
and SDKs (software development kits). These tech-
ning information with the individual’s friends. Another
nological artifacts, however, are simultaneously imbri-
example comes from circuit design. Electrical engineers
cated with certain social norms, organizing principles,
innovate next-generation microprocessors by recombin-
and role separations (Purvis et al. 2001). For exam-
ing thousands of predefined granular logic circuits that
ple, different forms of license agreements associated
with these resource endowments imply different social, represent the foundations of chip manufacturing. These
economic, and legal relationships among distributed may change across microprocessor generations and can
actors who may join a common innovation project. This be combined in new ways over time. Similarly, online
offers opportunities for forging new organizational and communities allow members to build on other members’
strategic relationships around different technological and contributions to cocreate new content (Faraj et al. 2011,
organizational artifacts that are designed to facilitate dis- Lessig 2008).
tributed innovation. Combinatorial innovations have several important
A third implication of distributed innovation is the implications for organizational science, not least of
emergence of new industrial structures. One interest- them being how combinatorial innovations are man-
ing aspect of distributed innovations is the parallel aged. Modularity is a crucial condition for combinatorial
coexistence of the “long tail” (Anderson 2006) of innovation (Baldwin and Clark 2000, Schilling 2000).
extremely specialized niche players and the “super- However, the notion of modularity adopted from the
stars” that quickly achieve global dominance as a result physical world, such as those used in car manufactur-
of their capability to integrate increasingly heteroge- ing or aerospace, needs to be expanded in order to fully
neous bodies of knowledge (Brynjolfsson et al. 2010). support combinatorial innovations with pervasive dig-
Such industrial structures cannot be easily explained ital technologies. With traditional, “physical” modular
through theories based on neoclassical economic models designs, modules are created through a decomposition
or the assumptions of normal distribution (Andriani and of complex products. That is, a product is designed first,
McKelvey 2009). then parts and subsystems are designed with standard-
Finally, distributed innovation introduces new forms ized physical interfaces. With combinatorial innovations
of risk. Digital technology assumes decontextualization of pervasive digital technologies, modules are most often
of representations from physical objects and individuals. designed without fully knowing the “whole” design of
Yet such loose coupling between the realms of the digital how each module will be integrated with another (Gawer
and the physical can lead to serious unintended conse- 2009). When Google Maps API was first introduced,
quences (see Bailey et al. 2012). The risk of misplaced for example, the designers at Google did not know that
faith in distributed innovation with technology increases it would be combined with thousands of location-based
as the ability of digital technology to render realistic databases to create so called “mash-ups.” Nor were they
representations of the physical world grows. The risks aware when they developed Google My Maps that it
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would be used as an emergency coordination and com- A fourth implication of combinatorial innovation is
munication capability during a natural disaster—until it a heightened complexity of the innovation process. As
happened during Hurricane Katrina. more heterogeneous modules originally produced by
With combinatorial innovations, then, the boundary diverse actors are combined to create new innovations,
of a product is unknowable and the product or ser- organizations increasingly run the risk of complex sys-
vice remains incomplete (Yoo et al. 2010). In this temic failure or other forms of unintended consequences
regard, smartphones remain essentially incomplete prod- (Perrow 1999). Products, tools, and subsystems that
ucts when they are first purchased: users need to install were originally built for one context can now easily tra-
applications to combine new affordances into an exist- verse to other contexts as they become more mobile
ing product. In fact, they remain incomplete throughout through digital technology. Yet such mobilization of dig-
their lifetime, as users continue to add and remove appli- ital components creates greater risks of failures because
cations and change their functional capabilities. Orga- of the heightened complexity of digital capabilities. New
nizational theories of innovation that assume a product digital tools in the areas of drug discovery (Dougherty
has a fixed boundary and follows a certain life cycle and Dunne 2012), complex system design (Bailey et al.
