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Loma Prieta’s Legacy,

Twenty Years On Editor’s note: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the October 17,
1989, Loma Prieta earthquake, the most destructive in northern California
since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar, AIR Director
of Earthquake Hazard, and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro, AIR Principal Engineer and

Director of Engineering Analysis and Research, discuss some noteworthy
characteristics of the event and explore how the lessons learned in the
past twenty years have shaped our current approach to earthquake loss

By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

The World Series Earthquake

At 5:04 p.m. on October 17, 1989, minutes before the
scheduled start of the third game of the World Series, a
strong earthquake struck the Bay Area. Millions of television
viewers around the world watched as the earthquake and
its aftermath unfolded in real-time. Remarkably, no one was
injured at San Francisco’s Candlestick Park that evening, and
the mostly local fans of the two Bay Area contending teams,
who in customary California fashion pride themselves on
remaining unfazed by earthquakes, erupted into cheers and
applause. Unbeknownst to them, the situation was quite
different elsewhere.

Across the Bay in Oakland, the upper deck portion of a Figure 1. Collapsed portions of the Cypress Viaduct (left) and the San Francisco-
stretch of Interstate 880 known as the Cypress Viaduct fell Oakland Bay Bridge (right). Source: USGS
onto the lower deck, crushing cars below. A 50-ft span of
the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed, closing for Farther south, closer to the earthquake’s epicenter, damage
a month a crucial transportation link between San Francisco was more concentrated. In Santa Cruz, the historic city
and the East Bay, which served over 300,000 commuters center, including the Pacific Garden Mall, was devastated
every day. In San Francisco’s Marina District, about 50 miles and hundreds of businesses were affected. In towns
from the epicenter, seven wood-frame buildings collapsed like Hollister, Watsonville, and Los Gatos, weak masonry
and more than 60 others were too damaged to reoccupy. buildings suffered widespread damage ranging from cracked
walls and fallen facades to complete collapse, and many
homes were thrown off their foundations.
10.09|Loma Prieta’s Legacy, Twenty Years On
By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

In total, the Loma Prieta earthquake was responsible for more than 10 miles—unusually deep compared to typical
63 deaths, 42 from the Cypress Viaduct collapse alone, shallow crustal events on the San Andreas Fault. Also
and over 3000 injuries. More than 1300 commercial contrary to conventional wisdom was the large reverse-slip
and residential buildings were destroyed, and another thrust component of the fault motion, which caused over
20,000 damaged to some degree. More than 16,000 4 feet of vertical displacement, in addition to the expected
housing units were rendered uninhabitable in ten Bay horizontal, right-lateral, strike-slip motion that generated
Area counties, leaving thousands of people homeless. In a maximum horizontal displacement of about 6 feet. The
addition, transportation links (bridges and freeways in fault rupture propagated upward for several miles, but—
particular), communications systems, and utilities were probably as a result of its unusual depth—did not break the
severely disrupted. Direct damage estimated by various ground surface. Instead of a continuous visible fault trace
organizations ranged between $6 billion to $12 billion in on the ground, surface cracks appeared in a diffuse and
1989 dollars. indistinct area along the fault zone, which caused damage
to houses, roads, and underground pipelines.
The Unusual Suspects: Surprising
Rupture Characteristics While the fault segment that ruptured in 1989 overlaps
The fault rupture, which extended along a 25 mile segment the segment that ruptured during the 1906 San Francisco
of the northern San Andreas Fault, originated near the earthquake, the unusual depth and rupture geometry
Loma Prieta peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains, some suggest that the two earthquakes may have occurred on
60 miles south of San Francisco. The quake registered a different fault planes. Seismologists have consequently
moment magnitude of 6.9 and was felt from as far away as proposed that the Loma Prieta quake did not release strain
Los Angeles, southern Oregon, and western Nevada. accumulated on the northern San Andreas Fault since the
1906 event, leaving the probability of a stronger shallow
In 1988 the Working Group on California Earthquake quake essentially unchanged. As a point of comparison (and
Probabilities assigned that very fault segment a 30% keeping in mind that rupture length correlates well with
probability of producing a magnitude 6 to 7 earthquake magnitude), the 1906 earthquake ruptured nearly 300 miles
in the following 30 years—the highest probability among of the San Andreas Fault, while the Loma Prieta earthquake
those faults studied in the Bay Area. So while the vast ruptured only 25. A larger quake closer to urban centers,
majority of Bay Area residents had never experienced and one that will more rigorously test the Bay Area’s
a strong earthquake (and indeed may have become building stock, seems all but inevitable (click here for the
somewhat complacent), the location and magnitude of the latest rupture probability forecast).
earthquake did not surprise seismologists. A few unusual
characteristics of the event, however, have given researchers
a lot to think about in the years since.

