Superior Group of Technology

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Superior Group of Technology

DATE: 02-06-2020
Question: - Write a brief note on the following topics:
• Nano-medicine
• Nano-biotechnology
• Nanoart
• Green Nanotechnology
• Industrial application of Nanotechnology
• Energy Application of Nanotechnology
• Potential application of Nanotechnology

1- Nano-Medicine:
➢ Introduction: -
Nano medicine is a branch of medicine that applies the knowledge and tools of
nanotechnology to the prevention and treatment of disease. Nano medicine involves the use
of nanoscale materials, such as biocompatible nanoparticles and Nano robots, for diagnosis,
delivery, sensing or actuation purposes in a living organism.
Nano medicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices,
to Nano electronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular
nanotechnology such as biological machines.

➢ Definition: -
According to US National Nano-Medicine
“Nano Technology involves “research and technology” development at the atomic,
molecular, or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 to 100 nm range”
According to European Science Foundation
“The science and the technology of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases and
traumatic injuries of relieving pain, and improving human health, using molecular tools and
molecular knowledge of human body”

➢ Who Invented Nano-Medicine?

Richard Feynman
“Nano medicine has been considered a possibility ever since the concept of nanotechnology
was first articulated in 1959 by Richard Feynman, in his famous Caltech talk”
➢ Aims of Nano-Medicine: -

• Comprehensive monitoring control, construction, repair, defense and improvement of

all human biological systems, working from the molecular level.
• Using engineered devices and nanostructures,
• Ultimately to achieve Nano medicine

➢ Use of Nano-Medicine: -
Nano medicine is the application of nanotechnology to the discipline of medicine: the use of
nanoscale materials for the diagnosis, monitoring, control, prevention, and treatment of
The most common use of Nano medicine involves employing nanoparticles to enhance the
action of drugs in treatment. Research in the field has created targeted drug delivery, new
methods of diagnosis and imaging as well as the production of hybrid treatments.
➢ Application of Nano-Medicine: -
• Imaging and identification
• Delivering medication to the exact location n killing of bacteria viruses and cancer
cells repair of damaged tissues

The application of nanotechnology to medicine (Nano medicine) has an equally strong

potential for shifting myriad paradigms in the field of medicine. This is because Nano
medicine operates at the molecular, organelle, and cellular levels; precisely where disease
processes find their genesis.
There is a rapidly growing global trend toward the development of more compact, minimally
invasive, intelligent, more accurate, and efficacious medical technologies.
Although Nano medicine is still in its very early stages, we are already seeing the
development of specialized nanoparticles, such as gold Nano shells and magnetic
➢ Conclusion: -

• Although realization of the full potential of Nano medicines may be years later or
decades away, recent advances in Nano technology-related to drugs delivery,
diagnosis and drug development are beginning to change the landscape medicine.
• The possibilities are endless but will take time to develop.
• Nano Therapies could in the long term be much more economical effective and safe
and could greatly reduce the cost of current medical procedures.
• Nano medicine is the future medicine.
2-Nano-biotechnology: -
➢ Introduction: -
• Nano biotechnology provides insight into the structural features of biological systems
such as cell or tissue as well as to develop Nano biotechnological for diagnostics
therapeutics and tissue regeneration.
• It has application in the field of biology and medical sciences.
Nano biotechnology, bio nanotechnology, and Nano biology are terms that refer to the
intersection of nanotechnology and biology
Nano biotechnology is a discipline in which tools from nanotechnology are developed and
applied to study biological phenomena. For example, nanoparticles can serve as probes,
sensors or vehicles for biomolecule delivery in cellular systems.
➢ Concept: -
Most of the scientific concepts in bio nanotechnology are derived from other fields.
Biochemical principles that are used to understand the material properties of biological
systems are central in bio nanotechnology because those same principles are to be used to
create new technologies.
Nano biotechnology takes most of its fundamentals from nanotechnology. (Clarification
needed) Most of the devices designed for Nano-biotechnological use are directly based on
other existing nanotechnologies. (Citation needed) Nano biotechnology is often used to
describe the overlapping multidisciplinary activities associated with biosensors, particularly
where photonics, chemistry, biology, biophysics, Nano medicine, and engineering converge.
Measurement in biology using wave guide techniques, such as dual-polarization
interferometry, is another example.
➢ Applications and Perspective of Nano-Biotechnology: -
Applications of bio nanotechnology are extremely widespread. Insofar as the distinction
holds, Nano biotechnology is much more commonplace in that it simply provides more tools
for the study of biology. Bio nanotechnology, on the other hand, promises to recreate
biological mechanisms and pathways in a form that is useful in other ways.
➢ Development of Tools and Methods: -
• More sensitive
• More specific
• Multiplexed
• More efficient and economic

