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Novel Testing of a Biological Safety Cabinet using PCR

Article · December 2010

DOI: 10.1177/153567601001500405

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4 authors, including:

Robert A Colvin
Ohio University


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Novel Testing of a Biological Safety Cabinet Using PCR

Charles P. Fontaine1, Timothy J. Ryan2, Peter W. Coschigano2, and Robert A. Colvin2
1Diagnostic Hybrids, Inc., Athens, Ohio and 2Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Abstract BSC is designed to achieve these goals by filtering and

controlling the flow of air over objects contained within
The biological safety cabinet is commonly em- (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2007a,
ployed to protect both user and product in an increas- 2007b).
ing number of biotechnology applications. It is recom- BSCs were developed to protect contained materials
mended that cabinets be fully certified annually, but and samples (“product”) from contamination arising out-
given the requirements of good laboratory manufactur- side of the cabinet, from cross-contamination, and to
ing practices, more frequent, less disruptive user protect the user from materials within (Stimpfel & Ger-
checks of equipment may be desirable. Furthermore, shey, 1991). This is achieved primarily through 3 con-
annual field certifications only determine that cabinets trols, the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) supply/
meet basic design and performance parameters and exhaust filters, unidirectional flow of the air internally,
cannot reveal all issues unique to a particular cabinet. and inward air flow at the front entrance to the cabinet.
This study describes the development of a novel in- The prevention of contamination between samples is
laboratory test method using common biotechnology intended to result from the unidirectional downward flow
tools that is capable of assessing bioaerosols contain- of the air within the work area (Heinsohn et al., 1995).
ment as well as cabinet-specific lateral motion of The Class II, Type A safety cabinet typified by this study
bioaerosols potentially responsible for product cross- is frequently employed and is detailed in Figure 1. In this
contamination. Genetically engineered viable bacteria type of cabinet air that has been HEPA filtered is pushed
releases, followed by colony recovery and gene amplifi- through an overhead diffuser into the cabinet work-
cation by polymerase chain reaction, constitute the es- space. As the air hits the work space it is split and col-
sence of the new approach. Specifically, a nebulizer lected by air returns at both the front and rear of the
was used to release a bioaerosol within a cabinet. Sin- cabinet work area. At the front air intake, contaminated
gle-stage bioaerosol samplers were simultaneously air from the room also enters and is pulled down in to
used to sample the challenge bioaerosol containing the plenum of the cabinet. Air is then HEPA filtered be-
bacteria engineered with a plasmid conferring Kana- fore entering the work space via the overhead filter,
mycin resistance. Recovered challenge bacteria were thereby protecting cabinet contents from external con-
grown on media containing the antibiotic, and the pres- taminants. This intake of air at the front portal also func-
ence of a DNA fragment in the bacterial plasmid was tions to provide personnel protection by preventing cabi-
confirmed. Results demonstrated that there was detect- net air release outward through this air curtain. Class II,
able lateral motion of bioaerosols within the biological Type A cabinets typically vent the exhaust air directly into
safety cabinet tested. The importance of such lateral the room through a second HEPA filter on top of the unit.
motion to product cross-contamination is discussed, as In this manner the indoor environment is protected from
are the applications for this novel testing method. It is any aerosols released by procedures in the cabinet.
concluded that the new technique represents an en- The Class II, Type A is manufactured by several com-
hanced level of safety cabinet field testing ability avail- panies and is anecdotally considered the most common-
able to the end user. ly encountered BSC. Regardless of the make all similar
class/type cabinets operate under the same design
Keywords parameters. These are prescribed by NSF International
PCR, laminar flow, NSF 49 testing, safety cabinet, in NSF/ANSI Standard 49 (NSF, 2008). In this type of
HEPA, and efficiency cabinet approximately 70% of the air contained within
has been recycled through the supply filter and about
Introduction 30% comes in through the intake at the front. The speci-
fications include the front sash height and opening size,
the amount of air recirculated in the cabinet, and the
Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) are employed in
intake velocity at the front, among other requirements
a multitude of clinical, research, and industrial applica-
(Heinsohn et al., 1995). NSF 49 covers not only con-
tions, including blood, bioaerosol, and wastewater sam-
struction and design specifications, but also the verifica-
ple analysis, immunology, cell culture, and microbiology.
tion methods for examining user and product contamina-
In such work, reproducibility and the prevention of con-
tion protection. Neither protection of the user nor sam-
tamination are paramount to useable outcomes. The
ple cross-contamination is quantitatively assessed by

186 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010


Figure 1
Class II Type A Biological Safety Cabinet
A—Contaminated room air. B—Sash, glass or other suitable material. C—HEPA filtered exhaust. D—Sealed return
air plenum. E—HEPA filter for work area airflow. F—Fan. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2007a).