First was the relatively short duration of strong shaking

during the quake, which at 10 to 15 seconds was
approximately half as long as would be expected from an
earthquake of this magnitude. This was likely because the
start of the rupture was located in the middle of the fault
segment, instead of at the end. Consequently, the rupture
progressed simultaneously in both directions, cutting short
the travel time. This brought up concerns of whether
the damage caused by Loma Prieta should be considered
representative for Bay Area earthquakes, as a more typical
earthquake with a longer duration of strong shaking would
likely have been more destructive.

A second surprising feature was the depth of the Figure 2. Rupture lengths of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and the 1989
Loma Prieta Earthquake. Source: AIR
earthquake and the faulting mechanism. The depth at
the point of rupture (focal point) has been estimated at
10.09|Loma Prieta’s Legacy, Twenty Years On
By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

Ground Motion, Soil Failure, and a Few

More Surprises

Soil Amplification
In 1989, the Bay Area was well instrumented by the
California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program and
the United States Geological Survey, which provided more
than one hundred strong motion records at locations with
different underlying geology, including sites on rock, soft
soil and landfill. Maximum recorded peak accelerations
exceeded 0.6g at rock sites near the epicenter and soil
sites displayed significant ground motion amplification—by
as much as 200% to 300%—compared to adjacent rock
sites. Figure 3 shows comparisons of recorded acceleration
at locations with various site conditions versus adjacent Figure 4. Comparison of ground motions recorded at Treasure Island and Yerba
bedrock sites in the Bay Area. While scientists had observed Buena Island. Source: Housner, 1990

these site effects in previous quakes—most notably during

the 1985 Mexico City quake just a few years prior—no The Moho
general attenuation function had yet been developed to While shaking was undoubtedly stronger on soft
account for soft soils. sediment sites, this alone could not sufficiently explain the
anomalously strong observations recorded at considerable
distance from the epicenter–even at rock sites. Several
studies1 have suggested that seismic waves from the Loma
Prieta earthquake hit a boundary called the Mohorovičić
discontinuity (or Moho), located between the earth’s crust
and mantle. Because of the difference in density between
these two layers, waves that strike at a sufficiently shallow
angle bounce back to the surface with increased strength,
instead of decreasing monotonically with distance from the
epicenter—a phenomenon called critical reflection. These
reflections, collectively referred to as the Moho bounce,
are believed to have increased ground motions by a factor
of two or three in the San Francisco and Oakland areas.
Figure 3. Average acceleration amplification at Bay Area sites compared to Recognizing that past attenuations relationships may
adjacent bedrock sites. Source: Adapted from National Research Council, 1994
underpredict ground motion at certain distances from the
epicenter, seismologists have incorporated flat portions
One particularly interesting case study involved two
into modern equations to account for this phenomenon.
adjoining islands in the San Francisco Bay, Treasure Island
(For a thorough discussion of the latest research on ground
and Yerba Buena Island, both located at a distance of about
motion attenuation in California, see the AIR Current
50 miles from the epicenter. Treasure Island was created in
Ground Motion Prediction—The Next Generation.)
the 1920s by hydraulically filling sand over underwater bay
mud deposits, while Yerba Buena Island is a natural rock
outcrop. Recordings obtained during the main shock of
In addition to stressing the importance of geological
the Loma Prieta earthquake as well as during subsequent
conditions in determining seismic hazard, the Loma Prieta
aftershocks showed significant amplification at the soft soil
earthquake also confirmed concerns regarding the Bay
Treasure Island site, where recorded peak accelerations were
Area’s vulnerability to liquefaction—the phenomenon that
more than two times higher than those at Yerba Buena
causes loose water-saturated soil to behave as a liquid when