will need to be changed. For example, the idea of a 2012), or financial engineering (e.g., the calamitous
fixed product is essential for product life cycle models effects of the 2008 financial meltdown) are all examples
(Abernathy and Utterback 1978, Utterback 1994), punc- of the new forms of systemic risks brought about by per-
tuated models of innovation (Anderson and Tushman vasive digital technology. Scholars have become increas-
1990, Tushman and Anderson 1986), and architectural ingly aware of the new forms of organizational risks aris-
innovations (Henderson and Clark 1990). All of these ing from this type of complexity (Faraj and Xiao 2006,
models assume stable and fixed boundaries around a Jarvenpaa and Majchrzak 2010, Carlo et al. 2012, Weick
product. Organizational scholars need to explore new and Roberts 1993, Weick et al. 1999). Yet as practition-
theoretical accounts on product development and inno- ers continue to build new forms of novel combinatorial
vations with more dynamic and permeable product innovations, new forms of organizing that embrace and
boundaries. build on complexity will provide opportunities for orga-
A second organizational implication of combinato- nizational scholarship. Organizational scholars attending
rial innovation is that organizations need to invest in to the implicit paradoxes in these contexts may find par-
new forms of creativity. In particular, organizations must ticular value in studying these new forms of organizing
build environments for constrained serendipity (Faraj (Andriopoulos and Lewis 2009, Smith and Lewis 2011,
et al. 2011) whereby emergent and serendipitous behav- Smith and Tushman 2005).
ior is supported among distributed organizations. In fact,
managing and fostering serendipity online may become
a critical dynamic capability for firms. We need to con- Articles in the Special Issue
sider what affordances of digital tools can support the We received 39 full-paper submissions. Through three
constrained serendipitous interactions that lead to valu- rounds of reviews, we eventually accepted six papers
able combinatorial innovations (see Austin et al. 2012). that we felt were the most fully developed. Each article
A third implication of combinatorial innovation con- addresses different aspects of the above-mentioned three
cerns how innovations diffuse in an industry. Instead of traits. These studies draw on rich and diverse theoret-
the traditional S-curve diffusion model (Mansfield et al. ical traditions and employ different empirical methods.
1977), the contagious spread of ideas in a social net- Given the nascent stage of pervasive digital technolo-
work context has gained increasing interest across dif- gies in our economy, these articles provide early pictures
ferent fields, including the spread of obesity (Christakis of what is to come as the current wave of growth in
and Fowler 2009), viral marketing (Godes et al. 2005, digital technologies continues. We hope that these stud-
Ho and Dempsey 2010), and diffusion of digital content ies will inspire organizational scholars to embrace more
(Susarla et al. 2011). The contagion models of diffusion fully the new sociotechnical reality of a ubiquitous pres-
of innovation, however, implicitly assume that innova- ence of digital technology in everyday life in their the-
tions are being spread but are not changing. Given the orizing and empirics. We also hope that these articles
advent of combinatorial innovations, ideas will not sim- demonstrate the rich and varied ways in which the con-
ply spread but will mutate and evolve as they spread. ditions and effects of pervasive digital technology can
Boland et al. (2007) use the image of “wakes of inno- be investigated.
vation” to capture the ever-changing landscape of the Kevin J. Boudreau’s article, “Let a Thousand Flowers
innovations as those from heterogeneous communities Bloom? An Early Look at Large Numbers of Software
collide with one another. Organization science schol- App Developers and Patterns of Innovation,” highlights
ars have an opportunity to develop new theoretical and the impact of digital platforms on the distributed, het-
empirical methods to study the evolutionary patterns and erogeneous nature of innovations with pervasive digital
dynamics of such combinatorial innovations. technologies. He argues that platform-based innovations
Yoo et al.: Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World
1404 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1398–1408, © 2012 INFORMS

with pervasive digital technologies are different from tra- article illustrates how the convergent nature of affor-
ditional mix-and-match innovation strategies of modular dances of digital technology affects industrial organi-
products. Leveraging upon unique monthly sales data zation, particularly intensifying the need to integrate
from a point-of-sales database of a leading retailer of heterogeneous knowledge resources. Their work is also
software applications for personal digital assistants, he is an example of a study that explores the organizational
able to analyze the impact of the size and heterogeneity implications of hybrid innovations.
of the third-party developers on the innovation dynamics Whereas the first two articles deal with the generative
in the highly contested mobile computing software mar- nature of affordances of pervasive digital technology, the
ket. He finds that the increase in third-party developers following three articles all deal with different forms of
participating in a platform leads to an increase in the complexity and the risks that arise from the convergent
diversity of the applications offered on the platform. He nature of affordances of digital tools as they are used in
further finds that the increase in the diversity of products organizations. Michael Barrett, Eivor Oborn, Wanda J.