the current NSF 49 field certification protocol. NSF 49 vibrating over the rough surface. Water from condensa-
field tests include air flow velocity and HEPA filter integri- tion in Petri dishes can also generate an aerosol, as hap-
ty but a field method to determine actual bioaerosol mo- pens when the film between the inverted dish and the
bility would be of value. rim of the lid is broken upon opening (Gerhardt, 1994).
Different aerosol types are generated by many meth- Centrifugation can cause foaming which has the
ods during routine sample and culture handling. Pipet- potential of moistening the cap or other closure. Break-
ting is one of the common sources of smaller aerosols, ing that moisture film upon opening will yield an aerosol
(Gerhardt, 1994) and it has been shown that up to (Gerhardt, 1994). Also, the foam bubbles may burst af-
15,000 particles can be released when the residual con- ter the cap is removed. Predictably, droplets created
tents in a pipette are forcibly expelled (Heinsohn et al., when opening containers increase the risk of contami-
1995). Aerosols are created when a pipette is used to nating locations proximal to their creation, including the
mix a liquid by “bubbling” that liquid, as bursting bub- workspace or the user’s hands (Stimpfel & Gershey,
bles are known to release droplets into the air. The sim- 1991). In all of these scenarios the unidirectional airflow
ple but routine action of opening containers also has the of the BSC is intended to serve as a primary means of
potential to generate aerosols. These droplets are gener- control.
ated when some of the fluid within the container has There are several benefits to using a polymerase
come in contact with the cap or plug. As the container is chain reaction (PCR)-based “release and recover” meth-
opened the surface tension holding the fluid between od of testing a biological safety cabinet. It is known that
the container and cap by is broken, releasing droplets even a single copy of a gene (and by extension, single
(Gerhardt, 1994). bacteria harboring that gene) can be amplified to a mil-
Mixing fluids by shaking is another source of aerosol lion copies through the use of PCR (Gerhardt, 1994). The
generation, especially larger particles. As a hot needle or PCR process therefore has a low limit of detection, and
sterile loop is inserted into an agar or liquid media aero- is therefore very sensitive, potentially highly accurate
sols are released by the associated spattering. Similarly, and discriminatory, and relatively quick as a method to
sterilizing an inoculating loop also has the potential to confirm the presence or absence of a particular segment
create an aerosol by the same means. Inoculating rough of DNA in a sample (Alvarez et al., 1995). Also, in situ
agar with a loop or needle also results in the production testing can be performed with a release and recover
of an aerosol, which is created by the loop or needle approach, actually testing the functionality of a specific Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010 187


cabinet for performance relative to the equipment it con- and tutH genes of the tutE tutFDGH gene cluster in
tains. Such in-use performance testing has considerable Thauera aromatic Strain T1. These genes have been well
merit when used in conjunction with the testing of basic studied and cataloged (Coschigano & Bishop, 2004).
design, performance and specification elements for such E. coli suspensions containing the plasmid with the
user devices. Finally, the method allows for a wide varie- tutE insert were used in all challenge releases as well as
ty of user-specific processes, germane to actual contami- for positive controls. Those with the tutH insert were
nation or process QA/QC issues at-hand. used for negative controls. Cells containing the plasmid
In this study genetically altered E. coli colonies re- and inserts therefore exhibited two important character-
covered from Kanamycin containing agar impaction istics making them well suited for use as challenge aero-
plates were analyzed via PCR to confirm that the colony sol organisms. Firstly, the plasmid conferred a unique
forming units (CFUs) collected originated solely at the and easily assayed antibiotic (Kanamycin) resistance.
point of aerosol release, for a given set of experimental Secondly, the plasmid allowed for a secondary confirma-
conditions tested. Examined in this study were: 1) the tion of the recovered test bacteria through PCR. The tutE
amount of cross-contamination occurring within the cabi- and tutH fragments differ in size from each other by over
net, and 2) the loss of containment from the cabinet to 500 base pairs (bp). This difference in size is easily re-
surrounding workspace, potentially contaminating other solved in agarose gels. Demonstrating the actual pres-
samples and equipment. ence of plasmid/inserts was required to confirm that the
source of the colonies recovered was exclusively from
Methods the aerosol released, and not from ambient sources,
preexisting cabinet contamination, or poor laboratory
A Nuaire model NU-425-400 (Nuaire, Plymouth, MN) techniques.
Class II, Type A Biological Safety Cabinet was used Existing strains of the tutE and tutH transformed E.
throughout this project. Annual certification of this type coli bacteria were used (Coschigano & Bishop, 2004).
of cabinet is required and was accomplished prior to the Bacterial cultures were passed to new plates at two
sampling protocol (U.S. Department of Health and Hu- week intervals to keep cells viable and maintain cell
man Services, 2007a, 2007b). In addition to airflow as- lines. Cultures for aerosolization as well as bacterial
sessment, filter integrity was checked with an aerosol of counting controls were grown in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth
poly $-olefin (PAO, LCS Inc., 2003). This aerosol was suspensions. Millers LB Broth Base (Life Technologies,
pumped directly into the front intake manifold, and a Paisley, Scotland) was used to grow cells for eventual
photometer used to scan the top diffuser, directly below aerosol preparation, and as growth media in the agar
the HEPA supply filter, as well as the HEPA exhaust filter. impactor plates. LB media was made by mixing 25 g of
It should be pointed out that the introduction of PAO was dry LB powder into 1 L of deionized and filter sterilized
not accomplished via a “T” connection from the supply water (dH2O), then autoclaved at 121°C for 20 minutes.
line, and that the diffuser was not removed by the certifi- After cooling to about 40°C the media was supplement-
cation contractor. Both of these deviations from NSF 49 ed with Kanamycin (Boehringer, Mannheim, GmbH, Ger-
practices are not believed to have affected the final cer- many). To generate the broth culture for aerosolization a
tification determination for the cabinet, however. single viable colony was picked from an agar plate of
stock bacteria colonies and placed in a sterile 15 ml test
Release Aerosol tube containing 3 ml LB broth. This was placed in a
To enable the specificity of the new method, a novel shaking incubator at 230 RPM and 37°C and left over-
test organism for release in a challenge aerosol was night. The following day the culture was removed from
needed. Novel bacterial plasmids previously created the incubator, the suspension brought to 25 ml total
and inserted into E. coli were utilized for this purpose volume with LB Broth Base, and returned to the shaking
(Coschigano & Bishop, 2004). Briefly, the pCR-Blunt incubator for about 3 hours prior to use for creating the
II-TOPO plasmid is part of the Zero Blunt TOPO PCR challenge aerosol.
Cloning Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). This kit allows for To initially determine the optimal time to grow the
high efficiency direct insertion PCR products that have 25 ml cultures for aerosolization, incubator samples
blunt ends (Invitrogen, 2004). At each end of the open were taken from 0 minutes to 4 hours. Each sample
plasmid there is a topoisomerase I enzyme that is able was serially diluted and spread onto plates for enumera-
to ligate double stranded (ds) DNA into the plasmid tion. An aliquot was read for optical density (OD) at 550
(Shuman, 1991). In this way a circular dsDNA plasmid nm using a Carey 50 Probe UV-Visible Spectrophotome-
can be opened and the ends activated, to ligate to an- ter (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA). The use of OD at a
other strand of dsDNA (Shuman, 1994). Within the plas- given wavelength for the determination of bacterial con-
mid are several genes that allow for selection of only centration is standard microbiological practice (Hu et
those bacteria that contain the insert (Bernard et al., al., 2000). OD readings, in conjunction with serial plate
1994). Two inserts were used in this study, from the tutE counts, provided a known growth time necessary for the

