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College of Business & Accountacy Score

Quiz #1 - OM101 Exequiel C. Cruspero Jr., MBA, CPA

Test I. TRUE or FALSE: Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

__________ 1. Management is the art of getting things done through people in organizations.
__________ 2. One function of management in the twenty-first century is producing.
__________ 3. Choosing goals is part of the formal planning process.
__________ 4. Only senior managers engage in formal planning.
__________ 5. Lower-level managers use planning to develop overall strategies for an organization.
__________ 6. Managers at all levels in an organization spend a lot of time strategizing.
__________ 7. Strategizing involves constantly thinking through strategic alternatives.
__________ 8. An incentive is a factor that motivates individuals to pursue a particular course of action.
__________ 9. Strategizing involves thinking about how changes in the external environment impact the
__________ 10. Managers are only found at the very top levels of an organization.
__________ 11. Frontline managers are responsible for the overall performance of an organization.
__________ 12. Frontline managers manage employees who are themselves not managers.
__________ 13. To be a successful manager people must be able to get things done through other people.
__________ 14. Only people with a management degree can pursue a career in management.
__________ 15. The most demanding issues that managers encounter in their first year on the job are "people
__________ 16. Managers need to establish trust and credibility with their subordinates, peers, and bosses before
can influence them.
__________ 17. Jeremy is an outstanding accountant. He was recently promoted to manage five other accountants,
even though he has some trouble communicating with people. Because of his outstanding talent in
accounting, Jeremy will likely succeed as an accounting manager.
__________ 18. Mintzberg's three management roles include interpersonal roles, decisional roles, and informational
__________ 19. Interpersonal roles are roles that involve interacting with other people inside and outside the
__________ 20. Informational management roles are concerned with collecting, processing, and disseminating
__________ 21. Entrepreneurial management behavior can only occur in small firms.
__________ 22. Whereas interpersonal roles deal with people and informational roles deal with action, decisional
roles deal with knowledge.
__________ 23. Conceptual skills are the foundation for strategizing and organizing.
__________ 24. Technical skills allow people to strategize.
__________ 25. The demand for technical skills diminishes as a manager is promoted up the management hierarchy.

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__________ 26. Human skills go beyond interacting effectively with others and include the manager's self-awareness
and self-management.
__________ 27. It's not important as a manager to lead by example, since in any case employees must do what the
manager says.
__________ 28. Human skills are more important than technical and conceptual skills when it comes to distinguishing
between successful and mediocre managers.
__________ 29. Ed Dunlap, the chief operating officer of Wild Oats Markets, relies on technical skills such as in-store
operations and merchandising to do his job.
__________ 30. Microsoft found that great software programmers make great managers primarily due to their
outstanding human skills.


1-5 Five functions of management

6-10 5 M’s of management


1. Describe Mintzberg's three categories of managerial roles.


2. Describe the managerial skills that are required of great managers.


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