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This has g/g and b/g coupling and a yaoi couple is mentioned but nothing comes of it.
Only the end of this one shot makes it a story and not just porn.
This is your last warning. This story contains mature sexual content. Do not read on if you
are under age.
Now if you are willing and ready, enjoy.

--------------------------------------------------------------Behind Luna's smile lay things that could only be called 'Loony' in the shadows they are kept.
Here is one twisted peek.
Characters are Luna, Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

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...Luna's Fairies...
Hermione's POV
There she was. Naked. Balancing on her arms, up against the wall, with her knees bent into the window
waiting for me. How did I get into this predicament? How did I find myself unable to keep from walking closer?
From not looking at him as he must have sat at her side? I knew he was there creating the third source for
heavy breathing in that room.
I licked my lips as I got closer. My stomach suddenly felt empty as if I hadn't eaten all day. My hands
reached out and slid over the soft skin of her hips. I felt the radiating heat as my now cold fingers were warmed
as I held on to keep us both still as I got closer.
What she offered me was clearly displayed under the window that her legs resting on or perhaps
holding on to. The bright light of the day shone off of what little of it I could see. Most of it was inside, but I
would get all of it. My hands now held her butt cheeks and my face was close enough to smell everything. I
opened my mouth and my tongue pressed and slid around her skin catching all that was on the outside.
She shook a little as I just grazed her hardening nub with the edge of my tongue. I went along either
side of her opening catching everything and making sure she was clean of the slightly salty cream. I swallowed
as I came back to where I started. I stuck my tongue out again and flattened it against her now hard center. I
barely wiggled it across her hot flesh and watched as what I wanted bubbled up from inside her along with her
I moved forward for it. Pulled to consume the substance. I made a long stroke with my tongue as I
parted her lips and took all that I could without digging deeper.
"Mmm," I moaned after receiving so much. I wanted more. As I swallowed my lips found her switch that
I needed to work on for what I wanted. I sucked on it, licked it, slapped it with my tongue all to make her give
me more. I saw the whiteness come out of her again. So much more than before.
My lips secured the hole it was coming up from. I licked and sucked and slurped before I started to dig.
My tongue was pushing its way into her very warm body, scooping out more when my thighs felt cooler. I lifted
my head and looked out the window as I now realized that I was kneeling on the same stone ledge that she had
her arms. Her head was now bent and looking up my body. Her hands had pushed apart my legs, or this was
something I had done on my own. I don't remember. But those were her fingers I felt rubbing me through the
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underwear I still wore.

Then there were the other, bigger hands, that were coming back down from my waist to my hips. I
closed my eyes to the late autumn countryside. They belonged to him. Those hands had lifted my dress. They
pulled it tight against my body tied it into the back of my bra and out of the way. I knew what was going to
happen next and it made me want to eat more. I looked down before lowering my head again and digging
deeper. Plugging her as I scooped and swallowing before every return trip into her. I did that again and again
until it was starting to thin. I was mostly tasting just her and I slowed from my disappointment of knowing that
this part of it was over. I licked my way back up to the top. I licked around her lips and sucked on them as I
cleaned up once again. I wiped my tongue all around until I was back at that not so little switch of hers. I had to
thank her. I always have to thank her. My lips held on to it. My teeth bit down. I tugged, she moaned. I sucked,
she pulled me closer. I slapped it with my tongue, she pulled my butt cheeks apart.
I felt thick fingers as they replaced hers. I felt his heat against the back of my legs before he moved in
between them. He spread me wider once his hands were under the thin white cloth that wasn't really
protecting me from anything. I felt my back entrance as it was pulled apart. My body tried repeatedly to close
it. The odd sensations made my own lower lips moisten.
"AH!" I gasped. I bent down to suck on her switch as she now licked mine and everything that came out
of me. He pushed his way in. Taking my underwear with him, protecting him from my insides. I had gotten over
that odd sensation weeks ago and just enjoyed the feeling of him filling me, stretching me wider until he was all
the way in.
"Ron," I moaned into her wet skin. My eyes flickered open for a moment before I went back to thanking
her. I have to thank her. She has to be thanked. My body rocked with each short thrust he gave me. I felt the
sides of my knickers as they were pulled into my skin. I feared it would tear, but I didn't want him to stop. We
had to thank her and she wanted this.
I bit her switch again as I felt her tongue slide into me. I knew my wetness had made it easy for her to
enter. I soon felt her whole mouth over me as she kissed and sucked at my flesh. His fingers dug into me harder
as he started to move faster. She now bit me. She bit me hard and I started to shake. Everything in me
squeezed. I held him tighter and he moaned that he was coming. I panted as he pulled out, easing the stress on
my underwear before he slid a little more between my legs and gave his bursting member to her.
I heard him moan and he held on to me tighter as he now shook. I heard her swallowing and moved
back to finishing my part. I did it faster now. Licking her harder, sucking her between my teeth, biting down and
pulling at her flesh. I held it there as the tip of my tongue tickled her back and forth. It would be enough, I told

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myself. Just keep at it, I told myself and I did.