188 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010


LB broth culture to provide a sufficient concentration of ly critical with regards to the viability and collection of
bacteria for the challenge testing. To generate a robust the aerosol particulates. The CompAir XL Compressor
challenge culture it was found that the cultures needed Nebulizer System, Model NE-C18 (Omron, Vernon Hills,
to grow for at least 3 hours in the shaking incubator at IL) was used for all release experiments. According to
37°C (data not shown). the manufacturer, the nebulizer operates at 30 to 36
The bacterial suspension concentration (E. coli/ml psi, releasing on average 6 liters per minute of aerosol.
of suspension) was determined for each set of release/ The pressure and flow generated by the self-contained
recovery runs via serial dilution. From those data it was nebulizer-pump were not measured although the opera-
calculated that there was an average of 2.13 x 1010 E. tion of this FDA-regulated medical device was visually
coli/ml of nebulizer stock (range: 1.40 x 107 to 9.50 x verified. The nebulizer generates particles from 0.5 to 5
1010). Because the entire E. coli suspension was nebu- mm in physical diameter, a range that includes most
lized in each test run, the actual number of bacteria re- viable environmental contaminants of interest (nano
leased in the cabinet for each run was known to within particles and viruses excepted). The nebulizer was acti-
an order of magnitude. Concentrations were similar to vated remotely while located in the BSC, and was
those of Hu et al. (2000) and Ding and Wang (1997) in cleaned with 70% ethyl alcohol between runs.
their studies involving the generation of viable bacterial The bacterial aerosol was always generated at the
aerosols. It should be appreciated that while viable cells same central point of the cabinet work surface (Figure
and spores are known to be prone to damage via the 2). The outlet of the device was approximately 15 cm
nebulization process, the method discussed here is also above the work surface and centered within the cabinet
based on the recovery of a cell fragment (i.e., the tutE both laterally and from front to back. By this placement
or tutH genes) and its subsequent amplification via PCR. the aerosol was generated within the normal usage area
Accordingly, this semi-quantitative approach is less de- in the cabinet but directed toward the cabinet front. Be-
pendent on specific nebulizer types and release rates cause the nebulizer expelled the entire 1 ml of bacterial
than it is on quality control related to PCR. The precise suspension it contained in 1 minute, the bioaerosol sam-
relationship between recoverable colonies on the aero- plers were started ahead of, and stopped after, nebulizer
sol sampler relative to “no hit” holes positive for the tutE operation so as to encompass the entire release period.
gene was beyond the scope of this preliminary work.
After growth in 25 ml of LB broth the bacteria were Aerosol Recovery
harvested for nebulization. The bacterial suspension was An array of 3 single-stage (N-6) bioaerosol impactors
moved to a centrifuge tube and spun at 4355 RCF (xg) (Aerotech 6, Phoenix, AZ) was typically used for aerosol
(6000 RPM) for 10 minutes in an Avanti-J25 centrifuge recovery. This sampling technology was first described
(Beckman-Coulter, Fullerton, CA). The supernatant was by Andersen in 1958 and is employed essentially un-
discarded and the resultant bacteria pellet was suspend- changed in the samplers utilized (Andersen, 1958). In
ed in 5 ml of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). PBS al- use, each sampler pump was set to a flow rate of 28.3
lows suspension of the cells in an aqueous solution that liters of air per minute as indicated on the integral
has been pH and ionically adjusted to maintain cell in- rotameter/flow controller, providing a sampling rate
tegrity (Hu et al., 2000). The PBS had been filter steri- equivalent to the 1 cubic foot of air per minute design
lized with a Corning 0.20 µM Sterile Syringe Filter (VWR, specification for the original Andersen sampler. Because
Westchester, PA). For each set of experimental runs a the pumps for the samplers were located in the same
sample of the bacterial suspension was serial diluted, room as the samplers, aerosols not trapped by the im-
spread onto LB agar plates, and enumerated after 2 pactor could potentially be vented directly into the room,
days of growth; the remainder was used for the release thereby resulting in erroneously high results. To prevent
experiments that day. such contamination 0.2 µm Pall filters (VWR, West Ches-
Both Ding and Wang (1997) and Ranalli et al. ter, PA) were attached to each pump exhaust.
(2000) have shown that E. coli can be successfully aero- Sterile media plates used in the bioaerosol samplers
solized with a nebulizer and remain highly viable for were prepared in the authors’ laboratory. Each plate
