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The History of the United States before 1877

Women’s role in the civil war
Course Code
10, June 2020
The History of the United States before 1877 2

The American Civil war started on April 12, 1861, that led 3 million soldiers to prepare

for the war. Men all over America called to take part and support the Confrontation. The

historian has evaluated it thoroughly for over a hundred years. The primary aspect of the war is

what we have to discuss in this research essay, and that is the role of women in this war. This

war completely changed the status of the women, and they proved themselves to be one of the

essential parts of the society. Before this era of Civil War, the state of women was of an

individual who was supposed to look after the house, cook, clean, wash clothes and dishes, raise

a family and looked after everybody at home. But it changed at the time of the Civil War.

As the Civil War outbreak, many women volunteered to support in the war. They proved

themselves to be capable enough to work in different capacities from working in the kitchen to

nursing and work as a front liner. Different women selected different roles according to their

likes and requirement (Cheryl A. Heimerman, 1999). Some opted to cook, garden, sewed

uniform, clothes, and some preferred to do laundry for these troops. Some chose to volunteer as

nurses and helped all front lined troops to fight. Dorothea Dix worked as the Union

Superintendent of Female nurse (Cleary, n.d). She prepared around 3000, women as nurses. One

of the nurses was Louis May Alcott. One of the nurse, Clara Barton, arranged a set up to provide

medical supplies to these troops and also served as a nurse, travelling all over in medical field

ambulance, called 'Angel of the Battlefield' (McCurry, 2017).

In 1861, women urged the government to give awareness to troops regarding sanitary; the

government created the U.S Sanitary Commission to provide, food, clean and medicines to the

soldiers and women played their role as a backbone of this commission and worked with the

soldiers by collecting and supplying the supplies to the soldiers (Rowen, 2017 ). These women
The History of the United States before 1877 3

had an objective to send one care packet to each soldier per month. Conditions were terrible on

the battlefield regarding sanitary, and due to this, diseases spread very quickly. These women

then took responsibility to teach these soldiers to keep themselves neat and healthy as a front

liner (Hall, 1994). Not only this, but these women took care of all the injured soldiers when they

returned from the battlefield (Joung, n.d).Members of the commission raised money for these

soldiers. They organized Sanitary Fairs to collect money for the funds for the troops. Around

$70000 was received, and it was a considerable amount in 1863. The prominent figures were

Eliza Emily, Chappell Porter, Katherine Prescott Wormeley and others (McCurry, 2017).

On the Confederate women volunteered as cook, laundress and organized themselves in a

small local group. Few women took these wounded soldiers at home and looked after them until

they get back to health. Many women who did not work as front line workers took over all those

jobs left by the armies (Cleary, n.d). They were the individuals working behind the scene,

helping men to prepare for the front line hard battle. For a few of the women working as a

frontline nurse was not enough and satisfying. Many women disguised as men to get enrolled for

the Battle risking prison if caught (Rowen, 2017 ). The reason for both men and women to Battle

was similar .patriotism, to eradicate slavery, to earn money, and to enhance the standard of living

as the women disguised themselves as men. Hence, they had to do the entire difficult task as

men. They cooked, acted as spies, and also nursed the injured (Cleary, n.d).

They did not find it challenging to serve amongst all these troops and act as man,

especially when they were already working with these teenage boys. The average age to enrol in

the Confederate army was 18. These girls bound their breasts; they cut their hair and spoke less

so that the chance to be discovered gets less. They would leave the job if they were injured or

become ill or had the fear to get caught (Cheryl A. Heimerman, 1999).
The History of the United States before 1877 4

During the time of the Civil War, these women had the chance to travel on their own and

experience the freedom that men enjoyed. They thought of as 'loose 'women, but they did avail

the opportunity to travel and had the experience to be on their own. As the concept was different,

they had to look after the house, cook, clean, take care of all not to be independent and to travel

on their own (Hall, 1994). Another activity that they adopted was a particular service in the army

to work for the betterment of the soldiers and healthcare also in medical practices. At the time of

clash between both the Union and Confederate troops on July 21, 1861, some of these women

were present at both the ends. Kady Brownell, also served by enlisting in Rhode Island Infantry

Regiment. She was the daughter of Angus McKensie, who was a Scottish soldier in the British

Army (Middleton 1993, 26-27). Brownell got trained with her husband and was capable of

handling all type of arms and ammunition. She was one of the colour- bearers in the battlefield of

Bull Run where she held the flag of her unit of sharpshooters. She came under direct fire and had

to flee from the battlefield (Rowen, 2017 ).