stimulates innovation within the platform, whereas sim- Orlikowski, and JoAnne Yates discuss the implication of
ply adding more similar products in a crowded market a kind of hybrid digital innovation that is often over-
has an opposite effect. Therefore, he shows that the pri- looked in organization studies: robotics. Their article,
mary goal of building a digital platform is not to create “Reconfiguring Boundary Relations: Robotic Innova-
an economy of scale by having multiple suppliers who tions in Pharmacy Work,” shows how the introduction of
make the same components but to build increased het- drug-dispensing robots in two UK hospitals changed the
erogeneity by attracting a large number of heterogeneous boundary relationship among pharmacists, technicians,
developers who build different kinds of products. His and assistants. Drawing on Pickering’s (1995) theory
article clearly shows how the generative nature of affor- on sociomateriality, they analyze the robot’s hybrid and
dances of pervasive digital technology is deeply related dynamic materiality that entangles the mechanical ele-
to both social and technical heterogeneity and how the ments and digital inscriptions. By so doing, they directly
locus of innovations and the success of platforms is mov- deal with the organizational implication of hybrid inno-
vations. Their findings suggest that the manipulation
ing toward the periphery.
and control of different forms of hybrid material of
The article by Jaegul Lee and Nicholas Berente, “Dig-
robots influence the reconfiguration of boundary rela-
ital Innovation and the Division of Innovative Labor:
tionships among three professional groups. For exam-
Digital Controls in the Automotive Industry,” exam-
ple, they find that material differences in the difficulty
ines the impact of embedding of digital capabilities
of modifying mechanical elements and digital software
into physical products on the structure of organizing
lead to different organizational consequences. Further-
for innovations. Situated in the automotive industry,
more, they note that the highly mobile nature of digital
which is arguably the pinnacle of the industrial econ- materiality allows two hospitals to share similar tun-
omy, their study explores how the changes in the product ing processes and outcomes. Their work adds a more
architecture as a result of embedding of digital tech- nuanced approach to the increasingly popular sociomate-
nology leads to the emergence of new forms of indus- riality discourse (Leonardi and Barley 2010, Orlikowski
trial organization. They argue that digital technology, and Scott 2008) by explicitly recognizing digital and
because of its homogenizing effect, defies the strict mechanical elements as two distinct forms of materiality
boundaries of complex physical products across sub- and how they jointly influence organizing.
systems. Through the analysis of patent data on emis- Deborah Dougherty and Danielle D. Dunne’s “Digital
sion control systems between 1970 and 1998 that cover Science and Knowledge Boundaries in Complex Inno-
two major technological shifts, they explore how the vation” deals with the consequences of the use of digital
emergence of a traditional dominant design and that tools for innovations characterized as “wet” science. In
of a new digital technology have distinctively different particular, they explore how the use of digital technol-
effects on organizational structure. Consistent with the ogy in new drug discovery creates new types of fault
received innovation literature based on the concepts of lines between digital scientists and traditional wet ther-
dominant design (Anderson and Tushman 1990, Tush- apy scientists in three knowledge dimensions: defining
man and Anderson 1986) and modularity (Baldwin and the product, building the product, and projecting the
Clark 2000, Henderson and Clark 1990), they report future. Furthermore, they suggest that innovation activi-
that after the emergence of a traditional dominant design ties of both groups of scientists need to be transformed
based on modular hierarchy, car OEMs focused on in order to deal with these new fault lines in knowl-
architectural innovations while suppliers increased the edge. They propose three specific strategies to deal with
intensity of component innovations. However, with the the emerging complexity that arises in the combinatorial
emergence of digital control systems, they found that and hybrid nature of innovations with pervasive digi-
OEMs refocused on component innovations while sup- tal technologies. Specifically, these three strategies are
pliers increased architectural innovation activities. The (a) building an open problem space, (b) constructing
Yoo et al.: Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1398–1408, © 2012 INFORMS 1405

partial models as a way of searching the open problem Concluding Remarks

space productively, and (c) anticipating multiple futures The central challenge to the community of organization
by contrasting different models. Their work highlights science scholars that we raise in this special issue is that
the inherent risks and complexity with the use of digi- pervasive digital technology, while being rapidly adopted
tal tools for complex, science-based product innovations. by organizations, is fundamentally reshaping them. What
Both scholars and practitioners should heed their warn- is the nature of the theories and research that can
ings on the new forms of fault lines due to the use of faithfully reflect and guide these changes? Specifically,
new digital tools in organizations. we highlighted the convergent and generative conse-
Diane E. Bailey, Paul M. Leonardi, and Stephen R. quences of the affordances of pervasive digital technol-
Barley’s “The Lure of the Virtual” also deals with the ogy and how these affordances change the very nature
consequences of digitalization of tools, but here, it is in of innovations in organization. We then offered three
the context of new car development. Specifically, they traits of innovation with pervasive digital technology that
explore how the increased dependence on more real- have important implications for organizational scholar-
istic digital tools to simulate, visualize, and test new ship and practice. Although we offered some ideas about
complex products and their “crashability” leads to unin- how these three traits of digital innovations are lead-
tended consequences of separating physical objects and ing to significant changes in organizational practices, we
people from the virtual representations of design objects. hope that future research will further explore how these
They also show how the use of these highly realistic three traits and other additional traits that we did not
digital tools leads to reconfigurations of jobs and tasks, explore are fundamentally rewiring our organizations.