sampling. Recovery rates of 63-91 percent were report- consisted of a 100 mm x 15 mm sterile polystyrene Petri
ed depending on the type of aerosol sampler employed dish (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) containing exactly
(Ranalli et al., 2000), implying that the Collison nebulizer 36 ml of LB agar. That volume of agar resulted in the
they employed was capable of producing viable aerosols appropriate agar height required by the design of the
with as little as 10% loss from the stock concentration sampler for the specified collection efficiency of particles
(average of 80% [79.5%] for all methods, all samplers in the N-6 size range (Andersen, 1958). Prior to and af-
tested; data not shown). Several methods of bioaerosol ter each run the cabinet and surfaces were thoroughly
generation were available, and Willeke et al. (1996) cleaned. Surfaces were sprayed with 70% ethanol and
have demonstrated that the specific method of aerosoli- the cabinet was allowed to run for % 1 hour between
zation, as opposed to the agent being used, is not usual- runs with the UV lamp on. After the UV exposure period Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010 189


Figure 2
Nebulizer and 3 Bioaerosol Samplers within the BSC. Note: Power outlets were remotely operated.

but prior to any aerosol release, negative controls were where the aerosol was generated, and equidistant from
collected by sampling the air in the same manner and at the front grill and back wall. This distance was within the
the same locations as would be used for the subsequent normal workspace of the cabinet but not close enough
challenge release. The nebulizer was not running and no to the walls so as to be out of the area normally used by
bacteria were released during this sampling. cabinet operators. The fourth location was outside the
Before each experimental run, a negative control cabinet, on a stand in front of the front opening of the
sample (i.e., no aerosol nebulized) was collected under cabinet on the center line, directly in front of the nebuliz-
the same conditions and identical locations used in er, 20 cm from the front sash of the cabinet and 5 cm
the experimental runs. All negative controls showed no below the work surface of the cabinet.
growth (n = 24), demonstrating that the methods used After aerosol recovery, plates were incubated for 2
to clean the cabinet between runs were effective, that days and results determined. Concentrations were calcu-
the laboratory and cabinet were free of airborne recom- lated by counting the colonies found on the sample
binant E. coli contamination, and that the colonies recov- plates, applying the positive hole correction, dividing the
ered during the experimental runs originated solely from total volume of air sampled and averaging for all repli-
the test aerosols generated. A positive control was also cates (Equation 1). After counting colonies, 3 colonies on
run for each experimental challenge. For the positive each plate were randomly selected for definitive identifi-
control runs, all plates (n = 24) grew over 300 colonies cation by PCR.
of the Kanamycin-resistant bacteria (i.e., colonies were
found under each of the sampler’s 300 holes). As viable (#CFUs [after positive hole correction])
bacteria are drawn though the holes multiple CFUs going = CFUs/m3 (1)
(L/min[flow rate])(sampling time min)(1 m3/1000L)
through the same hole will cause colony masking, such
that 1 colony recovered may in fact have been the result
of several impacting the plate beneath a given hole. Pos- PCR Quantitation
itive hole correction is therefore necessary, as detailed The primers used for all experimental and control
by Andersen (1958). A positive hole count of 300 colo- runs were the M13 Forward (TOP-MR) and M13 Reverse
nies corresponds to a corrected particle count of 555+ (TOP-MF) primers (IDT, Coralville, IA). The TOP-MR primer
colonies, corresponding to an aerosol concentration of sequence is 5'-CAG GAA ACA GCT ATG AC and the TOP-
> 9.91 x 103 E. coli/m3. At these high numbers, the cor- MF primer sequence is 5'-GTA AAA CGA CCAA C. These
rected count is therefore a minimum estimate of the were supplied as dried powders and dissolved in PCR
total colony forming units present. grade dH2O (PCR-dH2O) (Qiagen Scientific, Valencia, CA)
Samplers were placed at 1 of 4 locations for release to a concentration of 2 µM. The 10 X reaction buffer
and recovery experiments. The first location, used as a used was ThermoPol Buffer (New England Biolabs, Ips-
control for all runs, was directly in front of and under the wich, MA) and was supplied with the Taq polymerase
aerosol plume generated from the nebulizer. The second (Taq DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for rep-
and third locations were to the left and right of the cen- licating the DNA). The stock dNTP solution contained 10
ter work space in the cabinet, 30 cm from the center mM of each of the four dNTPs: dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and