➢ Implementation:-
Diagnosis and treatment of disease
-Rapid sensitive detection (Biomarkers, imaging)
-Targeted delivery of therapeutics
Drug development
-Understanding of life science
3- Nanoart: -
Introduction: -
Nanoart is a novel art discipline related to science and technology. It depicts natural or
synthetic structures with features sized at the nanometer scale, which are observed by
electron or scanning probe microscopy techniques in scientific laboratories.
Nanoart is a complex artistic-scientific process that comprises three major components:

• Creation of the Nano sculpture (sculpture at atomic and molecular levels, by

manipulating atoms and molecules using chemical reactions and physical processes)
or discovery of the Nano landscape (natural nanostructures, mostly biological)

• Visualization of the nanostructure (which is facilitated by the use of advanced

microscopes) and image capture

• Artistic interpretation of the scientific images using different artistic techniques in

order to convert these images in pieces of artwork to be showcased for large
audiences and to educate the public with creative images that are appealing and

4- Green Nanotechnology
➢ Introduction: -
Green nanotechnology refers to the use of nanotechnology to enhance the environmental
sustainability of processes producing negative externalities. It also refers to the use of the
products of nanotechnology to enhance sustainability.

Nanotechnology represents a revolutionary path for technological development that concerns

the management of material at the nanometer scale (one billion times smaller than a meter).
Nanotechnology factually means any technology on the nanoscale that has numerous
applications in the real world. Nanotechnology literally encompasses the fabrication and
application of chemical, physical, and biological systems at scales ranging from individual
molecules or atoms to submicron dimensions, and also the integration of these resulting
nanomaterials into larger systems. It has the potential to change our perspectives and
expectations and provide us with the capability to resolve global issues. The discovery and
use of carbon nanomaterials has allowed the introduction of many new areas of technology in
Nano medicine, biosensors, and bioelectronics. In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged
as a multidisciplinary field, in which gaining a fundamental understanding of the electrical,
optical, magnetic, and mechanical properties of nanostructures promises to deliver the next
generation of functional materials with wide-ranging applications. Nanostructures can also
provide solutions to technological and environmental challenges in the areas of catalysis,
medicine, solar energy conversion, and water treatment.

➢ Aims of Green Nano-Technology: -

Green nanotechnology has two goals: producing nanomaterials and products without
harming the environment or human health, and producing Nano-products that provide
solutions to environmental problems. It uses existing principles of green chemistry and green
engineering to make nanomaterials and Nano-products without toxic ingredients, at low
temperatures using less energy and renewable inputs wherever possible, and using lifecycle
thinking in all design and engineering stages.

In addition to making nanomaterials and products with less impact to the environment, green
nanotechnology also means using nanotechnology to make current manufacturing processes
for non-Nano materials and products more environmentally friendly. For example, nanoscale
membranes can help separate desired chemical reaction products from waste materials.
Nanoscale catalysts can make chemical reactions more efficient and less wasteful. Sensors at
the nanoscale can form a part of process control systems, working with Nano-enabled
information systems. Using alternative energy systems, made possible by nanotechnology, is
another way to "green" manufacturing processes.

The second goal of green nanotechnology involves developing products that benefit the
environment either directly or indirectly. Nanomaterials or products directly can clean
hazardous waste sites, desalinate water, treat pollutants, or sense and monitor environmental
pollutants. Indirectly, lightweight nanocomposites for automobiles and other means of
transportation could save fuel and reduce materials used for production; nanotechnology-
enabled fuel cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) could reduce pollution from energy
generation and help conserve fossil fuels; self-cleaning nanoscale surface coatings could
reduce or eliminate many cleaning chemicals used in regular maintenance routines and
enhanced battery life could lead to less material use and less waste. Green Nanotechnology
takes a broad systems view of nanomaterials and products, ensuring that unforeseen
consequences are minimized and that impacts are anticipated throughout the full life cycle.

5- Industrial Application of Nano-Technology: -

Nanotechnology is impacting the field of consumer goods, several products that incorporate
nanomaterials are already in a variety of items; many of which people do not even realize
contain nanoparticles, products with novel functions ranging from easy-to-clean to scratch-
resistant. Examples of that car bumpers are made lighter, clothing is more stain repellant,
sunscreen is more radiation resistant, synthetic bones are stronger, cell phone screens are
lighter weight, glass packaging for drinks leads to a longer shelf-life, and balls for various
sports are made more durable. Using nanotech, in the mid-term modern textiles will become
"smart", through embedded "wearable electronics", such novel products have also a
promising potential especially in the field of cosmetics, and has numerous potential
applications in heavy industry. Nanotechnology is predicted to be a main driver of technology
and business in this century and holds the promise of higher performance materials,
intelligent systems and new production methods with significant impact for all aspects of

Nano Technology in Different Industries: -

➢ Food Industry:-

• The definition of Nano food is that the Nano technology techniques or tools are used
during cultivation production processing or packing of the food
The main areas of application are
• Changing food characteristics
• Food packing
• Food production
• Food processing

Agriculture Industry: -

The main application and advancesin the agriculture industry are:

• Precision farming
• Nano Delivery system

Oil and Gas Industry: -

• The nanotechnology application have pierced through different Petroleum discipline
from Exploration to Reservoir Drilling Completion production and processing and
The main areas of Nano tech application are:
• Sensors
• Coating
• Nano membranes
• Nano fluids and nanomaterials for drilling and completion.

