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Introduction to Public Relations (MCM401)

Lecture No 03

In this lecture we will try and distinguish public relations from other activities in
which an organization indulges to project its image or for the conveying of a
particular message to the target public. We will distinguish public relations from
advertising, marketing. sales promotion, publicity and propaganda. This will
enable the students to precisely know the difference between these various
applications of public relations.


Public relations and advertising are normally confused to be same, which is not
at all true or correct. The best way to distinguish it from advertising will be to first
of all try and define advertising and public relations. This definition will clearly
explain the difference.
Advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right
prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost. While public
relations role is of informing, educating & creating understanding through
knowledge for the same product. In fact advertising will be more successful
when prior PR activity has created knowledge and understanding of the product
or service being promoted --- also known as Market Education. Therefore
advertising is merely a tool of public relations, where by market research PR
manager decides type of advertising and on this basis determines choice & use
of media. So to sum up following will explain the difference between PR and

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan
Introduction to Public Relations (MCM401)

1. PR is not a form of advertising, and is in fact bigger activity than

2. PR relates to all the communications of the total organizations, while
advertising is mainly limited to marketing functions.
3. PR is neither “free advertising” nor “unpaid for advertising”. In fact it is
time consuming & time costs money.
4. At times advertising may not be used by an organization, but every
organization is involved in PR.
5. PR embraces every one & everything, while advertising is limited to
special selling & buying tasks
6. Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying,
anticipating & satisfying customer requirements profitably.
7. PR is about creating & understanding through knowledge “Market
Education” the basis of effective marketing policy as it has to be applied
to every part of marketing mix.


Sales promotion consists of short term schemes, usually at the point of sales, but
also in direct response marketing, to launch products or to revive or increase
sales. At times sales promotion may have PR aspects yet it is not PR.
– PR is confused with sales promotion, mainly because Sales promotion brings
the producer closer to consumer.
– Sales promotion consists of short / long term specific schemes while PR takes
care of larger benefits through broad based plans based on knowledge.


Propaganda is the means of gaining support for an opinion, creed or belief. This
is another form of communication & by no means PR. Successful PR must be
credible, whereas propaganda is liable to invite suspicion or at least

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Introduction to Public Relations (MCM401)


A simple definition would explain publicity as resulting from information being
made known. So as
– Publicity results from information being made known by PR plan.
– PR is very much about the behavior of individuals, organizations,
products & services.
– Publicity only yields an image, subject to PR which provides
adequate knowledge for that image.

Public Relations Department

When a company is engaged in lot of PR work then it is recommended that it

should be handled through the company’s internal Public Relations Department.
The PR Practitioner is more of an All Rounder. He is at the same time a
communicator, advisor and a campaign planner.

Size of a PR Department.
PR department may be large or small depending upon:

A. Size of the organization.

B. Value placed on PR by management;
C. Special PR requirements of the organization.

Taking (c ) a stage further, a mass consumer product manufacturer may spend

much more on advertisement than on PR, while a technical or industrial company
may spend little on advertisement but rely strongly on PR.

The PR department may consist of no more than a PR Manager and a secretary
with word processing capability. Depending upon the activity & size of operation
the organization may have Press officer, photographer and a presentation
specialist. See chart below for possible staffing of a PR department in a large
manufacturing company.

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Introduction to Public Relations (MCM401)

PR manager is the executive who manages the company’s PR. His / Her
responsibilities can be;
–To set the targets or define objectives for PR operations;
–To estimate the working hours and other resources that need to be
–To decide priorities that will control the choice of publics, media to reach
them, timing of operations , best use of manpower and other
resources such as equipment etc.
–To decide the feasibility of carrying out the declared objectives in the light
of available funds, existing staff and equipment etc.

Four fold specialist task of PR Manager

Establish & maintain a correct image of the organization & of its policies,
products, services & personnel;

1. To establish and maintain a correct image of the organization and its

policies, products, services and personnel.
2. Monitor outside opinion & convey this intelligence to management;
3. Advise management on communication problems, solutions & techniques;
4. Inform all publics about policies, activities, products, services & personnel
so that maximum knowledge & understanding is won.

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Introduction to Public Relations (MCM401)

A typical organization chart of a PR department

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