1 Somerville and Yoshimura (1990); Catchings and Kohler (1996).

10.09|Loma Prieta’s Legacy, Twenty Years On
By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

subjected to strong shaking. Under the right conditions, reasonably well during the Loma Prieta earthquake and
artificial landfill and loosely compacted natural deposits can engineers reported no significant surprises. Buildings
lose their ability to resist compacting, spreading, or sliding, that were designed and constructed well withstood the
as well as their ability to support structures, roads, and earthquake well; the types of structures that failed—some
underground utilities. Liquefaction was observed at many catastrophically—were previously known to be vulnerable.
locations during the earthquake, including Santa Cruz, For example, when the Cypress Viaduct and the Bay Bridge
Watsonville, Moss Landing, and Oakland, but particularly were constructed (in the 1950s and 1930s, respectively),
hard hit were parts of San Francisco, where the pattern of seismic design standards for bridges did not include any
liquefaction damage eerily echoed that during the 1906 provisions for ductility. But after 1971 San Fernando
quake. In the Marina District, which was created after the earthquake, during which several brittle concrete structures
1906 earthquake using manmade landfill, liquefaction collapsed, the need for these structures to be reinforced
contributed to the collapse of several buildings (see Figure with steel to enhance ductility was widely recognized and
5). put into practice for new structures in the 1976 Uniform
Building Code.

Likewise, a consistent pattern of failure of unreinforced

masonry (URM) buildings—first identified during the
1868 San Francisco earthquake—repeated itself (quite
disastrously) in 1906 and in subsequent California
earthquakes in 1925, 1933, 1952, 1971, 1983, and 1987.
Not surprisingly, then, the pattern was repeated during the
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. According to the Association
of Bay Area Governments, 12% of the units rendered
uninhabitable by the Loma Prieta earthquake were located
in URM buildings, even though they accounted for only 1%
of Bay Area housing stock. While the Field Act passed after
Figure 5. Liquefaction contributed to the collapse of this four-story wood frame the 1933 Long Beach prohibited new URM construction,
building in the Marina District. Source: USGS
many older masonry buildings remain standing today
In general, existing liquefaction susceptibility maps at the and, unless adequately retrofitted, will inevitably fail in
time accurately identified areas prone to damage, although disproportionate numbers in the next big quake.
some inconsistencies stressed the need for more detailed
mapping of subsurface conditions. Additionally, the The most significant source of property damage during the
earthquake provided one of the first opportunities to test Loma Prieta earthquake was to wood frame construction,
ground compaction and other soil stabilization methods which is to be expected given that this construction type
meant to mitigate damage in liquefaction-prone areas. dominates residential exposure in California. The light
Encouragingly, no ground failure occurred on any improved weight of these buildings minimizes inertial forces and,
sites and thus no building damage occurred to structures therefore, the strain imparted on the building’s structural
built on such sites. Buildings on adjacent unimproved sites, elements. While most such wood frame buildings
on the other hand, displayed settlement and resultant performed well, older single family homes in the epicentral
cracking. region that were not properly secured to their foundations
or that had weak cripple walls below the first floor did not.
Building Performance and Seismic Severe damage was also observed to multifamily wood-
Design frame structures with open spaces on the ground floor used
for parking or retail purposes. These so-called “soft stories”
The Usual Suspects lack the ability to resist significant lateral forces and are
Given the remote location of the epicenter and fairly prone to collapse, especially when built on soft soils, as in
limited ground motions, buildings generally performed the Marina District.

10.09|Loma Prieta’s Legacy, Twenty Years On
By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

