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Rojin kaya
0810 Darwin Australia

February 22nd, 1942

Army news
12-15 Darwin Bayview

Dear Army news,

I believe you shouldn’t censor my newspaper because many people are living
with the threat of air raids at night, families are divided with many loved ones
dissevered due to women and children being evacuated and many men dead due
to their kind acts of avail during the raids, so I believe they have a right to ken
the truth and they shouldn’t be apostatized by these prevarications because they
are additionally in this country and have their lives in jeopardy. If we let them
ken of the truth and current news they will definitely take more precautions and
will ecstatically leave the town like injuctively authorized and not make any
quandaries. Recollect the safety and health of our country is the number one

I additionally believe that prevaricating about the magnitude of people dead is

very impertinent because some people may have family members or solider
relatives that live in the Darwin area and this causes them to be nescient and
cerebrating that there is a less probability of them being dead due to the news
saying “17 people are dead”.

Thirdly I believe that lying to the government would lose the public’s trust in the
government causing rebellion, protests and nation spread riots.

Thank you for your understanding.


Rojin Kaya
The northern standard

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