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This is CBCT scan radiographers and panormic xray that show large, unilocular , well defined

radiolucency in the right mandibul body , extends from distal first molor to the distal of canian
and from upper border of mandibul to lower bordor of mandibul , related to the first molor ,
secound premolor and first premolor root there’s no any resorption of the root ,but the 4&5 RR
are root canat treated . expansion of bone buccalingual &mesiodistal .but the bone is
resoraption special the lingual plate of the mandibul is completely eroded in the axil CT scan
and 3D model .
We should do first vitality test for 3 tooth (6&5&4) to be sure if this inflammtory lesion or non-
inflammatory lesion .
And should test the numbness if there numbness or not if there numbness it may be aggresive
lesion .
Than we have to take CBCT to see the lingul and buccal plate and the relationship of this lesion
with nerve (and the cysts not effect the nerve until now )
Than do aspiration of this lesion to know what they contain if pus or fluid or blood or air .
And finally we should to take a biopsy to this lesion .
Straw like fluid with cholestrol crystals.... Cystic lesion.. Inflammtory cysts .
Differntial diagnosis
1- inflammtory cysts ( redicular cyst)
3-gaint cell lesion
4-vascular malformation
5- kertocysts uniolcular
6- CEOT at early stage
7- COC& AOT in early stage
8- ameloblastic fibroma

Treatment option :
1 - i think we should treat first by marsupilization with becouse it large lesion and it close to the
nerve .
2-electocauterization becouse the lingul plate penetrated to avoide reccurrence
3 - enucleation with safety margin (peripheral osteotomy ) or with caryonys solution
4- liquid nitrogen cryotherapy for 1 min
4 -resection but not compelet recesction just segmental resection which mean left the inferior
border of the mandibul.

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