Bay Area quake since 1906, left a far-reaching legacy in

What Will Happen Next Time? seismological, geotechnical, and engineering inquiry and
While engineers had foreseen the severity of damage served as a crucial wake-up call to the public to prepare for
that an earthquake like Loma Prieta would incur, this is the next “Big One.” Fortunately for residents and business
not to say that the event had no far reaching impact on owners, the Bay Area has some of the strictest seismic
our understanding of building vulnerability or on seismic codes in the world, which have improved significantly as a
analysis. In particular, the interesting geotechnical aspects result of lessons learned from past earthquakes. However,
of the event provided a clear basis for strengthening seismic these codes do not apply retroactively and the explosive
codes for structures built on soft soils. Additionally, the growth of exposures in the Bay Area after 1906 remains
wealth of observational data resulting from the earthquake largely untested by strong ground motions.
provided engineers with guidance in selecting ground
motion records appropriate for seismic design. The Loma Prieta earthquake stressed some important
geotechnical lessons—especially regarding soft soil
There remains considerable uncertainty regarding future amplification and liquefaction—that resulted in significant
building performance in the face of larger magnitude Bay improvements in subsequent design codes. The earthquake
Area earthquakes. For example, the Loma Prieta quake also provided a wealth of data that has led researchers to
demonstrated once again that soft soils not only increased develop superior analytical methods for quantifying these
ground shaking, but also altered the frequency content of geotechnical effects.
the ground motion, in particular by amplifying the long-
period components by as much as eight to ten times. In While the engineering community reported no real
addition, larger magnitude earthquakes are expected to surprises, there was a large gap between the state of
be significantly richer in long-period components of the scientific knowledge and societal expectations regarding
ground motions. This has significant implications for tall acceptable building performance. Structures were largely
buildings built in the 1970s and 80s on reclaimed land designed to avoid collapse and ensure life safety, and the
in downtown San Francisco, whose response in the next general public was shocked by the larger economic impact
great quake will certainly exceed design specifications. Also resulting from post-earthquake business interruption and
untested are the retrofit efforts from the last two decades loss-of-use. Current practice is gradually leaning toward
that aim to mitigate some of the types of damage observed bridging this divide by implementing performance-based,
during Loma Prieta, especially for URM and wood-frame rather than prescriptive, design and analysis (see the AIR
buildings. Current Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis—a Step Advance
in Assessing the Vulnerability of Buildings to Earthquake
Conclusion Ground Motion for more information on performance-
For now, the 1906 M7.8 earthquake remains the defining based earthquake engineering). Earthquakes of course
event for illustrating Northern California earthquake are characterized by considerable uncertainty, and the
potential. Were it to recur today, AIR estimates ground- unknowns with respect to the next big Bay Area event may
up losses (monetary damage to all properties, before the seem daunting. While many challenges remain, the last
application of insurance terms) of $308 billion, compared to twenty years since the Loma Prieta earthquake have seen
$37 billion for a recurrence of the Loma Prieta earthquake. tremendous progress in our understanding of the natural
Nevertheless, the 1989 event, as the first truly significant phenomenon and our ability to prepare for the inevitable.

10.09|Loma Prieta’s Legacy, Twenty Years On
By Dr. Mehrdad Mahdyiar and Dr. Paolo Bazzurro

Association of Bay Area Governments (2003), “Loma Prieta and Northridge Were a Wake-Up Call,”

Hess, R.L. (2008), “Impacts of a M7.8 Southern San Andreas Earthquake on Unreinforced Masonry
(URM) Buildings,” U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2008-1150

Catchings, R.D., Kohler, W.M. (1996), “Reflected seismic waves and their effect on strong shaking
during the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake,” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America; October 1996; v. 86; no. 5; p. 1401-1416

Holzer, T.L. (1998), “The Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989—Liquefaction,” U.S.
Geological Survey Professional Paper 1551-B

Housner, G.W. et. al. (1990), “Competing Against Time,” Report to Governor George Deukmejian from
the Governor’s Board of Inquiry on the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

Kircher, C.A., Seligson, H.A., et. al. (2006), “When the Big One Strikes Again – Estimated Losses due to a
Repeat of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake,” Earthquake Spectra Volume 22, Issue S2

National Research Council, Geotechnical Board (1994), “Practical Lessons from the Loma Prieta
Earthquake,” National Academy of Sciences

Segall, P., Lisowski, M. (1990), “Surface Displacements in the 1906 San Francisco and 1989 Loma Prieta
Earthquakes,” Science, 30 November 1990: Vol. 250. no. 4985, pp. 1241 - 1244

Somerville, P., Yoshimura, J. (1990), “The influence of critical Moho Reflections on strong ground
motions recorded in San Francisco and Oakland during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake,”
Geophysical Research Letters, 17(8), 1203–1206.

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