Sarah Rosetta enrolled as a private Lyons Wake man and served in 153 New York

Infantry Regiment and fought in a war in Pleasant Hill in 1864. After the war, she got ill and

died in New Orleans. Nobody was aware of her gender at the time of her death. Another well-

known figure Sarah Edmond who fought different battles, got effected by Malaria and left the

army to save herself from discovering her gender by the doctors (Cleary, n.d). After getting

better, she regained and served as a female nurse. After the war ends, she reveals her secret to

her fellows who then requested the government to remove the label of a deserter. After eight

years of struggle, the tag was removed. Hence she got the benefit of an army personal (Cleary,

The History of the United States before 1877 5

Any information about the enemy is of crucial importance, especially at the time of any

war. It sometimes become very dangerous to get the information through different means and

different sources, even the life is threatened. Hundreds of women willingly did this work also

and act as a spy for their soldiers (Hall, 1994). Many women spied to provide information to the

Confederate and Union. Harriet Tubman, who worked as a cook and then started working as a

nurse, got a task to form slaves group into the spy network. She gathered information from these

slaves and led an army expedition that freed around 700 salves and smashed arms depot (Rowen,

2017 ).

Elizabeth Van Lew was a wealthy widow who freed all her family’s slave when her

husband died (Joung, n.d). At the time of the Civil War, she took responsibility to bring supplies

at Libby prison and picked numerous crucial strategic and logistical evidence about Allied

positions from them. She conveyed that information to the Union's leaders by using agents. Most

of her couriers were also women (McCurry, 2017). Other women on the battlefield who supplied

food to the troops were called 'Daughter of the regiment', they were considered as inspiration,

they would wear coloured uniforms and had a crucial role of leading men in the parade and give

non-combat support to the troops. These women were not a part of the army, but they were

equally ready to face the danger as men in the Battle.“ Wild Rose” or “Rebel Rose” was an

obsessive secessionist and a famous spy present in the era of civil war (Joung, n.d). She was born

in a wealthy family in 1817; she became familiar with the politics of Washington, D.C hence she

used that knowledge effectively in spying at the time of civil war. Rose developed a set-up of 50

Spies, out of which 48 were women and covered the confederacy from Texas to Washington.

That network continued to operate even when Rose was captured(McCurry, 2017).
The History of the United States before 1877 6

Rose had just settled the preparation for her spying profession at the time of the President

Buchanan's organization. She knew everybody of legitimate result and was viewed as an

individual of impact to whom individuals went for support in getting presentations and

arrangements. Margaret Leech, in her book, Reveille in Washington, portrayed the degree of her

contacts after the flare-up of threats. Described as a "charmingly strange lady," Rose could draw

in, repulse, or alarm men as she picked and was capable of getting them to reveal secrets. In

supporting her connections with Republicans, she admitted, "To this end I utilized each limit

with which God had enriched me and the outcome was undeniably more fruitful than my

expectations could have complimented me to anticipate’ (Joung, n.d).

Another well-known Confederate covert operative, Belle Boyd, was resistant and showy

like Rose Greenhow. Yet, she was additionally youthful, healthy and embittered, assuming the

job of a Southern champion with zest. From Martinsburg, where she belonged to, Belle, a

medical attendant converted into a spy, travelled through the fight zones with letters for Jackson,

Beauregard, Stuart and others. She was working as a Stonewall Jackson's head of scouts. When

she was arrested for the second time in Martinsburg, she went with her relative in Front Royal.

The Union Army's General Shields had just assumed control over the house yet he permitted

them to stay with the worker staff. One night Belle tuned in to General Shields and his officials

talking about methodology via a knothole she had extended in the roof over the lounge area table

(McCurry, 2017).