Then the sound came. It made it's presence known, then went up one notch to be clearly heard. It
came from her and just rang out in one long note. It never got louder but continued on until it faded the same
way it started. I sucked on her until it disappeared and she sucked on him until then also. I then watched as her
entrance just bubbled forth all the clear liquid that was her.
A darkness starts to impede my sight. It weighed down my limbs. This always happens afterwards.
Third Person's POV
"Luna?" Harry calls out as he walks up to the blonde girl standing next to a fence holding a large empty
glass jar.
"Hello Harry," Luna says as she turns and slowly smiles at him.
"Are you going to catch something?" Harry asks as he looks at the very big glass jar she is holding with
both hands.
"No," she says as the slowly turns back to watching something. Harry tries to follow her gaze, but he
didn't see anything. Which was nothing new for him around Luna.
"Did you let something go?" Harry asks this time. As much as he doesn't want to hear, he is curious to
know what she is up to and he is in no rush to go anywhere at the moment. Ron and Hermione were having
couple time and he wouldn't be able to see Draco until later that night.
"No," she says after a moment. Harry clearly looks puzzled while Luna looks unconcerned. She seemly
has pity on him and decides to tell him knowing that he wouldn't truly believe what she will say, but she is use
to that by now.
"I am letting them go," she says. Luna looks down at the open jar. "It's still half full," she continues.
Harry looks down at it. He even bends down for a closer look. He stands back up and makes his mind up to hear
her out as he forms his question.
"What are you letting go?" Harry asks as he watches her as she now looks out into the space in front of
"Fairies," Luna tells him.
"Fairies?" Harry asks as he looks again to the seemly empty jar. "I know I can see fairies, Luna." Luna

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once again turns to look at him with a pleasant smile on her face.
"I think it's a new subspecies because I haven't found any reference to them. I've been studying them
since I found them during our summer break," she explains as she looks down at the jar again.
"And you can see them without some kind of special glasses?" Harry questions her as he starts to think
that she might have really lost it this time.
"No, no glasses," Luna answers. "I have a necklace," she continues. "Father got it for me. In the center is
a queen or the queen. I think it's a queen. What are the chances that it would be the queen?" Luna asks as she
smiles up at him now. "Do you want to see it? Father thought that it was really pretty," she says as she hands
the jar to him to hold. Before Harry had a chance to say anything, either way, she pulls at the chain that is
around her neck. Harry notes that it was the only one she wore today.
The chain was tinted red and the links lead down to a small, glassy, amber looking heart. Not a heart
shape, but a heart. Luna held it in her hand, which it fit in nicely. In the center of the heart was a little pink body
with wings that were barely there. The body of the fairly also didn't seem very solid.
Harry looks a little closer. She seemed to be sleeping. He could have sworn he saw her chest move. He
also saw her chest. It wasn't covered with anything, nor was any other part of her covered at all. It looked like a
naked, shrunken, human, adult female. Harry blushes and pulls away.
"Your father gave you that?" he asks as he tries to turn the spotlight away from himself.
"Yes," Luna tells him before she reaches for her jar before they just stand there for a while. Luna looks
at the fairies as they fly away and Harry looks at everything else. Luna looks down and sees that four of the
fairies have stayed behind and look very disinterested in leaving the jar. They look up at her and she looks down
at them and now Harry looks at her.
"Is there something wrong Luna?" he asks. She picks up the lid, that he hadn't noticed balancing on the
post next to her and screws it back onto the jar.
"Nothing is wrong," she tells him as she turns to walk back towards Hogsmeade. Harry turns and walks
with her without even thinking not to. "A few wanted to stay behind. A few always do," she says as they walk
"Oh," Harry says without questioning what she said about her fairies now. "So," Harry starts. "What did
you learn about them?" Luna looks straight ahead as a smile curves her lips.

... The End ...

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