Chemical Industry: -
• The main areas of application of nanotech in chemicalindustry is the catalysis process
• Due to extremely large surface to volume ratio. The applicationpotential of
nanoparticles in catalytic converters and photocatalytic devices
• Platinum nanoparticles are now being considered in the next generation of automotive
catalytic converter.

Nanotech in Chemical Industry: -

Main advances to happen in next few years

• Flexible electronics circuits
• Higher speed data transmission
• Nano magnets as switches
• Light with much tighter frequency control
• Nanoemmissivedisplay panel
• Using buck balls to build dense low power memory devices

6- Energy Application of Nano Technology: -

Energy applications of nanotechnology Benefits already observed from the design of these
products are an increased efficiency of lighting and heating, increased electrical storage
capacity, and a decrease in the amount of pollution from the use of energy. Benefits such as
these make the investment of capital in the research and development of nanotechnology a
top priority.

As the world's energy demand continues to grow, the development of more efficient and
sustainable technologies for generating and storing energy is becoming increasingly
important. According to Dr.Wade Adams from Rice University, energy will be the most
pressing problem facing humanity in the next 50 years and nanotechnology has potential to
solve this issue. Nanotechnology, a relatively new field of science and engineering, has
shown promise to have a significant impact on the energy industry. Nanotechnology is
defined as any technology that contains particles with one dimension under 100 nanometers
in length. For scale, a single virus particle is about 100 nanometers wide.

People in the fields of science and engineering have already begun developing ways of
utilizing nanotechnology for the development of consumer products. Benefits already
observed from the design of these products are an increased efficiency of lighting and
heating, increased electrical storage capacity, and a decrease in the amount of pollution from
the use of energy. Benefits such as these make the investment of capital in the research and
development of nanotechnology a top priority.

Nanotechnology is finding application in traditional energy sources and is greatly enhancing

alternative energy approaches to help meet the world’s increasing energy demands. Many
scientists are looking into ways to develop clean, affordable, and renewable energy sources,
along with means to reduce energy consumption and lessen toxicity burdens on the

• Nanotechnology is improving the efficiency of fuel production from raw petroleum

materials through better catalysis. It is also enabling reduced fuel consumption in
vehicles and power plants through higher-efficiency combustion and decreased
• Nanotechnology is also being applied to oil and gas extraction through, for example,
the use of nanotechnology-enabled gas lift valves in offshore operations or the use of
nanoparticles to detect microscopic down-well oil pipeline fractures.
• Researchers are investigating carbon nanotube “scrubbers” and membranes to
separate carbon dioxide from power plant exhaust.
• New solar panel films incorporate nanoparticles to create lightweight, flexible solar
• Researchers are developing wires containing carbon nanotubes that will have much
lower resistance than the high-tension wires currently used in the electric grid, thus
reducing transmission power loss.
• Nanotechnology can be incorporated into solar panels to convert sunlight to electricity
more efficiently, promising inexpensive solar power in the future. Nanostructured
solar cells could be cheaper to manufacture and easier to install, since they can use
print-like manufacturing processes and can be made in flexible rolls rather than
discrete panels. Newer research suggests that future solar converters might even be
• Nanotechnology is already being used to develop many new kinds of batteries that are
quicker-charging, more efficient, lighter weight, have a higher power density, and
hold electrical charge longer.
• An epoxy containing carbon nanotubes is being used to make windmill blades that are
longer, stronger, and lighter-weight than other blades to increase the amount of
electricity that windmills can generate.
• In the area of energy harvesting, researchers are developing thin-film solar electric
panels that can be fitted onto computer cases and flexible piezoelectric nanowires
woven into clothing to generate usable energy on the go from light, friction, and/or
body heat to power mobile electronic devices. Similarly, various nanoscience-based
options are being pursued to convert waste heat in computers, automobiles, homes,
power plants, etc., to usable electrical power.
• Energy efficiency and energy saving products are increasing in number and types of
application. In addition to those noted above, nanotechnology is enabling more
efficient lighting systems; lighter and stronger vehicle chassis materials for the
transportation sector; lower energy consumption in advanced electronics; and light-
responsive smart coatings for glass.

7- Potential Application of Nano-Technology: -

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