El Agua Virtual Y La Huella Hidrica

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The definition of virtual water according to the GLOBAL WATER PARTNERSHIP is

generally understood as the trade of water incorporated in merchandise and raw
materials; and the water footprint as its indicator.

Once these definitions are understood, it can be said that virtual water is very
important in the world as several countries are exporters of raw materials, which is
considered the basis of the human industrial process. Virtual water may explain the
water flows that are exported in a product, good or service; that is, it will help to
understand how much water is actually used in the production of products, which
we use or consume daily.

Now, observing the global panorama of phenomena, such as climate change,

droughts, floods, etc., this has been created to raise awareness of all people, in
order to make good use and management of this resource that is running out day
by day worldwide. Thus, for countries with water scarcity and that are generally
producers of raw materials which in other words indicate an output of products,
which leads to an output of water in terms of virtual water. Since these countries
import products that require a large amount of water instead of producing them in
their own territory, otherwise they would have to demand more water causing water
shortages elsewhere.

 That is why virtual water is a very important resource for human beings and there
must be control over it, as well as raise awareness and take global measures to
take care of the water used daily in these products, which It is known as virtual

However, if we focus on the water footprint, which is first seen as a global indicator
of water consumption (from an individual level, to the highest groups), it is a tool
that helps us become aware and understand more clearly what it costs the
production of goods and services, from the point of view of exploitation of
resources and consumption that exists throughout the world; and second as a tool
that shows and quantitatively indicates the movement of water resources (water)
that occurs on the planet, so that there is a better care and management in the
natural resources of the planet, especially water.

According to the water footprint, each person has a different one, that is to say that
each person's water consumption is not the same, since each person performs
different activities. As for my personal water footprint and according to the
calculation, my consumption is a low average, that is, I take care of the water a lot,
which helps in the care of it.

Finally, I think it is necessary to apply the terms virtual water and water footprint, to
begin with, in the agriculture sector; since 67% of global virtual water trade is
related to international crop trade; in such a way that a diversification of crops is
sought, which do not need much virtual water (understood as water that is
exported); and, that at the same time a good administration and a good
management of our resource by the producing companies is promoted. As well as
in the same way, the possibility in which our exported products acquire a monetary
added value that would imply that the importing countries pay an additional price
for the consideration of the large amount of virtual water that is invested in each
product during its elaboration.

They also serve to raise awareness about the water effort that our style implies of
life. It allows to know more in depth the impact that the consumption patterns of a
region or country where the imported goods are produced.

Finally, the challenge is to use the concept of water footprint as a practical tool to
show how consumption patterns affect water use daily, how future changes in
these patterns will influence water resources, how countries can outsource their
water footprint to reduce the pressure on their domestic resources and how third
countries can benefit from their relative abundance of water by exporting expensive
products, in terms of utilization of water resources.

A.C., E. M. (27 de 04 de 2017). Ethgonomic.com. Obtenido de Erthgonomic.com:

http://earthgonomic.com/noticias/que-son-y-en-que-se- diferencian-el-agua-virtual-y-la-

conagua. (10 de 2007). www.conagua.gob.mx. Obtenido de www.conagua.gob.mx:


México, R. d. (2018). fandelagua. Obtenido de fandelagua: https://fandelagua.com/huella-hidrica/

Moscoso, A. M. (2019). Iagua. Obtenido de Iagua: https://www.iagua.es/blogs/andres-


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