and design outcomes are not always desirable. Finally, Even though they are still in nascent stages, the articles
they point out that placing too much trust on digital tools in this special issue offer some initial and novel insights
can backfire, and the likelihood of casting blind faith to the readers of Organization Science on the signifi-
on digital technology increases as its power and capac- cant implications of pervasive digital technology. First,
ity to represent the world grows. Their finding provides they show that firms must now learn how to build up
and organize the digital platforms that are increasingly
a contrarian perspective to existing stream of research
gaining strategic importance. Second, the articles show
on virtual work (Jarvenpaa et al. 2004) and electronic
that the introduction of pervasive digital technology in
commerce (Ba and Pavlou 2002) that emphasizes the
organizations creates unseen and unexpected fault lines,
positive effects of trust. Their work illustrates, indeed,
and organizations must now learn to carefully deal with
how users build up different relationships with differ-
those fault lines in order to take full advantage of new
ent types of representations and how such differences
digital technologies.
in relationships lead to divergent organizational impli-
One important aspect of innovation that we did not
cations. The authors’ relational account of digital tech-
discuss in detail and that is not covered in the special
nology adds also to the current debate on technology issue articles is how pervasive digital technology is also
affordances, which focuses on the range of potential changing the pace of innovation. By pace, we mean the
interactions between individuals, groups, and technology rate at which change is happening within the innova-
(Majchrzak and Markus 2012). tion space. On the one hand, digital technology seems to
The final article of this special issue is “Accidental accelerate the pace of innovation, as the reprogrammable
Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability in the and generative nature of its affordances makes it easy
Creative Process,” by Robert D. Austin, Lee Devin, and for firms to introduce new products and services. The
Erin E. Sullivan. This article focuses on the accidental increased pace in all digital domains has resulted in a
and serendipitous nature of innovations that are becom- situation in which innovation needs to be continuous,
ing more pronounced during the era of pervasive dig- relentless, and fast. On the other hand, firms must spend
ital technologies. By conducting an inductive analysis more time to carefully design, build, and deploy plat-
of 20 case studies of innovations in a wide range of forms and engage in architecting and designing-related
contexts, including arts, design, entertainment, product standards. Large-scale platforms such as Internet back-
development, and scientific discovery, they specifically bones, broadband mobile networks, or large-scale cloud
discover five key themes that characterize unpredictable computing infrastructures take a long time to build, and
innovations. Based on these five themes, they further they require substantial financial investments and careful
propose six design principles for digital technology to coordination of the standards that define key interfaces
increase the benefits of accidental innovation while con- and behaviors (Star 2002, Tilson et al. 2010). Further-
trolling for its cost. In the context of our special issue, more, such large-scale digital platforms are path depen-
their design principles offer a useful foundation for dent (David 1985), creating further resistance to change.
designing digital tools to support distributed and combi- We hope that future research will explore to what extent
natorial innovations with pervasive digital technologies. this paradoxical impact of pervasive digital technology
Yoo et al.: Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World
1406 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1398–1408, © 2012 INFORMS

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