190 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010


dTTP (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). All stock and intermedi- fragment produced from that PCR run was 447 bp long.
ate dilutions of PCR reagents were kept at -20°C be- PCR was run both on this plasmid in solution, as a con-
tween uses. To avoid fractionalization, solutions were trol, and in viable bacteria. These controls are found as
thawed at room temperature out of direct sunlight and Lane 1 and Lane 4, respectively, in Figure 3. The band in
refrozen by placing directly into the -20°C freezer. Posi- Lane 1 is slightly smaller than the 500 bp band seen in
tive controls confirmed the functionality of all reagents. the 100 bp ladder lane, Lane 2. This is consistent with
The time and temperature of each PCR step was the the expected size of a PCR amplified segment of 447 bp.
same for each experimental run and every control run. The difference in fluorescent intensity between Lane 1
All PCR runs were conducted in a PTC-100 Programma- and Lane 4 is expected and not uncommon. Lane 3, a
ble Thermal Controller (MJ Research Inc., Watertown, negative control, was identical to other lanes except that
MA). Briefly, the first step in the reaction was for 2 no DNA was added to the reagents for PCR. The frag-
minutes at 95°C, to lyse the bacteria and melt apart ment produced from PCR run on the bacteria containing
dsDNA, forming the ssDNA necessary to allow subse- the tutH insert in the TOPO plasmid was expected to be
quent binding of primers and enzymes. The second step, 1093 bp long. The size was confirmed by PCR and can
significant only after the first full cycle (e.g., following be found in Lane 5 on the gel in Figure 3.
Step 5), was 30 seconds at 95°C. The third step was After PCR the amplified gene sample was run on a
for 30 seconds at 49°C, the optimal temperature at gel for viewing and confirmation. An appropriate volume
which these primers bind. In the fourth step (1 minute of concentrated loading dye (Promega, Madison, WI) was
at 72°C), primers were extended. The fifth step was a added to each PCR tube. The PCR product was then
return to 95°C for 30 seconds, or Step 2. The cycle was loaded into wells in a 1%/1%, wt/wt, Metaphore Agarose
repeated 29 more times for a total of 30 cycles. After (Bio Whittaker Molecular Applications, Rockland, ME)/
the thirtieth cycling the reaction progressed to Step 6, Agarose gel (Low Electroendosmosis Agarose, National
a final primer extension step at 72°C. Step 6 was run for Diagnostics, Atlanta, GA). Per standard protocols 1% wt/
7 minutes to ensure all primers (and any strands only vol Metaphor Agarose and 1% wt/vol Agarose gel mix
partially extended in previous cycles) were completely was made in 200 ml batches, to which 10 ml 1% ethidi-
extended. At the conclusion of Step 6 the PCR machine um bromide (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) was add-
cooled the reactions to 4°C, concluding the amplifica- ed. Each PCR reaction product was 20 µl, and after the
tion process. reactions the volume was adjusted to 24 µl with loading
As an internal check, PCR was run on the TOPO plas- dye. Of that 24 µl, 8 µl were typically loaded into a well
mid containing the previously ligated tutE insert. The for electrophoresis. Gels were allowed to run at 60 volts

Figure 3
PCR Controls
Lane 1 is the positive control from the plasmid and tutE insert. Lane 2 is the base pair size marker; smaller fragments
move more quickly through the gel and are found lower. Lane 3 is a negative gel control (no DNA). The faint band in
Lane 4 indicates the typical limit of detection with PCR, and shows the bacterial positive control. Lane 5 is a negative
control from bacteria with only the larger tutH insert. Lane 6 is from a recovered bacterial bioaerosol colony. Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010 191


