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Sapiandante, Goran Y.

ECE131L / B1


We used the software program MatLab to determine the homogeneous solutions of the
differential equations given. The command we used was the roots() command to get the roots of m and
from there we were able to determine each homogeneous solutions. Then, the particular solution were
asked to determine with different R(s). And the total solution was also determined. Using the Laplace
Transform method, we were able to determine the total solution of the given differential equation
considering all initial conditions are assumed to be zero. R(s), C(s), and c(t) were determined using the
command laplace() command. For the transfer function given, we had determined the poles and zeroes
by using commands roots() and residue(). Then we had used the command pzmap() to be able to see the
plot of the given transfer function. Next, the given was the poles and zeroes and we had to know its
transfer function. Then, there were given transfer functions and we need to determine its Partial
Fraction Expansion and the Inverse Laplace Transform. We were able to determine this by using the
partial fraction expansion. Then, to verify if our obtained c(t) is correct we had used the command
ilapalce() and compared the answers, which turned out to be the same.

For the seatwork, there was a given RLC circuit and we need to determine Vc(t) if all initial
conditions are zero. We were able to determine the Integro-differential equation of the circuit, its
equivalent Laplace Transform, and the Vc(s). Then, using the plot command, we were able to determine
the plot of the given RLC Circuit.

 This first module has one objective; it is to be able to solve LCCDE by Direct Method or by
Laplace Transform Method with the aid of MATLAB.

 Differential equations are equations containing derivatives. Linear Differential Equations are
differential equations having differential equation solutions which can be added together to
form other solutions.

 Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations (LCCDE) describes a class of system called

Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System. The solution to LCCDE can be divided into two parts;
homogeneous and non-homogeneous solution. Homogeneous solution is also known as natural
response and as for the Non-homogeneous solution, it is also known as forced response or
steady-state response. The sum of these solutions is called the total solution. Homogeneous
solution is a differential equation equated to zero. While the non-homogeneous solution is a
solution obtained by direct observation of the form R(s), it will only follow whatever form R(t) is.
The LCCDE can also be obtained by using the Laplace Transform, and by using the Inverse
Laplace Transform, the total solution can be obtained.

 In accordance of completing the objective, using all the given commands, we were able to
obtain all the needed answers to all the questions. We were able to solve the LCCDE through the
help of the program MATLAB. It helped us to solve the problems easier compared to manually
computing the answers needed for this first module.
Solutions to Homework and Seatwork


>>syms s t




ans =





Plot of Vc(t)

a. C(s) = 4s-1/s^2 + s + 2
>> A = [0 4 -1]
0 4 -1
>> B=[1 1 2]
1 1 2
>> [R,P,K]=residue(A,B)
2.0000 + 1.1339i
2.0000 - 1.1339i
-0.5000 + 1.3229i
-0.5000 - 1.3229i
K= [ ]
Partial Fraction Expansion :
C(s)= (2.0000 + 1.1339i)/s-( -0.5000 + 1.3229i)+(2.0000 - 1.1339i)/s-(-0.5000 - 1.3229i)

Inverse Laplace Transform:


c(t)= exp(t*(- 1/2 + 13229i/10000))*(2 + 11339i/10000) + exp(t*(1/2 -13229i/10000))*(2

- 11339i/10000)

b. C(s)=(4s-3)/(2s^3+3.4s^2+1.98s+0.406)
>> A=[0 0 4 -3]
0 0 4 -3
>> B=[2 3.4 1.98 0.406]
2.0000 3.4000 1.9800 0.4060
>> [R,P,K]=residue(A,B)
-36.2500 + 0.0000i
18.1250 +13.1250i
18.1250 -13.1250i
-0.7000 + 0.0000i
-0.5000 + 0.2000i
-0.5000 - 0.2000i

Partial Fraction Expansion:

C(s)=(-36.2500 + 0.0000i)/s-(0.7000 + 0.0000i)+(18.1250 +13.1250i)/s-(-0.5000 +
0.2000i)+( 18.1250 -13.1250i)/s-(-0.5000 - 0.2000i)
Inverse Laplace Transform:
C(t)= 145/4 - (691*dirac(t))/20

c. C(s)=(2s-1)/(s^3+5s^2+8s+4)
>> A=[0 0 2 -1]


0 0 2 -1

>> B=[1 5 8 4]


1 5 8 4

>> [R,P,K]=residue(A,B)
Partial Fraction Expansion:
C(s)= C(s)=(3.0000)/s-(-2.0000)+(5.0000)/s-(-2.0000)+(-3.0000)/s-(-1.0000)
Inverse Laplace Transform:
c(t)= 5*dirac(t) + 5

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