She crawled out of the house afternoon and galloped fifteen miles to convey the

knowledge to General Ashby and get back before dawn. Belle is most popular for her guide to

General Jackson, all through his crusade in the Shenandoah Valley recognized for the

Confederates' triumph at Front Royal. Significant Henry Kyd Douglas, a Confederate official
The History of the United States before 1877 7

under Stonewall Jackson, portrayed her job in defeating the Union. It was because of Belle’s

courage that Confederate bridges were saved. "Miss Belle Boyd," addressed, General Jackson in

a note to her, "I thank you, for myself and the military, for the massive help you have offered for

your nation (Cleary, n.d).

Belle was twice arrested and expelled toward the South. She was acquired and arrested a

third time and to be transported to England in the spring of 1863. She was detained at Fort

Warren and condemned to death. Later she was put in the guardianship of Ensign Samuel

Hardinge, the captain of the vessel that caught the barricade sprinter. Belle and the commander

fell in love with each other, and the commander helped her to escape to England using Canada

when they stopped in Boston. Hardinge excused from the administration and united Belle in

England. They married in 1864 (Cleary, n.d).

Likely the most intriguing ladies in the Civil War is Richard Hall entitled "patriots in

disguise’ we realized these ladies have different motives for disguising as men to Battle close by

male troopers, it was anything but a worthy occupation for ladies. When their actual personalities

were found, they were sent home. It is frequently these ladies that we think. Many others

expounded on their lives as warriors: Loreta Velasques and Sarah Emma Edmonds compose of

some energizing adventures, especially as spies. Also, there is Rosetta Wakeman, a youngster

from New York who communicates a few bits of knowledge into why ladies joined the military

and everyday life through letters to her family. A few ladies, as Jennie Hodges, assumed the job

of Albert Cashier both in battles and in harmony, not being found until late. Loyalist warriors

speak to all ladies known and obscure that battled and here and some has died for the sake of

their country (Rowen, 2017 ).

The History of the United States before 1877 8

The Civil War denoted an achievement in the transformation of nursing from a modest

administration to an excellent occupation. The war likewise created significant advancements in

armed force clinical practice, for example, the formation of a unique rescue vehicle corps for

medical aid treatment of the injured and their departure to handle clinics. Wearing unique

uniforms and pervaded with high assurance, these civilian doctors took a chance with their lives

to come to the injured amidst fight and clear them as fast as conceivable to specialist's stations

and field clinics (Hall, 1994).

The strength and energy showed by numerous ladies worked on the weaker sex picture.

The spouse of George Templeton Strong (treasurer of the Sanitary Commission) demanded to

head off to the Virginia Peninsula as a helper medical attendant in June 1862. There she worked

proficiently, discovered new reason in her life and changed her husband’s perspective on her.

"The little lady has come out incredibly solid during these two months," composed Solid in his

journal. “Have never given her acknowledgement for an offering of the endeavor, pluck, caution

and power of character that she has appeared (Rowen, 2017 ).

The finish of the war was an opportunity to recuperate the injuries of the nation and

manufacture a more grounded country. The ladies of the North and the South had assumed

numerous jobs throughout the war, and the ladies expounded on are just a sorry excuse for the

commitments by a significant number. Be that as it may, for all the freedom and open door for

ladies in those four years, what occurred a short time later? Clara Barton, in a Memorial Day

addresses in 1888, stated, "Lady was, in any event, fifty years ahead of time of the ordinary

position which proceeded with harmony would have allocated her.” Were these advances gave

on ladies unreservedly and on the off chance that they were, what progress can be credited to the

war? (Rowen, 2017 ).Additionally, what issues did ladies face after the Common War finished?
The History of the United States before 1877 9

What's more, what impact did these progressions have on ladies later on? These are generally

questions that need answers to comprehend the genuine advantages of the war for the progress of

ladies (Cheryl A. Heimerman, 1999).

The History of the United States before 1877 10


Cheryl A. Heimerman, L. C. (1999, April). WOMEN OF VALOR IN THE AMERICAN CIVIL

WAR. Retrieved from Dtic:

Cleary, L. (n.d). Women on the Border. Retrieved from Libraries:

Hall, R. (1994). Women in Battle in the Civil War. Retrieved from National Council for the

Social Studies:

Joung, J. (n.d). Our Strengths As Women. Retrieved from gilder Lehrman:

McCurry, S. (2017, August). Enemy Women and the Laws of War in the American Civil War.

Retrieved from Lawandhistory:



Rowen, B. (2017, February 11). Women's Role in the Civil War. Retrieved from Infoplease:

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