for approximately 90 minutes in running buffer using control from one of the aerosol release experiments.
a Power Pac 300 power supply (Bio-Rad Laboratories, After the E. coli/m3 concentrations were quantified
Hercules, CA). Gels were viewed in a Bio-Rad Universal from the aerosols impacted onto the plates, PCR was
Hood with live video feed (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Segrate, performed confirming that recovered colonies resulted
Milan, Italy) using the Bio-Rad “Quantity One” software exclusively from the test aerosol released and not from
package (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA). Images other sources. A representative gel showing experi-
were captured with the manual exposure setting adjust- mental recovery runs, Lanes 6-13, is reproduced in Fig-
ed for maximum separation of bands from background. ure 4. Randomly selected colonies from the bioaerosol
Several internal PCR controls were included in the recovery plates from each sampling location were sub-
electrophoresis gels to confirm that the experimental jected to PCR evaluation. Up to 3 colonies, when pre-
bands produced were from the tutE insert. Those PCR sent, were tested from each plate. PCR confirmed that
controls included plasmid DNA in solution, negative and the plasmid in the original bacteria released in the cabi-
positive control bacteria as well as a blank (PCR reagent net was the same as that found on the bioaerosol
only) negative control lane (Figure 3). For each gel run, a plates. For the positive control plates, where the number
negative and a positive bacterial control was also includ- of colonies was always > 300, this resulted in a sam-
ed. Those controls were consistently found in nine repli- pling rate of only 1%. Such sampling was deemed appro-
cates. PCR was run on the purified plasmid containing priate given the consistent appearance of colonies on
the tutE insert. The expected band is found in Lane 1. such plates.
Lane 3 is the result of the first negative control experi-
ment. Lane 4 is a positive control from the original bac- Results
terial stock. Lane 5 is from PCR run on bacteria trans-
formed with the tutH insert. (This lane functioned as
Limits of Detection
both a negative and positive control, since this strain
Since the nebulizer generates ~6 L of aerosol per
contains no tutE DNA and therefore should have shown
minute, effectively turning 1 ml of the bacterial chal-
no band at or near 447 bp.) Lane 5 functioned as a posi-
lenge agent into 6 L of air containing that suspension in
tive control for the primers, TOP-MR and TOP-MF. The
particulate form the challenge aerosol was easily esti-
PCR product in Lane 5 was expected to be slightly above
mated. The average concentration of bacteria for each
the 1000 bp marker band, and those expectations were
challenge was 1.70 x 1010 E. coli/ml (as determined by
confirmed. The size differences of these bands allow for
OD and serial dilution plate counting), or 2.84 x 109
excellent discrimination. Lane 6 illustrates a positive

Figure 4
Representative Electrophoresis Gel
Lane 1 is a positive control from DNA in solution. Lane 2 is the base pair size marker. Lane 3 is a DNA-free
(negative) control. Lanes 4 and 5 are a positive and negative control, respectively, from stock bacteria.
Lanes 6 through 11 are from colonies recovered directly below the nebulizer. Lanes 12 and 13 are
from separate colonies recovered from a bioaerosol sampler outside the hood (blower off).

