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B &H: Good Morning Everyone!

So today we are going to talk about how do

faults form.
B: As we all know faults produces earthquakes. But do you think All Faults
produces earthquakes? We will find it out.
H: But again what is a fault? According to the report of Ms. Jacinto and Mr.
Lingcob, Fault is a break in the crust or slabs of crusts slip past one another usually
occur along the plate boundaries.
 H: Faults form as the Earth’s crust deforms due to stress. Most commonly
this stress is caused by plate tectonics.
 B: The tectonic plates are moving due to convection inside the Earth’s
mantle. This can cause plates to collide, causing compressive stresses. Or
plates can move apart, leading to extension.
 H: Lastly plates can move past each other. Stresses can be transmitted over
long distances (hundreds of kilometers) away from the actual plate
boundaries. Therefore we find can find faults far away from active plate
B: The surface of the Earth is like a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece is what we call the
“TECTONIC PLATES”. Each plate moves all the time but we cannot feel it
because it moves slowly. We can only feel when it moves to fast. Whenever these
plates hit, bump or slide to another plate an earthquake is caused.
H: The surface where the plates hit is called the Fault or Fault Plane. The
earthquake originates in the Hypocenter. The place where it occurs is called the
epicenter/ The place where the fault begins to slip.
B: Stick slip refers to the fast movement that occurs between two sides of a fault
when the two sides of the fault become unstuck. The rock becomes distorted, or
bent, but holds its position until the earthquake occurs. When the rock snaps back
into an unstrained position it is called elastic rebound.
H:The stick-slip phenomenon, also known as the slip-stick phenomenon or simply
stick-slip, is the spontaneous jerking motion that can occur while two objects are
sliding over each other.

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