192 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010


E. coli/L, and 2.84 x 1012 E. coli/m3 in aerosol form. The- Cross-contamination

se values include an estimated 20% reduction in E. coli As anticipated, internal cross-contamination was
collection efficiency based on the data of Rinalli et al. largely a function of whether the cabinet was on or off.
(2000). This downward correction was applied to ac- The center location consistently showed 300+ colonies,
count for decreased E. coli viability resulting from the or greater than 555 CFUs after positive hole correction,
nebulization process, as well as drying effects related to with the cabinet either on or off. Samplers set up 30 cm
evaporation throughout the process. to the left and right of the center of the workspace
Colonies counted during aerosol recovery can be showed results entirely dependent on the cabinet being
expressed as E. coli per cubic meter (m3) of air. Equation on or off. With the cabinet off the lateral locations pro-
1 was used to determine this concentration. Terms in duced greater than 555 E. coli per plate for every run.
Equation 1 include the “#CFUs,” the colony count from With the cabinet operating the E. coli count was dramati-
each plate for a given run adjusted by the positive hole cally lower with side locations producing only a total of 3
correction. The “L/min [flow rate]” was 28 L/min and E. coli colonies in all 3 replicate runs.
“(sampling time-min)” was the sampling time (2 minutes The extent of lateral bioaerosol migration within the
for all runs). The final answer, in CFU/m3, describes the cabinet was less than a single bacterium (0.89 E. coli/
number of E. coli found in 1 cubic meter of air. The total m3) as reported in the average of the E. coli/m3 from
CFU counts from the center sampling location during both the right and left samplers.
cabinet operation were calculated using Equation 1, af-
ter application of the positive hole correction (Table 1.) Containment
With the cabinet off, the concentrations recovered Sampling outside of the cabinet was done to exam-
averaged > 9.91 x 103 E. coli/m3, but with the cabinet ine and quantitate the escape of viable aerosol. Alt-
operating only 0.89 E. coli/m3 were recovered on aver- hough there is no expectation a Class II, Type A BSC is
age (3 trials). This value represented the lower limit of 100% effective for containment, results demonstrated
detection as empirically determined. The upper limit of zero (0) E. coli released while the cabinet was running.
detection in this study was therefore 9.91 x 103 E. coli/ This was not unexpected in that the NSF method pur-
m3 which represented aerosol sampling plates of > 300 posely introduces an airflow disruption in order to pro-
colonies (and > 555 CFUs based on the positive hole duce non-zero results. Nevertheless, the PCR technique
correction). The concentration recovered divided by the allowed an empirical observation of the actual degree of
concentration released results in the method sensitivity such control under in situ conditions. All plates used for
of 2.52 x 10-13 E. coli/m3. These data demonstrate in an sampling outside of the cabinet either had no colonies
applied sense that an operational, properly functioning (cabinet on), or greater than 300 (cabinet off). Figure 5,
BSC results in an actual aerosol reduction of approxi- Lanes 2-3 and 18-21 show the results of PCR on the
mately 13 orders of magnitude (1012 E. Coli/m3 ! 0.89 colonies selected from samplers outside the cabinet
E. coli/m3). (cabinet off). These results demonstrate the ability to
For every release experiment a positive control sam- recover bacteria that were aerosolized inside the cabinet
ple plate located directly under the point of aerosol gen- once they have migrated to the cabinet exterior, as well
eration was collected. As expected, those plates all as show good experimental hygiene with respect to the
showed the maximal growth of greater than 300 colo- aerosolized DNA from previous experimental runs.
nies. From each of these positive recovery plates 3 colo- The positive and negative bioaerosol plate controls
nies (1%) were subjected to PCR analysis. Lane 6 on were also confirmed with PCR. All negative controls had
Figure 3 is the result of that PCR on the first positive no (zero) growth, while each positive control plate had
control plate. Notice that the size of band produced from over 300 colonies. All colonies selected for PCR showed
that first control colony is the same size in bp as the a positive band for the expected genetic insert. A posi-
positive controls on that gel, Lanes 1 and 4. The positive tive control plate was run for each experimental condi-
result from Lane 3 demonstrated that the bacteria could tion. A selection of those PCR results for both the cabi-
successfully be aerosolized, collected and confirmed net on and the cabinet off conditions are found in Lanes
as the original test bacteria through PCR. On each gel 6-11 in Figure 3, and Lanes 4-7, 14, 18-22 in Figure 5.
(n = 8) both a negative and positive control were run, as All PCR results showed a positive band except for
well as the base pair markers. the negative controls. Including the control runs, there
Since N-6 bioaerosol plate media were inhibited with were 75 PCR runs conducted to verify bioaerosol colony
Kanamycin, and negative controls ruled out the pres- identities. Twenty of the 75 runs are presented in Figure
ence of other bacteria, any colony growth is conclusively 5, shown on 2 gels runs simultaneously. PCR confirmed
known to be the result of the genetically modified bacte- that the collected bacteria under all conditions and in all
ria alone. PCR was run to confirm these expectations, locations were in fact the recombinant E. coli released
and each run condition and location was accompanied for each particular run.
by at least 3 such control replicates. Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010 193


Discussion developing this new assessment technique. Since in-

ward airflow is critical to cabinet containment, and any
From these results it is clear that a properly operat- operator effects would disturb that flow, releases under
ing BSC does an excellent job of containing even ex- such conditions would be expected. With the sensitivity
tremely concentrated aerosols generated within. There of this new method it is evident that any such releases
were no bacteria recovered outside of the cabinet when related to operator effects could be detected. The cross-
the cabinet was running under normal, undisturbed op- contamination findings, demonstrating detectable lateral
erating conditions. The effect of operator movements, migration even while the cabinet was on, affirm this as-
procedures, and equipment were not examined while sertion.

Figure 5
PCR Results from 20 Experimental Colonies
Note the consistent and strong bands at ~500 bp location of the positive controls. Lanes 2, 3, and 18-21 are all from
recovered bioaerosol colonies from outside the hood. Lanes 4-7 are from the center location with the hood on. Lanes
8 and 13 are from the left location and Lanes 9-12, 16, and 17 are from the right location, all within the hood. Lanes
14 and 18-22 are from the center location. Lanes 23 and 24 are positive and negative bacterial controls, respectively.

Table 1
Bacterial Concentrations Recovered by Hood Location. Each value reported
is the average three replicates, which accounts for non-integer values.

Sampler Locations Hood On Hood Off

Within the Hood E. coli/m3 E. coli/m3
Center > 9.91 x 103 > 9.91 x 103
Left of Center (30 cm) 1.19 > 9.91 x 103
Right of Center (30 cm) 0.60 > 9.91 x 103

Sampler Location Hood On Hood Off

Outside of the Hood E. coli/m3 E. coli/m3
Center (only) < 0.0 > 9.91 x 103

194 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010


PCR was found to be an excellent addition to simple osol reduction of up to 13 orders of magnitude in the
bioaerosol counts for cabinet testing. The use of PCR with lateral motion of a particulate under ideal conditions.
known primers and inserts, in conjunction with appropri- This is much higher than the NSF microbial aerosol chal-
ate experimental controls, provided an excellent tool to lenge method which produces 8 orders of magnitude
demonstrate the movement of bacteria laterally within a difference for the personnel protection test and 4 orders
BSC. Results demonstrated a cross-contamination poten- for the cross-contamination test. Possible explanations
tial of 0.6-1.2 E. coli/m3 at the 30 cm distances exam- for this higher sensitivity include our use of a different
ined (Table 1). The percent reduction can be defined as test procedure involving different release and collection
the concentration of the bioaerosol sampled during the locations, and our testing under ideal circumstances,
recovery sampling divided by the concentration collected including closed room door and no intentional disruption
during the positive control runs. Using the concentra- of the inward room airflow to the cabinet (Figure 1 “A”).
tions determined while the cabinet was off as the base While this sensitivity may in fact not be required for rou-
line, the amount of lateral aerosol migration to both the tine manipulations or agents of lower biosafety level (1),
right and left samplers showed an average of 9.91 x 103 its utility might best be realized in the study and assign-
E. coli/m3 (3 replicates). While the cabinet was on identi- ment of biosafety levels to new agents or new equip-
cal sampling demonstrated an average of < 1 E. coli/m3 ment. Such low limits of detectability as demonstrated
detected (8.93 x 10-1 E. coli/m3). This concentration re- here (~1 E. coli/m3) could also be very useful in training
duction was almost 5 orders of magnitude (e.g., an aver- new BSC operators in good technique and practices.
age 9.01 x 10-3 percent reduction), which roughly agrees Furthermore, an entirely new area of research is now
with the minimum 4 orders of magnitude reduction re- available given the sensitivity of the novel technique.
quired in NSF 49. This percentage drop more accurately Quantitative risk assessments are now readily and safely
demonstrates the cabinet’s ability to limit cross- possible to better determine and describe release poten-
contamination under these conditions, and represents a tials related to traditional microbiological applications as
new metric of interest to many BSC users. Furthermore, well as new methods or equipment.
this specific test is markedly more meaningful than the
assessment of unidirectional flow performed during nor- Conclusions
mal NSF 49 style field testing. Using PCR to confirm that
the bacteria recovered were the same as released, in The primary aim of this study was to explore the fea-
conjunction with the simultaneous use of conventional sibility of a more discriminatory test of the BSC (relative
air sampling techniques to enumerate that movement, to the field tests specified in NSF 49 Annex F). This was
was consistent with the expectation that internal cabinet accomplished by combining traditional bioaerosol sam-
contamination is likely even under the best (i.e., undis- pling with the sensitivity and accuracy permitted by PCR
turbed) of circumstances. With the added problems from on specific recombinant bacterial genes. This tested the
operator effects, such cross-contamination presents the extent to which a biological safety cabinet was able to
greatest overall risk both internally and externally control and contain a true bioaerosol under in situ condi-
(through transferable operator or equipment contamina- tions (as it is primarily designed to do). The creation of a
tion). Aerosol containment under usual BSC use condi- novel experimental test for BSCs was also achieved, in
tions and procedural manipulations was not examined. which was demonstrated the effectiveness of using PCR
Nor was the performance of the BSC after certain higher in conjunction with conventional air sampling methods.
risk release events, such as filter changes, blower re- In conducting this research it was shown that:
pairs, spills, power loss, or cabinet relocation. Such con- a. A properly functioning biological safety cabinet was
siderations are highly relevant to future studies. able to control the egress of a bioaerosol to within 13
This work introduces the possibility of testing kits for orders of magnitude under steady-state conditions.
in situ BSC evaluations by suitably qualified end users. b. The reduction of lateral motion of an E. coli aerosol
Many equipment requirements for the utilization of such by a Class II, Type A BSC is approximately 5 orders of
a kit typically exist in many BSC-equipped laboratories, magnitude, a result confirming this ability of BSCs. The
and could easily be applied to this in situ testing. In this BSC tested was unable to fully prevent lateral motion of
regard end users would only need to purchase or rent a particulate under the conditions tested.
the missing components. In this way end users would be c. PCR can be used to compliment conventional NSF
able to assay their BSCs as their own schedule allowed 49 field testing techniques with an aerosolized challenge
and in a way that had increased accuracy and sensitivity of viable bacteria in order to create a quantitative assay
over current field tests. Perhaps of most significance, and useful in situ test method for cabinet end users.
focused studies to determine recalcitrant contamination The applicability of such work is not restricted to the
problems could also be conducted to improve produc- microbiological or biotechnology communities. Others
tion, quality control or both. who work with or must contend with small particle con-
Data demonstrate that the BSC can produce an aer- taminants include microelectronics and nanotechnology Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010 195


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lates at the front portal when other than undisturbed, ology (ASM).
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monly used and stored within a BSC is present, such as netry: Design, Construction, Performance, and Field Certifica-
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Ranalli, G., Principi, P., & Sorlini, C. (2000). Bacterial aerosol
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operations. Finally, direct comparison of this method to ic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88,
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should be conducted in future work on its development Shuman, S. (1994). Novel approach to molecular cloning and
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196 Applied Biosafety Vol. 15, No. 4, 2010

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